All old people become senile, all fat people are slobs, all young p eople

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
May 13, 2011 12:11pm CST
As usual reading a discussion about the elderly triggered an idea for a discussion. I am thinking how we most of us will say all old people become senile, all young people are thoughtless, all Americans abroad are noisy and obnoxious, All Californians are blonde and slim, well as you can see we can make dozens of lists with all this do that.I am wondering why wwe do this as its so unfair?. I know this has been going on for years and years. Like the one all Negroes are good singers and love watermelons and all Mexicans love chili peppers the hotter the better.What I am getting at , I guess, is why do we always assume all of any class of people do this or that? Those statements are fallacies and make no sense yet they keep being made.Is this really part of all humans? and we must do that? I cannot believe this is human nature. your take?
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39 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 May 11
I find it so absurd that so many people generalise nowadays, With mixed marriages, travel and globalisation many people are not what they appear to be at all. Having moved from UK to italy over 36 years ago when 'Europe' was not as extended as it is now, I am very aware of how things have changed and I am also happy to consider myself as a citizen of the world rather than of either the UK, Italy because I have dual nationality for decades but I have no idea which place I really belong to anymore lol. I have paid more taxes in Italy but I was brought up in UK. Recently I have travelled back and forth a lot and love watching the people in the airports. On the last trip there was a coloured lady travelling and I presume (huh? I just said Idon't presume anything didn't I? ) from her dress that she was Asian. When we were waiting for the doors to open so that we could get off the plane, she noticed thst it was very windy outside and asked someone for an extra jacket - all in an Italian dialect which I was not expecting to hear her use! Young people these days are older before their time because they wear themselves out playing video games and eating badly while a friend here in UK who turned 80 this year is at her second month on a computer course and thrilled that she can now send me an email rather than phone! It is part of human nature but it is a part which we must do our best to eradicate because it no longer holds tru at all!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 May 11
Good for you! You put many youngsters to shame with your staying power. Indeed age has nothing to do with anything at all. It is just two numbers put together but has no significance whatsoever now. We are as old, or as young as we feel!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi again and I feel young today and fullof vim and vigor as I and my friend are going out shopping this afternoon.llol
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi diana It is so silly as the world has become smaller and smaller dut to technology bringing us together with the touch of fingers on keyboards. I knew you were IN Italy but I tried not to assume your nationality at all. I am born in the Us but my great greats on both= sides'migrated here from Ireland and Scotland.The Mcs and Macs on both sides were astonishing but I enjoyed finding out just where they all came from originally.Yes I have to agree its part of human nature but I sure work not to stereotype people. I had to laugh at how used to seeing me using my computer my son and his friends are, then someone here says " You know how to use a computer? You have a computer and a monitor,not a laptop? but but you are almost 85? and I go" and so?" they stammer "bbut you are an old lady?" I had to laugh as I asked "What has my age got to do with it? I have used mycomuter since I was fiftyfour" That shut them up for awhile.
