Many companies banning FB, Twitter

@dream_ozn (1754)
May 27, 2011 2:08am CST
One study found that 54% of US companies have banned workers from using social networking sites on the job. Facebook & Twitter are so much a part of our lives now that we update everything we do and how we feel. However, many companies have complained that they are losing money and workers productivity are decreasing due to social networking sites. And therefore, many companies banned employees from using FB during office hours. Do you think companies should ban Social Networking sites during work hours?
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24 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
27 May 11
Good! all the best urban
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
27 May 11
Hi Urbandekay, You want to further elaborate a little more?
@urbandekay (18278)
29 May 11
When idle wasters in offices doing easy jobs for which they are overpaid waste time on facebook, twitter, etc they make stuff I buy more expensive all the best urban
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
31 May 11
Definitely because companies spend money on people who are not productive. your idea is really interesting. In this way, i support that all companies ban social networking sites. Haha :)
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
30 May 11
Ouch! That's a good information, friend. They should strict on their workers not to do social networks while at work. Because there's a time for that...They can do social network online at night...
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
I do agree with you, friend. People work in a company must work with dedication and loyalty. Because they are being paid by the company they is better for them to perform their jobs satisfactory to make the company success and received some rewards and bonuses
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
Definitely. Workers are paid by companies to work and not to have fun. It's definitely wrong to play during working hours
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
31 May 11
If it becomes a problem, absolutely. Though employees might do it from their phone...
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
At least if employees are unable to acess facebook through the computer, it would at least deter them alittle. because of technology, every thing is very accessible. Companies are able to stop employees from visiting SSN from the computer, but they have other methods of accessing it too. A better way would be to educate them.
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
28 May 11
Yes, they should. We are not paying workers to have fun. And anyway, it's more-thrilling to wonder if your friends will have responded by the time you get back home than -to have instant access to that knowledge all the time. And if people are getting "stressed-out" during work because of anxiety over not knowing what everybody is doing every second of every day ... well, blame that on the instant-gratification expectancy media-and-entertainment have built up in today's common people.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
Definitely, companies pay people to work, not to go and have fun or to relax. Furthermore, what's the point of seeing each message one by one. So what if we are able to have access to instant knowledge. It does little in helping us anyway. the only way of helping us is to make us even more distracted. Yes, people are getting stress out because of our technology. Because of technology, many people are getting loss under social media and we should really change.
• United States
28 May 11
Social networking during work in effect stealing from the company that pays you for your time and experience. When at work your time is rented by the company that hires you, it is your responsibility and your debt to give the service which they are paying you for. The Social Network will still be available during your off hours, on weekends. The posts do not simply disappear into nothingness, nor do messages to individuals. Most people want a fair wage for a days labor, but isn't also fair to give a fair days labor for the wage?
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
1 Jun 11
You are right, imnobodyspecial, SSN will not disappear during the night time. They will still be there 24/7 for people to read. So, there's really no rush in needing to read posts on FB. Employees are paid by their companies for their time spent in the office and they should understand the need to be working during working hours and not spend that time on FB or other SSN. Yes, people are sometimes greedy and think only about themselves. If these people want a fair wage, they should know that lazing around during working hours is not acceptable.
• Romania
28 May 11
I don't know how people like social networks,because are a waste of time.Why you need to talk and see a person using a social network? If you want to see it , use real life meeting.The US companies made a great solusion for those people who like to talk on social networks.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
Hi granny, You have a point too. If we want to talk to someone, we should see them face to face rather than use the internet to communicate. Many of us have been too lost in this computer age and tend to hide behind a screen when communication and I believe this is not very good!
