its hard being a younger sister..

United States
May 14, 2011 9:52am CST
why its hard to be a younger sister?i always tell to myself that,and sometimes when we have arguments with my eldest sister i told her i just wish i am your eldest sister so you will listen to me and not judge pisses me off can somebody advice me?i just need some few words of wisdom of words that will left me up..thank you..
5 responses
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Being the oldest sister myself, I really don't know if I can help. If your sister feels the same way that I do towards my younger sisters maybe I can help. I enjoy the company of my sisters, but most of the times I feel that they're relying on me almost on anything. I think they should learn to depend on themselves for I won't be there all the time. Sometimes I know I'm hard on them, but that's because they're being so irresponsible it makes me sick. Parents always tend to expect elder sisters to teach the younger ones but they don't know how hard it is just to look after them. Their mistakes always fall on me. My parents say "It happens because you're not taking care of your sisters. You just think for yourself!" and I just.... sigh!!!what can I do, I'm the eldest!!
• India
7 Jun 11
It never felt hard to be a younger sister. I also have a sister 2 years elder than me, but I am so happy with my sister. Only one thing we take care is If I am wrong in anything I will accept the advice from my sister. If she is wrong then she will agree on my advice.Understanding is main. Still now also we will have some arguments but we convert it as funny and memorable at the end. As a younger one I will do all funny things in my home. I will feel good If I am with my sister.I am missing my sister now.
• India
24 May 11
i am brother shall call you sis i like younger sister but i had no one in my blood but i got too many younger sister in my family, i do anything for their happiness and i will get very happy if i am with any one of them they each love me and also i love them i thing being a little sis is good thing unlike being elder sister if am with any one of my elder sister or go out for shopping i got bored they are really mess me, why i don't know each word come out from their mouth has double meaning and the hidden meaning really hearts me in simple words you will get more love from your family because you are younger one more than your elder sis got
@lloriegh (15)
• Philippines
19 May 11
Having sister is a good thing especially when both of you have same interests. you can reaaly bond with her with the girl things & all. I have also elder sister, we do agrue on some issues but such should not be a reason of hating each other. Your family. You should stick as one & support each other.
@sanijas83 (270)
• Latvia
24 May 11
I have also a sister, but she is two years younger than me. I also could not get along with her well because of some recent past events. Now we do not meet often. My parents wish we could be friends again like in childhood, but there have been situations I cannot forget. Now I try to think about the events that are important in my life. I am sorry that my parents are worried that we are not so glad to see each other.