Why can Israel do no wrong?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
May 24, 2011 6:48am CST
To many people in the western world, it seems that Israel can do no wrong, yet it is the Palestinians who supper the most. Thousands of Palestinians were sent into exile in 1948-49 when the state of Israel was created and their children and grandchild are living there still with none or almost no help from the western world. In 1967 Israel extended it's borders in the six day war, sending even more Palestinians into exile. Some call it exile without end. Sure they hate Israel and why not? They have driven them from their homes and forced them to live under unbearable conditions, yet the rest of the world pays little attention to their misery. I am not opposed to the Israelis having their own country but it's borders should not extend beyond that set in 1948-49 and the countries who helped set up the state of Israel also have an obligation to the Palestinians. They should not have to spend their entire lives in refugee camps where conditions are so deplorable. Yet to many Israel can do no wrong. Why is this allowed to happen?
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9 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 May 11
No, Israel can and does many things wrong. I have never thought otherwise.
But nevertheless, that doesn't exempt everyone else in the matter. For example, Israel didn't send thousands into exile. You just lied. Or repeated a lie you were told. Israel to this day has leaflets that it sent out to the native Arabs living in Israeli land, to not leave, and that they would be citizens of Israel.
They CHOOSE to leave. They were not forced to, they make a choice.
Further, there are Arabs that live in Israel, as citizens of Israel even to this day.
Moreover, the countries surrounding Israel choose to attack Israel. They massed forced in a direct act of provocation, and Israel responded, AS ANY COUNTRY WOULD. They rightfully attacked, rightfully defeated, and rightfully acquired land.... AS ANY COUNTRY WOULD DO.
Finally, the people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, having made a choice to fight, attack, kill, and murder Israelis any chance they get. They have acted like dogs, and are rightfully penned up like a mad dog should be.
When mothers and fathers place bombs on their own kids, and have they blow themselves up in night clubs, you are no longer acting like a rational human being, but a dog. Dogs need to be caged.
If the native Americans in the US were doing what the those people are doing, we would respond exactly the same to them. We'd pen them up, build walls around them, and isolate them. If they have a problem with that, they should have not acted that way.
Russia does the same with Chechen Republic and those stupid separatists there. Africans do the same. So does pretty much every country in the world, when confronted with an unruly group of terrorists.
You want to end the suffering of the people in Gaza and West Bank? Stop fighting. Work towards peace. End the violence. Gaza was far better off during the years of peace with Israel. Now they are sinking more and more into ruin, and only themselves to blame.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Aug 11
Hi Andy, Somehow I missed your response along with a few others at the time it was posted, but I want to thank you for your comments even at this late date. This discussion was triggered by an article on the Internet showing pictures of how Palestinians are living today. I had always thought that other countries were too lenient with Israel and I'd watched documentaries on the situation there as well. It seems that some of the information that I got was false, as I had the understanding that the Arabs were forced to move, however, you say that they did so of their own choose. I know that neither side is entirely innocent here and that some of them would wipe out Israel completely if they could do so. When however, I see a child living in slums with little or no hope of something better, I never ask, the color of their skin, the language they speak or their religion, to me it's a child that needs help. I think that these two peoples must work out their problems and that anyone who tries to help must treat both sides fair and equal. Sorry if I offended you. Blessings.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
27 May 11
Dynasty Israel is a good pilot for US: Whatever happens to Israel legally has great effect upon the US, seeing both are unlawfully occupying lands and oppressing natives of land.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
24 May 11
The Palestinians were brought in from other places. They had not lived in the area for thousands of years or even five hundred. They were brought in so that the Israelites could not regain their former land. The only people that had the right to be around Israel were the people of Syria and Jordan and anyone who was a descendant of the Phillistines and Canaanites shold have gone there or converted to Judaism and moved to Israel. Also the nations of the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, etc. who lived in that area in Old Testament times were destroyed.
There have been other peoples whose national identity was destroyed but they became citizens of other and nearby countries, and it did not hurt them. There is no obligation to take some of the land of Israel and give it to the Palestinians and thus weaken Israel or do you want Isreal to no longer exist because all the Musliims will destroy them?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 May 11
Hi suspeceful, Thank you for your response but we must remember that Israel was not a nation until 1948 and there were Palestinians there at the time. However, I agree that they needed a country but why weren't the Palestinians taken care of as well? After all it was there land where they had been living for thousands of years. We are all human beings with the same needs, hopes and dreams. The Israelis aren't special, no matter what the Bible says, they are human like us. The land that was conquered in 1967 does not belong to Israel and if it was given back, the Palestinians would probably recognize the state of Israel and there could be peace in the region. It does matter if one is a Muslim, Christian or Jew, we are all human beings and Israel would detroy the Palestinians as quickly as the Palestinians would destroy them if given a chance. They have made that clear many times. Blessings.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
26 May 11
The arabs who call themselves palestinians came to the area where the Jews had started migrating in the 40s to start working with them. The Jews needed laborers. These arabs at first just wanted a chance to work. They had been kicked out of their own lands because they were misfits. If they had just stayed in Israel instead of deserting in the war, there would be no problems now.
