Having A Female Profile Attracts More Responses and Friends on MyLot?

May 27, 2011 4:26pm CST
I just had this weird thought, i think it works. Posting with a female profile will get more responses and attract more friends. So more friends is more people visiting your profile and getting popular. Don't be offensive, It sounds like a stupid question. But no question is stupid its just a question. Do you think females has got advantage over men on this in Mylot?
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19 responses
@original8 (107)
• Belgium
28 May 11
I do think their is credibility within your thinking as it sounds logical, but it actualy does not matter i think. i think its more a task to just show who you really are and not tell you are a woman if that is not true, i'm a guy just so people know it :p
1 person likes this
• India
28 May 11
True, but credibility is built when you are experienced and win the confidence of others. But to win that you need to get noticed by others.
• Philippines
28 May 11
honesty is the best policy :)
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
27 May 11
Yes. It is a weird thinking. Posts get responses depending on the relativity of the topic and how close members identify themselves with the topic. I answer only in discussion where I am more comfortable. Females posting a discussion may not get more responses on the contrary a comparison will. Whatever may the avatar your personality will be revealed in your first ten or fifteen discussions unless you specially take care to hide yourself. I normally give preference to the discussions initiated by my friends. In turn others do respond. After covering all these I go for general outside questions and participate in discussions. have a good day.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 May 11
Hi happy You are so right because often times I don't even know the gender. The only time I check the profile is to make sure I address as she or he and if the profile is not specified I will simply omit the addressing. I have found myself checking profiles more now then before simply because there have been quite a few male members who have a favorite female astronaut as their avatar and or females with their favorite actor as their avatar. So for that reason only is when I check the profile while addressing a topic.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
28 May 11
I think the whole friendship thing here on myLot is a bag of bull, and I wouldn't dream of misrepresenting myself with a female profile. After 5 years of adding friends I finally saw the light, deleting some, and not adding any more. Friends on myLot are a joke that lacks humor.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 May 11
"Friends on myLot are a joke that lacks humor." YOu were also a friend to those friends, were you not? Surely each one of us gets what we deserve, just like offline?
• India
28 May 11
Too early for me to comment on friendship here in mylot, i am just a year old. Having fun every week on mylot.
• India
28 May 11
I agree diana
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 May 11
I can't speak through personal experience because my photo often makes others think that I am male - though that could be wishful thinking too I guess While an attractive photo is always appealing, it is the content of our topics/responses/comments which cause us to gain friends and have intersting exchanges on the discussions. What is the point of having a beautiful female avatar then posting garbage? I can assure you that there is none whatsoever and if those users are 'popular' for a while, it is not forever. When you buy chocolates, you don't eat the packaging do you? By the way, getting responses earns nothing for the starter of the discussion. They only earn for those who post them. If the discussion starter wants to earn then they must go and comment on them.
• India
27 May 11
But you certainly try looking at the presentation sometimes, i mean when a pretty avatar grabs your intention, you tend to visit it. Once the quality of the post is good, its obvious they post. It is the initial attraction to grab the attention for fellow mylotters ;). I am not changing, nor suggesting other male mylotters to change their profile. All i am saying is Females have an added advantage of posting with a pretty pic with a pretty name to grab the initial attention .
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 May 11
Hang on a minute! If the females have an added advantage, you are presuming that the majority of active Lotters are males? Surely the female Lotters would be more attracted towards an avatar of a hot chunky male (if your theory that the avatar is a presentation and therefore to be considered more than the posts themselves).
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 May 11
I know it doesn't matter what avatar we have (that's what I said up above talking about chocolates ). This user seems to think that gaining many responses on a topic is beneficial, It is but only up to a point. It is also just as economically worthwile here to have a topic with only a few responses, if those who respond are the type that comment back and forth
• United States
27 May 11
I personally have not used a confusing avatar or picture, as I have always used my Wendy avatars. I have made 3 versions of the same similar girl. Avatars and pictures for me make no difference because I only respond to topics that I can relate and or contribute to. Not sure why some think that while being male and putting a female gets more responses and or vice verse but I am not one of those members. I specifically go for topics as I mentioned above. I really can't say if a female avatar gets better responses because I usually do not pay any mind to the avatar and or pic unless it is to see if I have interacted before or not.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 May 11
Ever had the feeling that you busted a myth?
• United States
27 May 11
It is sad when so many false articles lurk the net and many come here with wrong information. What is exciting is that when they can learn early in their membership and succeed with myLot.
