What The Hell Have I Done To Deserve This?!!!!!
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
May 12, 2011 11:47am CST
Damn! Why am I being tormented so much?! What have I done to deserve this?? Hubby woke up this morning and opened the blinds as he always does and saw something in our pool!!!! At first he thought it was debris and as he looked harder, he thought it was Rascal so he went outside and realized it was PG!! My 10 month old Siamese kitten! He flew out there and pulled her out. He said when he first saw her, she wasn't moving but when he called her name, she started paddling again but the solar cover was closing in on her. Apparently she had been in it for a few minutes and that's why she wasn't moving, the water is so cold and she had paddled all she could and wore herself out and is why she wasn't moving till he called her name. She was on the solar cover that heats up the pool by the heat of the sun. Anyway, she apparently learned how to use the kitty/doggie door and was going in and out all night according to hubby. She'd go out and then come flying back in and run into the bedroom and then back out again. I wasn't going to teach her the door till she was a year old but she learned it now at 10 months old so close enough HOWEVER, hubby is going to put a cat proof fence up so NONE of our cats can get in the area EVER again!
Anyway, we put towels in the dryer and wrapped them around her, one at a time of course and kept rotating them then hubby came up with the idea of the heating pad so we used it. She's dry now but she's so worn out. The vet was called and she said that as long as she's not labored breathing, she should be ok because of she was labored in her breathing then she could've caught pneumonia. She's not labored so she's good and should be ok.
The past two weeks have been HELL ON EARTH for me!! OMG!! They say things happen in three's.... the very number I HATE with such a passion because of my past. First my dentures broke. Having implants, I NEED my dentures! So I wore half of them so I could eat till I went to the dentist on Monday and they sent them off to be repaired so I had to go a day without them and did the best I could to eat soft foods any way I could. Then as you already know, I was bitten by my cat because he was spooked by my GS dog and now this!!
It looks like I have to go to the ER after all although I SO don't want to because the redness has spread beyond the marked area. DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!! I want to stay home with PG but I have to take care of myself too. Wish I could split myself in two!!
Have you ever felt so caved in or defeated by so much happening one right after the other?
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16 responses
@greenmachine45 (430)
• United States
13 May 11
So sorry about your kitty. On the up side she will be ok. Ohhh I have many times like that when everything seems to go wrong. I had a whole week like that.Buying this trailer I thought was supposed to be a step in the right direction since my 3 yr old and I was living in a small 1 bdrm apt. It seems 1 thing after another has gone wrong so far. First the gas co wouldn't turn my gas on unless I paid them the $500 I owed from like 2 yrs ago and would set up payment arrangements for it. I lost 1-1/2 gallons of milk because the guy i bought the trailer from failed to tell me the frig didn't cool properly. Upside is I found a free side by side on craigslist. Then I was a day late with my lot rent where they charge a late fee. When I tried to give them a check for the whole lot rent minusing the late fee they refused my check then had the nerves to issue me a 3 day like I didn't attempt to pay my lot rent. I had gotten it paid in full since. All i can say only place it can go is up from here.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
Thank you. She's doing much better now. If hubby was a few seconds later, I don't think she'd have made it. I really don't because she was so limp when he gave her to me with a blanket around her. Thank God she did and now she's back to her old silly self! lol My arm is better too so hopefully it's on the up and up from here on out.
Sweetie, I've got a link for you that I think will do you a world of good in the event you run into some trouble in the future. I got it from a friend of mine who passed it on and I'm glad to pass it on to you! Please use it if and when you need it!
It's a bunch of people who need something and they go here and post it. Someone in your area will see it and help. It's an awesome site!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 May 11
You're very welcome! Hope it helps you in your time of need!

• United States
12 May 11
The main thing is that u take care of yourself, Cat. Make yourself top perrogative for a change. Quit trying to keep all your ahead of your family, all your animals etc. ahead of your well being!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
Oh believe me Jo, I am. I am! It just seems that everything that can go wrong all at once, does. PG is better tonight. She's really worn out from the struggling in freezing cold water and is resting a lot more than she usually does. I honestly didn't think she'd make it because she was so darned cold. I hope this incident stays in her memory bank for the rest of her life so she'll never do it again.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 11
Great, keep repeating over & over , TAKE CARE OF CAT FIRST.i' GLAD PG is better but it's u that i'm concerned about. Stay in the chair today, lol.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 May 11
Oh, I am so sorry cats, it does sound like life has gotten you in the dumps..I know saying that you can only go so far down before heading back up won't help, but I pray things do start turning around for you..
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
Hi carm.... I had to go to the ER because the infection in my arm was spreading. The antibiotics hy gave me I had an allergic reaction to it and they had to give m benadryl so now I'm sleepy. Before I left, I made darn sure that PG was ok. I can't believe she got in the pool! She's one lucky lucky little girl because had she been in there a few seconds longer, I don't think she'd have made it. She was so cold! She wasn't shivering for the first five or ten minutes when we were trying to warm up. I pray to God that this is the last thing to go wrong and even more that she doesn't EVER go near the pool again.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
13 May 11
Hi cats, I am glad PG is okay and that you are on the road to recovery..Get some rest, that is what the body needs to fight off infection..

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
13 May 11
Oh, my!
You poor dear! Thank God your little pet will be all right!
And in answer to your question, yes. Surely all of us, at some point in our lives, anyway, have had times such as these, where one just wants to scream! I certainly have.
All I can say is try to find something to calm yourself down (music & prayer work for me), & just know that "this, too, will pass." And you can always rant here; we won't mind!
In the meantime, hugs to you, hon (
), & here's hoping things look brighter in the morning!
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." ~ Edith Wharton, novelist 1862-1937

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
*Sigh.... It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely. Thank you for allowing me to vent!! LOL Didn't mean to start a pity party but I did need the venting and now that things are better and hubby is out of the house to see a movie, some alone time to rest is just what the doctor ordered! LOL Hugs to you too!!