They are jealous of Israel's ability to make something out of nothing. Israel took a land that was half desert and half swamp and built a beautiful prosperous land out of it. What the palestinians do not realize is, if they should get it, they would just destroy it and turn it back into the desert and swamp it was before. They are trying to do that now by dumping raw sewage into the rivers that supply the drinking water to everyone in the area.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
24 May 11
I don't see why we can't just butt out and let things work themselves out there. It's not a happy thing, but the fact is that wars go on until someone wins and if we weren't funding both sides it would have been over a long time ago. Are Israelis the bad guys in that war? Maybe, but we were the bad guys a few centuries ago just as the British, French, Germans, Italians, Japanese, and a whole lot of other "friendly" countries were. We're not getting any prize for this. We have nothing to gain by being involved and god knows that the Palestinians certainly don't appreciate the $1 billion a year we are sending them in aid.
We should cut both sides off, butt out, and not get involved again unless both sides ask us.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 May 11
Hi Taskr, Maybe we should just butt out as you say. I think that both sides might just give more thought to living together in peace. We have been supporting Israel far too much and now they think that they can get away with anything. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
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@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
24 May 11
Hi pose123!.
I personally clueless about it. I mean Israel (what ever they do, even it wrong)alway got support from USA. I mean don't they realize thats its all the root of hatred Islamic world to USA. I mean Islamic world has made Israel their common enemy and as the supporter USA goes to the same place.
I never really know what Israel got until USA always support them even they wrong. many people said because USA has been controlled by Israel. I personally think will continue like this if Israel let to do what ever they wish.
I know many of them claiming that Palestine is their promise land but even God already spread them all over the world and given the land to someone else.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 May 11
Hi nangisha, The Jews had no country until 1948, but were known as the "wandering Jew". I agree that they needed a country but the Palestinians, who had been living there for so long, also needed to be taken care of when told to pack up and leave. Many are still living in refugee camps that were set up back in 1948. It was only meant to be temporary but nothing more was ever done for them. Israel should give back the land that they took in the six day war back in 1967 and maybe the Palestinians would accept them as a nation and they could learn to live together in peace. There is no such thing as a "chosen people", we are all human beings with the same basic needs. Israel is getting away with far too much and it's no wonder that the Palestinians hate them. Most people would not like to be driven from their land so that others could move in. We should be fair with both and religion should have nothing to do with it. Blessings.
@arnouardian (286)
• United States
24 May 11
Hi pose123,
I guess it's because of the western media which only broadcast the news from Israel's side for a long time. it results in the biased opinions about Israel-Palestine conflict to a degree where most people here in West already believe with all their hearts and minds that Israel can do no wrong. Israel is good and Palestine is bad. just that simple. while in fact, it's a very complicated problem.
I'm from Indonesia (now I live in US). when i was still living in Indonesia, I saw and read the news on newspapers about how savage Israel was to Palestinians. they bulldozed Palestinian houses with American-made tanks and removed them into refugee camps where the living condition was too bad to imagine. this condition is enough to make Palestinians hate Israel.
I also agree that Israel must have its own country. but Palestinians also need to have their own country. this is a dispute which nobody can solve until now. the issue of establishment of Palestine state with its permanent borders have been on the agenda since 2000, but it never happens until now. considering this border problem, I think maybe these two countries should be unified into just one country. maybe this idea is too radical, almost impossible and will upset many people. but i am thinking about peace, which is more important than the establishment of Palestine state. isn't it better to unify them into one country?
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 May 11
Hi arnouardian, I feel that you have a very good idea but I doubt if either side is ready for that yet. It's too bad that people don't realize that we are all one with the same hopes and dreams, wanting only the best for our children. The Israelis have been so savage that it's no wonder that most Palestinians hate them so much. If we could just achieve peace in the area than the younger generations might see the truth and your idea would be possible. Blessings.
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@arnouardian (286)
• United States
26 May 11
greediness and ambition can always defeat the good will for peace. we are so sad to see how people there are suffering physically and emotionally everyday. this conflict is that long and complicated that politics experts say all sources of international conflicts originate from Israel-Palestine conflict. so, once this conflict is resolved, they believe the world peace will come. well, we hope so.
@erez98 (166)
• Israel
2 Aug 11
and israelis think that the western media brings only the palestinian side...
after all, they don't report of the rockets that falls in Israel everyday.
we feel that the media is biased in favor of the palestinians....
the war crimes of palestinians are not discussed...
but, honestly, we don't care anymore what the media or people abroad think about Israel. we know so well who we are. we contributed to this world so much of our knowledge( in medicine, hi tec and all fields), we are civilisized, we have the most moral army in the world ( of course, you hear only the marginal stories about individuals).
and if we could just bring them the teritories back and live in security, we would do that. but they just want to kill and kill...
anyway, go back to history and see if it's their land at all..
