do you believe in ghosts?if they exists...

May 14, 2011 12:15am CST
my dear mylotters, do you believe in ghosts? if they does not exist,what is your valuable opnion about that? scientifically or whatever way you like to explain.if they exists according to do they look like? square,rectangular,circular or just like human? are they invisible or made of flesh? your idea is valuable for everyone.i wish some ghosts are mylotting , is so interesting. it will be my pleasure to get responses from both human and ghosts.lolz... yours uttarayan happy mylotting friends
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16 responses
• United States
14 May 11
That's funny..hehe. ghost that respond your mylot query. Here I Yes, let say spirit or ghost. I believe in them. There we fallen angels and appears as spirit. Sometimes, they cloth themselves as human or in an animal form. I had experienced not only once or twice but more than that about something unusual. Like, I've seen a white man or lady twice. I saw a cut woman hands in the window, etc.....Ask me more..hehe.....So i believed.
• India
14 May 11
thnks a lot,u liked the subject.u have really some points here.because u saw some strange things dear.may i ask you one question? what did u do after seeing those things?u went to check them out closely orrrrr.....ran away?lolz.
• United States
15 May 11
Oh geez I think I would have ran away or be
• India
19 May 11
yes....but,its better to stay and see what is hppening and how they will be lietime to see a beautiful ghost my dear.hehe
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
14 May 11
Interesting topic, and I think you must have a certain openness to be able to understand and accept the existence of ghosts. History is full of examples that prove without a doubt their existence! I like to think that these spirits come with a mission on earth and where I come back there .... after they communicated what they want!
15 May 11
Yes, some do have a mission to help on Earth but they don't just disappear in a puff of smoke when their job here is finished! They go back home to The Spirit World and carry on living. They are just as alive as we are, even more so, as they don't have heavy bodies to drag around all the time, and can transport themselves to other places in an instant! Life is Eternal, and we are Eternal Beings of Light, loved beyond measure. uttarayan: The Third Eye is our Spiritual Eye in the middle of our forehead. I see mini-videos in my mind when my Eye is open and I am connected to The Spirit World, where we all come from and will go home to when our life here on the Earth plane is over! XJane
1 person likes this
• India
16 May 11
well,then its better to live like a bardains,no complications,no transport carrier...just do,what do u want to do.thats the thing-what pwople want to do in their living i rite? so,spirits are living better than us.i am quite jelleous,rite now.lolz.and thnx for the explanation of the third eye.its a quite complex one...really.
• India
14 May 11
like terminator-2...hmmm.yes,my friend,i have the openness about what u think.u know something- u have pulled a really interesting addition into they are not living anywhere,their only existence depends on their job.when the job finishes,they r finished.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
15 May 11
I believe in a person's spirit sticking around with us after they leave us here physically in this world. It's hard for me to even fathom that we are simply alive only through cells and the blood running through our veins. Each one of us are seperate individuals who share only the molecular level of a foundation as a human being. We all view the world differently. We all act differently. And the thing that makes us as an individual is our spirit/soul. And I don't think that whatever religious belief we have our creator only made us for a brief moment of our time on earth in our human form. And I do believe these spirits watch over us and occassionally visit us after they are gone whether we know it or not.
17 May 11
uttarayan: They are around us all the time and share the same space with us but live at a higher vibration, and that is why we can't see them. If they want to appear to us, they lower their vibration so they can be seen by human eyes. They help us every day! When we 'pass' (I don't use 'the d-words') we enter the next dimension and live a rich and full life in The Spiritual Realms. We have free will so if we want to come back to live in corporeal form again, we can. We have many many lives on Earth and not just one. We are Eternal Beings of Light, loved beyond measure! Did I tell you that I am a Medium?
• India
19 May 11
yes,u told me that.but,i am quite confused about the vibration thing.what is the parameter then? those animals with high vibration sensitivity,do they see something that we cant see?i dont know..but,the questions are arising in my mind.
@TwiKnight (107)
• Malaysia
15 May 11
There are a variety of things attributed to the word 'ghost'. We have those that possess people for a living, or rather, as their own unique means of deriving amusement in their ectoplasmic state, that throw furniture around the house for the same reason, and of course, that wander around the face of the planet still, probably bound to our plane of existence by some unfinished business here. However, sightings of them would bear an entirely different meaning, as they may be mere recordings of a certain event that took place at the exact same spot, that can be played over and over again till whatever fueling this ominous cycle runs out.
