Well here goes!
By Humbug25
@Humbug25 (12540)
May 21, 2011 10:30am CST
I have reached a point in my life where I really do feel the need to lose weight and become more healthy. The trouble is that I don't really have the money to join a gym and healthier foods in this good old country of Britain is so darned expensive. For the last 2 weeks I have not eaten chocolate, biscuits/cookies or crisps/chips. I have stopped eating after 6pm as I am aware that my body and motabolism slows down after this time. I have no clue what is motivating me right now because normally I would have done this for about 2 days and given up. I am pleased to say that I have in fact managed to lose 4lbs since I started trying to lose weight!
Does anybody have any other dieting tips that might help me along my weight loss journey? How much weight have you ever lost in one given time?
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18 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
21 May 11
Hi there uestcfky and welcome to mylot
Well I think you need to start to eat regularly to start with. I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then dinner no later than 6pm. Snacks consist of just fruit and I only have a coffee with my breakfast, the rest of the day I drink water which is easier this time of the year. You should then start to change your meals for healthier ones once you have got into the rountine of eating regularly.
Thanks for your response, hope that has helped you too and happy mylotting

@Gyanguru9 (22)
• India
8 Jun 11
First of all 'dont't follow FAD diets'.
- Drinking two glasses of lukewarm water as soon as you wake up in the morning (if possible squeeze a quarter of a lemon with the water, also a tablespoon of honey) is very beneficial.
- Have dry fruits like almonds and walnuts in small quantity daily.
- Protein and fiber rich food will help cut fat.
- One day in a fortnight avoid cooked food and have organic fruits and vegetables, juices, green tea, and the likes.
- Don't wait till you are very hungry, have food before that.
- Don't eat till you are full...80% is great.
- Sleep 7-8 hours daily (plus-minus one hour max)
- Only diet and no exercise won't help much. So exercise and practise yoga 3-4 days a week for 30 mins.
- Avoid stress, laugh a lot and be happy.
Visit http://kalpanil17501.eliteweightlosspackage.com for great tips from celebrity trainer and nutritionist.
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@Gyanguru9 (22)
• India
20 Jun 11
Thanx for the warm welcome Humbug25! Well whatever I wrote in the last comment was from my experience. I got married in Feb this year. My friends, parents and siblings wanted me to lose weight before wedding day. Though I wasn't fat quite, there was a little potbelly developing and my face had become rounder than about two years ago. I had about 2 months to take care of these, Dec and Jan. I did a bit of research on the net, asked around, downloaded the pdf from the link, read some health mags. And then I followed the stuff I mentioned in my earlier comment and more and lost about 9 lbs. No fancy diets, just careful eating, healthy lifestyle and exercise. Even now I follow some of these and do yoga 3 days a week, go to gym 3 times a week, keep a watchful eye on my lifestyle and food. I haven't gained what I lost...I am talking about the excess weight.
@kimian55 (132)
• Alamogordo, New York
22 May 11
STOP!!!!What your doing is wrong. If you deprive yourself of eating.. you will most likely gaining weight because, you will hunger by the time you eat. Its also dangerous what your doing.
What you need to do is control you calorie intake. Just decrease 500 to 1000 a day. That should be enough.
You don't need to go to the gym. You can buy dumbbells if you like, then work out at home, do walking or a little jogging at the park (40 mnts should do wonders), you can too cycling too...but don't shock yourself, you need to be in a good level of fitness before you can do that.
And best advice I can give you..IS BE PATIENT.. it will take time, but if you put your mind to it, you can do it.
-Trust me I know, I was in the same boat as you, a couple of years back =)
Best of luck mate! =)
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi kimian55
I understand what you are saying and I am doing some walking and swimming. I understand what you are saying about depriving myself of food too but I have clearly not done this as losing 2lb per week is the advised ammount to lose in any given week. I do not get any hunger pains nor do I shake from low sugar levels as I am getting enough natural sugar from the fruit I am eating. Thanks for your exercise tips, I might try some steady cycling and I will take the understanding that it is going to take time and I will patient and you say.
Many thanks for your advice and response 