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
25 May 11
Sorry to disagree with you. Many of the Palestinians abandoned their land and homes after the trouble in 1948. The 1967 war was not started by Israel. The Palestinians are not welcome anywhere by their Arab brothers in Jordan, Yemen, Egyt, Syria etc. They linger in squalid camps generation after generation and teach their kids hatred starting with the mother's milk. Anytime you see a riot you see young boys ten or 12 years old throwing stones at Israeli troups. Rockets are launched into Israel almost daily. Apparently that is o.k. but there is an outcry when one Palestinian child is killed. I do think Israel should abandon the settlements that they are now creating on the West bank and should help in creating a Palestinian State, however I can see how scared they are considering the hate that is passed on from generation to generation.
Let me give you an example from recent history that had a different outcome. After the Second War millions of Germans were expelled from territories that were given to Poland, they were also expelled from Bohemia, from Hungary and parts that now belongs to the Ukraine even though they had lived there for hundreds of years. The refuge camps in Germany and Austria held thousands and thousands of peaple but only for a short time. People realized that in reality they could not go back to where their ancestors lived. They left the camps to apply for immigration to the USA, Canada, South America, Australia. They left in family groups or as individuals. The rest settled in East and West Germany and are now fully integrated. In the late 1950's all the camps were empty.
The past was not retrievable or obtainable. The majority of these people became content and prosperous in their new countries. It is a rare lone voice that cries for what was lost.
Now look at the Palestinians. All they do is spread hatred and yearn for property that is no longer available because long ago Israel has built schools, office towers and shops onto this land. It can never be returned to the Palestinians. There could be peace though if both sides were willing to make consessions.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 May 11
Hi Lindalinda, Thank you for sharing and I didn't really expect a lot of people to agree as most westerners are pro-Israel and I think that it is mainly because of religion. No group of people are all bad, Muslim, Jew or Christian and religion doesn't matter to me, except that it creates so much hatred. I like to see all people treated equally and with respect. Peace in the middle east is important for both sides in the conflict but with the present leaders, I don't see it happening anytime soon. I firmly believe however, that it will happen someday. Blessings.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
20 Aug 11
My husband and I have talked about thus often. The way we see it, in a conflict, both sides carry some of the guilt.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
26 May 11
It is not a matter of Western interpretation. It is a matter of historical fact. Since 70CE the Jewish people have been known as Palestinians and all other semitic peoples were arabs. The 'palestinians' of today took on that name as they were kicked out of the various arab counties because they were misfits. They went to work for the Jews living in the area that became Israel in 1948. Even though There was not a country called Israel, there were still Jews in the Mideast and in the area of Israel. When the war started 'they' ran. So, Israel would not let them back in after the war because they were "deserters". After the war, the arab countries kicked the Jews out of their countries and confiscated all of their land, bank accounts, businesses, homes and properties. Israel took them all in and built them homes and helped them find jobs. They did not put their people into refugee camps. The arab countries did not want the 'palestinians' in their countries, so they stuck them into refugee camps. Israel did not do this to them; their "brothers" did this to them to make Israel look bad...tough.
Since when does a country have to give back territory won in a war that they did not even start? America sure never gave back an inch. I say you are a racist Pose. I used to respect you, but not anymore.
Stop reading about history on the internet and read a book now and then. The internet is influenced by liars. Older books that were written as it happened cannot be changed by a delete button.
The palestinians are not suffering apparently, as the Red Cross just did a major inspection of Gaza. They said the schools were in excellent condition with plenty of materials. The hospitals had excellent supplies and modern equipment. Their markets had food stuffs from all over the world and in good supply. You can find this report on the net with pictures. Much of their medical comes from Israel.
Israel also pays millions in taxes to help support Fatah and has for years. If Fatah and hamas do join together, Israel will discontinue the payments. They will not pay hamas to lob bombs into their backyards daily. I guess you forgot about the bombs.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Aug 11
Hi Adoniah, It seems that I somehow missed some of the responses in this discussion and yours was one of them. It was only today, when someone made a comment on this old discussion that I discovered it. I'm sorry that I'm so late but I will thank you now for responding. I thought that the time of posting that this might ruffle a few feathers because it's a bit of a sticky topic for many on both sides. I'm sorry if I've offended you and I know that both sides must share the blame for what's happening. My discussion was triggered by an online article showing the poverdy and misery that the Palestinians live with every day. When I see a child living in such condidions, I never question the color of his/her skin or the language he speaks, much less his religion. We are all human beings and must be treated as such. When President Obama suggested that Israel give back the territory they had taken in war, there was an uproar among many, yet did not Germany have to give back the lands that they conquored in the second world war? I know that the Jews suffered terribly at the hands of the Nazis and it was right that they have their own country. One would think that having suffered so much, they would not want to harm others but rather live in peace. The Arabs of course can't be let off the hook as they would destroy Isreal if they could. There is no easy solution but I feel that we must treat both parties fair. The Palestinians and the Israelis must work things out for themselves if they ever want their children to live together in peace. Blessings.