17 May 11
Yes, TwiKnight, it's called The Stone Tape Theory. It is thought that stone captures images and plays them back like a video when the same conditions are present again. This is why people in the UK talk of having seen a Roman legion or a some kind of battle taking place. They even claim to be able to hear everything going on. It is a fascinating subject and I would love to see the science in action!
• India
19 May 11
ya... now,i think-i have started a nice topic.people are coming here with vast knowledge.and who is the gainer? no awards.everybody. we are learnibng new things,new topics and the ways are getting cleaned everytime.
• India
16 May 11
u have sparked a new point here my dear friend.virtual recording of past events with a ambition to finish their unfinished job.the time stopped that moment they were alive.may be they belongs to another dimension or another time zone...
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
16 May 11
I have never seen a ghost but I believe in them. I know a few people and also have some friends who swears that they have seen ghosts and strange things happening. I wouldn't wanna meet or see a ghost. I am scared of them!!
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
if ghosts are real, then a Pilot will never drive the 747 Boeing Jumbo Passenger Jet Liner because these ghosts can alter aviation during landings to a nearby airport to disaster without apparent reasons.... and if i am only a ghosts... i sworn revenge... i make all the ships and vessels colliding to each other and no science can explain why collisions happened frequently to all nations without apparent reasons.... they got a good quality educated sailors.... they got an updated modern ship and vessels.... all scientific formulas for are all available but wont work... because ghosts like me are very hostile.... CNN always mention my name as a hostile ghosts who destroys not only ships and vessels but burn building and houses without reason due to my revenge.... but why do these not happen???? why??? because... THERE ARE NO GHOSTS.....
• India
19 May 11
hehe...and i believe in you y dear.u are existing ..reALLY.are not you?lolz
14 May 11
AS ghosts/spirits of people who have passed to the next life, have no physical body and are composed of high-vibration light-energy, they can appear however they want to and at any age. Most of them like to appear as they were at their very best in life, which is usually when they were young, but not always. They may turn up as smoke, a light-orb or just a 'presence' and not always in human form. I am a Clairaudient Medium, which means I can hear them. I can also see them with my Third Eye, my Mind's Eye, if you prefer. There is nothing to be frightened of. They lived on Earth just as we do. They too are people! I know there are bad things out there but if we don't invite them into our lives and always ask for protection from our Angels and Guides, they cannot hurt us. Hollywood just likes to make lots of money by scaring the pants of us! Most of it is rubbish! In Love and Light XJane
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
15 May 11
In a way I can say I do believe they are there! [ not scary type]but in a formless way...I had a few experiences in my life[ whether was my imagination or not]they were real to me! I believe when one's leave this earth the spirit still lingers around may be to say good bye...may be this was not their time to go... who knows? but yes I feel sorry for these lost souls that people think of as ghosts!
• India
16 May 11
good to see ur true opinion about ghosts.and after reading all these comments in this topic i think-u said the perfect summery of all of them.ya u r rite(may be)...if they exists,u must feel sorry for them,because once they were human,,,,like us
• India
14 May 11
nice to meet u ,my dear lady. really happy to see ur observation about them.may be u r one of the best between us,who knows about them.but,what does it mean by third eye?lord siva had a third eye.have u heard that?the oldest indian god. the mind eye means-u cant practically see them.ok.high vibration light it.thanks for sharing ur thoughts here.c u again.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
14 May 11
i believe in the supernatural. i have not seen a ghost, i have probably felt them, or maybe i have only think i felt them because that is what i think i feel. hehe but who knows?! i believe the supernatural exist and there is more than to what our eyes can see...
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
if science can't explain everything, much worst is the bible, bible can't explain everything too... it only relies its explanation to the bible articles that only man made.... and besides, there are no ghosts that contains in the bible, what the bible only mention is the Holy Ghosts, but supernatural ghosts like the thing plays on your imagination due to watching movies is impossible.....
• India
14 May 11
yes,science cant explain everything.their is something there in this earth,which cant be explained.i really love science and logic,but,my thinking is kid of same as u...thanks
• Philippines
14 May 11
I do believe that ghosts exist. I have never seen them but I do feel their presence. Of course I'm a little scared especially if I'm alone at home.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 May 11
I do believe in ghosts, and the paranormal. I have had experiences that I just couldn't explain logically. I've experienced things that I can't give you an explanation for.
• India
15 May 11
i think-these experiences cant be stated in words.they can only be relised and felt.i know myself-how they can are right my frind-if we dont use these terms like-ghosts or paranormal,though something is there.which is stranger than fiction.