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• United States
13 May 11
Hi Mrs Hatley I do realize that there are many good and bad people in the entire world. Sadly but true who go out of their way to generalize. I don't get it either because I was born and raised in the US, am 100% Puerto Rican and speak both English and Spanish fluently. I am blonde too. Even if my ancestors are from Puerto Rico, they are still US citizens. So why some generalize is beyond me. I just make sure that I am not one of bad mannered ones and raised my kids the same.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi hardworkinggurl Yes its so true and I cringe when I hear all old people are senile or deaf or shaky or name it and we get it. Perhaps they never took philosophy as in that it teaches you about making those all statements. My g reat great grandparents came here from Ireland and Scotland although of course I am an American born in America but my forbears were immigrants. And the old saying all Scotsmen are thrifty sure is not true.Mymom was telling about her Scottish grandfather and how he was always broke, not a thrifty bone in his body.Also I found out all Clarks did not come from England. My dads great greats came from Ireland lol. I also raised my children not to generalize about people.Workinggurl you are indeed a US citizen as are your anxestors. I was waiting once to be interviewed for a nurse;s aide job and the lady ahead of me was turned down for the job as she was Spanish. I could mot believe it.I was hired and the poor lady looked at me and told me "YOu damned whitie you took my job." I felt angry and hurt and sad too as I was not to blame in any way but the interviewer did not either turn red. There were openings for three more nurses aides. I asked her why she did not hire the Spanish lady.Whe said bluntly " I dislike Mexicans very much." So I got up handed her back the paper saying I was hired and told her I would not work in a place that discriminated at all.; I then went to a different hospital and was hired immediately , there we had several different nationalities all working together and I loved it so much. This was right.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 11
hi hardworking oh I did I went out with fear and trepidation my first attempt to use the walker while shoppiong. I found a bag to hang on mywalker for 2 dollars so that solved where to put things ,in the bag. I told myfriend Nelda I was so scared I would fall and she kept encouraging me just hang onto something you are not going to fall." i \managed to get out of her car, get my folded up walker out,hang the bag of goodies on it and my purse and close her door all in about six minutes. shes a lovely friend who helps me and I think she wanted me tol see that I could do things for myself. here sol many times people take away that I can do it spirit as they want to help and that makes me feel worthless and as old as Mesthuslah andI am not that old yet lol. too the more I feel I can help myself the better I will get at it. I have told people not to make racial jokes as I do not find them funny'and too I read something once that said if you go along with your friends telling racial jokes uou are as guilty as the one who makes them.Saying nothing when you hear something thats a racial slur and say nada makes you guilty top.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
14 May 11
I'm not sure why people make assumptions like that. Not everyone does the same thing, eats the same thing, thinks the same thing, etc. no matter what gender you are or race you are. Just because someone is different, does not mean they are unacceptable either.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
stephcjh I cannot believe I missed this whole page I am so sorry l hope you are still on mylot.thats my feelings too that if you are different from me so what I can still be friends and like you and learn from you too. life is great if we all op;en up to one other and accept each other the wa y we are.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
15 May 11
I've never done that, at least about the groups you've mentioned. Now, it you're talking about American liberal/progressives? I might say that they all do something...(like not understand how the government is supposed to work and that it was not designed to "give" them happiness).
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 May 11
hi kenzie oh do not get me off on that topic as Iknow you and I would have to agree to disagree. I do not ever respnd to political discussions as I once was so insulted here I was in tears and swore never to again mylot. instead I just left all you democratsl and republicans hight it out as you wish. and I do not wish.I do try not to pigeon hole anyone as its so patently unfair. again I hate it when some republican here claim we democrats are all this or all that. I am just like other Americans, I just want to live in peace and harmony with my fellow man. as for anyone giving us happiness Abe Lincoln said it best"man is about as happy as he or she makes up their minds to be." you nor any goveerment or anyone else can make me be happy. Happiness comes from withing.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
13 May 11
I agree with you. Once a had a male friend that did that. All women are this or that. He used to irratate me so much with that stuff.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi jdyrj777 yes I have had male friends who did that to me like this one here at Gold crest who said ' I heard you have a computer. guess you use it to play games and woman stuff." I asked" what the heck do you mean 'woman stuff?" He looked sort of silly' oh you know knitting and embroidery and playing bingo? I glared at him" OH really Rosy grier a prize fighter also loves to knit so I am told.' He said" Oh my God hes a man men do not knit." I loved it and had to laugh at him.He had no idea he was stereotyping people at all. He denied he ever did that. lol I really got him going when I said,"no I am not a game player and I used it to do geneaology with myself. " : But" he said, thats more for 'guys"Isn't it?" I had to laugh and laugh at him and he got mad and left while I was still laughing. lol lol
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
14 May 11
That same male friend that i had knitted and crocheted too. Said his grandma taught him when he was younger.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Jun 11
hi jdyrj I have read that a lot of men some famous know how to knit and crochet to , they must be men very comfortable in their own skins, not at all lacking in self esteem.
• United States
16 May 11
I think humans like to group things in general not just people but everything. We keep things "organized" which is basically segregating items form other items. We bunch books together on shelves, fruits in one bowl nuts in another. I do not know why this is maybe some type of survival instinct? Older people in a home, kids in schools etc.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
16 Nov 12
Typical Englishman - A stereotype Englishman in a bowler hat.
