How is your PENMANSHIP?
By vesuvius
@vesuvius (1677)
May 10, 2011 8:43am CST
First, please look at the image (so sorry for the low def). It's my penmanship. A lot of people say my handwriting is a little too pretty for a guy's penmanship. LOLs. Nevertheless, I'm happy of it. I think it looks neat enough.
So how about you guys?
How are your penmanships?
They say our handwriting tells much about our personalities and I know there is good reason to believe that.
I'd be very glad if you could should show a sample of yours here!
6 people like this
38 responses
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
29 May 11
My handwriting is good- I think, although I am a guy too. Only a number of males have good penmanship, so I am glad to be one of them.
yes, your penmanship does tell many things about the person's character, students studying psychology can give you answers. 

@jjgreen (20)
• China
12 May 11
I would like to have penmanship with someone.But it seems a little difficult.
It has been years ago that I had a pen friend.
Sometimes may I don't know to what we are all interested in discussing.
It will have no contacts after a few letters.
Would you like to start a penmanship with me?
Just send email to me.The address is
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
11 May 11
Looking at your penmanship.... I feel jealous.. honestly. Well, how my writing looks depends on my mood. It could be the best you will ever see, or the worst, but most of the time it is bad.
Well, I used to write so nice but since I worked just typing at the computer all day and never had to write anything for 1-1/2 years now, I can hardly write. I write so bad that even though I have to write something I would rather not.. LOL...
At least the computer has a lot of "penmanship" to offer me when I need a printed thing... LOL
I guess I need some practice, back to kindergarten I guess..
@jacquericauy (81)
• Philippines
11 May 11
My penmanship is very terrible.. sometimes it can be neat but only if I try so hard to make it nice but most of the time it is terrible. All my friends say it is like the handwriting of adoctor
@feminsense (1)
11 May 11
All doctors are not bad writers.I have a good handwriting or so my coworkers say,even better tha schoolgirls who take so much pain to improve their handwriting
@harck721 (372)
• Philippines
10 May 11
Don't worry. I don't think it's too pretty to be a guy's penmanship. XD I've met a lot of guys who can write more prettily than most girls I know. As for my penmanship, it's kind of this forward slanting scrawl. It sort of looks like Lucida Sans font in italics, only not as regularly spaced.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
12 May 11
I actually have very good handwriting, although I do not always take the time to make it look neat. I don't do a lot of important writing that other people have to read, so as long as I can decipher it, I don't have anything to worry about most of the time. I do try to make it look presentable when I am writing for someone else to read it though...
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
12 May 11
My6 penmanship is horrible. My teacher throughout school tried to help. I'm not lazy or sloppy. I write really slowly to make it as neat as possible. I just have trouble writing neatly. It's a physical problem. Nothing to due with my personality.
@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
12 May 11
I don't have a sample, but my penmanship is pretty bad. But, I have never had people be unable to read it, its just a personal opinion. I can see that it would tell about my personality. Mine is definitely girly and kind of swirly, which shows my fun personality. However it doesn't go wild....I am far from wild, I just like to have fun...roller coasters are a great way for me lol!
By the way, I am assuming your screen name is after Mount Vesuvius in Italy? LOVE IT!! I love Italy and got to climb Vesuvius a few years ago. Thanks for bringing back some happy memories!! :D
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
18 Oct 11
If that's really your penmanship, then good on you! It's a skill and you should be proud of it (even if other people think otherwise).
I think mine is relatively OK too. I've never had any problems on readability, and I have gotten compliments about it. I'm always chosen to write on boards just because people seem to think it's easier to read than others.
Here's a sample.
@martinlink (78)
• Estonia
12 May 11
first off, your handwriting is quite nice, I like the fact that it looks like something from a printer :P
Secondly, I do calligraphy so mine is very flowy and kind-of looks like the "Vladimir Script" font from Messenger and Word. Whenever I'm not forcing myself to write in calligraphy, my handwriting is still tidy and legible for anyone, but it lacks the beautiful calligraphic lines.
Handwriting tells a lot about a person's way of life. e.g. a person who lives fast, writes fast and illegibly :)
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
13 May 11
My penmanship sucks right now.
I remember the term my mom would call it, chicken scratch. I have different penmanship over the years specially when I was young and tend to imitate my classmate's penmanship. I really can write neatly if I want to, but I guess my penmanship now reflects the kind of life I have. Always on the go. That's why it looks like all the letters are not in place because I just can't wait to be done with it.
In my rush, sometimes I can't even understand my own hand writing!

