Cutting Aid to Infants? Is NOTHING outside of the budget cutters?
@valentinesdiner (1214)
United States
May 26, 2011 6:18am CST
Part of the deal to pass the budget last month was to cut the WIC program (food and counseling for women, infants and children 5 years old and younger) by hundreds of millions of dollars that had already been approved.
As we face another round of cutting to lower the debt... what areas do you think should be left alone?
How about you mylotters outside the US... is there an area your government should NOT cut?
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6 responses
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
26 May 11
In 2010, the elections seemed to fall in favor of those who wanted to slash spending and big government. Now they are finding out how hard that is too do. Nobody wants spending cuts on their favorite programs and everybody has favorites with somebody for each program that exists.
This next election cycle will be won by those who run to save budget items favored by their constituency (this has already been seen in the special election in upper New York state).
Eventually not much will be cut and taxes will have to be raised to avoid aggravating the overall debt any further. But then the public will vote against those that raised the taxes and we'll start all over.
The best solution is to cut spending an equal percentage across the board AND raise taxes. America's failure to be able to do this has caused our huge debt and could be our undoing. Getting elected is a popularity contest and noone can dare do what needs done without angering their emotional, reactionary, selfish and sometimes idiotic voters.
Write in Balthasar The Rat on all your ballots!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
26 May 11
"what areas do you think should be left alone?"
We are giving out more free money to people that we are collecting in taxes. That means the free money spigot needs to be turned off. It's just that simple. People are going to have to start taking care of themselves for a change.
The stimulus failed so we need to stop "job creation" programs that are paying people to pave perfectly good roads, paint already attractive buildings, and put up signs telling people that we're doing it. That's before I get into all the ridiculous crap like changing the font on street signs and building recreational dirtbike trails.
@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
27 May 11
Gotta agree with you on the futility of stimulus spending on "shovel ready jobs" that went nowhere.
But cut everywhere?

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 May 11
Have you seen what they get these days? I took WIC for my youngest because he had feeding issues. I got formula, baby cereal and a few other foods when he was little. That's it. Now they get jar baby food and a whole slew of other stuff. I made do with what I got and paid for the baby food out of my own pocket.
I certainly wouldn't deny a child food, but you can make quite a bit of income on WIC and still be eligible.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
26 May 11
I think some of the federal programs we have are duplicates of each other. WIC, I think, was started a long time ago to help families, especially young mothers, become educated about what to feed their babies and children. If a family is getting food stamps, they'll get the help they need to feed ALL their family. I don't know much about WIC, so if I'm wrong, please tell me. I personally feel there is some duplication going on in some of the federal programs, and those can be cut. I don't think anyone wants to see children or babies go hungrey. If food stamps buy babies formula (I'm in the dark here) then WIC is unnecessary.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
26 May 11
Cut it! Cut it more! Cut more! More, more, more!
Maybe don't be so quick to bring kids into a situation you can't afford. Why should my tax dollars pay for somebody's kid?
It's cruel. But honestly - what entitles someone to get assistance? Just having a kid means you're entitled to free sht?
Use some GD protection beforehand.
Cut it all!

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
27 May 11
So, what SHOULD your tax payer dollars go to? I don't think that MINE should go to defense contracts who then donate millions to republicans. I don't think that MINE should go to earmarks so politicians can keep their jobs.
I find it funny how republicans try to use the kid excuse to make sure they personally pay less in taxes. If republicans really cared about deficits, than they would have paid for two wars, and cut spending when they ran the country. Funny how they FORGOT to do that!!!!!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
27 May 11
As usual, I have no idea wtf you're talking about or why the hell you tack it onto my personal post. I guess I'm a war-loving Republican?
NO EARMARKS! I agree! Cut defense spending too! As I said - Cut it! Cut it more! Cut more! More, more, more!
But this wasn't about defense spending. It was about some stupid-azz infant aid program, a POS welfare entitlement that is an out for people who do not prepare financially to have children.
What SHOULD my taxpayer dollars go to?
A hell of a lot less than what they do now. Then maybe we wouldn't be so f'n FUBAR in America. 

@andy77e (5156)
• United States
29 May 11
If the government has money, then yes there are areas that shouldn't be cut.
Um.... if the government is broke, spending billions we don't have, on programs we don't need, and is about to crash the whole economy.... NO WE NEED TO CUT.
You know... its amazing to me that people act like we can't handle life without government helping us. For thousands of years there was no WIC program. Women did this amazing thing with their God given br**sts, and *gasp* fed their babies!
I mean really! As shocking as this sounds, those roundish things on a woman's chest are there for a purpose that doesn't include comparing to each other, attracting men, and providing a cash cow for the plastic surgery industry.
Good grief, how did Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, in 1764... ever survive without the WIC program? I'm guessing she fed her babies herself. What do you think?
If the women of pre-1800s could raise their children, how is it possible that 2011 women can not? Are women today just that pathetic?
Yes, cut the WIC program. I have met dozens that use this program, and have expensive cars. Sell the car, feed your kids. Cut the cable TV, and feed your kids. Make your own food, in your own house, and stop with the restaurants, and FEED YOUR OWN KIDS. Grow up, and be an adult. Take care of yourself and your family.