If we are using stereotypes, then you must not forget that all Englishmen wear bowler hats. I suppose this is something that we all experience at some time. Stereotypes are quite often used to enhance comedies, which does help to maintain the image in the background of our minds to some degree. Naturally nobody is so naïve as to serious believe that it is possible to classify whole groups of people by nationality, age or other abstract associations, but the connection probably exists in our mind to some degree without our knowledge. We are subjected to this type of input throughout our lives, so it must result in some small quota of mental conditioning.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
17 Nov 12
Hello Hatley, I am fully aware that stereotyping is never truly indicative about a group of people, but it is often perpetuated through humour. There are many people far older than yourself with very active minds. I have no problem with being caricatured or stereotyped, although I am surprised when people actually believe it. We had a comedy here called 'Allo 'Allo, which was et in German occupied France. Every group was a blatant stereotype with the French, Germans, Italians and British all being totally exaggerated. I found the series hilarious, but naturally I am not stupid enough to believe the stereotyping.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
hi asylum as the cave men rose above being cavemen, we can rise above being people who classify races b y one charactereistic and open up our hearts and minds to see people as individyaks bnit as cheap or hot tempoered or greedy or some othe adjective.I know all old people do not become senile as I am elderly and I am not senile at all.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
hi asylum nope never thought you stupid thatsfror sure. yes you are very aware of things and love your responses as they are always unique and I know who is making it before I even see your name. That series does sound like it could be really funny. Wish I could have seen that one too.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 May 11
Dear's IGNORANCE on a huge scale. It's certainly not a Christian outlook or a loving and non-judgemental outlook. You'd guess that people making these claims must all be perfect but that is far from correct as well. If I hear comments like you mentioned I will feel sorry for the poor uneducated, unthinking, ridiculous person making the comments and I will ignore them as I walk away.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 11
hi mstickle I have met a lady who goes to church every Su nday without fail and yet she is absolutely biased against certain races. Comments like "He ;'s a jew so what do you expect?" Or :Colored people tend to always have a chip on their shoulder" and when I chided her for these remarks, she got all huffy and started preaching her religion to me.I otld her that our religious beliefs are very personal and please do not preach to me.she left in a huff and I wondered why she called herself a Christian?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jun 11
thank you MsTickle I do try to be a good person andn sometimes i win somtimes I lose too. My son says my big failing is not standing up for myself but I will do that when push comes to shove especially here in Gold C rest.As I am here because we had run out of other options and we were made homeless like a lot of others. people here got laid off and looked and looked for work but did not find it, got behind on the rent and the landlords waste no time in giving out evictions notices. so life has been unfair to a lot of us but its up to us to make the best of it in hopes we can make greater changes later on.It's what you do with what you got that wins out in the end the last sentence of some song from an old Bing Crosby movie. lol
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
9 Jun 11
Sad huh? I know of a gal who worked for a computer company in town that, after being told that she should ask "A" because she would know the answer, she replied "I won't ask her, she's fat and fat people are stupid." Unfortunately for her, she said this in the women's room and there was a supervisor in one of the stalls. She came out, and took her to human resources and had her fired on the spot! I can sort of see why people do certain things, there are a LOT of rude "Americans" who travel out of the country who get all upset because those "foreigners" don't speak English! Excuse me... but you are in THEIR country, who's the foreigner NOW? But my guy friend "J" is of Hispanic origin and he doesn't like spicy food, and the roomie's folks rented a room to a fellow from Mexico who also didn't like spicy food... so, so much for that one! I did have a black friend who used to say "I have no rhythm, I can't keep the beat, can't dance a step" so there we are blowing another one out of the water!
