Jobs everywhere, but can they pay the bills?

@JenInTN (27514)
United States
May 10, 2011 3:53pm CST
I have been seeing where the unemployment rates are going down across the country and how there are these jobs to be taken everywhere. I saw an advertisement that Weigel's, a convenient store, is hiring a ton of people. Ok...great! I saw where there were now hiring signs in a lot of the resturants in my area too....that's great...but the question here is...what kind of jobs are opening up to the unemployed now? Now a job is a job and if it is an honest living, in my opinion, it is to be respected, but how are people going to live on minimum wage? Last month there was a factory in my area that closed and laid off over 600 people. Most of them had been there for years and was making well over the minimum standerd set by the government. If it were me..of course I would take the first thing I could get until something else came along, but I have to think, what things would I be able to keep or enjoy taking a paycut like that? Are the good jobs in your area or are they all minimum wage? Are they there at all?
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22 responses
• United States
10 May 11
Sadly around here I do not see that many as you do, but I also know that the unemployment stats are not counting the ones who are not receiving and or are no longer eligible for unemployment. So this is why it looks like it is going down. As for some job that open up form time to time I seem to have recalled around here that they were paying only the minimum wage, so no not enough to pay the bills but enough to eat, for several weeks during the month, I suppose.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
It's tough and there are a lot of souls out there struggling with the government standard of pay. The problem is that everything else is going up except for the standard. If it did..there would probably be less of the jobs I am seeing. It seems like a lose lose sometimes. I just hope that things start looking up for everyone's been a long time. People were having to work two jobs before to make and now they work two and still have trouble. My daughter got a job at a pizza place here and they were giving her 8 hours a week. 8 hours. I was like what the are giving her a few more now but I figured they would want her to work more while she was training. She had never did that kind of work before. Thanks for the response and I hope you start seeing improvement in your area..we all need it.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 May 11
really havenbt been looking but I know the kids that were staying with us used the temp co and they had a very hard job getting a job or for it to last long and most of them pay $8 and up so above min wage I think.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
Hi Lakota! Yes..that is above min wage. It is $7.25 an hour now. You know those temp companies are becoming the way to go right now when it comes to getting a job. The higher paying jobs are turning to temp companies to reduce turnover and the cost of insurance. It's a shame, but they are. People can get jobs that pay decent money through one though. I'm glad you brought temp services up...they are becoming a very popular means of employment.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 May 11
they have beeen for years . I used them we moved s o much was easy to get work where ever we moved to but to I worked alot in motels we lived in . Work 90 days and the company you are temped out to can hire you perm if they so want to
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
That's how I got the job I have now. I went in through a temp service. They bought my contract out and I have been there for 12 and a half years.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
11 May 11
Austin has a fairly low unemployment rate, but you are right, the really good jobs aren't that much around. I have a friend who works temp for a computer company and they just laid off 2 of 3 people this last week. He was the one they kept, but he's got some "survivor's guilt" for doing so.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
12 May 11
Probably because he as a work ethic - it seems a lot of young people didn't get that instilled around here...
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
I went through that when we went through a layoff just after 911. It was the first and the last I have had to deal with so far, but at the time, I wasn't used to factory work much less lay offs. They did ours by "job performance!" I was worried sick...who decided that and on what basis anyway? I was very upset when they let the people they did go. We have to work when we can though. They kept him for a reason.
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• United States
10 May 11
I work and make only engouh to pay my bills nothing more I am sitting here in a state with out family and friends and a good job a waits me back home but I cant even get the 500 together to get my car fixed to go home and I do need my car for my new job there. In a few months after these people I am renting a room from gets their house sold I will be homeless because I have no one here and know my with my wages i would not be able to afford a apartment or other another reason for wanting to go home I am 59 years old and starting to have health issues where living near family and friends will benfit me i just want to get my car working to leave and go home pray for me
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• United States
10 May 11
i ll pray for you god bless
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• United States
10 May 11
my prayers are with you no deposit honey i sure with us both praying for each other god will answer our prayers
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
You have been in my prayers for a while now my friend. I have been hoping that you will see brighter days and be reunited with your family. Is there a deposit that you might get back when the people sell the house? I know how hard it is to try and get ahead. I have had some very rough times and will probably have more. Don't lose hope and hang in there.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
11 May 11
Hi jen... Our guys are also suffering from unemployment problem and now its a burning question all over the country. In my province, most guys are labors and some are in companies. we had some good factories but now most of them are closed and thousands workers are roaming here and there. I dont know when this problem will be solved as population us also increasing in a rapid speed. Have a nice day.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
Hi shibham! Everyone is feeling the effects for sure. It is tough. I have read how fast your population is growing. It is amazing. I hope that jobs open up there soon. It has put a strain on our country too. @thesids....there are a lot of people here that have degrees and are working at lesser paying that they never imagined themselves doing. It has gotten to the point where people have really had to swallow their pride. There are, of course, those that feel they are above jobs...alot of them..but sooner or later..what are they going to do?
