San Francisco will vote in November to ban circumcision
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
May 19, 2011 8:51am CST
There are enough signatures gathered now to put it on the November ballot, making it a misdemeanor to circumcise a male under the age of 18.
There are a lot of cries of racism these days but isn't this a very racist thing? It will prevent Jews and Muslims from carrying out a sacred rite that they believe in. If they break the law because of their beliefs they can be fined $1,000 or spend up to a year in jail.
I did not circumcise my two sons because doctors did not use anesthetic, at least at that time. I saw no reason to start a baby's life with pain and trauma, pain that continued till the wound healed. At that time, the late 80's, there were as many arguments against it as for it. So I decided to leave it up to them personally what to do with their own bodies.
But banning it? I think it should be a personal choice of every man and not imposed on babies but I don't agree with a law against it because of the religious aspect of it for some races and religions. It's ironic that San Francisco, a city that prides itself on open mindedness and its scorn of racism should want to vote on such a racist and personally invasive law. What do you think?
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19 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 May 11
At first thought, the whole "pain" thing runs through my mind. Having caught Max in the zipper before, I can say that there's no pain as scary as thinking you may have damaged your go-to piece of hardware.
But then, on the other hand, this seems to be more about a male's "rights." Since he cannot consent to circumcision, it is a violation of his rights.
So, by that standard, you cannot cut a kid's hair unless they consent. You cannot make them eat vegetables or go to bed or stop watching the TV. You can't make them go to school or put on clothes or poop in the appropriate location. You better not bathe them! Did the kid consent to being put in the tub and scrubbed by possible perverts!? The lifelong damage this might create!
And, while we're at it, you have absolutely no right to name your baby. The kid cannot consent to its name, so you must call it an it until it's 18 and can choose its own name.
Okay, San Francisco, let's go for it. Babies have rights too... unless they're still in the womb. Then they're hit or miss to have their brains sucked out.
Most of the things my father told me when I was little wound up holding true. However, I'm still waiting for the morons to weed themselves out. That hasn't happened yet.
If it is about religion at all, then it's even wackier.

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
You and I think a lot alike. I chose to give my boys a choice about it but I respect parents' rights to make decisions, especially if they have religious reasons. I was puzzled, though, since everyone is screaming "racism!" in so many political conversations why they would allow a law that discriminates against two races, the Jews and people from the Middle East--their religions just happen to endorse circumcision. I wonder why no one is screaming about racism now.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 May 11
Cause they don't really care about what they say they care about. It's just a PC thing to do, I've asked the same question over and over...if it's wrong to discriminate against ONE section of the population, it ought to be wrong to do with ALL sections.
I get called racist regularly, by people who routinely discriminate against Christains and Jews. It is so deeply ingrained in them they cannot see it or even acknowledge it when it is pointed out.
Like has been said here, we can kill them by the most painful measures (without benefit of anesthesia) in the womb, but we better not circumcise them and cause a momentary bit of pain that can be dulled by anesthesia because it is not their 'choice'. How absurd and irrational.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
19 May 11
I don't see it as racism at all.
If you are going to be send to jail for slapping your child, and have your child taken away... $1000 seem a small price to pay for mutilating a child.
Religious practices are barbaric.
The Jews mutilate their men.
The Muslims mutilate their women.
Furthermore the child has no say in it. He is being mutilated and endoctrined into a religion to become the slave of that religion before he has the chance to make an educated decision about what he wants out of life. And he is being mark with an irreversible procedure.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
19 May 11
People today use the word "racist" to prevent people from exposing the true.
People have no idea what racism is... nor do they have a clue about the meaning of war. How could they? They have not experienced either of them. And no... television do not count.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
19 May 11
The medical profession in Australia has rejected any medical benefit in circumcision a long time ago.