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
11 Jun 11
guess we could call her a "dumb blonde" but I don't know her hair color!!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jun 11
hi elic bxn like my late hubby used to say never assume as the minute you do you are always wrong. So many of the stereotypes we come to take for granted are also so much hooey. My Mexican neighbor said He hates anything too too spicy. he said of the jalapenos his wife was growing "those peppers too damn hot" so there goes the one e about hotter the better for Mexicans.About Americans yes some Americans make me cringe as they give us Americans a really bad name. They are in a foreign country and should not assume everyone speaks English at all yet some will really behave like louts and thus the term Ugly Americans became a logo for American Tourists. shame on the few who make the rest of us cringe for what they did abroad.that gal you were talking of sure made the wrong assumption and in the hearing of a supervisor too. good for her maybe she learned not to assume anything.We fat people sometimes are really quite intelligent.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jun 11
hi elicbxn yep if she had been blonde that would have been fun.You know one in a work place should b e careful what you say in a womens rest room as you do not know who m ight be in one of the stall.s. just remembering our supervisor we had last was bi= polar and refused to take her medications so she often was hard to work with, moody and grouchy. Claire Andrews one of the reference librarians was talking to me in the center of the library. She had started in on telling me she felt that Emily , our supervisor, had some sort of mental hangup and just as she said quite loudly "she must be bipolar.lord she should be on meds." I tried to communicate non verbally that Emily was almost in hearing range of us but Claire did not get my non verbal attempt. I cut her off with a "I must go Claire I have a ton of books to shelve." I got out of there before Emily could get onto me. The next day Claire was in tears, she had been moved to another branch of the Orange County Library System by virtue of an angry Emily. evidently Emily had overheard all our conversation and decided to get rid of Claire at once.the branch she was assigned to meant she had a long daily drive to get there and back. The morale to my story do not talk badly about your boss at work. she will always hear you one way orr another.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
29 May 11
Those are just stereotypes. I think stereotypes need to rethink their priorities and not to judge something on the outer surface. But it's hard to say when they can't even see past through themselves. No high expectations for them , unless they change for the better. I mean , it's only sad to see stereotypes being wrong about people who have been nothing but sincere and wonderful to them. Well , that's life too bad. Just don't care Hatley because deep down , they care for what people see in them and use those insecurities to pounce on others. Others see their flaws just that others don't wish to say it out loud too because let's just be honest , non-stereotypes are thoughtful and considerate. SO point attacking people like that. Get a real life all stereotypes. Take care Hatley..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Jun 11
It's good you are not like that Hatley I always knew you were better.. Normally in general if you look at people who likes to insult others or whatever they think as jaded..they are normally very much insecure and non-confident about themselves hence those remarks to make them feel good only. Their self esteem spiral downward a lot of times so they need to say others to make themselves feel better. I feel pitiful for them...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jun 11
hi zed you have it right and yes they are sort of sad. to make themselves feel better they pick on a bunch of people who did thenm no h arm and make asinine remarks ab out them just to make themselves feelf better about who they are. sad indeed.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 11
hi zed As a kid I was embarrassed when my dad a town doctor would cross the street rather then walk past a crippled person. His reasoning all crippled people are too da mned sorry for themselves and I just do not want to hear it. I would say dad thats not fair, you are condeming a whole group of people bec ause one person you met was like that. My teacher says thats stereo typing people and it all wrong to do that. He also said that Negroes were all brutish. I just could not see where he got those ideas. pigeonholing people is always so wrong. but I just let it roll by me now.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 May 11
People do that because they are lazy. They don't have to think if they lump everyone together and doing so also reinforces their prejudice. They can remain ignorant and not have to do any work getting to know individuals.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi dragon Yes I believe a lot of people do that as then they do not have to learn to know an individual who is not of their particular race or skin color. Ignorance sometimes seems to be bliss. this reminds me of the morning I use to catch the same bus as this Jamacian lady who alos went to the Univerisity of cal at Irvine but she went as ahousekeeper to one of the English professors. she was always telling me how I just had to go to Jamacia as I would love it there.She was intgrigued that I was going back to the U at age 54 to get my degree as I had two years to finish and i would get it. " You go Mama " she would tell me" You will do better than all these kids. lol"Well I did not do better than all of them but I had a b average which was okay by me. the point is we, a white woman and a dark skinned Jamaican had so much in common that our nationalities were not an issue. We just enjoyed each other's company. If I ever had any extra money I would have loved to go to Jamaica. "
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 May 11
You forgot that all Californians are a bunch of granola eating hippies... How would you like your granola today?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 May 11
I had granola this morning with rice milk, but I didn't smoke anything funny! :D
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi dawn me either , I meanI did not smoke anythiong funny either and I had the ugly looking grey clumpy oatmeal.I ate it only because it is good for you. What we will do for something thats good for you. Some mornings I do skip it though. yuck
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 May 11
It's a rare day when I feel like eating oatmeal myself...
