Parents keep babys gender a secret for 4 months and so on

United States
May 24, 2011 3:36pm CST
I saw an article where a family has kept the gender of their third child nameed Storm a secret for 4 months. They plan on not telling anyone. They feel this way their child can grow up to be what it wants without ppl telling it its role form gender. They thought of this during her pregnancy when one of her sons, they have 2 ages 5 and 2, Jazz was having problems with his gender. She lets them dress how they want,choosing clothes from the boys and girls section. Her boys are commonly thought of as girls and this upsets Jazz. Well you would be confused about your gender to if no one was teaching you about your gender. We all play roles. You can grow up to be who you want boy or girl. I think one main thing about being who you want is knowing who you are. How can you know who you are if your playing different roles are the time? If others dont know who you are than how are you suppose to know? I dont know how anyone can think this is good for a child. The kids are homeschooled, im fine with that, Im homeschooling this fall. Her kids mainly homeschooled though so they can be who they want and not be TEASED from dressing and looking like girls. Does anyone else see a problem here?
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10 responses
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
25 May 11
Oh my gosh! This world is full of weird people but this is the weirdest! I think the parents must have an identity problem themselves. Who in their right mind would do this to a child? As far as the homeschooling goes, thats fine if it is done in the proper way, but the children still need the social outlet with other children. If they are kept away from other children that creates even more problems! I'm just afraid that down the road these children will end up on a psychiatrists couch! I wish them luck.
• United States
25 May 11
That is so sad. Life is difficult enough without putting gender issues into the mix! I realize that as a parent you want what is best for your child, but I just can't imagine putting a child through an issue like this! Let them grow up as a normal child.
@Galena (9110)
25 May 11
I don't think that knowing a gender means having to assign gender roles. as far as I'm concerned, all childrens toys are unisex, and there is no colour that is for one gender and not the other. if I had a son that wanted to wear dresses, I'd let him do it at home, but probably not out, because not everyone thinks it doesn't really matter.
• United States
25 May 11
I think its fine to let children play with the toys they want, it lets them discover who they are by finding what they like. I prefered cars and action figures over dolls. I am married with two kids. My daughter prefers petshops, little toys over dolls. My son loves his action figures and he loves wearing his superhero costumes. Im sure we had some influence, but who dosent? His Dad loves superheros and my son takes after him. I prefer the little toys and my daughter takes after me. We have bouth them other toys when they show interest, but they dont play with them, so we stick with what we know now. My son has put on my daughters clothes, my daughter dressed him for fun. They thought it was funny and its normal. Big sisters try their clothes on their little brothers for fun. I dont see a problem with it. My Grandma wanted a girl. Her third child was another boy. She dressed him like a girl and took him out. When someone wld say, what a pretty little girl, she wld say no hes a boy. I think this lasted for a few years and she had her daughter. I love my Grandma and feel her to be a wonderful woman, but this I did not agree with. My uncle is married with 4 boys and he has done well in his life, but his relationship with his parents has always been a little stand offish. I think he was hurt and embarressed by this. She told this story for ever and said what a pretty little girl he was. There are no assigned colors or toys, but kids tend to gravitate things for their gender. I think parading them around in girl clothes, treating them like both genders, its confusing and will only strain the relationships.
@mansha (6298)
• India
25 May 11
That is really strange and sick, what is wrong with identifying with your own gender. And on top of it she is getting upset about it. This is so wrong someone should interfere and rescue those kids before they get all confused who they are. Its real life not some drama where people are playing some kind of role or experimentatin and parenting is a huge responsibility not to be taken so lightly.
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
24 May 11
I think this is pretty strange, but I've actually seen stranger. I remember hearing a case where a boy was dressed and treated as a girl by his step-mother until the day came that he finally stood up to her - I can't believe the father let this happen, but there we go... I never felt overly pressured to fill a "girl's" role by my parents, even tho when I was growing up, I had to wear dresses and stuff to school. A few people tried to tell me that I needed to get married and settle down... well, at 57, never married and NOT gay... we can see how well this worked...
• United States
25 May 11
I believe I heard something about that. I dont know what ppl are thinking. Parenting is not an experiment. Were raising humans here. People who will need to function ina an already screwed up world. People who will need to fight for what they want and just to live. Screwing with them on not knowing their gender and ultimatly who they are, does nothing but create more problems for the other people just trying to live life.