@millertime (1394)
• United States
23 May 11
Congratulations on your decision to lose weight and become healthier. A lot of us could do that.
Personally, the only way I can have any real success is by cutting down on the carbohydrates. I cut way down, going on a very low carb diet, eating more vegetables and fiber and that is what works for me.
You are taking some good steps though by not eating after 6pm and cutting certain things out of your diet.
You don't really need a gym either. There are a lot of ways to increase your physical activity including just going for a walk every day. Take the stairs instead of the lift, park your car further away from your destination and walk part of the way. Do some simple calisthenics right in your home. You don't need much room at all to do situps, pushups, squats, leg lifts, etc. and you could even pick up a couple of simple weights (dumbbells) to augment your exercises. Working out just 20 or 30 minutes per day can have a noticeable effect.
Years ago, the first time I ever went on a diet to lose weight, I lost 35 pounds at one time. That's the most I've ever lost and I stayed at that weight for some years. Then I gradually gained it back and dieted again. I have lost 20 pounds each time I went back on the diet in the last 10 years. I usually gain it back gradually, then diet again. My weight always fluctuates but as I get older, it gets harder to lose.
I'm at the point where I need to lose again. I just need to make up my mind to do it. It's not always easy so I wish you all the luck! 

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@Humbug25 (12540)
23 May 11
Hi there millertime (cool username haha)
I actually had a revelation today that at the moment I am having a hard job getting my son to do his body conditioning exercises for his gymnastics and I have to nag him. Now if I start to do them with him it will be good for me, I can keep an eye on him making sure he is doing them properly and he will more than likely do it with little fuss haha. Well done on your weight loss successes and I am sure that the older you get the harder it is lose weight. I spoke to my dad last night and he said I should cut out all my carbs and dairy foods but I just thought, crikey what on earth am I going to eat then? haha Like you say, I think I am doing just fine at what I am doing and I am enjoying it and losing weight so I can't be doing much wrong haha.
Thanks for your response and encouragement

@imnobodyspecial (318)
• United States
23 May 11
Dieting is actually one of the least inefficient ways to loose weight, although a diet change to a less unhealthy one can have some effect.
What works best is to MOVE!
Get up walk, stand, ride a bike, climb the stairs, you don't need a gym, all you need is your body and mind to get it done.
Matter of fact you might even be able to turn a weight loss program into a financial gain! Dog walking. Yep, those little furry critters can encourage you to walk miles rather than blocks.
A couple years ago I began living in a confined space, actually it was a motorhome, I traveled a lot, parked in campgrounds and of course walked my dog several times a day. I lost some weight and put some on, in muscle. My legs became stronger, my abs toned up, and I decided that since I had that going on, I might as well pick up some weights and tension bands to improve my upper body.
I didn't bother to change my diet, although I did eliminate processed sugars.
I didn't bother weighing myself as my intent wasn't to loose weight, but rather to give my dog exercise, but it wasn't long before I had to purchase some clothing as what I had no longer fit.
I never did count up the pounds lost, but I did note the size change. From a 34 inch waist down to a 28. Sadly, at least sadly for me, my inseam stayed the same, I'm not very tall.
I don't believe in giving everything up that you enjoy, in the way of foods...a treat now and then is not only pleasurable but also gives you the feeling of being free to make those types of choices.
Good luck on your weight reduction program!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
23 May 11
Hey there imnobodyspecial
Yes I agree, moving is the best thing but it is good for you if you are trying to lose weight or get healthy or not! I once said to someone (a fitness finatic) that I didn't see the point in dieting unless I was exercising and I didn't see the point in exercising unless I was dieting. WRONG he shouted at me and said that there was always good to come from exercising and he was so right. I am on a bit of roundabout really where I know that if I treat myself I will just say oh well that is the diet out of the window and then bindge but I am also worried that if I deny myelf that I will bindge anyway. So far I have not been tempted to do either so I think I will set myself a target at which I can have a treat.
Thanks for your response and sharing your story with us

