Finders Keepers!

May 26, 2011 2:30am CST
Have you know someone who hides foods in the closet, cooks food that would not be enough for the entire people to eat, who usually choose to buy the cheapest yet worst foods or even gadgets? Me I do, met my grandma and couple of my aunts. I don't know what to call them, are they selfish, literally? I noticed that whenever there are foods in the refrigerator it tends to lose and I was wondering where or whom had eat it. Then when I and my cousin decided to investigate whats going on, we found some evidence at last. Imagine we found bunch of chocolates in my grandma's room and who else did benefit? Well the ants. We knew it she was guilty. It runs in our genes I guess I have to pass since I know I am not like my grandma or aunts and uncles.
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