@masang (295)
• Philippines
15 May 11
They exist. They are called ghosts because they are spirits. If we read the Bible there are instances that Jesus himself expelled Demons. In the Catholic Church there are priests who have the gift to exorcise but not all priests are given the authority of Exorcism. I know one priest who became our retreat facilitator but he's the only one in the Diocese. It means throughout the world, there only few exorcists.We should not be afraid because God is most powerful than them. Our mind will be infiltrated by these bad spirits if we always think about them and if we always watch horror movies. The more we patronize them, the more they can infiltrate our lives.
• India
15 May 11
yes,horror genre gave us some fake ideas about those unnaturals.but,may be they have some points ,too.we know they exists... but,we dont know about them.that always bothers us. its good to know about exorcism and exorcists.may be they are the most powerful of them all.all priests cant do ,what they do.nice sharing friend.i will study more to know about that...
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
14 May 11
I believe in ghost, spirits, etc. Although with my belief I believe most are demons impersonating someone. Although I have had things happen where I believe it was the actual person. My whole life has been filled with experiences. I also believe in some people being a little more sensitive to things. I have had things happen. My daughter at the age of three told me about a man in the apartment we had just moved into. We lived there only a cpl months while house hunting. She was scared and sometimes we wld be playing in her room and she wld suddenly tell me to be quiet because the man was coming. I had her describe him one day. One night we came home from shopping and pointed to a balcony and yelled, there he is. We saw no one. We looked around and cldnt see anyone. When we moved into our house she never mentioned him again. I never brought him up. I wanted to see what she wld do. So yes I believe.
• India
15 May 11
thanks a lot for responding and sharing our experience with ur friends here.this is really an experience ,which forces a person to believe to the unknwns.childrens are over sensitive than grown person.but,i believe in ur lil beautiful daughter.she made her mom to think about it.there was something offcourse,otherwise,she was just 3 years old and didnt have the brain to make things herself.yes,may be u r rite dear
• Philippines
14 May 11
I personally believe in ghost..but I have not seen them. I felt their presence. I believe in supernatural forces, I believe in the presence of evil that constantly lurks around us but more so I believe in the presence of a Supreme Being which is our God.
• India
14 May 11
i personaly dont believe in ghost but,u r right.really i have felt several times something uncanny,which was even beyond my imagination...i had no answers for them then,not till now...
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
14 May 11
Uhmmm.. well for me, ghosts are not those restless spirits who wandered here on earth. I believe they are illusions conceived in our mind because of fear and lack of faith in our God. Satan made these ghosts to scare us. I know they're just spirits Satan made to deceive us because they are of evils!
• India
14 May 11
hey... dont blame every ghost.some of them are well behaved and beautiful ,too.haha.they are not scary enough and they always in fear of human... every human being is a ghost.the musk is the outer dear friend
• China
14 May 11
Honestly,if they do exist,they will scared of me because I'm scarer than them. :O
• India
14 May 11
hihi...nice lines.i said that-ghosts are mylotting ,too.lolz.thanx for reply my dear.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
there is no such thing as ghosts, spirits or souls for a thousands of reasons: 1. Ghosts have no Matter components within them, even the believers who believe there are existence of ghosts cannot explain if what components does this ghosts, spirits, souls have.... if they cannot explain, therefore, it doesn't exist.... 2. Since ghosts having no matter components, how can this ghosts wear dress? how can a ghosts conduct revenge? and how can you see ghosts using your naked eye? 3. If Ghosts are a form of air, then how can you see, heard, feel, smell like an Oxygen, Helium, Nitrogen, etc.... ???? 4. If Ghosts are a form of air, how can a ghosts see the natural world because they have no eyes to attach to their invisible eye sucket???? how can a ghosts interpret something because there is no place for their invisible brain to keep to their invisible skull to interpret signals from their brain passed to their nervous system and end up to their brain to register some informations??? 5. If Ghosts are a form of smoke? hahahaha, where is the fire? if there is a smoke then there is the presence of fire or heat.... and if it is a form of smoke, it will only spread the smoke particles and it is not compact.... 6. Plenty of reasons, too many to mentions about the impossible existence of ghosts.... even in the court of law, you cannot present Ghosts as a form of evidence to force the criminal to jail as to prove the accuse as an innocent.... ghosts can't contact to a physical world....
2 Jul 11
I do believe in ghosts, but since I believe in reincarnation too, I think they're just temporarily locked until they've found a new body (what a mind, duuh). Anyway, if they were real, they wouldn't be seen / detected / communicated with by us. Your imagination plays a good role, so you can do whatever you want with it if you want to prove something to -yourself-, even if it's not real.