idols in disguise

May 18, 2011 5:32am CST
when we hear the word idol, we think of a statue of a person or animals that is the focus of worship. we know that God abhors such image, yet is it possible that we worship idols without knowing it?
5 responses
• Philippines
17 Jun 11
Yes people sometimes worship idols without being aware that they are actually doing it.Idols is not in the form of statue all the time, they can be living idols.Sometimes we have that strong appreciations for celebrities,movie star,sport personalities and the likes.It's sad that some people are praising and fighting for these people wherein fact they are just human beings like everyone of us.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
High appreciation for a movie star is not idolatry unless you worship him like that of a god.
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
That's why it's idolatry in disguise because people are not even aware they are worshiping them when they filled their rooms with their images,when they are patronizing all their movies,when they spend most of their times for them,fight for them,love them,appreciate them; which is only meant for God.They are only humans like us,so they should be treated like humans.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
31 May 11
Idols is prohibited by God, to worship them. They are not moving, smell, hear, nor see anything in this world. They are all made by the hand of man and not by God... I don't know if we worship idols that we don't know. But for me I'm sure I can't worship idols...
• Thailand
3 Jun 11
Idols are prohibited by your god but there are idols that are inhabited by my gods. I do not worship the idol but I do worship the idea of the gods the idols represent.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Idols is created by man and they are not creature that should be worship or something. If you analyze the facts of worshiping Idols. You learn that they are not move around and they are representing God, or anything on earth. When we pray and ask help from them. They are not the who give us power or anything. But God, who create everything the one who give us... They are same creature as we are. \so, no need to idolize in that manner...if you think they represent God. Read the bible and you will find the truth... Or if you think they are represent someone else. Why don't you read some scripture about those creature if those image that we idolize will represent them in that image they are alike? This is simple analysis that we need to think more and more...If we received blessings in what we ask. It doesn't mean they are from those image or the particular gods they represent...
• Thailand
18 May 11
Perhaps your god abhors idols but my gods like them as a place to take their rest on occasion. There is nothing all that wrong with idols if you do not let your mind be closed by an individual set of religious dogmas.
• Thailand
8 Jul 11
Whether or not the Bible agrees with me or not is rather irrelevant to me. The Bible is a great work of classic literature but has little influence in my life and no meaning to my religious tradition.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
The dictionary says that an idol can be a statue, god, graven image, etc. but it's meaning in the bible is "false god" per se, not a true god. Who would ever wish to worship a false god is wasting time. One who believes in the bible should adhere to what it commands. Never to worship idols, never to make graven images subject to worship and never to observe feasts or practice acts of reverence attributed to idols.
• Philippines
18 May 11
I don't know, I never worship people. Maybe it comes with your own perception of what is an idol. For me, those celebrities that I admire are just like me, they're humans who sinned and make mistakes.They just happen to be celebrities but deep inside I know that they are humans and they're not God. I don't worship them.