If God is perfect, as the Jewish people believe, he would not have given you a skin, just so you can cut if off in his honor.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 May 11
I thought that Jews had to circumcise their babies because of the religion. So I guess that means that San Francisco has told them that no Jews should live in San Francisco. Wait a while and I bet they make a law saying that no one under the age of consent should be baptised. That would banish all Christians who believe in infant baptism. And of course, things that should be banned, they would allow. Talk of leaving the door open.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
22 May 11
Not being circumcised is not that good either. I know even though my family is not Jewish, my brother was, and also my father and uncles. My husband was not as he was born on a farm and well when he was dying, I did not like pulling back the foreskin and cleaning that part. Besides if people are angry about circumcision because the infant might scream in pain (they could request anesstsia and the priest get some medical training ) does not a baby in the womb scream in pain as it is ripped apart with abortion? It does seem that they are against religious expression, unless it is of course, nature worship and worship of the Earth.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
Yes, the Jewish religion requires all males to be circumcised at 8 days old. It is their covenant with God. The Muslims apparently circumcise their infants, too.
I would not be surprised if they banned infant baptism. San Francisco and the country in general seems to be intent on stamping out any form of religion.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
I believe that the Muslims circumcise at 13, I may be wrong or it may be according to the differing countries where Islam exists.
Do you consider HIV to be a serious health risk? There is evidence that being circumcised gives some measure against STD's. Cancer, is that serious? HPV? Less likely to be spread by circumcised men to their partners.
It has been said here by Aussie that circumcison belongs in Israel, are there not Jews in San Fransico? Are they not welcome to come live there? That is the logical assumption if you say only in Israel should circumsicion be practiced.
I agree, it seems any outward expression of faith is under attack.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
19 May 11
I don't really know enough about the issues to have a solid opinion and I'm not a religious person. I personally feel that it is not something that should be done to someone who has no say in the matter, so that means not to babies and children. But I do accept that there's a religious element involved here, which complicates things.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
I did not do it to my sons but I don't feel I have the right to impose my beliefs on anyone else. It's part of the religion of Jews and Muslims and this law would violate our first amendment that guarantees freedom of religion.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 May 11
@greenmoo, do you support infant immunizations?
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
19 May 11
Wow! that is so unbelievable?! i do believe that is insane. it's not the religious reasons that i am supporting for circumcision it's for future health problems. this may sounds funny but i wasn't supposed to get a circumcision back in the 90s when i was like six or seven if some kid didn't kick me in the *&(#*).
yeah, they have to removed the skin because it was bleeding and it hurt. after weeks on that circumcision, things went well from there.
it's a choice if they want to be circumcised.

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
Oh, OUCH!! You poor thing! I hope that boy was punished, he was old enough to know it would hurt!
There will be trouble if the law is passed--the first arrest or fine will probably result in a very visible protest. The city will lose a lot of Jewish and Muslim residents at the very least.
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@tink91879 (742)
• United States
19 May 11
I think there are more important things to argue over than circumsion. I believe this shld be the right of the parents. As long as the parents are educated in the advantages and disadvantages there shldnt be a problem. Shouldnt we ban abortions before circumcision? I mean in circumcision they use some anthestic and give them tylenol and its done for some health benfits and some religious reasons. We circumcisied our son after he was born. Hes alive and doing well. He is loved and dosent remember the event. I have never met a guy who cried himself to sleep over being circumcisied. I have heard of mothers and fathers who cried and felt horrible for the baby they murdered. So everyone is going to push their beliefs on someone else raising their child, but not the murder of one still in the womb? Has anyone seen how an abortion is performed? You go in for your first sonogram and you see this little blop moving about and whats the first thing you see, a beating heart. We need to put effort into more important things than if a parent chooses to circumcise or not. So whats next on the list of what parents shldnt do? Maybe we shld all become vegans because that is healthier? All kids shld go to bed by 8 so they are sure to get enough sleep. Like someone said before we better not bathe our children, discipline our children, send them to school, name them, have them eat healthy foods, put them to bed,etc. Circumcision is a parents right the government shldnt be getting invovled. As long as the parents are educated and understand there shldnt be a problem. So if everyone thinks its okay to not circumcise a boy because he didnt choose it why is it okay to murder a baby in the womb? The baby didnt choose that.
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@tink91879 (742)
• United States
19 May 11
Than banning circumcision shldnt happen either. This goes into my rights as a parent. People want to fight for something and push their views on some one else have it be something that wld actually save some ones life. I respect the views of others and I wish ppl wld respect my rights as a parent. I had my son circumcised after doing research and talking to the doc. My son is alove and thriving. I guarantee he wont need counseling in the future for this choice. The women who abort though thats another story. We ban circumcision they will keep pushing on banning things until the government runs your entire life, from when you get up to where you work to when you go to bed to how many if you are allowed any kids. Lets just respect ppl and their rights and educate ppl instead of being its my way or no way like a toddler.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Jul 12
Personally it should be a choice because this is not something someone can tell you yes or no or against all because of just being in San Francisco. If they were to do this I wonder how many people would continue to go there or find somewhere else,to go that allowed it. But since you started this discussion a yr ago what was the outcome?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Jul 12
I don't think it came to a vote at all. I couldn't find anything on it with a quick search and I'm sure there would have been a national discussion on it if they had voted, one way or another.
I don't think government has any business telling us what to do with our bodies or our children's bodies. I do think children should have a choice in something like this, though. There are men who are having foreskins surgically restored and resent the decision being made for them.
@Galena (9110)
19 May 11
I personally don't agree with non medical circumcision.
it's a body modification, and should be chosen by the owner of that body.
the foreskin is there for a reason, to protect the sensitive glans. it's like cutting off your eyelid, really.
you wouldn't tattoo a baby. why remove a part of the body that they can never get back? they have no choice in the matter.
if an adult wants to have a circumcision on cosmetic grounds, then it's up to him, but a baby can't make that choice, and it makes me uncomfortable that people think they can make that irreversable choice on their behalf, on non medical grounds.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
The choice issue was what made my decision. This was 24 years ago and the health benefits of circumcision were not known as they are now and AIDS was not a big issue. I felt as you do, Galena, that I had no right to alter their little bodies without their consent. They are free to do as they wish now but so far, they are happy with their bodies.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
There has been medical evidence presented here on this discussion that indicates it is medically valuable.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
And I might add in some cultures they DO tatoo babies and children. It is YOUR opinion that that is wrong to do. African tribes, Asian tribes and Native American tribes all have body modification rites.
It's not up to US as Americans to impose our cultural mores on others.
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@shaggin (74021)
• United States
22 Jul 12
It has been a year I wonder what the outcome of this was. I am going to guess that the ban did not go into effect. I wrote a post about circumcision on facebook and people started fighting with each other over it. The one woman brought up that since it is medically unnecessary and cruel to do that to a child that there should be a ban on it. I had never thought about it before but it does make a good point I think. I would vote in favor of the ban.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
19 May 11
When my son was born we were taught that circumcision was a way to help a man keep clean and taht it was best done to a baby. Now that thinking has changed and I can see both sides of the issue. It does seem a cruel thing to do with no healt advantages As for religion I don't know the reasoning behind this.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
There are many health reasons to circumcise that have been discovered in the past two decades. I probably would have had my boys circumcised if they would have anesthetized the area but at that time they refused, saying that a baby's nervous system was not developed enough to feel pain. Bullcrap!!
As for religious reasons, I don't know why Muslims do it but Jews consider it a covenant with God, a mark of their people and their commitment to God.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
There's been medical evidence that it is helpful health wise posted in this discussion savypat.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
Abraham was given the sign of the covenant when Ishmael was 13 according to tradition, Muslims do circumcision for traditional reasons.
