Student vs age...
By camomile07
@camomile07 (1420)
16 responses
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
11 May 11
I do believe that we could be students everyday because I do think that we don't really know everything there is to know and others know more about something that we do, therefore, the act of them trying to teach us already makes us a student.
For example, I'm not really good at playing game modules and my brothers are good with those, therefore, even if I am a teacher by profession, there are times that I become a student by them trying to teach me a game or two.
Although, I remember the time when after a long while I decided to get further education and realized that my brain isn't how it used to. First few weeks into class, I can't even get what a paragraph meant while before it was just an easy thing to get them.
I think though we could be students any time, we should always remember that as time goes by, we can become students but the brain capacity of one to cope would be more difficult if we don't hone the skills of learning often.
I think it's better to learn things as we go often so that the brain tissues would be used to analyzing stuff instead of rendering it idle for a long time before deciding to learn once again.
We can be students at any age, but the capacity of learning would be difficult to those who have been idle longer than those who have kept their minds working regularly. I guess the routine just makes our brains duller.
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@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
11 May 11
That's right, there are persons at certain age who find it difficult to study, to understand some information or just to concentrate themselves on certain points, as they didn't trained their brain (or maybe because of an illness).
But, I also knew older persons from the third generation with a brain and a memory much better than myself.
I think we never should stop studying and using our brain. As a person close to me told me once: "As more I study, more I realize the little bit I know."
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
11 May 11
Hello Dear camomile! I think the age shouldn't have any role in one's life to be a student! In fact we are keeping on learning some thing or other on daily basis, as learning is an unending process and one is student through out his/her life!
Yes, now coming to formal education, there also age shouldn't play any role as one can get educated in any field of his/her interest any time of his/her life! I recall an aged man who must be around 35 to 40 years appeared along with us in our Matriculation examination! Then as an immature individuals we were laughing at him, but to day I sincerely salute that man who had the guts to continue his education even at that age! I am sure today he must have had even a post graduation degree with him, which I can make out from the determination he has shown in attempting to pass the matriculation at that age!
Similarly in India we have got kids who have completed their graduations and post graduations much earlier than the prescribed age! I recall having seen news on the TV, that a boy got doctorate at an early age from the University and today he takes classes for the experts in computer advancement! Thus in learning age has got no role at all!
Don't you think the professors, lecturers and other senior people involved in the profession of education are still students? they need to update themselves on day today basis to up date their students!
Thanks for the nice and thought provoking discussion! 

@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
12 May 11
Hi Dear camomile! You are right! I am a Vet and in order to keep myself updated with the recent technology and to know about the progress in my field I need to use net a lot! Today internet has become a boon for people like me who are staying far away from the society, as we can have required information on the tip of our fingers within no time! I really love to update my knowledge on the net! Because of this boon I could save many lives of precious Thoroughbreds, as I am a Vet working for a Stud Farm where we breed Thoroughbreds meant for racing! Thanks!
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
Hi Akrao24,
many books and dictionaries have been written which are values and helpful to study and to upgrate, but Internet gives you information faster (on a tip of your finger, as you said) and this information is updated every day (a book, instead, takes longer to be re-written).
There are surely several websites dedicated on your profession, so it's possible to keep in contact with other specialist which realize your same job. Internet also offers to get in touch with people in seconds, so we don't need to go to visit anybody at any place who might live far away, we are able to contact people directly from home and talk to several people at the same time around the world, through chats, messengers, skype, using also a webcams, online conference...Internet is like a open door to all information. Thanks for your post.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
11 May 11
Hi Akrao24, even doctors, lawyers and other certain speciallists need to get updated every day. I like those professions where you continue studying, after you got licensed.
Some years ago, here in Spain we listened a nice story in the news: a grandmother recieved her degree the same day as her granddaughter, as she decided to go to study at the university at the same time.

@sweetme329 (500)
• Australia
12 May 11
Hi there, Greatest example i can give for this discussion is of my dad. He has been studying all his life. He is 50 now and he has a bachelors degree, three master degree and a PHD. He is on his way of doing PHD in another subject. I get so startled seeing him surrounded with books every single day. I am 21 and i feel like getting over my Bachelors as soon as possible. I wish to get a PHD but not three Master Degrees and Double PHD. My dad has Dr. in front of his name but he always behaves like a student willing to learn even more! Hats off to my DAD!
So, yes i totally agree that individual can be student at any age. Knowledge is abundance, one can grab it anytime they like!

@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
Hi sweetme329,
you are right, your father is a big example for many people. Not everybody is able to do so like he did. Thanks for sharing this information.

@163Mandolingirl (1052)
11 May 11
Never stop learning! It is one of the joys in life! I'm 56 and have just started learning the Mandolin, having played a guitar for over 40 years. It's a lot of fun, and variety is the spice of life!