1 person likes this
• Canada
24 May 11
I thought of myself as a free spirit until I read this haha. Well I can only hope all will be well for those kids. A psychologist once said that children need to be brought up with discipline. He said that if children arent told what to do and what the rules are that they grow up to be very insecure. SO if that psychologist is right, it means that instead of giving them freedom, the parents will make them insecure kids and adults.
• United States
25 May 11
Kids are looking for boundaries. They want to know what they can and cant do. Sometimes just to push your buttons. They want to see how far they can go without getting in trouble. Our job as parents is not not try experiments and make them not know who they are, but giude our children in learning about themselves, life,etc. We teach our kids to fly so when they leave their not attacked by a predator and eaten for dinner. These kids will be social outcast with nothing but problems. Nobody is the perfect parent, but enough ppl wind up in counseling with the issues of normal parenting, adding in the oddities only makes it harder.
@roneal (62)
• Mexico
24 May 11
I saw the same article and was thinking exactly the same thing! Poor kids, they are being confused even more for their parents odd parenting decisions. I think the fact that the parents are keeping them home in order to avoid confliction with their girl vs boy decisions is teaching them the wrong idea. It is teaching them to hide from the choices that they are making which also plants the seed that what they are doing is wrong. So even though they are trying to protect their kids from public scrutiny, they are in fact making everything worse for their poor kids. I am also a mother of 4 and I allow my kids to be who they are and grow into what they will be without any weird or abnormal teachings. My kids have been fine finding out who they are on their own without me interfering. My son has always been interested in boyish things without any suggestions from me as do my girls like girly things. I dont beleive that it has anything to do with social "boxing" as these parents say..if a girl is a girl and has girl hormones, she will act like a girl by human nature just like when a girl has motherly instincts but if something goes wrong in the DNA or the making then, that will affect how they think and act. Kids watch their parents actions as well and follow suit so there may be something with the parents that causes a child to act more girly or boyish. It doesnt help that a parent is complicating the situation by making their kid feel "special" or different and allowing them to stay at home away from the public eye. These parents are a bit twisted and the kids are suffering from it. Its a sad situation.
• United States
25 May 11
I agree. I allow my children to find themselves. They have their interest and encourage them. I think as far as some stuff they like they pick up from us. Ultimatly though they decide what they like. My daughter prefers to not wear dresses. So I dont make her. When she was younger I had her wear dresses. Didnt make her like them. My son prefers action figures, legos and trains over cars. He has had a ton of cars, but they never caught his interest. He loves wearing his super hero costumes and pretending. My daughter was never one to play dress up or dolls, or tea party. She had all those things, she just didnt care for them. My son loves babies. My daughter has no interest. She wld prefer to read than sit there and play with someones baby. Every child is different and I dont believe in pushing your likes on your child. We push enough on them with school and everyday life. Some where in the craziness of everything they need to find themself.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
24 May 11
I just read about this and I am very confused! I don't understand why parents would do this? They have done this with the older children and the oldest dresses like a girl but wants to make sure everyone knows he is a boy? What I did get out of this story is the parents of these children are confusing them more if they weren't letting them be "themselves"! I also think the parents are crazy and will have mixed up kids when they hit adulthood! I see some books thrashing the parents in the future!
• United States
24 May 11
Bizarre. I understand the experiment and the sentiments behind it but I'm pretty sure they will influence it somehow. Like unintentionally approving when the child does something that the opposite (gender) would normally do, they'd be approving because it would prove their point. Why do people have so much trouble accepting what is?! We are born male or female. Behavior is partially innate, partially culturally influenced. SO? The baby IS male or female, the doctor will need to know because medicine works differently on male and female bodies (not until they're older though I think, when the hormones kick in).
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
24 May 11
So far I had not heard anything like it.Quite strange.When this child grows up not knowing there is a boy or girl.Will simply be referred to it.Should not be doing so with the children still think of small children should know who they are and to be educated properly.Have a nice day!
@farooq1 (33)
25 May 11
i also have read this article. it's the parents choice really and there isn't really much that we can do about it.