If You Were Mr. Bill Gates....

May 19, 2011 4:05am CST
If happens that you wake up in the morning and find yourself to be the richest person in the world like Mr. Bill Gates OR Mr Carlos Slim Helu what would you do? What would you do with the great amount of money that you have....
3 responses
@anklesmash (1412)
19 May 11
I would buy my favourite football team liverpool fc ( that is proper football not the rubbish americans call football) and i would focus most of my energy in making it succesful i would also invest in renewable in renewable technology as i believe it is the future for mankind.
• Philippines
20 May 11
Hi anklesmash..nice stratagem, talking about the american and the English football, can you share to me the aberration between the two? What's their difference..by the way I'm not into football nor an avid fan of the sport, but just for the sake of curiosity. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. Have a nice Day!
@mael07 (46)
19 May 11
Wow probably shock and dont mind it because me too want to became Mr. Bill Gates someday that was my greates dream.
• Philippines
19 May 11
yeah man..me too..tsk.tsk.tsk.
@lou_is (665)
• India
19 May 11
My dream is to earn more and more money i don't know whether i will earn it or not. But if i earn more money then first will be shock means i will get shock and i won't be able to say anything on that. Later on i will plan how to start a business which keeps me in the same status which should make more money and i will take care of my friend because i want to earn money to take care of my family and i can help my friends at least a bit.