@robertp36 (7)
• United States
2 Jun 11
It may sound crazy but this really works!!! It is called the Food Lovers Diet.
You can look it up on line. You do not change the foods that you eat so you dont have to spend extra money on food like most diets. It is putting your high carbs with your low carbs increasing your matabalisum. This is a answered prayer for people who love to eat. You don't buy these tiny meals that never feel you up. You buy your food in a real store, and eat all your favorite foods while losing the weight you want to lose. I did it myself and it really works.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
22 May 11
Hello Humbug25, Your case is just like mine. I am not fat, but you cannot say that I am thin
. Yes, not eating after 6 pm and going for walk after dinner which you will take before 6 pm, will surely help you to loose weight. It works for me , but since I am a working women and reach home late and have lot of work in the evening, I just cannot manage to eat before 6 pm.......but if I will do it seriously, I do loose weight. Long distance walking on weekends is also a good idea.

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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi there apsara60
I am at a stay at home mum/mom so you think that I would have no excuse not to get out and excercise but I am attending classes too and have the house to keep in order, needless to mention the kids after school activities that they have to get to. I now take my dinner with me and watch my son do his gymnastics which is fine. I think it is all about adjusting your life and making those essential changes like stop eating the unhealthy stuff, not eating after 6pm and moving a bit more.
Thanks for your response and good luck to you too

@ellie333 (21016)
21 May 11
Hi Humbug, Well done for the weight you have lost so far. Less calories = less weight so keep doing what you are doing, green tea as another response mentioned is excellent to drink too as an aid. You have been given some excellent advice so far and I am sure p1key will fill you in on how he has managed to lose so much weight to bless. Keep up the good work. huggles. Ellie :D
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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 May 11
Hi ellie
I know green tea is good for you in more ways than one but I really don't like it and I think when you try to eat the things you really don't like you just give up. Of course I am not going to enjoy eating healthy food as much as stuffing my face with junk food but you have to find the healthy foods that you like hahahahaha kinda makes it a bit easier hahaha
Thanks so much for the encouragement and rsponse hun and still waiting for P1key to fill me in hahaha 

@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 May 11
Since November i have lost 4 stone and 8 inches round my waist. My incentive was being taken into hospital with a suspected heart attack!! That made me sit up and smell the coffee!! E mail me and i will give you some pointers. It takes total discipline and an obsession that borders on lunacy!! But it is worth it and it works.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 May 11
Wow bloody well done P1key
I have the utmost admiration for you, that really is fantastic, I can't congratulate you enough. It couldn't have been easy but I think I will email you and tell you what I am doing and you might think I am mental too haha
Thanks for your response will email you soon!

• United States
22 May 11
gOOD FOR U, SOUNDS LIKE U ARE OFF TO A GOOD START. The most i ever lost was 50 lbs. I just did it w/diet & exercise. I walked alot. Don't know if u have lean cuisine there or not but their dinners are good but sort of expensive i guess but evcerything at the grocery is expensive here. Good luck w/your diet.
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Yes we have lean cuisine here, well at least we used to but we do have something simular but like you say it is expensive but convenient. Healthy food in general here is expensive it is all the junk food that is not so!! Thanks for your encouragement.
Thanks for your response too