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 May 11
sorry to say, i think it is human nature. most people tend to keep anything taught growing up in their minds. i say "most", because i didnt and lots of people dont let it stick. but the majority does. my mom was terribley predudiced. but i love people that are ways different then me. she never got it. if we were all alike it would be a very boring world
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi bunnybon yes I am coming to that conclusion too as its inbred in us unless we work to not stereotype people. My parents were terribly prejudiced my dad against Negroes and my mom against Mexicans so I learned not to be prejudiced all on my own.My dad also had a thing against crippled people,he the town doctor of all things, and would cross the street rather than walk close to a crippled man or woman. this would really embarrass me as a teenager. Some of those crippled were of course patients of his so how could he act like that? For me part of being on mylot is the wondero f my friends from all over the world. I love learning one others customs and cultures and how in so many ways we are also alike.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
14 May 11
hello, I guess it has got to do with streotyping , people stereotype or make generalization based on what they encounter, see or hear often during their life time, it's also a kind of labeling which to me is kinda unfair, I think people are individuals and should be treated individually, all of us are unique in a way and should be treated as such
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
we are all unique and all our fingerprints are different We should not label anyone as its not fair and not right either. we all are humans 'and should treat all as brothers and sisters. Do not say all Italians are mean and destructive because one was mean to you .We all from every nation are humans and deserve to be treated with respect unless we do otherwise. .
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
hi louievill now I am more on the ball and not two yearslate. I w as so shocked to find two pages i missed two years ago and I have no idea why I did' that as I like to comment back on all and in days not years lol I have learned so much from being on mylot and how my wonderful friends all are doing too.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
17 Nov 12
You are absolutely right
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• United States
15 May 11
I think that early on, children learn what they are taught but have the capacity to change. I remember having this dislike of people of a different faith--I was raised Catholic. So this boy asked me out in middle school, 6th or 7th grade, and I told him no because he was Jewish! Now there were many Jewish kids at school, and I don't even remember the exact reason I didn't want to date him, but I suspect that it was the first thing that popped in my head. I mean, we were 11 or 12--it wasn't like we were going to get married or something! And then when he got to high school, Wow! He was so attractive to me (and a number of other girls). Never figured that one out truly... Now, I try to not prejudge but rather greet anyone in my path with a smile and hello. If they don't respond, I write them off and move on. I really don't like stereotypes because you'll always find someone to defy it!
• United States
17 Nov 12
Everyone should be so caring as you Hatley, maybe we wouldn't have so many wars!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 12
hi scorpiobabes thanks thats so lovely wish we could se t a great example herein mylot as we most all of us do get along so well. would that be great tol have a world with no wars.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi I do that too as I wrked as a nurses aid for years and you cannot pick and chose who you will be caring for so have cared for many people from all faiths and all racesIt was a great experience too and I learned so much like i do' here from all my many mylot friends from all over the world. It is a s mall world after all and we should all be sharing it not fighting.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
13 May 11
Hmmm, reminds me of a post I made a couple weeks ago asking if women get cranky in their old age.. This is called stereo typing and I admit, when I kept seeing my sister making rude comments, (she is 12 years older than I) my mind starting thinking that she is doing this because she is getting old, because when she was young, she was nothing like she is now.. I think some things, like Mexicans love hot and spicy food has to do with how they are raised. If a Mexican was adopted into different family, he or she may not grow up eating food like that, so they wouldn't necessarily like it. Then again, it could be the taste of the individual. My fmaily has a lot of German in them, yet I hate pork and sauerkraut and today I don't eat any kind of pork. Another example is a neighbor had this exchange student from Japan staying with her and this was the year my daughter made homemade sushi for her class. When we gave some to our neighbor, the neighbor loved it, and the girl from Japan did try it, but said she really doesn't like sushi.
