In your household, how do you save water?

United States
May 12, 2011 10:48pm CST
Water prices in Southern California is expensive now! What do you do in your household to save water? My household, we time ourself to shower. When washing vegetables, fruit, we use that water and put it under a big bowl and water the plants with it afterwards instead of the water going down the drain.
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12 responses
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
13 May 11
Even here in the Philipppines, water is also expensive that is why I teaach my family to save water. I explain to them how hard to earn money and that saving water will lessen water bill. They can brush their teeth through preparing water in a glass not brushing while water in the faucet flows. How many knows that there are parts in the earth that lacks water and how people struggles that much just to have water for themselves. They value every single drop of water.
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• Philippines
13 May 11
Hi am from the Philippines too. Water is not only expensive in our area but it also is scarce. I say scarce because our water system is not efficient. There are days when they don't distribute water. So we store our water in a big tank, have it filled up while their is still water running from our supplier. We don't use the shower to save on water. Like what you mention we don't keep the water running while we brush our teeth. Another way to conserve water is, when washing our clothes. We handwash our clothes such that the used water is used to clean our cars. It not only save us some water but also some money.
• United States
13 May 11
Yeah, I don't leave my faucet running when washing my teeth too! :) Saves money!
13 May 11
I also do not leave the tap running. I worked out that my girlfriend uses 3 times the water I do just because she leaves taps running when I do not! Having once lived in a caravan, where it was a long walk to pick up a barrel of water, you soon learn to be extra careful with the stuff, or you will spend all day going back and forth to the nearest tap miles away!
• Philippines
14 May 11
We use water buckets during bath time instead of shower to save water and because the water pressure in our system is very low during mornings. Before, we lived in a water-scarce subdivision where we still had to fetch water,like 100 meters away from our home where the water reservoir is located. That scarcity prompted us to collect the water we used for bathing, and then we use it to flush our toilet. Somehow, I adapted that water-saving habit. The water I used to rinse off laundry, I use them to clean our bathroom and flush the toilet. We should really put some effort even in little ways to conserve water. There are even places in our country that water is being sold at high prices, good thing here we still have normal water supply system. I just hope people will realize that.
• United States
15 May 11
That's a good idea
• Philippines
13 May 11
We save up the water used for laundry and use it to flush the toilet. We sometimes use it to water the plants too. It's too hot nowadays, though, so some of us take a bath two times a day so it's really hard to save up nowadays.
• United States
15 May 11
I see, its pretty decent the weather here..
• Vietnam
13 May 11
Hi my friend, that a good idea for save water. I read newspaper and see that Climate Chage will take water become rare.
• United States
15 May 11
I see thanks for sharing
@casualkT (140)
• Canada
14 May 11
water disappears once you use it , too bad you have to pay again for the recycled water that goes through quite a few stages , so living by a watery source would be effective , and also finding alternate resources to amplify the option for water would do good , as for now with those two prevention measures you can only provide and not rely on technological water sources and do things manually . Actually what makes the price of water go up ?
• United States
15 May 11
Price of water increases cause people waste it..
@audine (16)
13 May 11
water is very important and i think all people in the world should know that........ I save water like after washing my clothes I put the used water in a big water container and use it for flashing the toilet or it if it's clear I use it to water the plants...
• United States
15 May 11
yeah but some people take it for granted, sadly. we save water too & that's a good idea thanks for sharing
• United States
13 May 11
I use a Brita pitcher instead of buying water bottles. I noticed that my children were throwing away half full bottles because they stayed out all day. This way we are saving money and helping the environment! Water is something people waste all the time but they do not even think about it.
• United States
13 May 11
We also purchased a brita pitcher too! Yeah, I get introuble if I throw water half full too, if I do, I water the plants with them. And, I agree people do waste water without thinking..
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
3 Aug 11
Rainwater from the Downspout - Save Rainwater
It's rainy days here in our country so I have all the time in this world to save water. I'd put cans on the downspouts so that I could use them in flashing the toilet, cleaning the patios, washing the car, bathing the dogs, cleaning the dog house and the likes. I think we should take advantage of the water rain for it could save us a lot on water bill.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
29 May 11
hi, even here in my country water will now become expensive,to save water i actually gather the water that i use to shower,and that used water can be use in toilet.and sometimes to watering my plants.
13 May 11
Instead of a shower, wash in the sink/bowl with a flannel. A dual flush toilet system where you can flush less if you just pee saves a bit, otherwise a cup and a sink work well too :-) (But do remember the waste pipes will tend to get clogged over time with crusty stuff..) A twin tub for washing clothes I found was also good for reducing water usage, though sadly they are hard to get hold of these days, I'm not sure anyone makes them anymore in the UK!
• United States
15 May 11
I like to shower in the shower.. I don't take baths though. We have a dual flush system as well.
• Australia
13 May 11
Hi infatuatedbby, I am very careful while using water for my household works. In Australia, we have peak and off-peak hours for water use. I try to do all the washing and cleaning in the off-peak time to save on my water bills. Melbourne is considered to be a dry zone, so government is very active in helping people save water. I recently had an energy efficient shower-head installed at my place which helps in saving a litre of water in a minute. My hubby is very careless about water usage. He leaves the shower dripping at times. We argue sometimes on this matter. I don't wash my car at home and make sure all the taps are well off.
• United States
13 May 11
I see! That's good that you try to use water during off-peak times. Water bills can be pricey if you don't care about consuming water!
@in212857 (67)
• India
13 May 11
Use bucket to bath in place of shower it saves water even for car washing we can save a lot of water try to give some incentives to your children to save water it will develop a good habit in them
• United States
13 May 11
I don't have any kids let alone am I married =P But yeah my family does use buckets too!