Obama trying to Pull a JFK?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
May 23, 2011 9:13am CST
I am glad to see Obama acknowledging his mother's ancestry as I have always felt one should be proud of who they are from all points of their heritage. I am not saying this becasue I am white and in fact teach my kids about all of their own heritages including the Native American parts. That said is it just me in my mind or when people read about this did any one else think "So he's trying to be Kennedy". It was and is still wide known that John F. Kennedy made a trip to Ireland to "get back" to his roots as a political ploy to gain the Irish vote in America. Movies like the Match Maker with Janine Garofalo have been poking fun at this ploy for years. Obama has made 7 trips to Europe in the last 2 years and this is the first time he is "finding" these roots. My question is with his numbers in the polls faltering is this a political ploy for the Irish American vote? I also saw a speech by Danny Glover and some other African American and Latin American speakers who feel that Obama has lied to them and that the minority vote will be much different next time around. Does this mean Obama has to go after a new group to obtain the vote.
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8 responses
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
23 May 11
First, in spite of Glover, the minority vote will not be "much" different. There is no bonafide threat to Obama from the minority perspective. To them, it's the lesser of two evils and there's no nobody else out there. I agree with you that it's possible his advisors may have told him to do a Kennedy to gain the Irish vote. But don't be fooled, they know that no matter what he does, there will be a percentage of the Irish population that will not vote for him no matter what he does. They have the statistics in front of them. It's the undecided Irish voter they are going after. But don't forget that this is a great opportunity to him to see his Irish roots, if that's what they are. Being an amateur genealogist, I definitely understand visitng the lands of your roots.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 May 11
I was just wondering why now I mean he has been over there 7 other times now a sudden interest. I hope he does find roots he can be proud of as we all should. As for the minority vote I have to say that anger can be a great motivator and I know many people who feel that Obama had lied to them. Not every Obama voter I know but I would say at least half of them feel as though his promises have not been met or where right out lies. Granted they are not all minorities but only one of the many people I know who would fall in the minority generalization doesn't feel lied to. From those I see the anger at a black man selling out his "people" is not a good thing for him at all. Of coarse it's all just hot air until there is the official vote and we see what happens.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
23 May 11
Many Blacks might stay home on election day, but I sincerely doubt it. I'm sure a number of them are upset with the president, but that's not what I'm hearing. After the birthers and tea partiers, many Blacks (especially low class) back the President because of our experiences in this country and what we are going through now both real and imagined. For example, I know a good number of them (Black Muslim and not Muslim) who are upset with President Obama for his support of Israel. Yet, they do not see anyone taking his place in 2012 (the Republicans most likely will support Israel, so they are no option.) Muslim Minister Farrakhan is upset with the president, but outside of telling his parishioners not to vote, there are no anti Israel Republican candidates to vote for. Ditto the other parties. And Farrakhan sees how Obama is pushing Israel for the Palestinian State and has no trust of any Republican doing such. Many of us with a good education might be split with those like Glover, Tavis Smiley, and Dr. Cornell West voicing disapproval while people like Al Sharpton and I understand that President Obama is the President of all Amercians and can only do so much specifically for African Americans. Even Donald Trump said that the number of Black supporters for President Obama, were "frightening."
Smiley says that 2012 will be the most racist election ever. And if it is, do not look for the majority of Blacks to vote for anyone but President Obama. And that might also have some effect on the Brown vote, if racism shows its true colors.
According to a March 2011 Los Angeles Times poll, his poll numbers fell from above 90% to 85%. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/04/obama-black-support-slips-hispanics-too.html If anything, there's a feeling that a small number of Blacks will not come out and vote. If you want to get a good feel of how Blacks feel about the president, listen to the Tom Joyner Morning Show and the Michael Baisden Show. Every so often they might start a conversation about the President.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
24 May 11
When Obama ran for the presidency, he ws informed for the first time that he had Irish ancestry. He quipped that that shouldn't hurt a guy running for president. (Thirty six of our forty four presidents have had some Irish ancestry) All I can say is that it certainly didn't hurt him in my Irish eyes. I voted for him and Ic an see the Irish loving him although probably not quite so much as they loved Kennedy who was the quintesential Irish American president.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
25 May 11
But why do we taxpayers have to pay for his "return to his roots" vacation, while the tornedos and hurrincanes (coming up) are destroying this country!!! Not to mention that most are unemployed and can't afford a vacation. Gas is sky high, but there he is in a huge gas guzzleing vehicle, going on about alternative energy, but using a gas guzzleing vehicle...and the list goes on. He should be here in this country doing everything possible to help the tornedo destroyed areas of this country. But no, there is never any money to help...he sends billions upon billions to other countries to help them, so there is nothing left for us.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 May 11
Irisheyes, that doesn't count; the Irish love everyone who can tip a pint of Guiness like I saw Obama do. 
Seriously, after listening to the audio version of his book and reading it as well; I don't think he likes white people very much. So his sudden interest in his Irish roots is suspect in my Irish eyes.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
I am Irish and could care less what he or any other President is. We are Americans and if it is so important to the people that our presidents should be one nationality over another then we need to send those people back to Ireland, China, Mexico or where ever their ancestor came from.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 May 11
He is trying to be like JFK. He is always trying to be someone else to try and attract supporters. When he started his campaign he said he was a Black American, now he is Irish American? If he were so proud of his Irish Roots why didn't he bring this out when he started, why wait until now?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 May 11
As a person of mixed ancestry (so many Americans are) I feel proud of all of the people and cultures that made me what I am.
In his books he speaks of his white ancestry pretty harshly. This is normal, especially for a mixed race person, to have a sort of indenty crisis about it in the teen and early adult years. Trouble is, I don't think he got through it entirely. If you listen to his remarks about race in the video above you can see he hasn't quite gotten past the racism that he perceives in whites. The people he's chosen to be mentor's throughout his life also indicate he has a buried distrust of white people in general. Rev. Wright especially.
Just a side note: I listened to a portion of his audio book; many portions that could be controversial concerning racial issues are left out. Makes you wonder. If he felt them and has reconsidered them now. Or if he just doesn't want them known widely.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 May 11
I think he is trying to get re-elected. If he were truly concerned about his mother's heritage, he should not have rejected the part of him that was white when he first started to run. I think he is doing this for his disadvantage. Unfortunately he will win many voters by this method and others that would overrun his handling of the economy.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 May 11
I hope it does backfire. (I meant to say for his advantage, by the way.) The trouble is for many blacks, they would vote only for a black candidate even if he is not good for the country. I do also feel that Obama disregarding the trouble at the border, plus his handling of Israel is designed to get him more voters, so if a whole bunch of illegals snuck in over the border and they have been here long enough to apply for leniency, then that means more votes for him. And the media (except for Fox) is not that good as they will all be behind him.
I am afraid if he turns into a dictator and decides to be president for life, that there are some who really would not care.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
Yes he seems to have brain washed many into believing everything he does and says is gold, though even with many of them the gold is tarnishing lately. As for what he has done in Israel am disgusted. One for what he says and two that he can't keep America out of it. We have enough going on with out him sticking our noses in something that is not really our business.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 May 11
I wonder though if he plays this card now when he has ticked off so many if this will not back fire in his face. As you can see in this thread people are asking why now and many Irish Americans will feel he is using them as leverage for the white vote. I know I do to a point.
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@AmbiePam (96666)
• United States
23 May 11
If Danny Glover isn't on your side (extremely liberal and outspoken activist that he is) then you're in trouble if you are Obama. When one of the most liberal actors around is speaking out against you? Uh-oh. Next thing you know Alec Baldwin will denounce him. (she snickers and giggles)