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
11 May 11
Hi mamu The problem is that here in India we do not have anything like dignity of labor and a Engineering Graduate will not want to drive a cab... They consider tasks as lowly and degrading... otherwise there is always plenty of work around. Visit any part of the country and you will find vaccant jobs... no one cares to be doing something that will not pay a big money
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 May 11
There are a lot of jobs that pay the minimum wage now as people are becoming less fussy. However, it's the YOUNG that are less fussy, i.e. the students. Everyone else kinda expects being paid more (including me) as we're used to it. Having said that, the jobs I've had in Cumbria (and there haven't been many) well, the pay was awful and that was before the recession hit. It all goes on areas of the country here. Carlisle is a city but a small city (although the countryside around it actually makes it the largest city in the UK) but anyway, wages here will not be the same as a bigger city like Newcastle in the East or Manchester further South. A friend of ours has a job in insurance and has to work in Manchester to make any money. He has a flat and bases himself there and comes back to Carlisle for the weekends. He once told me he could never do the equivalent job here in Carlisle as the pay "is a joke" as he puts it. Granted, we should all work for less in these difficult times but, with all the bills going up, so-called "decent" wages aren't even covering those. It's frightening how everything..from food, gas, electric, water rates, telephone, internet..EVERYTHING keeps going up but the wages stay the same. It makes no difference if you're in the private or public sector (unless you're in management), wages are crap. My nephew will do anything but even he can't find work. He will be 22 in December and I worry about him and what the future holds. It doesn't help when he gets the "third degree" at the Jobcentre when he signs on. As he said to me, "if there were jobs available to apply for, I'd do it..hassling me won't help."
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
My daughter recently got a job at a pizza place here and they were giving her 8 hours a week. Crazy. She just doesn't know any better and for her, right now, it is to pay her car insurance..nowhere near the big deal it is for someone trying to pay bills and feed families. You have a great point about everything going up but the wages. I bet if they did go up, there would be less jobs available than there are. There are living expenses here that are based on where you live too. It really doesn't matter though..everyone seems to be being hit pretty hard. Places where the wages used to be higher are being hit the hardest I think. Now their living expenses aren't being evened out by the wages. People here on welfare go through kinda what you are talking about your nephew is going through. I think they are required to submit a certain amount of applications a week. They have to take whatever is least they are supposed to. There are those that take advantage of the system, but there are those that really do try. It must be very hard to take the hassles when they try and fail. Thanks for responding!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 May 11
My nephew has a booklet he has to fill in every week regarding vacancies he has applied for or enquired about. When I signed on it was half a dozen or so (when there were jobs available) and now it's double that..per week that my nephew is expected to fill in. When he told them a while back at the JobCentre that he couldn't lie and "fill it in for the sake of it" he had his benefit stopped for a few weeks. He's back on it now. It seems the goalposts have been changed. The government wants to fiddle the figures even more now so, whenever anyone on benefit is taken off (like my nephew), this is not reflected in the unemployment figures. I haven't been "counted" for about 3 years now as I don't qualify for benefits. There are thousands like me.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
I hadn't thought about that but I ber there are a ton of people here that aren't being counted too. I know that lately I have seen more loss than gain. There was a factory in my area that laid off 600 people two weeks ago.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 May 11
I do know around here, the places that are hiring, most are part-time, and minimum wage. If you are lucky enough to find a full-time job, most of them are through temp services and paying just a bit over minimum wage. My husband still has a job, but came home yesterday saying that they are hurting. They have been cutting hours, since Japan's disaster. People have been sent home if their work has finished, they have laid people off, and things had been going pretty good. The news yesterday was not good, they will lay no more off, but will have every other Friday off, and will come in every day, do their work, which is low, and go home. They will be lucky to get 30 hours a week. We are a one income family, how can we live on that? We will see how that plays out. The jobs offered are not paying the bills. But the government says things are getting better, don't you believe them?
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
That horrible disaster in Japan has certainly not helped matters any has it? There are a lot of factories in my area that are suffering from part shortages and exports because of it. Just when things were beginning to look It is going to be very hard to survive on that much less. Hopefully things will pick up soon and he will have his regular hours back. Thanks for the input.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
11 May 11
our Canadian government is trying to tell canadians about how many people are back to work and how many jobs they have created, however, like you say, most of these jobs are part time at minimum wage.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
That's the way they are treating us here. They are harping on the unemployment rates dropping and all these jobs that are opening up. I am seeing more people lose jobs right now than they are gaining them, at least in my area. There are plenty of part time minimum wage jobs, but there are people with degrees out there trying to get those against students still in or freshly out of school. The job market is a mad Thanks for sharing.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 May 11
Sacramento is one of the worst job markets in the country right now. a friend who can't take a standing job (ie no restaurant or retail type jobs) due to physical limitations, cannot find an office job, even at minimum wage. As for me, I'd do the same, take whatever came up, and keep looking....
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 May 11
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
It's all I would know to do too. I haven't seen an available office job here in forever. Everything seems to be restaurant and fast stop type markets. There are a few retail, but they are usually filled as fast as they open. I never though my daughter would get a job...she has searched avidly since last November and has just now, in the past month, got one. She was getting a whopping 8 hours a week...she is getting 15 this week...unless they send her home early because they are slow.
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• United States
10 May 11
People live way beyond thgeir means & it will catch up to u sooner or later. There are no good jobs here & w/goodyear closing it's going to be horrible around here for many. I know i sound like ms. doom & gloom but that's what it's going to be. WITH goodyear being the major employer around here & 1900 people losing their jobs all it can be is bad.There will be no jobs that pays anything like Goodyear did. I'm afraid that some of them have not saved a penny, spent everything they made & bought anything that they could whether they needed it or not. It's very sad when people don't ever think about that rainy day but they definitely come around.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
Rainy days are right. I bet that will be devastating for your area. There have been a lot of factories in my area that have closed too, but none that massive. It has been 600 here...300 there. I think that people should consider their means and what would happen before it actually happens. The whole beginning to this ordeal was people that were living above their means and banks allowing it. If everything is bought on credit...there is no money in the economy. Sooner or later that has to be a bad thing. I know there were other factors, but your response brought that particular one to mind. Thanks for responding!
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@celticeagle (172510)
• Boise, Idaho
10 May 11
I think things are opening up here as well for the Spring season. I remember back afew years before my mom got sick. I had set a goal for myself. I wanted to work at Sears. It was a customer service job and one where you called people and got them to pay their bill. Good money and good benefits. I wanted it because it was a tough one and I wanted to push myself. So, I got a chance to take their test. Did so and passed and went on to the interview. And passed that. Ya, I got the job. I was so pleased with myself. Then we got the news my mother was sick. Dying of cancer and hospis put her in a home. I am an only child and felt very responsible. So I quit this great job I had pushed myself to get and took a part time celisitor job working in the mornings and visiting mom in the afternoons and evenings. You never know what is going to happen. I think if people really want to work they will find a job and if it doesn't fit they will move on. I get so irritated with people who won't take just any job and started bringing in some money. They have to have just the right one. I want to pop them up side the head and lecture them.
@celticeagle (172510)
• Boise, Idaho
11 May 11
And it is a startand a begining. SOmetimes to have to stay at a place quite a while before you get a raise. I am so glad those days are over for me.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
I know what you mean. It seems that people have raised their standerds so much that there are only a few jobs that seem to suit them. I remember times when I would and did take what I could get. I think the things that concern me the most is that people are going to have to start changing the way they look at things. They can't say there is anything beneath them. These are the times when graduates have no real promises and business owners need to consider making it simple again and make the customer feel important. I know that it is hard to live on min. wage. Almost impossible..but it is better than nothing and it is an honest living.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 May 11
there is a ton of minimum wage jobs. and the immagrants take them up because they are not as picky like some of us and dont have as high a bills. most americans have gotten spoiled to cutting back on certain things. i say most because 2 of my kids have learned to do this and have the minimal wage jobs. thats because they take in others and jam up like the immigrants do. most mexicans here have way to many family members live with them that all chip in. but thats how it has to be done these days. some just cant get to that point. families need to pull together and most americans wont, sadly. also, my youngest would not take a job that gives him less then his unemployment. im not sure what can be done about that. my youngest daughter though says, her unemployment just deducts from her job. not sure how that works. didnt know you could do that. now if something could be set up like that, many more would probably work.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
10 May 11
There are a lot of immigrants here too that are more than willing to take the jobs that we don't care for or don't appreciate. We have been taught that if we go to school we can do this instead of that and so on. That has actually put a thing in our minds that says this job is less important or not worthy. I had to work those jobs when I was younger and I am by no means too proud to do it again if I have to. You bring up a couple of great points. What are we willing to do and what are we not? I think that the times are changing where industry is concerned and that there are going to be very different requirements to "make it" in this world than what we knew before. Thanks for the input!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 May 11
The Australian government released the annual budget and this time it is targeted towards getting more people off welfare and into jobs which is very commendable but there are issues with no answers. I watched a financial minister being interviewed this morning; when the interviewer asked him how mothers who want to go back into the workforce but cannot afford the astronomical childcare fees should cope, his reply was, and “Well...We must make the most of what we’ve got...” What kind of answer is that? Women need to work because bills are so high these days but cannot afford to go...Go figure...
