Doom and Gloom.
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
May 22, 2011 12:17am CST
Well it's May 22, 2011 and the world did not come to an end after all. Religion and people have often used fear to control others. People have been preaching doom and gloom since the beginning of time. One must ask. Why would God destroy such a wonderful world??? This multilevel classroom works perfectly. It is a Masterpiece. If you are looking for the end of the world to solve all your problems, don't count on that. The only way to get rid of problems is to solve or overcome them. We are all capable of that. Try to see the goodness that is in this world. Can you ever hope to find happiness when you value everything but happiness??? Look with loving eyes. As always, never follow blindly. Question everything. I heard a report that a church in California collected 100 million dollars because of this dooms day. Aren't churches supposed to be the good people??? Use common sense and good judgment. Above all else, God does want us to THINK! Well, I guess the next doomsday will be in 2012 unless someone can come up with another one. Let's concentrate on LIVING. God loves all His Children Unconditionally. No one need fear God. If you think you have made some rotten choices, work on it. God will help. If God can create such a wonderful universe, God can fix wayward kids without all the doom, gloom, and destruction mankind wants you to believe. Be who you must! It's a part of the plan! Strive for goodness. We all have that in each of us. God loves us all Unconditionally!!!! Count on that!!
6 responses
@android (894)
23 May 11
Many people have come up with the theory that bible says the Earth is wiped cleaned, or cleansed, every 7,000 years though Harold Camping was the one who brought the theory mainstream. It's crazy how many times the bible has been proven wrong in the past yet the believers still choose to believe it. Personally I think religions are just reverse psychology propaganda used to control and manipulate us.
Also, the whole 2012 thing has been blown out of proportion to induce fear. As most people know the theory is based on the end of the Mayan calender which was developed by the Sumerians. It doesn't necessarily predict the end of the world, but actually predicts the moving into the age of Aquarius and the end of one world and the start of another.
Two guys who did eight years of research back through our history actually discovered that Jesus Christ really worshipped the sun (God) and he even betrayed freemasonry. Most religions will trace back to astrology in some way which we now know is pseudo-science.

@android (894)
24 May 11
Oh yes, once December 2012 has passed people will be worrying about the solar flares that NASA are expecting. Then after that it will be the asteroid due to reach the Earth in 2029 but there will probably be even more end of the world predictions between 2013-2029.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 May 11
We all have the power to choose what we value in life. We can value then choose to see the good, the positive, the loving, the kindness, the joy, and the happiness in everything and us all,or we can value then choose the see the bad, the negative, the hate, the cruelty,and the sadness. Many see nothing but doom and gloom which is very sad. It is also sad that religion teaches people to focus doom and gloom over all else so they can provide the fix for it all.They don't see that this in itself is evil. Life is about learning and growing. If everyone really knew it all, this world would be obsolete. I guess we will all learn in the journey.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 May 11
Maybe the lesson through it all is that we should never value beliefs over knowing or discovering the facts. The evidence over the last couple of days is that far too many still value blind faith. People should question rather than accept. Yes, there will always be another end of the world senario to test again those who blindly follow.

@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
22 May 11
I had no doubt that today would come. I refuse to be handled by false phophets who think they know more than God, who said that no man will know the hour or the day that his son will reappear. So, for the true believers in the words, I don't see a problem, but for those who are sitting middle of the fence, they could be swayed into believing that someone can predict the second coming of Christ. I just think we should all be strong, live our best life and be watchful and unafraid.
@vandana7 (101604)
• India
22 May 11
Well, here I might just differ slightly with you. I do believe that there can be some meteor or comet striking us sometime and we might just go the dinosaurs. Or may be our Sun will start condensing, and being the inner planets, we will get drawn by its forces. But can we predict when it will happen? Of course not. As of now, we have no technology, and religious books and dooms day forecasters have been proved wrong once too often. Therefore, we do need to push those dooms day thoughts away, and start living. As to when it happens, if it happens, we should feel happy because we wouldn't be going alone, would we? :) So our world will be coming with us..wherever we are going. Why get scared about that then? :)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 May 11
No matter what happens, we are eternal. That really solves any problems ahead of time. Next, dinosaurs served a purpose when the Earth temperatures were greater. Change must move things to the end result. The move is ever toward intelligence. There are forces that will not allow random chance to destroy things. They are built into the system. One small example is Jupiter whose mass is used to protect the Earth from comets and large meteors. If all else fails, there is Deja vu. Hmmm??? Deja vu?? Let's see if you can figure that one out. You are right. Instead of letting fear of the unknown shape our actions, we should strive to Discover.
@adeena2000 (845)
• Philippines
22 May 11
To be honest, I only read half of your discussion but I want to give my point of view now. Te LOrd will the world and create a new heaven and earth where all who live are holy and no sin at all. No sorrow , all are joy and happiness. No crying but singing.
all the wickedness and iniquity of the old earth will be vanished away. All the wicked people will be put in lake of fire called hell.
Men is not saved because of doing good but by accepting Him the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior of this earth.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 May 11
adeena2000, Why do you choose to see only evil?? Isn't the goodness in this world important to you??? How can you ever hope to find happiness? You would not know how to recognize it. I know religion has taught you probably from childhood to see the world this way. Perhaps it's time to question.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
22 May 11
Some people have their hearts in their mouth all day ,worry about that the world will come to an end.I could do no otherwise than giving a snort of contempt.Over here, the idiom of Qi Ren You Tian is known to all, the man in the state of Qi(name of a state in the Zhou dynasty,1046B.C.-256B.C.)who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall.