Do you focus on what you don't have? Or do you thank God for what you have?
By free_man
@free_man (7330)
United States
May 22, 2011 1:34pm CST
Me I try to thank God for what I have not think about what I don't have. Like most of you at the end of the month everything we need seems to be out of reach. So we do what we have to do to make it to the end of the month. But this morning it seems like we are out of everything. But I don't think about what we don't have or what we need I try to think of a way to make some more money. So we can get what we need. I thank God we have a home and don't owe too much for it. I thank God we have food in the house. I thank God I have a loving husband that works hard. I thank God for the dogs we have. I thank God I have the knowledge that I have. I thank God my husband isn't a stupid man. What have you got to thank the Lord for this day?
20 responses

@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 May 11
Hi Aerous. I love your outlook on your life. God is a great and loving God. HE made us all to do HIS will not our will. But no matter HE will always love all HIS children that is why when we go through tough times like Jobe did in the bible we should all kiss the paddle and thank God that HE loves us.

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
23 May 11
I have never really been one for being materialistic. I thank God everyday for the life I have because I truly believe I have been blessed by God in so many ways. I do not ever think about what I don't have but am extremely grateful for what I do have. I realize having things really doesn't matter because it is never really yours because once you leave this world you can't take it with you. So what you have is handed down to someone else once you die. So having material things is really not very important to me, not in the least.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
24 May 11
Exactly, all we take is our experiences and the love that we had for all and the love that we received. Nothing else! Have a great day!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
28 May 11
That is why I can't understand why these false teachers of Gods word don't realize they will pay one day for teaching Gods word the wrong way! They won't just pay for their sins but they will pay for the sins of those that they have to pay for the souls that followed them too! I pray you have a great day too my friend !
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@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
23 May 11
I'm always grateful for what I have, but it seems a lot of people just take everything forgranted.
I often feel if some people saw the way in am living they would look down on me, as I'm a a very old house and things break down or need doing but there isn't enough money.
But instead of feeling down about I just think about all the people who don't have a home at all.I think more people should appreciate what they have.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Missbdoll. You are so right people should be happy with what they have. I love old houses. Money is tight with everyone these days. It is a good thing to be happy with what we have and appreciate what we have. Thank God at least we have a roof over our heads and food in the cabinets .

@MarElizSon (142)
• Philippines
23 May 11
really contentment is a good attitude and it enables us to realize that God is so good! i am blessed that you too has the same attitude with me but of course desiring for something big is good too. i thank God for giving me life today that i may enjoy the things around me and appreciate all of them. i thank Him that although I don't have any permanent house today, He still provides me some shelter to stay with. that even though my family is technically broken, He has given me a loving family in our church. that even though sometimes, i have no more food to eat, He still touches people to feed me without even asking them only praying to God. that even though, i was not able to continue my study for 3 years, He has given me the hope and desire to finish it no matter what it takes. that even though hopeless, He still encourage me to be strong to continue to fight the good fight of Faith! and now through those obstacles, i became the person He wants me right now! strong and faithful!
i know those are not the ends of my life but rather the ladder that will lead to the Success He has prepared for me and the Blessings that He is about to pour out over me!
I really love Jesus!
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@MarElizSon (142)
• Philippines
24 May 11
thanks for your good encouragement! praise God because He has heard my prayer. My mom has now went home and i was so grateful that God provided me everything right now. God is really awesome! there has many things to say for His greatness but i can't express it through words. I know and i do believe He is not yet done in my life. Thanks a lot my brother-in-Christ!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
24 May 11
Hi MarElizSon. Praise God your mom is home. God loves us all HE wants from us is our love Hosea 6:6 John 3:16. Go listen to the teacher we listen too and you will learn what God wants from all of us. Am a sister in Christ my friend.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi MarElizSon and welcome to my lot. It is a good thing that you love the LORD and still know no matter what God will always love you. When the times get tough it is satan trying to turn us away from God. Instead we need to rejoyce because we must be doing something right for our LORD and savior The LORD Jesus Christ. I love your attitude. Keep the faith God has plans for you my friend.