@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
Studying is one of the best, most interesting and healthiest hobby we can realize nowdays in a world full of non-healthy habits. Carry on studying and realize all your dreams. Thanks for your posts.
@dellahappy (260)
• China
11 May 11
wow!you are wonderful and i am right now studing guitar on my own,pleasure to know one like you have the same hobby but i guess you must play guitar quite well and i want to be a student of yours,hah...
@163Mandolingirl (1052)
12 May 11
dellahappy: I'm not that good at times! I strum along and fingerpick but I'm a much better singer than a guitar-player and just use it to accompany my voice. Some players are the opposite and are fantastically gifted on the instrumental side but have voices like Corncrakes! When I come across someone who can do both, they are a joy to the ear, and I'm in Heaven!
Keep plodding on, strengthen your hands and grow those callouses! ;)
@adrei30 (11)
• Philippines
11 May 11
I would say,no age limit it shall be as far as acquiring knowledge.It is everybody's right to learn every now and then concerning our era today.With all the modern techniques booming around,I do really think we can all be a student ,not literally the one going to school everyday but even in our homes we can be a student and continue learning so we can cope.Learning is so much fun you get to upgrade your own life and knowledgeable enough to understand whats happening around you.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
That's right, knowledge is growing very fast and we should grow with it, otherwise we may get lost in this world. We never will know enough in our live.
@eli_berry25 (5)
15 May 11
Depends how you define 'student' I'm at uni and there are people here a lot older than me, some of them have decided to take a dramatic career change and returning to education was the only way to do that. Others are just trying to put off growing up for as long as possible; but you can't put a limit on the point where you should stop learning. x~x
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
16 May 11
It's admirable when someone tries to change life by this way. Hopefully, those people will be able to realize all their dreams.
@gelayagui98 (1336)
• Australia
11 May 11
Degree can be achieved through education and There's no even written in the books that there is an age limit to be a student. So we can be a student regardless of age.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
That's right, and nowadays it's easier to study as there are many different ways to do so.
@lowland123 (142)
13 May 11
Yes.There should not be any age limit to be a student.After all,everyone can learn forever.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
15 May 11
That's right and it remains your brain young and your memory in best conditions.
@dellahappy (260)
• China
11 May 11
of course there should be no clear age boundaries to be a students since learning is a life long process everyone need to learn new things even if he/she has achieved his/her doctor's degree other wise we will face the danger of losing the life game and laging,as long as you want to learn ,knowleage is everywhere and you are a student.i often hear the news about very old people who have no chance to recieve education return tho school when he are retired and people attend night school even if they has very tired after a day's work,i think this people know the very importance of learning and have benefited from it... studying is a good habit and being a student of live always...
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
You are right, even nowadays, when it seems so easy to reach information or to study, there are still many people who would like to study, but they don't have any kind of possibilities to do so. It's a pity. Because "studying" is a right which everbody has got.
@xuyiws (13)
• China
14 May 11
To me, life is a process of learning that never stop till the end. And I think there shouldn't be any limit to a student's age. In my country, a 73-year-old man attend the colege entance exam and be in the college. And I will never stop learning and keep that practice all my life long.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
16 May 11
Life is the best school for everyone, but beside we should use all avalaible methods to study.This 73 year old man made a great choice.
@redvakaurvaki (4217)
• Indonesia
11 May 11
To have knowledge or be a student we should not be limited by an age. Everyone can get old and old but knowledge is never too old.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
11 May 11
There exists so many knowledge that we could be studying during our whole life and we never reach all the existing knowledge all over the world.
@blacks94 (161)
• Italy
15 May 11
Students forever! You never stop learning new things, so if you are curious enough, I think you should be not only allowed, but even encouraged to remain a student as far as you want.
Besides, even after you've stopped being a "formal" student, if your mind remains fresh enough you can keep learning and improving yourself.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
16 May 11
That's right, learning is a privilege we have and we never should forget it.
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
That's right, the relationship with other students is very important and makes studying more interesting. Thanks for your post.
@sayonara456 (2)
• Philippines
11 May 11
they say that "education is the best defense for ignorance"... so i would answer the question that i doesn't matter what age are you in in order to be a student.. and even though we graduated with a decree in college, being a student does not ends there. we could not learn everything just by using a book or listening to instruction but we must also learn through the experiences we have.. we must learn on our mistakes and try to do the right thing next time the same situation happens. That's why I said that being a student never ends when you graduated in College ^_^
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
12 May 11
There's a proverb which says that "human is the only animal who tumbles twice about the same stone". Meanwhile animals avoid the places where they had a bad experience, the persons repeat sometimes the same fault. So it's very important to learn also from our experience.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
28 May 11
If you are talking about going to college I don't think there should be an age limit. I say this because my mom is 52 years old and she is going to college. She had waited so long to go to college and she had other things that she had to tend to and could not make it to college. Now that both of her children me and my brother are all grown up and living our own lives she wanted to better her education. I really commend people who go back to school and they are older. That encourages me that it is never too late to go to college myself. I have put it off for so long to go to college and now that I am almost 30, I plan on going back to school next year and I will be 30. So no I don't think there should be a age limit on when you can go back to school. Everyone deserves the right to learn and besides we learn every day any way at any age.