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
That is a huge problem here too. Unless it is a privatley chosen person that provides can be unaffordable. It can be if it is a person. The problem is the person one chooses might not be certified or even traced as a childcare provider. There is a program here that pays part of childcare fees for working mothers..there is a tax credit at the end of the year too based on childcare fees. Sounds simple and nice but there is a lot of red tape that goes along with it. If childcare is 150. a week for 2 children..that is an average might be a lot more...and the government pays half...that's $75 left to works 40 hours at $7.25=$290-taxes and social security=$240(round about estimate there)then she pays $75= $165. That's only $660 a month. That is less than most people owe in rent. I have had to struggle and I know how hard it can be. I guess we would all just do what we could. Thanks for the response.
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• United States
11 May 11
Jen- Years ago when I worked in the restaurant industry to help pay for college bills I made around 2.75 an hour because tips were said to make up the difference and provide me minimum wage. A lot of places still do this with their wait staff though we never hear about it. It's a rough way to earn an income and why I've always tried to make sure I'm providing an adequate tip. The entire situation in America is just sickening if you ask me. The problem I face is that I'm over qualified. I cannot get a low wage job to take me because of my education, and currently I've not found any schools willing to pay for me because I'm too costly. It's just a rough time all around. Namaste-Anora
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
That does make it hard. There are a lot of people that have Master degrees and Phds trying to find anything they can get, often times being told just are too qualified. Makes you kind of wonder what we should be expressing for future generations to do at this point. Things are really changing. Good luck with your job hunt and I hope you find something where you will be paid what you are worth. Great to see you!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 May 11
Well, the nice thing is I do have a job, but am also looking for something different more closer to home. I have even been privaledged enough to have a couple of Job interviews along the way as well. I have had interviews most of the time for at least what I am making now, and a couple of them were even better, but then there was one that was just over minimum wage as well. (That one was the most demanding as well.) I think personally it really depends on what a person needs that will work for them, and really depending on where you live, etc. depends on if something could help pay all the Bills for you as well. Just wish for everyone there could always be an easier solution.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
16 May 11
I remember that you have been looking for something else. These times are the hardest I have ever known as far as jobs go. I know that anything is better than nothing, but it has to be hard for people to lose one and have to adjust to a much lower rate of pay. I remember when I was young, of course they were minimum wage jobs then for me, one could leave a job and pretty much walk next door and get another one. They were that plentiful. Thanks for the response.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 May 11
If your country is anything like ours, the majority of people, even those on welfare handouts live pretty well. Mind you, I don't think those on welfare pay many bills but they have late model cars (I have no idea where they get them or how they keep them), are always going somewhere, they have computers, mobile phones and smoke and drink and eat out most of the time. The job situation in your country will get a lot worse before it gets better. It's time to tighten your belts and look at your situation because there are some hard times ahead. Many families will have to give up most of the luxury in their lives. Household and personal spending will need to be heavily reduced and entertainment slashed totally. I'm not talking everyone of course but I'm thinking of those who live from pay cheque to pay cheque, who spend money they don't have using credit cards, those who have no savings, those who spend their money with no thought of saving something for a rainy day those who think nothing of having a second car or buying anything they see in shops or on-line like EBay. It's hard to do but it can be done. I eat very plain food. A treat is toast with jam. I don't go out anywhere, I browse through charity stores for clothes if I need something, I buy goods second hand and I go without many repairs and make do however best I can. I do volunteer work and I have my critters to keep me company. I find it very strange that people are being fussy about taking jobs. A low paying job is better than no job at all....surely people can see that.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 May 11
It is the same here. There is actually a program here for the low income that provides and pays for a cell phone! Whenever one drives through the public housing, there is often nicer cars there than at a normal house. I am sure there are those that do not take advantage, but I was talking to someone the other day about their son being layed off from work. He was offered a job, but by taking it, he would be making less than his unemployment check. He didn't take it. I asked myself at that point..would I have taken it had I been given that choice based on the fact it would be less money for my family? The only way to make more would be to get out there and work my way up again somewhere. I think that you are so right about people tightening those belts. I have actually turned into a bit of a scrooge when it comes to spending. I want to have enough put back for at least a year. Thanks for the input!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 May 11
