Is Obama responsible for U.S economic crisis
By vinod4net
@vinod4net (628)
May 18, 2011 3:13pm CST
The United states is reeling under Economic crisis from the last few years. It is trying hard to come out of it and the President did try few things to make things better, but do you think he is doing enough. Or you just feel that he is the only one responsible for dragging U.S more under crisis instead of bailing out.
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8 responses
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
18 May 11
Obama has done little that helps and much that can hurt. He fits right in with the tax and spend philosophy of the liberal Democrats. And that is no way to solve the problem. One does not help people by making them more dependent on the government. The Democrats like to quote the famous line in John F. Kennedy's inaugural, "ask not what your government can do for you, ask what you can do for government" or something like that. But the Democrats before, during and since that time have always pursued making people more dependent on government, government doing for them, in order to get more voters.
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@scottcoleson (579)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
1 Jun 11
@bigal, you're ridiculous! You tell people not to be "haters" while "hating" on Bush yourself. Talk about being a hypocrite!
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
1 Jun 11

@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
27 May 11
If you are going to quote something as profound as what JFK said you need to get it correct. it goes like this; "ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU; ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY"! Secondly it seems just by the way you describe the "Democratic" party you know virtually nothing about the American political system or at least the Democrats and I doubt you know much about the Republicans. Spend some time in the library in the government and history sections you might learn something.
Don't be a "HATER" like so many others out there for whatever reason you think you have to hate.
Did you feel the same way about the previous administration when you found out the reasons the U.S. went to war in Iraq were lies too? How about the banking and realestate industry prior to President Obama's administration that failed? Was that President Obama's fault then too?

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
Obama has moved troops into war zones Bush pulled them out of. Both of them are bad! Bush spent a lot of money yes. Obama gave away more then double! How about stepping back from your loyalties to see that we haven't actually had a President in decades who was any good for this country. They rape the American people with over blown taxes to cover their irrational spending. Then the People spoil themselves with doing the same over spending on items, with credit and loans, they cannot pay for then expect the government and everyone else to bail them out. Stop playing the name game with the Presidents as they both are too blame as well as Clinton and Bush Sr. and Even the Sainted Reagan. For what they did not spend they sold to villains or made pact, acts, and amendments that gave banks the right to run this country into the ground all the while riding the backs of the greedy.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
27 May 11
Hi "iCeeLuSh",
Common, get real. The money was spent long before President Obama came into the picture. Have you forgotten about the eight years the previous administration had to squander the national treasury on a ficticious threat from the late Sadam Hussein which turned out to be, to put it nicely, a bold faced untruth. What's worse it spread to Pakistan and Afganistan and America is still there. For what now that Bin Laden is no longer among the living. Millions of dollars could come back to the country's treasury almost immediately if the U.S. would just pull out of the middle east or at least those two countries not to mention all of the American lives that would be saved. No, this whole mess started long before the president took office. Why wasn't there such a big outcry then when Americans were dying and the treasury along with it defending the initial lies that kicked off this current situation which has been raging now for over eight years.
"dlr...",how you can blame the current president for all of the nation's problems now is beyond me unless you are one of "THOSE" haters. At least he is trying to bring troops home and he DID keep his promise to bring most of the combat troops home from Iraq pretty much on the schedule he promised when he took office or doesn't that count. It further is not his fault the realesate and banking industries failed due to the scams some of their top executives tried to get away with over the years. No I do not agree with everything he and the administration have tried but at least he is trying under extremely difficult circumstances. So what, do think you can do better? If so run for president and put your money where your mouth is.
By-the-way, the wars you speak of occured during the previous administration's two terms and continue to this day. Unfortunately the president has "INHERITED" those problems along with a depressed economy which as I see it was a direct result of entering two unecessary and expensive wars.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
19 May 11
A new report out shows that the stimulus money went mainly to public sector payrolls and to help out Unions in the Private Sector. He has slowed down and in some case shut down energy production. He thinks that spending is the way to get out of debt and it won't work. Who is to blame for this crisis, he is when he was in the Senate he voted for the spending programs and against any effort to fix the entitlements and now as President he has done nothing but spend more and increase the debt.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
2 Jun 11
Hi "bobmnu",
I agree in part to your comment in that spending more money on what I consider non-beneficial programs is a waste. But to be completely fair the congress hasn't helped much either with tryng to push through some of their pet projects. In my opinion, such as it is I feel the U.S. needs to pull funds out of the middle east except where it concerns Isreal who is a staunch supporter of U.S. policy.
From my point of view this administration is still wasting money in areas and in countries that would just as soon see the U.S. destroyed.
As it relates to domestic spending I feel there needs to be stricter controls placed on the banking and realestate industries. It seems to me the first place the government wants to cut funds is to the sectors of America that are in the most need ie. education, the homeless, the elderly etc.
All of the "BAILOUTS" didn't help them much. In fact some of those occured before President Obama took office. So in all fairness though he hasn't really been too successful in these areas he is at least trying. Let's face it he isnt the only one to make proposals for the good of the nation and when he does as you know he doesn't have the last say. It still has to get through congress. They need to quit "PLAYING POLITICS" with the nation's treasury and really help the nation get back on a positive financial footing don't you think?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 May 11
No, I only hold the president and Congress responsible for the success or failure of their policies. Obama's economic policy didn't cause this bad economy, so we can't rightly hold him responsible for it. However, his policies have not given us anything near the outcome he projected with his policies. That is squarely on his shoulders.
Of course, he is willing to promise the moon, yet refuses to take responsibility for anything. That is also his fault.
He's a lose in an ill fitting president costume.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
They all promise a lot yet do not take responsibly for their failures. It was an outrage that our government was so disrespectful to our Military with the ease and how quickly they would cut off their very hard earned pay. Something that I believe showed the truer colors of our government.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
27 May 11
Hi "ParaTed..."
Well here we go again bumping heads. However I do appreciate the fact you do not blame him for all the nation's financial woes. On this point I find myself agreeing with (OMG), you. I must also admit that even I do not agree with everything he proposes. For example he really Pi____d me off when he and congress threatened not to pay the military as part of his economic package if the government had to shut down. I'm a two tour Viet Nam vet and when he and the congress continplated that move I lost a lot of confidence and respect for the congress and the president for even considering it.
As far as owning up to his, shall we say "mistakes" is concerned, he isn't alone in that department either. From what I have seen in my soon to be 66yrs. on this planet, he isn't the first leader of America to dance around an issue. In fact that seems to be something the U.S. government has mastered over the decades of its existence don't you think?