• United States
14 May 11
Actually the response should have been, "Were you raised in a barn?" Because I know lots of people who live on farms since this county is mostly farmland, and the people and children are very polite and hard working, I really envy their lives. But if raised in a barn, that is where the animals live, they can get noisy and loud and so dirty, which is where the nice farm people come in to help out... So, Mexicans grow the spicy foods that I love...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi carm yes that was what Jessie was thinking about I am sure. He knew I was raised on a farm not a barn. He has always been as kind to me as my own sun. He fell for a young woman his own age and they now live together in one people do that for the simple reason that if they are on social Security both of them, one will have money taken out of his or her Social Security checks.So they keep their own names, some have been married but lie about it.Of course if Social Security gets wind of it they will have troubles.AS for sp icy foods I like them but they 'do not always like me,. lol.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 11
hi carm I think we all do this to some extent but I do try not to as it can get so irritating when it comes around back at a person.I listened to one of the residents here chastizing the tablemate next to him for banging all over him when he got up to leave the table. He sanpped out," where were you raised, on a farm?" that irritated me and I called over,"thats really untrue most p eople raised on a farm have as good table manners or better than you do yourself." My parents made sure to teach me good table manners when I was little and they themselves had excellent tablemanners too. oh yes when we had our own house,the family that lived next door were Mexicans but had citizenship , they were here legally. they grew some chile peppers in a plot next tol their house and adjacetnt to our house too. He was telling me about the peppers." Iate one and oh my goodnness them chili pepper is too damned hot." I had to laugh as I had thought all Mexican used hot hot jalepeno peppers. He told me a lot of Mexicans do not even like spicy food. they were ther nicest neighbors, always friendly and quiet and well mannered. We exchange produce from our gardens and just hat nice friendly chats. I hated it so much when we had to sell that house and move into an apartment. if I had it to do over a gain I woujld never ha ve gone along with selling that house as we only had three more payments on it. we should have refianced at that time instead. well thats all long gone water under the bridge.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 May 11
I really wish I could answer you Hatley but I can't because I don't know. Some things said are good things and I can handle that but the bad things well, like the saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. How hard is that for people to get? I mean, we're all wishing for respect which was all deserve however, to get respect you have to give it too. Just like when one complains and complains about something, do they expect the other to keep quiet? That's not going to happen. If the person who's doing the complaining doesn't want the other to respond then they need to keep quiet about their situation. I'm one to give my opinion however, I'm not an enforcer. After all, it is the person's choice to do what they feel is right and I'm fine with that but to get bent out of shape because of my opinion just isn't right. Respect goes a long way if people would give it a try.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 May 11
Even if you give a reason to their cause, they still get all bent out of shape. I know this because I just went through this with a long time friend who isn't talking to me anymore. It's not like I'm going to go to their place and make them do what ever because I'm not. But they need to learn to keep an open ear to what I have to say and know that a friend is only trying to help. Oh well, such is life. It's the only way I know how to put it.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 11
Cats as much as I like the person you are talking about she seems to forget that this is an open forum and as long as we stay within the rules we can vent our feelings, reant a bit and its not hurting anyone.'we all have times when we need to find a listening ear and let go of our feelings. thats not wrong and almost all of us here have done that a few times. You are honest and believe in sa ying a spade is a spade an not a rake. lol lol
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 May 11
hi cats as usual you make such great good sense. Respect is somehtin we all should learn.I never much agreed with my dad but he and my mom respected us as children and when I was in my teens and early twenties I respected them too as i had been taught respect. My mom also taught me that if I could not say something good to my playmates I needed to keep my mouth shut. thats stood me in good stead my whole life.its kept me out of getting involved in fights where i really did not have a chance. I will stick up for my friends here if someone insults them but I never go out to start a fight. I do agree we all have a right to our own opinions. I have often seen the ones who complain the most are those who will not get off their duffs and try to remedy the situation.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 May 11
Well, I'm not going to say you're wrong here because I do agree with you, but... I have a story about the youngest son of my best friend. She is black, he is black, or "Negroes" as you said. (I had a black boss once who said he preferred the term "Negro" to any other, i.e., black, African-American, etc.) Anyway, we had just installed a large swimming pool and were having our first pool party that summer. My friend's son (who was around 6 years old at the time) WOULD NOT come out of that pool for anything! His lips were turning blue and he was shivering like mad but nothing we said could get him out of that pool, except... His mother, my friend, told him, "Aunt Marti has watermelon!" He immediately responded with "Watermelon?!?!" and almost flew out of that pool to get a piece of that watermelon. I couldn't help laughing because of that myth that all black people love watermelon. That kid was doing his best to convince me it wasn't a myth after all. Normally, I treat every person as an individual and don't believe I group people together under any circumstances.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 May 11