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 May 11
Ah, de nada, mi amiga. Where would we be if we couldn't vent once in awhile? (Think pressure cookers...:o). Hugs back to you & yours, & I'm especially happy your furbaby is okay. Maybe she's learned a lesson!
"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 May 11
Oh life can be so grand, can't it? LOL All the trials and tribulations along with the good times.... whew!
Can you believe that we're having trouble with our well water too? Oh of course! It's been this way for the past month off and on, right now on but, now that it's been raining quite a bit and a lot more to come, we should have plenty of water by the end of the week! Yay!!
As far as everything else goes, it's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely except I still have a low grade fever and my lymp nodes under my arm are sore and swollen. Other than that, life is grand! LOL
@EndlessNameless (48)
• United States
13 May 11
I find that when bad luck occurs, it always occurs in cluster form. The same can be said about good luck too though. It sounds like you're having a heck of a time, but always look on the bright side. Your kitty is fine and I am sure the others things will get sorted out soon as well. Best of luck to your health! Just keep positive!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
I agree, it does seem to happen that way, doesn't it? I guess it's nature's way of making us appreciate the good things in life and it does make us think. Anyway, It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
Hi Polly.... yeah, PG is doing ok now but I honestly didn't think she'd make it because she was just so cold! She was limp as a rag doll when hubby brought her to me. She's sleeping quite a bit from the ordeal so hopefully she'll be back to her old silly self again tomorrow.
I had to go to the ER this afternoon because the infection was spreading. They gave me antibiotics by IV but then I had an allergic reaction to it so they had to give me a dose of benadryl which made me so sleepy!
But I'm on the mend now..... once again! 

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
Oh good luck for me doesn't happen in threes because I hate that number with a passion! Now I can handle one good thing or maybe two or four but never three. It's my horror number that I call my number from hell! I could tell you a story why I hate that number but I won't bore ya. lol Anyway, It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
13 May 11
Oh my gosh. I am glad that the kitten is alright. I know what you mean about the swimming pool. Our dog loves to go swimming. We put up a gate so he cannot go unless we are out there with him. He is a very good swimmer but I do not want to take any chances. I hope everything gets better for you. We have the same thing going on here alot of times. Too much to handle all at once.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
Animals have no idea how much they worry us or they wouldn't do it. Or would they still? LOL They're so much like our kids when it comes to loving them. Anyway, It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
And it's no fun either, huh? But no, I don't wonder why it happens to me because I wouldn't wish it on anybody else but I do wonder why it has to happen at all. It's frustrating when trying to be a good person only for the bad to happen more than the good. Seriously it does make me wonder.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 May 11
It never stops for you Cats! I am so relieved that you got more antibiotics and that PG is still alive although exhausted. You need to calm yourself although I realise how difficult it is when so much is going on. Get your health right before you tackle other issues. There is no choice but to endure as best we can so I hope everything eases up on you soon and that you and PG feel much better real soon.

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
It does seem like that, doesn't it? Smooth sailing for a month maybe two and then BAM! it hits me again. Sometimes I wonder if I turned bad then would this bad luck lighten up on me?
It makes me wonder sometimes but no, I'm not changing who I am for any reason. Anyways, It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely.

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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
13 May 11
i believe each of us go through a bit of hell sometimes.. but make sure you are 100% ok before taking first of others..do not let your health get in between..you have to take care of yourself Cat
hope your cat is ok now.

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
Yeah, I know. Didn't mean to start a pity party here. Just got so darned frustrated with everything happening that I needed to vent. Anyway, It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 May 11
Wow..you have sure have had it to deal with. I have always heard that bad things come in threes too. It has, most of the time, panned out that way for me too. I have felt caved in and defeated. Thank goodness it does pass. I wish you the best of luck and hope that the next few weeks make up for your rough time. Take care.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
Hi Jen, I didn't mean to start a pitty party here. lol Just got so frustrated over the events that I had to vent somewhere. It's better now, thank God! PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully. My arm is getting better slowly but surely. You take care of yourself too, ok?
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
13 May 11
So sorry to hear about your ordeal Cats and I do hope that its nothing serious about your wound.Just be careful next time, I know sometimes being careful is not enough though because accident do happens.Same goes with your cat too, back to her old self.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 May 11
I hate to tell you this but my wound is VERY serious. I could've lost my arm or worse, my life. I have cellulitus which is an extremely dangerous infection. However, it's better now, thank God! My arm is getting better slowly but surely. PG is back to her old self although a little more loving than she normally is and I'm enjoying seeing that side of her more. lol My dentures have a metal plate in them so they won't be so easy to break this time..... hopefully.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
12 May 11
First let me say that you can be thankful that the cat is okay. Next, it must be the week for stuff like this. I have talked to several people today who have just had a week from hedoublel and I just think that it must be a week of diasterous events. Let's hope that all is better next week.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
Oh believe me!! I AM VERY thankful that she's ok!! Good Heaven's yes!! My fur babies are just that, my fur babies! Of course I'm grateful that she's ok! Now I'm with you on the following week, hopefully nothing goes wrong from here on out.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 May 11
The best thing I can do for you is "tapping.com", watch the video and follow the instructions. This process will give you some relief. It doesn't solve your problems but it does calm your reaction to them and pretty soon they don't seem nearly as bad. It's just a little work with your accupressure points. Blessings
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 May 11
Thanks for the link however, once I get some rest, I'll look into it. I just got back from the ER and had a alleric reaction to the IV antibiotic so they had to give me some benadryl to counter it which made me really sleepy. So it's going to be an early night to turn in for me.