OOps They Made A Mistake The World Isn't Going To End Til October Now...lol

@Adoniah (7512)
United States
May 21, 2011 11:12am CST
Someone made a mathematical error or something...Right. But the date has been pushed back until October. Take a deep breath all you fanatical believers and get your ducks in a row. The rest of you take something for your hangovers from your end of the world parties and back to the normal drudgery. You know this happened in the 1800's too. Some preacher set the date and his whole congregation sold all of their homes and belongings and stood outside on the date waiting for the end...oops again. He went back to his study and re-figured the numbers (apparently he wasn't stupid enough to get rid of his stuff) and came up with another date. Believe it or not they all did it again. Yeah folks are so gullible. So, did you really get into this and actually sell stuff or prepare for the end???
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12 responses
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
21 May 11
Calculating the end is impossible. Always be prepared. Prepare yourself by, of course living the Gospel. Get some food set aside, nothing major, just a year or two of non perishables, a few thousands Gallons of water, and your good to go. Peace.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
Unless of course you don't believe in the christian testament. Then you look to science which makes a whole lot more sense than the boogie man.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 May 11
It is always good to be prepared. I am from Fl. and you learn from a very young age that during hurricane season the power WILL go out often and stay out for ages. Food and water WILL not be available for a normal price so you do stockpile. I also lived on a boat for almost 20 years, so I know how to live frugally...lol
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
22 May 11
To some I would imagine, and it is their right to believe that way. I still keep at least a weeks worth of food in the safest part of my house, never know what mother nature may bring.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
21 May 11
I have seen a lot who say it will be next year in Decemebr and I am inclined to think that they may be right. My ID expires on 20.12.2012 That's why I didn't celebrate this date and I won't in October either. I shall save up for the one next year
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 May 11
uh oh! Trouble is, we don't REALLY know, do we?
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
22 May 11
Why do these people get so much attention for making such wild claims? What makes him so special? If you ask me the answer is nothing for both questions. People would be better off ignoring such people. I guess he owes the attention to 24/7 news coverage or else he would of been less likely to get the attention.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
Americans have had crap thrown at them for so many years that they always expect the worst. All they ever hear on the news is horror stories. They never hear anything good. Many of the older generation were raised on fire and brimstone sermons from the time they were kids. Their bible predicts this and they are taught to believe that the world is going to come to a horrible end at any time. All christians are taught this. We keep starting horrible wars. All we hear about are terrorist threats and how they are coming into our country to get us. We are told that it is so and so's fault when it is really our Gov.and other Western Gov. faults. We do not know who to trust. When someone says the end is near, well, folks believe it. It fits what they were taught. The TV has shows every week "Proving" that the end is "Here". Idiots just suck it up like gospel. These shows must be true because they are quoting scripture. No on ever compares the Book of Daniel to the christian apocrypha. They are so close to the same it is ridiculous. The Book of Daniel is not a story of the end days. It was written in his time about his time not the end of the world. But the early catholics needed a scary book to keep folks in line so the apocrypha did the trick and still does.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 May 11
No,i never did anything for this crap. So,it's postponed till October? ahehehe... what if it happens on Monday... No...i stick to my belief...GOD only knows when. have a great weekend
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
21 May 11
Wrong messages. World will not come to an end on May 21 or October. Please do not believe such wrong messages. people who pass on such message are people who do disservie to society. have a goo day
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 May 11
Oh my is right! such twisted teachings.
@ajk111 (2495)
21 May 11
i wonder if i can sue the guy who came up with this theory as i have just been arrested for walking into Harrod's butt naked and opening a bottle of champagne and a jar of cavier. on a serious note, this could lead to idiots doing some crazy things. i seem to remember some cult a number of years ago killing themselves because they thought the end of the world was coming. i was lucky, i have a friend in Australia and they are 24 hrs in front of the UK so i called him on the 20th and i knew everything was fine when he answered.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 May 11
I can't believe there were actually people who took this crap so seriously they stopped paying their bills, adding to their retirement accounts and they maxed out their credit cards because, in their twisted minds, they'd never have to pay it anyway! Personally, I've done nothing any different from what I normally do which will probably be the case if the world really does end during my lifetime! I think it's much more likely the world will keep on spinning long after I'm gone but there will probably be many more nutcases making crazy predictions. Annie
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
Well, the earthquake thing is getting interesting, but it is going to be more gradual...it will not happen all over the world in one day. Also the magnetic poles are shifting. That too is VERY interesting as the sun came up in the Arctic two days early this year. That is a drastic change in the poles. Cool! Volcanoes are misbehaving a little more lately too. The most interesting thing is we are in for another huge Solar Flare incident. Every 11 years or so we get big Solar Flare increases...There is also a 1300 year cycle. Well the 11 year and 1300 year cycles are apparently converging...This has the scientists pushing their computer buttons like crazy. They seem to be a bit worried about this. We cannot do a thing about it accept watch the show and hope for the best. Our great leaders will so everything to protect themselves, but they will never do a thing for us. So, we will just grab a drink and die happy...
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 May 11
Why won't people just read the scriptures and stop listening to this cr@p. It's all there if you care to really know about judgment day.
• India
22 May 11
it dosent matter what the hell approximatons I dont care what the mad people make their calculations and say the world going to end its all damn trash and want to say all to not to beleive any type of calculations or anything like that and also I want to ask those why how they can estimate about the dates and all and advice never to belive those people because the same person who estimated this before in 1994 and failed and thus it was repeated his age is 89 and gone mad
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
22 May 11
Hmm... I don't get the logic in selling all your stuff in preparation for the end? Why would they sell it? For the money? But why? If it's the end, what will they need the money for? Hmm... something here smells fishy.... =P
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
A lot of folks think the good folks will be taken up to Heaven first and all the bad folks will last a while to suffer in the horror of the destruction.
• United States
22 May 11
I honestly just lived today as if it there was never special about it because if the world ends the world ends there's really nothing we can do about it. I just don't like how someone can listen to a man who just made up some numbers in his head or whatever evidence he conjured up. We should be living our lives without fears of the world ending.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
Live each day as it comes and try to help your fellow man...Good way to look at the world around you. If the world does come to an end, we deserve it because most folkd do not live this way...
@original8 (107)
• Belgium
22 May 11
The mayan Calender will indeed end on 28 october 2011 this is known and cannot be changed at this exact moment a heavenly body will have passed the earht and we will be caught in its tail of this comet, or ship what ever you wanna call it.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 May 11
That is not exactly what the Mayan calendar infers...The Mayan calendar predicts great change and upheaval. The earth and everything on it will change to a point that it will never be the same. There is nothing about a space ship or a comet that carries folks off. It also does not come right out and say that the earth is destroyed. There are other times in the calendar when the same symbols appeared in the past and the earth is still here. So this, or something like it, has happened before. I gather that it will not be pleasant, but some will survive.