I am so frustrated with all this about to make money

@jameygc (452)
United States
May 17, 2011 11:23pm CST
I recently lost my job a couple months ago. I was worried about the economical situation but at the same time I was happy cause finally I can spend time with my child. So my husband is paying everything. Of course we are getting short every month like any other middle class family. The situation is a little complicated, so for a few reasons I can't look for a new job right now. I feel so depress cause I have been working since I was 16 years old, I don't like to depend of anybody else money, not even my husband's.But also I feel I can't enjoy the time with my son with all this problems in my mind. Well, I started to look in the internet to see if I could find a way to earn some money just to help my husband with a little something, you know. I decided to start to write because I always liked very much. Everybody used to say I had talent. Even when English is not my firs language I decided to try. But this has been so hard. I started in hubpages.com and recently I started to blog, like a month ago. I don't know, I work hard but I don't see any reward. In all this time I only have earned just one cent from adsense. Some days I wake up with a lot of energy and very positive about it but other days I feel tired and very unmotivated. Today is one of these days.
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9 responses
• United States
18 May 11
Hello jameygc , I also have been going through the same problems you have . You are not alone Girl I promise. I married when I was a young teen and right away stated to have babies plus was doing home schooling and working at Krogers. I have since returned to college then got prego again, went to work in a factory . Now I have no JOB :( I am so sad. But I get to spend time with my kid's now and that makes it easier on my mind. Like most Mother's we don't want to leave our kid's for someone else to watch. So I started using Hubpages.com I am skeeter747 on there However my name is Angie. Sometimes I get so mad at them cause the money just aint coming in. I mean anything would help. I have bills to pay and my Husband is doing it all by himself. This is just not fair. But I thank the LORD above that I have a Husband that is willing to work. It could be worse Girl. Life is a lesson and we all are learning. Hubpage.com takes 6 months to start making money. So that is why I have added this site. I was on Hubpae and was reading a hubbers hub and she posted about this site. Girl hang in there :) I lost my car , I lost my Job , I lost my pride , but I have a home , and I have my Family. It will get better. Maybe We will never be rich but as long as there is food to feed the kid's and a place to sleep then we are blessed. Take Care Girl :)
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
Wao! I read you and is like I've been talking by myself. I am so identified with you. I am not glad that you are going trough the same but I am happy to know I am not alone. I definitely would like to keep in touch with you. I am from Puerto Rico and we came to US almost three years ago. I don't have friends or family here. Sometimes I need somebody to talk. Thanks for your words, mean a lot to me.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
19 May 11
Yea I noticed you found me on hubpages. I am following you now too. I was reading some of your hubs. Really good, I made my feed back ;) Your are right about if everybody help each other. I am definitely keeping going with this even if I find a new job. I really enjoy to write and I am learning so much. The picture? Yes, that is me and my little trouble (lol). I saw you wrote one of the hubs about fishing in Kentucky. Well this is where I live now. I also will follow your steps and hope to see you as a very successful writer.
• United States
18 May 11
Hello I found on hubpage.com and left you a message :) I am now a follower of you on Hubpage. You are not alone Sis ! Many people will not post about what they go through but we have. You are from Puerto Rico wow that is cool. I am from the East Coast here in the good old U.S.A. I have trouble trying to find out just what to do online . Some times it is just to hard . But hold your head high and it will work out. I am currently looking for work else where . However I will still be online cause I like to blog and talk to people. We all can help each other out from our post . I identified with you right off the bat. We will keep in touch. I would like to see how far you make it online. Remember no matter how hard it may seem at times. Keep doing it in your spare time. If you find a job then that would be great but please don't forget about doing your online work. For some day it will pay off. We can not make the money we want unless we work hard towards our goals. Treat your online time as a job. Hope you get a chance to read me online friend. I love the picture of the little boy and you by the swing. That was you right ?
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
18 May 11
Your heart is pure and true. Any small amount of money you earn online is good money. You mentioned Hubpages.com. How long have you been writing there? From what I see , you may certainly earn well over time. That was before the Panda update. I'm not sure how it is now , but if you are able to maintain your articles and keep them searchable , you may reap the rewards. My best advice is to create lots of pen names writing to different topics. Check whether it's allowed on the site and back-link your articles too. While you are waiting for your earnings to rise there , you may choose to participate actively here. If you can get active referrals under your referral token , then it will be cool too. Just build up slowly and you'll definitely see money coming in. All the best to you.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 May 11
My pleasure certainly ..
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
Thanks so much for your advises. I certainly going to put them in practice.
1 person likes this
@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
19 May 11
I've never made alot of money here...but I keep plugging away!
• Pakistan
19 May 11
me too.......
@jameygc (452)
• United States
19 May 11
good to know, I have hope.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
18 May 11
Hi Jameygc, while your English is better than many writers, your techniques of writing are not. You have to bear in mind that writing online, and writing for printed media are completely different thing. If you are writing for a newspaper, you can use short term, such as Obama, and everyone will know that you are talking about President Obama. If you are writing online, you have to spell out in full. The same with writing about sport team, such as Boston Celtics. The reason is the search habit of people. You can observe your own search pattern. You will notice that you tend to use a phrase instead of a word to search for information. Eg "fever", "how to bring down a fever". Guess which one you will use if your son is having a high fever now. That is why when you write, your keyword is the whole phrase. That keyword phrase must occur in the title, the sub-heading, the beginning paragraph, the ending paragraph, and the tags.
@jameygc (452)
• United States
21 May 11
Thanks for the tip. I certainly going to make some corrections.
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
18 May 11
hey jameygc welcome to mylot i know online earning can be a bit boring and really really slow too but mylot is a great start you won't be earning thousand of dollars from mylot but you would surely learn about many new ways to earn online and yeah you can earn from mylot too just hang around in mylot and try to explore it to your fullest and maybe you would like it too try to promote your blog and keep on adding content it
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
Thanks, your words are giving me some motivation to keep going.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
18 May 11
Hi welcome to Maylot.I understand it pretty well and almost every second family has this problem.I want to tell mche Maylot here in just a little more patience and work and see that the more skilled the more money you will get better.beginning is easy but not give up though and hard to get to win. I wish you success. Have a nice day!
@jameygc (452)
• United States
18 May 11
Thanks. You have a good point. Keep going and not giving up is the hardest part.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
18 May 11
mylot is a good place to make a bit of money. if you do want to write you could try triond.
@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
18 May 11
That is why we need to plan for the future when we are able to, not it is time to look at what you are able to cut back, then plan to increase your income at the same time maintain your budget. Try to invest some money to get more money back.
• Indonesia
18 May 11
don't give to earn money. I'm like you. I need money so much . so I must work hardly so that I earn it. ok