If God is good, why does he kill so many people?
By la_chique
@la_chique (1498)
May 23, 2011 5:59pm CST
Even in the bible, God kills over 2.2 million people
I dont understand why so many people all over the world think that God is good when he has killed so many. Especially as "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the commandments in itself.
Isnt God supposed to forgive us our sins, rather than just randomly killing?
I just dont understand.
What do you think? Please pass your opinions on this topic.
By the way, the devil only kills 10 people in the bible.
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21 responses
@maidangela7349 (1191)
24 May 11
the bible was written over many years by many different people and for many different reasons. Much of it is history which like most histories is written to make it read as the writer wanted it to read. Such as the story of the exodus where natural events are woven into the story to make it more dramatic. Nobody knows who or what created the universe or laid down the natural laws by which it all works but of course religious and political leaders over the years will tell you they do and they will tell you what that god wants but in fact it is what they want. So when the Israelites invade a city and murder all the it is not "god" who wants them to do that it is their tribal leaders who want that done and they are telling their people it is god's will so they will slaughter children and babies. So don't blame some imaginary god for the killings blame the tribal leaders.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 May 11
Um, where does it say G♥d kills anyone? Any killing is not G♥d, but satan, though satan would like you to think it was G♥d, but before you make judgments, make sure you understand culture and the language of the original writings. Even some people who say they are Christian needs to understand this, they only got part of the deal when they read it only in their own language and look at it through their own eyes...
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
25 May 11
Because, jaiyanz, G♥d gave people a free will, a will to follow who we want. Sure many who follows Him also got hurt or killed, but what we don't see is the big picture. You know in other relationships, if we only hear one side of the story, we tend to judge based on seeing just hearing one side and not seeing the whole picture..That is where trust comes in, and knowing who to trust..
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@MarElizSon (142)
• Philippines
24 May 11
if God is not good, then why are you still alive this very moment?
your question is flawed that it tells itself that God is a killer... dude, just come to think of it? why do you still live today if God, that you are thinking is a killer, sustains you to still dwell here on earth?
there are a lot of many things for you to be thankful to Him yet you're still looking for the negative side.
how come that you have seen the numbers of people killed because of their stubbornness yet cannot see the goodness and mercy God had shown to billions of us including you.?
did you really count it in the Bible or just researched it in unreliable resources?
don't you really understand it or you're just making some nonsense discussion??
if God is not good, we would all be in hell but because of His love for us and by His great mercy, He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16) for us to be saved!
please double-check your ideas. thanks!

@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
26 May 11
Hell exist.
If it's like you say, why do we need prisons?
Hell is like a prison, where the ones that made a mistake(or more) to suffer and learn what is good and bad. It's more to explain, but will take me days.
The conclusion: If you make anything to harm anyone no matter how bad you will pay the price and God can't help you.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
26 May 11
truly yes that Hell exist, but the Hell that it means is the graveyard....
Hell means your Graveyard and nothing more....
if hell is like a prison, now how can you suffer since you have no physical body? your brain is already decayed and no signal for you to see what's happening in hell since you have no physical eyes.....
about the conclusion:
people do wrong things because of temptation.... now satan is the reasons why you are tempted to do things wrong.....
and it seems that even God can't help you to fix satan not to disturb you???
and it seems that your destination is hell because humans cant resist the powers of satan and god, still can't help you barbecuing in hell????
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
24 May 11
if god is good then:
1. why is it there is hell?
2. why is it there is purgatory?
3. why is it there is limbo?
and it seems you haven't read the bible, you don't believe god already killed 2.2 million people? yet the evidence is in the bible?
true, you are still alive and that is the reason's why god loves you to suffer and work for 6 days while rest only on 1 day.....
you can't blame satan because satan in the bible only killed 6 people.... very very few.....

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
27 May 11
God did not killed someone. Only people killed each other. This is what God, angry to humanity because they love to do wrong instead of good deeds.
God, instruct us what to do and people really hard headed and never follow what God, commandments. That is why God, said you will be die and live with your own hard work.

@BlackAmaranth (275)
• Romania
30 May 11
God is not angry, is just studying us we are more special that you may think. Soon all this will end...

@anjiel052707 (410)
• Philippines
24 May 11
God doesn't kill because of our sins..that shows how God loves us. if God will let us live here on earth forever, the earth will be too much crowded..i'm sure you wouldn't want to live in a heavily crowded place! or what if you suffer arthritis or diabetes or any incurable illness, do you want to suffer from it forever..? God is our creator, He lends us our lives..He has all the rights to take it from us anytime He wants. if you think the devil kills less than what God does, think again. God only kills our flesh, the demon kills our spirits..