@jb78000 (15139)
19 May 11
who's been collecting all these signatures and why do they want to ban it? i think male circumcision falls under the heading of 'none of your business'. it is a pretty minor thing. not many men are circumcised here but that's the culture. some are, mainly for religious reasons. the health arguments seem to fall evenly between yes and no.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
I guess there's an organization that has been working to ban it but I forget what it is called, I just heard someone talking about it on the radio this morning. But they are probably the ones that started it. Yes, that's none of anyone's business but more and more governments in this country want everything to be their business! 

@jb78000 (15139)
19 May 11
i'd like to know what this organisation is and what their motives are. for goodness sake, there are far better things they could spend their time on. plus i was under the impression it was standard practice in the states anyway, religious reasons or not.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
@jb, it is left up to the parents in the states. And it should be left up to them.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 May 11
Even more opinion on the issue of circumcision:'
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
I just occured to me, is San Fransico going to outlaw body piercing too?
Just think of all the 'alternative lifestyle' members who won't be able to tattoo or pierce their body parts anymore.
I mean, if we're not going to allow circumcision on the grounds that it is cruel, dangerous and painful...
I know, this is an adults choice, but if we are going to force protection on babies from their parents choices, we HAVE TO extend that thinking (protection from self) to the rest of the population too.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
That would make an interesting culture clash! I bet there would be a lot of protests and rhetoric about the government dictating what we do with out bodies.
I don't agree with piercing a child's ears without their consent. I've seen tiny babies with pierced ears and it just makes me boil inside. But once we start legally telling parents what they can or can't do, short of beating their child, it's pretty close to the state raising the child.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
Exactly, and we can discuss the pro's and con's of circumcison until the cows come home, but it all boils down to who raises the child, parents or 'the village', the state?
Who owns us? Are we free or are we owned? Serious philosophical question.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 May 11
Dragon, it is the clotting factor that is present at 8 days old, not antibodies. Sorry for the mix up, but still...that is amazing too. How did they know that back in Abrahams day?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
They probably knew it from experience--babies over the years that healed or had trouble with scratches or wounds in the first week of their life. The old knowledge is often the best, isn't it? And then again--maybe God told them. People will laugh at that but the Master Builder knows His product better than anyone!

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I would hope so. When the government can tell us what to do with our bodies it's the beginning of the end. While I think circumcision should be an adult man's choice, government intrusion is wrong.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
20 May 11
I believe that the city of San Francisco has no right to interfeer with the parents right to have their child circumcised. It is a rite that goes all the way back to Abraham.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
San Francisco seems to be the heart of the liberal mindset and they think that the State knows best. Their intentions are good and heartfelt but they do not realize the consequences of their actions. They want gov't to take care of everyone from cradle to grave, including preventing "wrong" parental decisions. They are so misguided, they will gladly give up freedom for security.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
19 May 11

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
It's a personal choice. I think it should be up to the boy/man but sometimes, like with your boy, we have no choice. To pass a law banning it is to intrude on the parent/child care relationship and puts us one step closer to dictatorship.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 May 11
Most of the arguments against circumcision involve choice and the infants lack of choice in the matter.
I would ask, do any of you support immunizations for infants and children?
There is data suggesting that these immunizations are dangerous as well.
It all boils down to do parents have the control of their children or does the state. How far do you want this to go? If they can tell you you have to immunize, which they do, and they can tell you you can't circumcise, which they're trying to do...they can tell you if your child is theirs or yours in all matters.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
19 May 11
You have a good point. I prefer that parents be in control of their children, not the state, but it is quickly becoming clear that the state wants control and will eventually get it if we let it.
I immunized my children but if I were to have children now I don't know...I think the benefits outweigh the possible dangers.
But it is my choice for my children, I don't want the government anywhere passing laws as to what I can and can't do for them.
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@sixtenone2 (4)
• Canada
20 May 11
I had no idea this was going on. I totally agree with it being a sticky situation as it relates to religious rights and freedoms. When you look at religions like Judaism,for example,circumcision is one of the most sacred events they have. I think it should still be up to the parents.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 May 11
I agree, it's an issue that should be up to the parents.
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