EON Account - Guilty of paying half of the Annual Fee

@syoti20 (5293)
May 10, 2011 8:58am CST
I was been occupied foe the past few months. I wasn't able to reply and create discussion here in mylot and my other online site. I was able to check my EON Account online. And I was shock that my account gone to 0.00 When I checked my last 10 transactions I noticed where the remaining goes. And it goes to the Annual Fee. I only paid 75.00 Which I can recall we have to pay 150.00 for Annual Fee, please correct me if I am wrong. What should I do? This is the first time happen to me. Help me EON Members.
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13 responses
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
12 May 11
Hello syoti! May I ask is the annual fee the one you have to pay when opening your account with unionbank? If it is, it would be one time payment only. Do we have to be charged monthly with 150 pesos? And about what you have paid in 75 pesos, what's that for? When I opened an account to them, I have paid 350 pesos one time payment. Then everytime I receive money in paypal from mylot, I didn't transfer it to my eon account. What I do is I wait until my earnings get higher before I transfer it to my eon account. What are your experiences? Please tell us more of it so we can be able to see what seems to be your problem... All I know that you can have zero earnings is in here mylot account, if you haven't opened your account for three months, your account will be in zero balance. Is that what happened to you?
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
hi anna, i think too it is a one time fee. i paid Ph350 as well. union bank will charge a fee if you get below a minimum of Ph100. i am not sure if i am correct. ann
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
14 May 11
syoti, I didn't know there's an annual fee in unionbank. I am not aware of it though. But thanks for the information. macayadann, as I have read before here in mylot, there's a policy that when one has not logged in their mylot accounts for three months, their earnings will be forfeited. Means, it will be back to zero again, so always make a habit to log in even if you are not posting anything, just log in for your account not to be inactive and to avoid losing all your earnings.
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@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
12 May 11
I believe I mention annual fee. Therefore EON member are obliged to pay the fee yearly.
• Philippines
13 May 11
Sheesh! This scared me! I haven't checked my UnionBank EON for months now, and I am worried upon reading this. I have only P200 there, and Unionbank in our place is REALLY FAR. Gosh, panic strikes!
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Good thing I upload in on mylot. Tons of people who are using EON are alarmed.
• Philippines
13 May 11
Ok, updated here. I checked my EON account, and we're on the same boat, buddy. They took P108.00 as annual fee. Now I have to put in money in that account T_T
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
I have talked to unionbank the other day. The lady said that every year we have to pay 350 for annual fee. So, if you don't have enough funds in there your account becomes inactive. Then, it will just be reactivated if you deposit an amount, from which you will be deducted whatever amount is remaining in that 350, or the whole amount will be deducted if you haven't paid the whole amount.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
19 Jun 11
Becomes inactive automatically? I don't think so. There must be a certain span of time before they put the account into inactive.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
hi syoti, oh my!! am suddenly alarmed. i have not been getting my earnings lately and i have not checked how much is there in my EON account. thank you for reminding. ann
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Can I know your update on your EON account?
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
10 May 11
I really don't know what EON stands for. Why you have to pay so much on annual fee for this website? $150 per year. That is super outrageous. I don't think that I ever want to do something like that, or pay an annual fee like that. I might simply cancel it.
• Philippines
11 May 11
Hi kingparker! Yeah, that would be "super outrageous" if you have to pay $150 annual fee for your bank! So EON is a type of account by UnionBank, a bank here in Philippines. It is specifically made for PayPal users. It is not dollars, it's pesos. And 150 pesos is roughly around less than $4. The guy here got a mistake, it's actually 350 pesos annual fee. So that would be around $8. I guess that's cheap now for you, right? :)
• Philippines
11 May 11
and oh, E-on, as I know means Electron.. or something like that.. It's because it's for internet use mostly I guess. Not sure...
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
10 May 11
What is EON, an insurance company or what? Why do youhave to pay fees? Tell more of this so called EON.
• Philippines
11 May 11
@bannybanzie: Hi I'm also planning to have an eon card. But what if I will use the debit card from Metrobank will I still be able to check my money online? I heard that they don't charge annual fees as long as we keep the maintaining balance. Do you have any idea about that???
• Philippines
11 May 11
Hi! So I guess the only people who understand this discussion are the ones living in Philippines (like me) and has an EON account (like me!) and that's the reason it is under Philippines. So, jak2010, EON is a type of account in UnionBank (a bank). It's the one easiest to use to link to PayPal (and it is specifically for that, actually). It's a debit card, by the way. We don't have any maintaining balance but we need to pay an annual fee of 350 pesos. And we can check our money online! :)
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
10 May 11
Hmmm! Hi syoti! I am wondering how that happened. Anyways, annual fee is P350. and not P150. I think, you better call or contact the customer service about your situation. That is actually vague.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
11 May 11
haha =D IF u are supposed to pay 150 for annual fee, but u only paid 75, then it's right for them to deduct the remaining from your earnings. There are not wrong but u. haha I dun think u are able to get the money back from them, even if u were to leave that site. After all, it's an annual fee to be paid by members. Forget it and move on, start from scratch again
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
10 May 11
I also pay RM28 for my debit card which I hated much because I don't earn much.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 11
Which debit card do you use choi yee?
@jazzsue58 (2666)
10 May 11
Whoops - in the UK, EON is an energy company with outrageously hiked-up bills and con-trick payment methods that deliberately set the monthly tariff too low so you think you're getting a bargain, only to have an unexpected £500 bill at the end of your con-tract. Guess I've got the wrong EON, huh? Or then again, maybe not ...
• Philippines
11 May 11
Hi! oh my.. I guess that's why the first guy who responded to this discussion was like, "you posted on the wrong place and why is it under Philippines"... LOL... Well, in Philippines, it is actually a kind of banking at UnionBank. It's the type of account you can use for your PayPal...
• Philippines
10 May 11
Do you know what date should you renew your EON account? The annual fee is 350 Php. I guess your account was debited because it did not have the sufficient amount to pay for your annual membership fee. Did you contact UnionBank yet?
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
12 May 11
I might contact them later today.
• Philippines
10 May 11
This is informative. I have money in my EON debit card, yes the money which I earned from mylotting. That was last year yet and I haven't withdrawn it. Got preoccupied and haven't checked it. I'm afraid, I might be in the same situation as you are. I should have withdrawn it as soon as the money was was credited to my EON debit card. Whew!
• Philippines
11 May 11
Hi Syoti20! I think the annual fee is 300+, I'm sure it's not 150. I suggest you better visit their nearest branch in your place personally to clarify your concerns because the situation is very different when you just call them.