@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
12 May 11
They say that you can be defined by your penmanship if that is the case then I can say that I am a wacky type of person but it is totally different because I am just a homebody-type who loves a very silent surroundings.
@Rohvannyn (3098)
• United States
24 Jun 16
Yours is nice. Mine ranges from atrocious to neat. I'm working on improving my cursive too.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
11 May 11
Your penmanship is very good, I agree! I don't write very much, but when I do, it is usually very neat also unless I am in a great hurry for some reason. I think that if you write neat, it shows that you are organized and that you care (that is just my interpretation and not anything I read anywhere). I have no way to scan a copy of my penmanship and at this point in time, I don't even have paper to write on since everything I do is on the computer. Thanks for sharing!
@forcemaster245 (220)
• Singapore
11 May 11
Nice penmanship there. I usually use cursive, as you can literally finish writing one word with one stroke of your pen if you're good at it, which I think is quite cool (though I'm still kinda struggling to reach that standard). I've received different comments about my penmanship. Some say my handwriting looks quite artistic (well kinda make sense given the fact that calligraphy with fountain pens is usually done using cursive writing). Some say that it's too hard to understand what I'm writing(understandable, since most of the people around me grew up learning how to read and write script penmanship only), and some say it looks ugly (huh?? should i say "one man's meat is another man's poison"?) But then I find that learning and using cursive writing had been quite fun, since i can read words in cursive quite easily, while many of my peers would have difficulty understanding the cursive penmanship.
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
11 May 11
Yours is beautiful!
Your hand writing almost looks like the print they use for school decorations. You could work for those people! Haha.
I don't have any means of uploading my own, but I can definitely tell you about it. They say you can tell a lot about a person by their handwriting...and boy, are they right! Mine is big, bubbly, and almost ridiculously cheerful. For example, I use circles instead of tittles (the dots above i's) for i's, j's, periods, and almost anything that needs a dot. It's also quite messy despite it's bubbliness, and I think that accounts for my more masculine personality in a woman's body.
Whenever I write on paper without lines, my writing tends to sway upwards, which is an indication of optimism. I definitely agree with that.
My husband has written me love notes since we met, and I'm currently looking from the one he wrote me last night while at work (he works third shift). His is very messy and small, and speaks of a person who is more quiet and to themselves than most, which is correct for him. It seems like no two of the same letters are made the same, so is hand writing is pretty chaotic if you really study it, which makes sense as that is how he explains his brain works.
Hand writing is extremely interesting to study. I once researched into it and saw that they use such studies in figuring out the personality of a killer who leaves a note, and in most cases, they're correct. I remember studying both my own and my husband's writing, and it struck true to both of us. Anybody reading this should definitely look into it, if only for fun. :)

@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
11 May 11
Your penmanship is...
very nice!
I don't know about the connection between our handwritings and our personality. I got various handwriting according to my mood. Neat handwriting when I am in a good mood and mostly when I jot down notes in class it usually turn terrible. No one ca understand so they will not going to borrow my notes.

@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
11 May 11
Your penmanship is nice, it's easy to read and it's neat to look at.
I have two styles of penmanship. One is so erect , while the other one is slightly slanting to the right. I could make it so small but when i am in a hurry they tend to be big. However, they say i write clearly and it's neat to look at too.