@tiggerific (230)
23 May 11
I am extremely grateful for the things I have, each and every day. However, this does not stop me from wanting more for myself and my family. I think it is healthy to have self competition, to push for more for those that you love.
Why should we just settle for the things that 'God' has given us, shouldn't we be using these things, these tools insted of them wasting away?
I understand people who like to be thankful for the small things they have in life and maybe some people are satisfied by that, but we are not here for long so why not enjoy is, be comfortable and work hard for those that we leave behind.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Tiggerific and welcome to my lot. God wants us to work hard but not just for what we can get for ourselves. God wants us to be better but not at the price of our souls. It is good to want things but we also have to be happy with what we have too. God gave us all a mind but HE don't want us to waste it on our desires of this earth HE wants our love. And if we truly love the LORD HE will provide everything we need. God don't want us to waste anything.

@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Tiggerific. We all believe what we want to believe in. Don't mean one is better then anyone else. God created all of us as equals. God is not a respector of persons. Believe what you want it is your choice. And I will believe and know that there is a loving God that gives us all that we deserve. Yes I believe in doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. So If I don't like something I am dang sure not going to do it to someone because I don't want it done to me. Again welcome to my lot.
@tiggerific (230)
23 May 11
Hi free_man, You have pretty much repeated everything that I said. Just that your version is based heavily on God.
I have nothing against those that feel the need to believe in 'the greater good' but I refuse to believe that my not wanting to settle for what I have been given is at the price of my soul. I am not a bad person, I consider the feelings of others, sometimes at the cost of my own and I am a strong believer in Karma. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you I believe is your version.
I will work hard for the things I want in life and I don't believe it Gods will as to wether I achieve my goals.
Please do not take any of this as an attack against you or your beliefs. I respect your choices in life, I am just explaining my opinion as you did xx
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@webearn99 (1742)
• India
23 May 11
I have got this reputation of thinking strangely. Honestly i actually thank God for what I don't have and focus on what I have.
I am not a healthy person and this makes me dependent on my family whenever I am sick. I thank God for the bonding with my family this has given me.
I focus on whatever little marketable skills I have and have earned enough to keep my home running to a degree of satisfaction.
I think that is the way it should be.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Webearn. It is a good thing that God gave you a great family. I will keep you in my prayers for what ever you are sick with. You have a positive outlook on your situation. I think that is the way it should be too. Don't dwell on what we don't have but dwell on what God has given us. 

@allknowing (142658)
• India
23 May 11
Those who focus on what they don't have will never be happy as there is not a single person on earth who has everything that he wants. I am forever in the attitude of gratitude. The every day things that happen in my life bring me joy and I do not have time to look at what I do not have.
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@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
23 May 11
The existance of god is other topic , i'm not verry in to believing .
Anyway i'm fine with everything i have : my family and home , i might be poor but i dont want to get rich anyway . Yes sometimes i want something like a new computer or something but very rare and i'm satisfied with the things i own now . The last time i went to shop was like 6 months ago , and it was for cooking products :)
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@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
23 May 11
The world didn't end as predicted for the 2nd time. Of course, I didn't really believe that was going to happen anyway. Seems like there was a lot of hype over nothing. I know when it's time for me to go, the Lord will come calling and until then I live everyday to the fullest and be greatful for everything. Best Wishes!
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Sswallace. I didn't really think it would happen either. But thought it might have been possible that this one might bring in the anti christ. I know that the anti christ comes first and then after he is here a shorth while the true Christ comes in and we are all changed into our spiritual bodies. Best wishes to you too my friend!

@floiecometa (156)
24 May 11
The moment we think of what we don't have then, we are gradually making ourselves miserable. Think and than God of what you have and you will turn into become more blissful in life.
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@ordinarygirl88 (175)
• Philippines
23 May 11
I thank God for all the things happening to me but I don't focus on things that I don't have coz its makes me upset but I know God has its purpose why I still don't have that thing that I want... I'll just wait for the right time to come...
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@sanijas83 (270)
• Latvia
23 May 11
I think I am not thanking God enough for all the great presents I have received in my life, for the love and support my relatives give me.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Sanijas and welcome to my lot. God don't need you to be constantly going on about some good that HE has done for you. All you have to say is once thank you FATHER for all Your blessings. And Our FATHER in Heaven knows your heart. God loves us that is why HE created all of us. Tell FATHER you love HIM and appreciate everything HE does for you and believe me HE hears your thoughts in your heart. God loves you sweetie don't worry!
I sense you have a tender heart. Be blessed by God my friend. God knows what is in your heart.

