is, tomorrow the world will be destroyed

@pro_ojha (600)
May 20, 2011 11:57am CST
A lots of people say that according to a bible calculation tomorrow, 21 may 2011,the world Will be destroyed. I don not think its true what do you think send your comments as soon as possible. I am waiting for your comments
5 responses
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
21 May 11
If it doesn't happen I will be very disappointed. Just as long as it is after 7.30pm
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
21 May 11
Do not be deceived by the world. Its is said in the Bible that only God knows when Jesus will come here for the second time to meet His saints in the sky. Even the angels didn't know it so how come on earth people calculated the coming of Christ? There been lot of calculations made before but not even one calculated it right.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
20 May 11
hi, i fto morrow is the last and final day of this world then we should accept it.Today we had a very great rain fall may be this is the thing whih tells that tomorrw is something different in the natures history.Hope for the best ,let god do what ever he likes.
20 May 11
i recommend you to read Matthew 24:36," But of that day and hour no one has knowledge, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but the Father only." you see, only God knows the exact day.
@jayen28 (84)
20 May 11
I don't think it is true because only almighty God will know. God love us so much, why He destroy the world that he love so much. but then it's a wake up call to us to repent our sin.