@anjiel052707 (410)
• Philippines
26 May 11
science...? then i'm sure you came from ape..
as what i've said earlier, bible was written by people guided by the holy spirit. though they don't know E=mc2, they have written a lot of things that happens today, and things that will happen in the future.. anyways, "the foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and the weak thing of God is stronger than men." -- 1 Cor. 1:25
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
27 May 11
very wrong....
APE and MAN came from Neanderthal man....
Neanderthal man came from Cro-magnon Man....
Cro-magnon Man came from Java Man...
Java Man came from Australiphiticus....
but to tell you frankly....
we are all came from FISH...
because life started at sea as a form of bacteria....
from bacteria, there goes the primitive FISH....
as to make the story short.....
ape and man came from Nearderthal man...
while nearnderthal man came from the very first = FISH
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
26 May 11
the information you want to get? it's simple... SCIENCE
and may i know also where did you get that info on about the spirit and souls when the human die???
as bible you cannot make it a source of evidence since bible is only written by man before time who doesn't know the meaning of E=mc2
and bible is made by man for the people to avoid sin as possible, as implanted already to the mind of the sinners that according to bible, the soul will be barbecue to hell if you continue doing sin...

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
24 May 11
God doesn't kill people. People kill people in the misguided belief that they are doing it in the name of or by the will of a god.
Remember that the Bible and all the other so-called sacred texts are in the end a compilation of myths and folklore that are allegorical in nature and should not be understood as a literal history.
@la_chique (1498)
27 May 11
When the priest reads passages from the bible at church, he ends with "this is the word of the Lord".
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
27 May 11
if Noah is only a folktales....
the i truly believe that all articles could be found inside the bible is all folktales also....
since all the contents inside the bible has no proven evidence....
maybe Samson and Delilah, the red sea, the 10 pestilence and even the 10 commandments are all myths....

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 May 11
Hi la_chique, Please don't take the Bible literally but remember that it was written by men. It contains many errors as well as old myths that were passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years. God does not kill people but rather people kill other people. Millions have been killed in the name of religion and it would be no better today if church leaders had the power that they once had. To know God go within into the silence for that is the only place where God can be found. Blessings.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
26 May 11
Actually, I owuld have to disagree with you Pose, G♥d's Word is perfect in its original form. What happened was man got a hold of it and instead of trying to figure out the meaning, man mistranslated it...(Because some languages, especially Hebrew, are what some call a living language, their alpha-bet is much different. For example, the letter bet, is a picture and a letter, the picture is a house, their language is much different from others and in order to translate, one has to know not only the language, but the culture itself)
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 May 11
and God itself allows man to mis-interpret His words from His bible, and until now, He always allow to miss-interpret....
and that is the only reasons why there is no solid evidence that this bible is really made by man inspired by the God's holy spirit.....
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
25 May 11
The Mitzvah says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does not say Kill...there is a big difference between Murder and Kill. Christians choose to translate it as kill so that they can make it fit their idea of 'christian principles', but it was not written by their christ. It was written by the Master of the Universe and He did not Murder. He killed or caused those who were harming His People to die. Big difference.
HaShem will forgive sins if one asks Him to. Do you know what is in the minds of all men? Do you know that they are asking forgiveness? Christians seem to think that just because they believe in the christ figure, they are automatically forgiven for all of their sins no matter what they do...WRONG! You still have to ask forgiveness of those you have harmed and then of your MAKER! He is the ONE TRUE GOD AND THERE SHALL BE NO GODS BEFORE HIM!!!
Of all of the people that HaShem killed, we do not know how many at the last moments of their lives turned to Him and asked forgiveness. Maybe this was the way they made it to His presence for eternity...
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
24 May 11
My dear friend. Just want to share my opinion on this as you requested.
Goodness of God has been perfectly shown by giving us life and chance to see and live in this earth. If it is not of His goodness and love for us, will he let us have the will to think this questions and share our thoughts, knowing good between right and wrong? We are fortunate comparing to most disabled people but still thankful for what little they have, because they know they are more fortunate than those who had not been able to live perfectly on earth. We were given lives, but He has the reason on when He needs to take it. For those mass killing that you witnessed that made you confused, He has the reason for it. For some people, it's punishment for they abused the glory of God, others probably just sacrificed thier own lives because of others who are liable for such punishments. I know you are capable to understand His will and intention for giving and taking our lives, just look of things we have compared to others, and try to think to be in less fortunate others' place. Most killing are caused by natural calamities which oftenly caused by people's not valuing what was given to us. There are lots of circumstances, events and reason to site and relate to what is happening currently, but the mere fact is still.."It's ONLY HIM knows the reason, and we could not questioned HIM for He is the one who lend us everything we have." Happy mylotting.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
24 May 11
God does have his reasons for allowing the things to happen that do.Having faith can sustain us trough our trials and obstacles. It is not fair for us to judge what god allows or doesn't. It is just our place to have faith in him.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
25 May 11
trials, obstacles, to test our faith, i don't believe on that.....
because before you do anything else... god already know what's next..... god even knows how strong your faith is....
so there is no need for god to test your faith....
another example????
just like you....
you already know that the flame in the candle generates a hurting heat....
why is it there a need for you to put your finger to the flames of candle and shout "ouch!!!!, it really hurts!!!"
now i already believe that the flame in that candle really hurt.... nyahahahaha
without testing to put your finger unto the flames, you already know that it hurts before you do it.... why test of faith?????
@MsPatriciaDV (635)
• Philippines
24 May 11
Maybe you should read the Bible so you'll know what's the real reason why the 2.2 million people were killed.