@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
22 May 11
Like you, there is a roof over my head, food in the pantry, loyal pets, a garden, birds outside singing to me. Hubby is going to have a temporary job, I have a lot of brains and heart as well. I have friends in real life and friends on the internet, and loads of people who say really nice things to me. It is easy to feel blessed. I feel like I can help others, again that is a blessing.
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
23 May 11
There are always so many given things in each of our lives to be grateful for. Whenever things get bad for me or I get down I will repeat to myself in my head "Every Single Day something to be Grateful For" and that seems to work pretty well. I think that a lot of people only gain satisfaction from material success too much and that's why it seems like some people are ungrateful.
Today I am grateful for my family, for the divine's protection, for the open ear's of a god or gods to hear my prayers and hopes, my pets, the start of gardening season, the Dallas Mavericks game 4 NBA playoff game tonight, finding a bunch of morel mushrooms last night, and I am incredibly thankful for my gift from God which is my beautiful and lovely girlfriend.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Jambi. Good for you material things may bring happiness here on earth but one day God will return and there won't be any more material things. How many morel mushrooms did you find? I love them but we haven't found more then a half a dozen of them all season. It is good that you love your beautiful girlfriend and thank God for such a good woman to share your life.

@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
22 May 11
Even though my life is not perfect, I try to remember that there is probably someone in worse condition than I am. However, I am accutely aware of the things that I don't have especially if it is funds that would keep me from losing my home or the job that I don't have anymore; after all we are only human and we can be sad and scared about the future.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Angelgirl. Why hang on to the problems. God don't put any more on us then we can bare. When times get tough that is the time to rejoyce because we should know that we are doing something right for God and satan is trying to test our endurance. Did you ever read Job? You need to satan sent all kinds of bad stuff on Job to see if he would turn against God. Finally one day God spoke to Job and told him to gurd up your briches and act like a man. James 2:14 faith and works go together. If you work trying to share the word of God and have faith in God you will be a lot better off. Not sure how those verses are worded so you need to read your bible and hear with faith that God will help you survive anything in this world. It is hard at times but keep the faith that God will help if you ask for HIS help.

@umabharti (3972)
• India
23 May 11
hi, Past of the life tells us what we have and the future tells us to focus on what we dont have.Thanking god for the things he already gave and saying sorry if we had done any mistake to do something better he wanted us to do.So trying our self to do better by not repeating the mistakes will give us the better results , we need to focus on the things which we dont have becox life doesnt stand on one point, it keeps on changing.So present we should live and past we should learn and future we should plan.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi Umabharti. Yes we should look at the past and try each day to do better then we did in the past. But God don't want us to forget that we are all here because of God and we are all here to do one thing mainly and that is bring people closer to Gods love. Nothing wrong in us trying to do better for ourselves but not at the price of losing Gods love.
Be happy do what is right by God , Do unto others as you would have done unto you!

@EstiiBabii (685)
• United States
22 May 11
I think I tend to focus on what I don't have rather than appreciate the things God gave me such as a healthy body, and a stable family.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi EstiiBabii and welcome to my lot. God is great and gives us what we need. I think about what I do have. I am almost the youngest in my family and I am the only one that is really healthy. Never had any real serious sickness. Not even the flu.....Thank God and I am almost at the sixty mark.....LOL 

@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
23 May 11
I think i am happy with the things GOD has given to me rather being panic of what GOD hasnot given to me.I religiously beleive on the principle whatever is done with you GOd has done & thats for your benefit. Imagine what we have today even that also if was not with us then what would have happened. This is GOD on which tune we all are dancing like poppets so no repents,no panic,no griefs live happily and always be satisfied with what you have or what GOD has given you!!!