hi mentalward lol my second laugh of the day. I can see that little guyu with his mouth watering for a piece of watermelon right now. lol.Yep he was indeed but again I think few kids of any nationality can resist watermelon.So that goes to prove what, help I am so sleepy as its hot in here and outside too and also I did not sleep well last night. I also do not care about a persons build or looks or race but about their character and personality. I never group anyone as I have been on the receiving end too many times. I have even caught my son assuming I would not understand such and such because I was elderly but he claimed I was reading things into what he said.while I can use my computer quite well I am not a computer electronic tech and he knows that.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 11
hi mentalward at times I have wondered but only for a few seconds if its good my mind is still sharp as it wou ld not have hurt quite so much us being tossed out homeless but no, I would have hated to be like my roomie is all confused and forgetting things an hour after being told.she gets so upset because she cannot remember and I keep telling her write it down.I try to really help her but still I need to get away for awhile at times too. I feel like her mama trying to remind her of all the things she needs to remember. My son has taught me a few tricks I can do to make my computer stay on the net. when the power goes off one must reset the moldem and router,now I can do this for myself.I do know that my son really was not making fun of me as he knows he has extensive knowledge as he had worked as a computer programmer for years.
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
14 May 11
If people say it on tv or online then it must be true! Just like whatever is worn by those models that walk down the walk is the fashion of the season. It just is that way! People are just gullible and believe what they are told for the most part. Silly isn't it?
@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
15 May 11
Hi lady. Sorry. Havne't been on much. Feelin' kinda low for this time of year. Ya, I saw somewhere where a person got sick from drinking too much water. Can you imagine. It is good for you for pete's sake. Everything in moderation but still....? I rarely let others think for me. I am proactive and try to do my research.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
13 May 11
These are the ways that these things have been presented to us by our means of popular culture. I learned alot in my last class about the way the media has affected our ways of thinking. As crazy as it is programmed in us in a sort of way by cartoons as youth, reinforced as we get older by movies and television..even the news takes a stab. Cartoons of all kinds over represent. When they are trying to show and elderly person...they always show one with a cane and talking very loud because they can't hear. When you see a character from the south, they are always barefooted and have long beard. It is sad that people carry these depictions with them. The media has become the way that people depend on learning things.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 May 11
hi jeninten you are right ,we all have been influenced by cartoons and movies and television programs to see stereotypes and we h ave to stop and think is that really true when we see these.I have seen too that a lot of people even here in mylot believe everything they read on the net no matter how absurd it sounds.,Like water is bad for you and green tomatoes will poison you and green gooseberries will make you sick. none of those statements make much sense except green gooseberries can upset your tomatoes fried are really delicious and often used in some of the southern states.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Nov 12
hi JenINTn yes I have known people from the south and so many stereotypes are so wrong. Those I meet did n ot talk much different than I did and were more like the people I grew up with.So much for all the typical sterotypes. I ttied fried green tomatoes only plain as I think some add acrumb coating on them.but I sort of liked them. yes the net can help or hinder depending on the information you choose. i
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 May 11
I know!! It is like the matter the the main place that people gather info. I know that the internet is a vast sea of knowledge...but at the same time...there is a load of crap on here too. I learned real quick when I started researching things for certain papers that you could not believe everything on the net. Classes won't even allow Wikipedia as a source. I had no idea that people like you or me could just put definitions on there or add to definitions. I am sure there are some legit ones and that we can get general ideas, but if it comes from there, it is not considered reliable. I usually compare the defintions there with dictionary sites just to make sure they are accurate now. I live in the South and there are a lot of sterotypes about the people that live here. I get mad as a hornet when I go to Pigeon Forge and see "Hillbilly Golf" and other businesses that are really just reinforce the ideas that people already have about the residents. It is a tourist town. Oh...and the fried green tomatoes...I am not that crazy about them but I know people that love them. They have been eating them for a long time and they are ok..
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