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
18 May 11
I go not think Obama alone can be blamed much is the people themselves. /if you take too many loans you will suffer. I think many things Obama did made things worse such as the bailouts.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
27 May 11
At last someone out there has their eyes open and not hating the president for his name or whatever their "hate" issue is. Americans of which I am one, have been spoiled with all the wealth the country is percieved to have. Granted there is abundant wealth but it isn't distributed in my opinion as fairly as it could be. There are those who will disagree with me when I say that. Consider this who gets the line share of the tax breaks, who can afford to send their children to the best schools and who can afford the best medical care especially in this economic climate? That's just in America and some of the other highly developed nations. Now consider what it must be like in less fortunate societies like alot of the Islamic countries. True they have oil and other highly desireable resources but they don't have the education nor are they able to or they do not want to seperate economics from religion. Hence they can not get along with eachother much less the rest of the civilized world.
Yep, I agree completely with you. The blame for all this world wide termoil can not be laid on his shoulders alone. Poverty existed in its present form long before he was even thought of.
As far as distribution of wealth is concerned, I tend to favor a system that has been suggested on many occassions to no avail and that is a "FLAT TAX" of ten percent (10%) accross the board with no exemptions for all Americans. It is a fair and uncomplicated system and if you do the math I think you would be surprised how much more tax revenues would be raised with no loop holes for the potential cheaters. What do you think?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
I too agree with the flat tax. I do not see why a person who works hard to make a lot more money should be punished for it. I realize that for those who do not work as hard or do not work in fields that pay as much it may seem unfair by American standards but that is because Americans are spoiled. If a certain culture or class cries loud enough the government gives in and gives them things that are ridiculous. One of the reasons I am all for dissolving both the Republican and Democratic parties.
@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
31 May 11
Hi "opinionatedLady",
This is one topic we agree on 100%. To me that is the "ONLY" really fair way everyone in the country will feel they are really contributing to the good and welfare of the nation. It would completly overnite simplify the tax system as we know it. Wow, this is an event.(smile) I also agree with you about the parties. I used to work for the government and while there I observed countless ways money could be saved and the system could have been simplified thus cutting operating costs and "GRAFT"
In my lifetime thus far I have observed maybe three administrations that I would say actually benefited the country and moved it forward. I won't mention them here though. That's for anoher discussion.

@scottcoleson (579)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
1 Jun 11
I believe wholeheartedly that Obama could do more to help the economy recover, but I would not say that he is the only one responsible for the situation we are in. I disagree with the people who say that the bad economy is all the fault of one person, whether that one person is Obama or Bush. Sure, both of them have had a hand in it, but they are not solely responsible. The Congress has repeatedly spent money out of control over the last few years and the majority of them have their heads in the sand. They make anyone who stands up to their outrageous spending look like uneducated morons who are standing in the way of progress. How dare we say that Medicare or some of these other entitlement programs might have to be cut some in order to save our economy. I have a feeling that our forefathers were rolling over in their graves when Medicare and Social Security was started anyway because it goes against everything they believed. The only purpose of the government in the time of the founding of this country was to provide protection to its citizens and provide an environment where people could succeed. Government was never meant to support anyone!
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
25 May 11

@scottcoleson (579)
• Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
1 Jun 11
I find it so ridiculous and absurd that you comment on other people saying that "at least they don't blame all of the financial problems on Obama", yet you place the entire blame on Bush. Your arguments are lacking greatly and you're just proving you're like a lot of other Obama supporters who have your blinders on. I do not believe that everything we are going through is Obama's fault and I am certain that it is not all Bush's fault either. A lot of the things we are dealing with today are the result of policies from the past Presidents (all of them!). However, I have a problem with people who blame all of the spending on Bush alone because it's moronic, to say the least! Obama has spent more in the few years he has been in office than Bush spent in 8 years!
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jun 11