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 May 11

@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
22 May 11
Losing weight and keeping it off can be very difficult. You have to exert more energy than the calories you take in. It helps to drink a lot of water. Also if you eat fruits instead of other sweets. There is a site devoted to weight loss with a lot of tips,exercises and motivation. You should try it,it's free and it is SparkPeople.com. Good Luck!
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
22 May 11
Hi there,
From your comments also below sounds like you are doing all the right things. I will add, that I do the same, only I exercise on my bike at home 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week and I drink lots of water. I do not drink colas and watch fatty things like replace my thousand island dressing for vinaigrette and or no mayo kind of things.
I also have a set of 5 lb weights I use for my arms while on the bike. I started doing all you do and what I added above only before I use to exercise 5 days for 1 hours. I lost 3 years ago 70lbs and because I am very thin I do not want to loose anymore and do the above. I have increased my metabolism that I can eat almost anything with reason and eat 3 - 5 times a day smaller portions and have maintained the weight off.
So it is about raising the metabolism and being consistent. Best of luck to you and cheers to better health.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 May 11
Hi there hardworkinggurl
Thats good, so there is hope for me yet hahaha. I walk my kids to and fro school everyday and obviously I have to walk back to and fro one extra time than them but it is only 10 mins or so up the road. I walk it faster when I am not with them and I do half an hour on the wii a couple of times a week and swim once a week. It is hard to fit things in with such a busy schedule as I have haha but I will try harder to do more next week.
Many many thanks for your response and well done on your own success

@dudsdoojaxi1 (166)
• Philippines
22 May 11
I also want to loose weight. I had tried a lot of weight loss program, exercise, diet etc., but I always returned to my old habits. I think one of the best way to loose weight is to change the way one's think of her/himself. All those diet and exercise program is useless if one lacks determination and self control. Change from the inside and it will reflect outside.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 May 11
Forgot to say that your weight loss is good and healthy. well done. Up the water if yo do nothing else.Just that I need to shed quickly to begin with. Have lost two dress sizes in this past 18 months.Still too heavy and I have a cardio problem and high cholesterol

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 May 11
Double your intake of water. Drink if possible 2 litres daily. Just make yourself drink by taking sips all day. This flushes out everything! I have just looked at a diet online as I want to lose weight quickly. Only protein and non fat daily for up to 7 days and then one day protein and day protein and veggies. As much as you like, Obviously it goes on to eat more normally but one day a week protein only. You need to buy real oat bran too. i am not sure if I post the name it will get your discussion deleted so I will pm you for yuo to look at. I need to drop a quick 10lb before my Mother of Bride dress is fitted
Lost spell check so forgive errors. Can't see them 

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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 May 11
Hi ya Cynth
Yeah I am now only drinking one cup of coffee in the morning with breakfast and the rest of the day I drink water. Trouble is that this last couple of weeks I have been waking at silly hours of the morning just to go to the bloomin' loo hahaha. There are alot of foods that I don't like that I know are good for me like porridge, celery and especially bran!!
Cheers for your response and tips hun X

@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
21 May 11
I am drinking green tea and also there are flavored green teas if you don't like it plain.
My rhuematologist put me on it to aid me in my health.
I also had numerous UTI's and have found that once I used a Supplement found over from the vitamin store, then started drinking cranberry juice, and eating yogurt with live culture, and I eat a lot of dried cranberries, It is healthier for me plus I make myself drink 4 8oz glasses of water because at night I switch over to my teas and enjoy hot tea for the evening hours.
the other thing I am eating is blueberries.
This has replaced cakes, and cookies or even a candy bar I might have reached for.
Since I am getting natural sweetness from all the fruits and stuff and don't crave the stuff that is not good for me.
I have not eaten chocolate though for almost a year except a piece of dark chocolate here and there because they say a piece of dark chocolate a day is good for your health.
Good Luck I have been losing weight I think primarially because I am having to drink more than I eat LOL
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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 May 11
Hi there marie2052
Well done you for keeping it up. I am just hoping that it will all just become second nature to me to eat the way I am. I know that green tea is very good for you in lots of ways but I don't really like it. My friend tried me on a fruit tea and I didn't really like that either, I just wanted to add sugar to it. So I have my coffee in the morning with sugar and then drink water the rest of the day and thats seems to going ok. Yes I believe that there are benefits to eating dark chocolate too though I do like my milk chocolate so best not have any at all haha. I might try and drink some cranberry juice, now I do like that haha
Thanks for your response 

@hooked4six (46)
• New Zealand
21 May 11
first of all losing weight is all about just exercising and eating healthier. i been trying to lose weight for along time. I've found that manging how much you eat and 30 min to 1 hour is the best solution.
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