what do u think how to grow on mylot??

May 21, 2011 2:15am CST
Here my discussion is about what u think or do to best earn from mylot. Have u make any goat and how you following it. Anybody planned for this and make a schedule, or step-by-step process to grow on mylot and earn money. I think u understand what i want to ask??
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7 responses
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
21 May 11
Yes. I understand what you are asking. You want to know how to make extra money by using myLot.com. All the activities like discussion, tasks, blogs, photos earn money to the members. We are advised to use them freely. Quality writing is required. One line answers are not normally recognised. The idea is to create more discussions so that more people visit the website. If we use search options in myLot in regular course we may be getting reward points. I understand we will be paid after we reach $10. For some it takes years. For a few it takes only a few weeks. It depends on the time you are able to allot for this. I found discussions is an area where people from India can participate easily. Enjoy posting discussions. have a good day
• United States
21 May 11
I just came back to the discussion and oddly my below response was meant to be placed here. Odd because as I was typing it like I am now I was seeing your response in the same box. So out of sync down below, but the below was to coincide with your response. lol, guess a bad start of day for me here. lol
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
21 May 11
Madam; Don't feel bad. While typing the above I had in mind hardworkgurl and mysdainait (may be I am not giving the name properly). Recollecting what you people told me a week back I gave this member. Thanks. have a good day.
@mael07 (46)
22 May 11
Here in Mylot you should use your strategies to have your earnings increase,, try searching from the search bar, there you can earn instantly. you can also post thread that is really relevant from any discussion... and one thing that i learn is when commenting in other post you should not create a simple comment just make 3-5 sentences in order to credit your earnings for the next day.. i hope this information will help you to find the best way on how to earn.
• India
23 May 11
Thank you so much for your respone mael07. I try to increase my search on mylot and also try to pose a thread. One thing that i want to ask is, is there any difference in discussion or thread. What do u mean by thread? I am not getting properly that sentence. I also try to make my comment more then 5 sentences. Thanks.
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
21 May 11
I will say I'm plan less about earning here in mylot as I just want to talk and talk and talk and of course the talking do the work.The more you comment informative words to conversations and discussions,the more you will earn.The more you think about your earnings here in mylot,the more the earnings less.Just keep looking for the things that interest you and keep making good conversations to others by responding to their discussions and so on then you will make something.Just for example yesterday,I did have a lot of fun making conversations with different topics in the top discussions for today and surprisingly,I earned for that 45 cents today.Imagine,If I will continue to be talking in mylot then lets do the math, .45 cents in 30 days is equals 13 dollars.Not bad at all since it was just small few discussions responds but in good quality.If your comment or discussions is worth for then you will earn more money from that.I think the system of mylot knows the best for us.
• India
23 May 11
Hey thanks for your response, i just needed that think to learn. How much length of response you think , required to gain extra money on mylot. I definietly consider your point, and consider money as a second priority and communication and fun as the first one. Thanks insulin.
• United States
21 May 11
Hello my dear friend The discussion starter is also a new myLot friend to me and in effort not to duplicate your well written response I will comment here. To better improve the discussion starter needs to keep in mind that here on myLot we only earn for what efforts we do. Remembering that we as responders earn for what we typed. She will only earn from her discussions when she comes back and comments with quality typing. I enjoy conveying to all members that if they can remember: I earn for what I type, and they earn for what they type Not only will they succeed but be much happier with myLot. Best of luck swatimca and it is never too late to go back to any started discussions to comment back
• United States
22 May 11
The best way to make money with mylot is answer as many questions as you can in one day and ask a lot of questions in one day. It's a slow process to make money here but it's very simple and easy.
@sjvg1976 (41244)
• Delhi, India
22 May 11
I think i am very new to this site but seeing it, it seams to be a good site as this is wrong to say that we people donot want to earn money yes offcourse we are here to earn but thing id the way we earn its not worthy if we are paid less than the efforts we made. Hope i donot observe the day when i will feel that earning is tough through this site will leave it.
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
21 May 11
I like mylot for the fact that when i joined mylot my typing speed was around 15 wpm now its about 40wpm also my english written skills have slightly improved only due to mylot and also all my learning about how to make money online has come from mylot nearly 90% of it other than this if you just want to grow as an active and helpful member in mylot just be active take part in discussion and try to help other mylotters in there query don't consider money as the main part to be in mylot i myself think mylot pays a good amount of money for the time we spend on it but your earning from mylot will totally depend on your activity