About the kid not taking the job...that does make things hard but it demonstrates that people's attitudes are just wrong. Having a job, working, earning a wage is so much better than being on unemployment. It's really not about the's about working or not working. I'm wishing you all the best my friend.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 May 11
Thanks! So far so good at the company I work for...we had been working 7 days a week since October or November..I can't remember which now. We are in our first month of weekends off...I am so happy. I know it sounds like I am being lazy and unappreciative given the situation..but it has been very hard to juggle work,an acclerated bachelors degree program, plus the am a very busy woman. I am really enjoying the break. 5 days is really enough for anyone. That attitude you mentioned seems to have become rampant. Alot of people have come to expect the world to hand them what they need. Thanks for the well wishes and well wishes for you and yours too.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
12 May 11
Most of the jobs here are minimum wage and with gas prices the way that they are and most jobs part time, it is hard to find jobs that pay you to work. I live in a rural area and I have to drive about 20 miles to a job and then if you are only working a few hours a week, you really aren't making a salary at all. It is sad that things are like this.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
12 May 11
I can imagine there. I know the last time I was there...gas prices were about 50 cents more on the gallon than in my area. I tried to gas up in Kentucky before I got there. I usually have to put some gas in while I'm there but I try not to. It is sad that it is like that. Thanks for responding!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
13 May 11
Dear friend, Here is also jobs are available, it is South of India. But at times if it is in private the work load is much more. Moreover the security of job is less. Most people here tend to get jobs either in government or in some reputed MNC companies. There are also small scale and large scale business men here. Some also are self employed. But the life style compared to other much developed countries is much far. If one search for job there is job but mostly people want jobs that they see there is some place in the society. Most people here job that is mostly gives them respect from other people.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 May 11
Sometimes people here are unfairly judged because of the job they do too. I am one that believes if their living is honest, they deserve just as much respect as the highest paying job there is. I think that everyone wants to excel in society, but I think that things are changing here as to how they are going to be able to do that. Thanks for the response and take care.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 May 11
great points, Jen! I see the same thing in my area as well. Many people don't want to take those jobs because they make more in unemployment benefits than they would at the job. I think the people on welfare face the same challenge. A job in a restaraunt is usually well under minimum wage and the worker relies on tips. On a slow day, one could put in 8 hours and yet only earn less than 10.00 for the day. A lot of these places only hire part time or temporary help so that they don't have to pay benefits as well. I know for myself that it would be very difficult for me to take even a small cut in pay. I haven't had a raise in a long while and with costs of everything going up, I am stretched to the limit as it is. And that is just paying the bills and getting a minimum of extras. I think the unemployment numbers are decieving. They don't really,truly reflect how people are doing financially. In my opinion the economy is horrible regardless of those numbers. Then again, I work in a convenience store and it just amazes me how many people come in and regularly blow away 80.00 or more on lottery tickets or don't think twice about spending over 5.00 for a half gal. of icecream etc.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 May 11
I think so too sid. I don't see a lot of relief for people at all. It is amazing how people will spend so much on certain things too. I would do without before I spent that much on icecream. I think there is a lot of waste and alot of need going on all at the same time. Strange how it all works.
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@teamrose (1492)
• United States
11 May 11
Unions have cost Americans so many jobs. Now big and small companies are outsourcing everything overseas. Unless you want this country to become a welfare state, it's best to get some real needed training for today's challenges.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 May 11
Hi teamrose! Great to see you. It has been a while. I have actually been thinking a bit about the challenges that we face as we move into the future. I remember you saying that you were a teacher...or worked in the educational field one..anyway..what kind of training are you thinking?
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