@nitin_hec (1096)
• India
28 May 11
I agree with companies. When myself site on laptop doing social network site, I not able to do anything else which makes me lazy as well as less productive. If employees want to use facebook or twitter they can use it when they are at home or at cyber cafe.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
31 May 11
Yes, i do agree with you too. When I'm on networking sites, i'm really not productive. I'll keep going on to see the status of my friend and then after that I'll be trying out new games. Furthermore, I should not lie to myself that I am able to multi-task because i won't be able to be efficient and the product of my work won't be a quality one too. You are right, employees should use their FB or twitter account when they are at home, when they are free and not during working horus.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 May 11
Unless there is a legitimate work requirement emoloyees should never access personal social networking sites in work time. Why should employers permit their staff to steal from them in such a way? You work and in return get paid. Doing anything other than work in that time is theft. Some employers permit staff to access personal sites during rest breaks and that is fine. Otherwise I am with the 54% that do not.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
1 Jun 11
Yea. Employees who visit SSN during working hours are simply stealing time from work. They get paid for their time in office to work and therefore should not spend any time on SSN sites. It is vital that employees need to also exercise self-discipline not to visit sites of that nature because they are supposed to work and not there to relax themselves.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
28 May 11
And as well they should!!! Work time is work time and play time is play time. All personal things they have to do should be banned. At work they should be working. All personal internet things should be done at home.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
1 Jun 11
Hi Jdyrj, you are right, work time is work time and personal stuff should be done at home. Employees get paid for working and they should spend working hours on work stuff and not on FB because when employees are on FB, the company loses money!
• United States
28 May 11
I think what they are doing is right. Just because FB and Twitter have become an important part of our lives doesnt mean it has to be. And when you are at work you shouldnt be on facebook or twitter because then you are not working. And unless FB is going to pay your bills for you when you lose your job I suggest that people stay off of it. When I was working I never used facebook whil i was at work. I would use it on my lunch break or on oneof my 15 minute breaks.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
29 May 11
Yes, when we are at work, we are at work and we need to be serious about it. Each employee are adults and we are big enough to exercise self-control. WOrking ours should be left for working and for doing for the company. And yes, FB will not be paying our bills no matter how much we want to get up there.
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
28 May 11
I think it is right because how could the employee do their job if they are being addicted of this social networking sites? Aside from that sometimes it would affect the privacy matters within the company. Of course there are people who are ranting about their office matters on social networking sites. There are other companies that doesn't need any internet connection such as animation studios.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
29 May 11
Definitely. People who are addicted to FB especially their games will keep thinking of their games and therefore won't be able to focus on working properly. How can they be expected to be productive. Privacy is definitely a big part of it. In my county, there are news that because employees log in to twitter during office hours and forget to log in using his own account, this person ended up using the companies' twitter account and posted something which is not very nice, plus, it contains a vulgar word has this has affected the company's image.
• United States
28 May 11
I fall on the side of the companies, mostly. Most do not take such action unless work is actually being affected, so it's not like they are just being mean. As customers of those companies, we do not want our service affected by someone's inability to wait a few hours to check their Facebook and as stockholders we want to see no silly reasons for diminished productivity. Many companies have even disallowed cell phones on a worker's person during shift. For emergency reasons I find this a little more disturbing, but as long as an employer is willing to forward emrgency calls, it really doesn't hurt the employee.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
31 May 11
Yes, most companies do not have any measures unless there is concrete evidence that work is being affected or when the manager sees a staff spending too much time on Fb. Definitely, no companies wants their stuff to get affected by the networking sites and not attend to for customers. I think not allowing cell phone during working shift is a little too much. if you say like making it to silent mode during working hours is definitely acceptable. But to totally not be able to see your phone is a little absurd.