@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 May 11
Why were they killed? Oh yeah, "Believe in Me without question or I'll kill you all"!
Real swell Guy.

@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 May 11
Isn't it obvious? We are just like a video game for God. A few of us die, but more are always born so it's like extra lives times billions.
Voltaire made many of the same points you did, and that was hundreds of years ago. People just don't want to believe in a God that uses us as expendable pieces in a giant game where the only winner is Him.
Perhaps we've been interpretting the Bible incorrectly all this time. Perhaps God was the bad guy all along. Slight changes more than 2000 years ago may have changed the moral lessons of the Old Testament stories, and everyone knows the New Testament was written to praise Jesus, so, of course, it has God = Good.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Jun 12
But people do not just go away when they die. Energy cannot be destroyed, it is eternal. And God according to the scriptures makes the rules of the 'game' very clear, he wants us to win. We choose not to. So, until you have READ and UNDERSTOOD what the scriptures say, don't try to interpret them. 

@goldenPlanet (328)
• Philippines
24 May 11
first of all there is no god out there that you need to praise and worship.... GOD or Your TRue Self is within YOU....and dying is a natural part of existence just like birth.......and basically you dont die...for we are eternal...the physical body is like a garment that you take-off once your purpose in a particular lifetime is done....
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
25 May 11
you are absolutely wrong.....
god is only a form of energy, gravity, etc.....
if there is no gravity, no bigbang shall begin.....
maybe the eternal that you mean is energy.... since all living things contains energy.... and it's eternal....
and you are absolutely right.....
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
24 May 11
I am not sure. I have so many questions hen it comes to the Bible. I do not understand alot of it either.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
1 Jun 11
God decides what is good not you. God decides what is bad not you. If God says it is good to kill people then it is good. I am just saying that if God exist he/she/it/they would come down and lay down the rules and let people know how he/she/it/they feel.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
13 Jun 12
I don't think that Satan has killed only 10 people. First and foremost, the devil is responsible why we people die. He is responsible for all the problems we experience at present. It is his doings.
I believe that God do that to save his people from evil. He did that to protect us.
@CaptAlbertWhisker (32755)
• Calgary, Alberta
24 May 11
He is kinda dictatorish, Although he kills people if they were too good because he cant wait to have them on heaven or a person is so evil he wanted that person punished, Most of the natural disasters that kills lots of lives where humans fault though because of the abuse of mother nature. I think those disappointments caused some people to be atheist.
@original8 (107)
• Belgium
24 May 11
there is no god other then yourself, your thoughts create reality and so do no longer create a reality where something is controlling you but instead take your own perspective.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
25 May 11
if you say that there is god....
then you are aware that there is also a presence of opposite to god....
since everything on this universe has an opposite to it.....
it is wrong to say that the opposite of god is satan because satan is only a product made by god.....
god has an opposite to him and equal also in everything.....
if not? then why do you call him god????
like those avatar of your's.... the Yin and the Yang......
the opposite of Yin is Yang.....
you cannot call that thing a Yang if there is no existence of Yin
same also with God and it's opposite.....
and in the field of Yin, even thou how bad he is, he still capable of doing slight good.....
and in the field of Yang, even thou how good he is, he still capable of doing slight bad......
the twisted "S" and the circle with no beginning and no ending is the theory that goes on until forever...... no beginning and no ending......
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
21 Jun 12
You've got it all wrong. God does not kill people. People kill people. Greed rules in today's society. God warns us in the Qur'an and the Bible of His Signs, but we ignore it and continue to go to war with each other and with ourselves. We should stop blaming God and take responsibility for our actions.