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 May 11

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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
24 May 11

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
25 May 11
I have thought from the beginning that he doesn't really want to be President...he wanted all the prestige, freebies, high living, and all the great and wonderful fun things being president comes with...he can do anything he wants. I think that is why he wanted to be president. A free ride for fun and games and benefits for him and his family. He never does anything for this country but stupid speeches that sound like he can't remember what he is saying, and then pauses after a few words, hopeing for applause or something. I am not saying other presidents havn't taken vacations and things, but I don't remember it popping up on tv about being at a basketball game while tornedos are desstroying the country. On vacation after vacation after vacation....And they never go "home". I mean, Bush at least would vacation at his ranch...but not Obamas...isn't they "home" in Chicago? i haven't heard he has gone back...always some other country and some outlandish expensive place.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
27 May 11
Persuasion of the people did not end well for any other country...Germany, Russia, China, Italy... just a thought of egoistic rulers.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
24 May 11
I could care less about his heritage and I think most would agree with me...especially in todays situation of this country...why do we have to pay for him to have a vacation to "go find his roots", when the rest of us are having trouble paying for gas to get to work...those that are lucky enough to even have a job in the first place and the rest of us scrimping and saving and trying to make ends meet starting with High food prices. But boy howdy... thank goodness Obama gets to find his "roots"! This is just disgusting and just shows where his "loyalties" are...which are most anywhere but the status of this country. How dare he do this. If I wasn't already not voting for him... I sure wouldnt' be now!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
24 May 11
He is there trying to make nice to the Europeans he has ticked off and this is a by line I believe, Either way I agree he should be here at home dealing with our issues not traipsing the Earth sticking "our" noses in other countries' business. People where mad a t Bush for Iraq, now we have Obama doing the same thing just on a larger multi-country scale. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 May 11
I think it is part of his campaign to win over those white voters.
He and Michelle are not known for their love of the UK. His own words show he does not trust white people. The link is to quotes, readings from his book, and quotes from others that show this.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 May 11
Can you imagine what the press would do to a white candidate or president who said those sort of things about black people?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
23 May 11
Yeah I had said that the first time I had seen this. A white person would have been hung as a racist before the speech was over.