• Philippines
28 May 11
My previous employer bans facebook and even blocked it. I agree to their reason because most of the employees doesn't finish their work on time (ok, including me) and sometimes they tend to take the overtime period just to earn more and at the same time be online on social networking sites. Unfortunately, the IT department can't fully block it because there are always proxy sites where you can access these social networking sites.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
31 May 11
Definitely, social networking sites have cause many employees to be not productive and many don't finish their work on time because they spend a lot of time on FB and twitter. It's definitely not economical for the company because the company hire these staff not to play but to work. It's impossible to have total blocks because like mention, there are proxy sites or people are still able to go to these websites using their smartphone. But i agree with your previous employee because at least they are doing something to help workers increase productivity and to stand in companies viewpoint, they need to earn money and be profitable
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
28 May 11
I guess to find out, you would have to put yourself in the employers position. How would you feel if your employees were social networking or playing games on FB instead of doing work for you? For me, I think it is the right thing to do. The purpose of having a job is to work and not work and play.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
1 Jun 11
WHen employees start visitng FB, updating their status and start playing games, their productive really gets affected and the company hired these people to work for the company. They pay them for their time spend in the office and these people should be aware of that. Work is work and there should not be any playing during working hours. Jlyn, I agree with you on this issue.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
27 May 11
Hi. dream_ozn. I think that companies should ban their employees from using social networking sites during working hours. It is very unacceptable to be on Facebook while they are working. Work is work. Social time is social time only. It may make many employees upset, but that is just how it is going to be. Employees should take their jobs more seriously than they do anyway.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
27 May 11
You just reminded me that work is work and it's unacceptable to be on FB when it is working hours. There was no FB in the past and people were as productive. Therefore, this is not an excuse to use FB during working hours! Social networking sites should be limited to social time.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
27 May 11
If I owned a company and had several employees working for me, I wouldn't be too happy if they spent time on Facebook, Twitter etc. when they should be doing their job, as that would then mean I'd be paying them to play around rather than to work and be productive. However, I wouldn't ban it - I'd allow staff to use the sites during their own time, such as their lunch-breaks, but anybody caught using the sites during working hours would be warned, and if they continued, would receive disciplinary action that could result in them being fired because if they are sitting playing around on Facebook & Twitter all day, then their concentration isn't on doing a good job and providing a good service - nor would I want to pay them for doing nothing.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
29 May 11
Definitely, I would be angry if my employees are on FB the whole day. WHo wants to pay people to work and end up seeing them plan games? I think you have the right method here. Not the outright banning of FB because i think that would cause employees to be angry. Furthermore, during their breaks, employees have the chance to relax a little as they are still allowed to use FB. This method gives the staff a lot of trust and they are at full liberty to develop or to misuse it. This, is another way we can use it to see which employees are really good and beneficial for the company.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
27 May 11
I just came from a company that did. Except for Linkedin, I think they banned all social networking sites. But that didn't stop people from constantly being on FB, as most of my officemates then had smartphones that they could regularly visit. So, instead of being in front of a monitor and typing, they just have their heads down in their workplace, and typing on their phones. Which tells me that, it doesn't really help increase (or maintain) productivity. I'm in a new job now, and I could FB as much as I want.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
29 May 11
Think most offices want to limit their employees using FB and therefore banned all social networking sites. But what were they thinking, i think the outright ban of such sites would actually make employees angry. ANd, like you said, it did not stop people fro visiting FB, but rather, get worse because many people hold on to smartphones nowadays and they can just use it to visit FB or Twitter too. I don't think productivity will increase when employees are disgruntled.
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
27 May 11
I don't think so. If staffs are responsibility people, they still work well if they use social network in the working time. But if they don't want to work, banning social network doesn't have effects.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
27 May 11
Yes, it really depends whether how good the employees are. If FB and other social networking sites are all banned, irresponsible employees will still find other ways to slack on their job. If they are good ones, whether or not there is FB, the workers will still do their job properly. ALl these then boils down to how well the company does its recruitment and selection process.
• Philippines
27 May 11
I would say that it would helpful for a company to disallow the employees from opening these accounts during working hours. They can however view these sites during breaks. It can eat an ample of time when an employee would allot a certain time browsing these sites.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
28 May 11
Yes, visiting social networking sites during working hours definitely take up a lot of the time that they are supposed to be working. Yes, allocating a time slot where they can view FB would be good!
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
27 May 11
I do agree with the companies. I've watched several people at my company working on FB and Twitter during business hours and they are not on a break either. How can you make your production numbers and chat on FB or be twittering at the same time. They should be happy they still have a job in my opinion. Why should companies pay an employee to do nothing? I would have banned them both a long time ago. Best Wishes!
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
27 May 11
Nice to hear that you have banned both social networking sites for your employees. Just curious to know if they have complained to you about it? Or do they find an alternative to just go to FB as well! It's true that companies should not pay workers for doing nothing. It's is outright wrong if employees spend the whole time on FB and twitter. But do you think sometimes empoyees need a break and just need to update their FB status and know what are some of their friends are doing? For chatting, i totally agree with you. How can people be productive when they are chattng at the same time? Chatting definitely has to be banned because people will jsut be on it the whole day.