• India
27 May 11
No Changing of Profiles, i am just saying if a female posts a thread, a chance of getting more responses. Otherwise i don't have any issues if it is male or female, what matters is the topic which should interest me :)
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 May 11
This is interesting because I never 'study' the avatar. I always read the title first and secondarily I look at the avatar picture (which is pretty small :) Are you saying sexy pictures would be more noticed?? LOL I bet for the guys that could be true, but personally I would 'think twice' about someone needing to get attention with a sexy picture :0 LOL maybe I shouldn't say too much, because I haven't even picked out an avatar :)
• India
28 May 11
May be not a sexy picture, how about a pretty one :). Just Kidding.... I got my input from you, thanks alot
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
29 May 11
LOL fair enough :)
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
2 Jun 11
It is more or less true pt that female mylotters attract more responses than their counter parts. However, if any female mylotter is not consistent with her responses/comments and her comments do not contain any sum and substance, she cannot survive for long here.
• India
2 Jun 11
hmmm......thanks alot. Many Didn't agree. Happy that some one is with me on similar lines :0
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
28 May 11
I don't think so. Topic is not about the topic starter's pictures..but the content. Maybe it also attracts. So..what made you think female profile attracts more? happy weekend and welcome to mylot
• India
28 May 11
Just a thought, the same way a female profile has got many views on social networking sites. I thought, will it have similar effect on Mylot ?
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
28 May 11
For me yes they want to have more response so that they want more friends of people.
• India
28 May 11
Thanks Ebuscat, I too accept. Not all but few females does that.
• Philippines
28 May 11
For me this is very very not true. (^_^) When I am ready to work here and start browsing for topics, I never check if the author is male or female.I am very well attracted to the topic,if it tickles my interest, or I feel like I have to share my views and opinions or just give a friendly advice. So I hope this notion will not bother you and don't think of changing into a profile page.You are doing so fine and what's important and what you have to say and not how attractive you are. (^_^)
• India
28 May 11
Lol, well...female profiles get more attention from males. However, i dont have any thoughts of making a female profile :( . I was just curious to know if females will get a lot of attention for which i think "Yes"
• India
28 May 11
I certainly dont agree with you...No doubt women are attractive and every possible thing could relate to a women...but ask yourself why would you present a FAKE you.. what joy and happiness would you get in doin so....its very important that we present our very ownselfs rather than lye about ourselfs... so concentrate on what you have and do right things in life....cheers buddy.....
• India
28 May 11
Oops, i am not going to do that. However we are talking about actual females who has got an edge over others in terms of attracting attention.
• Romania
28 May 11
In some cases, your answer it's true , because many boys like to talk with girls , and they want then to talk on msn or yahoo or others chat.For them,the world of network talk is like a paradise.But this is not true for all the cases.For example , I answer for some nice discussions , not for all .
• India
28 May 11
For a newbie female, don't you think its a nice way to attract friends instead of you going around adding others. Just sit back and approve ;)
@suvoneel (10)
• India
28 May 11
I believe it should be the quality of posts that has to get the preference,definitely not one's sexuality.At the end of the day social networking sites are not just about creating friends from opposite gender,right?The quality and genre of discussions also attract people and motivates us to be more open-eyed, open-minded and in some cases creative also.Mylot is the best place for that.
• India
28 May 11
It is always about quality on Mylot, I accept :). But i wont accept if mylot comes under social networking category :(. It is even more than that.
• Philippines
28 May 11
If Female profile pictures attracts moreuser in mylot, that would only mean that most of the Lotters are male.(Hmmm)Should I try to change my Avatar to a female one?.
• India
28 May 11
lol...No buddy. An actual female attracts more profile views is what i think.
@allknowing (134106)
• India
28 May 11
When you say 'female profile' does it mean that a male puts a female avatar or he says he is a female? Either way if I found out later that, that profile belongs to a male it would put me off and I would avoid interacting with that user as far as possible. That is being dishonest. Right?
• India
28 May 11
I heard few males doing that, however this discussion female profiles whether they get an attention from fellow mylotters
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
28 May 11
No, i don't think so, since not everyone checks on someones profile to see if they're male or female. Many times i'll respond to a discussion, never knowng whether the poster is male or female, since i comment on discussions only if i'm interested in the topic,or,if the person happens to be on my friends list and i do have an equal amount of males as well as females there. Also i would be interested to know why you feel females would receive more responses than males would, since there are over 230,000 members here and i'm sure there are as many males here as there are females.
@allknowing (134106)
• India
28 May 11
I fully agree with you. I too go by what interests me rather than whose topic it is. But if I get an inkling that a user is faking that would surely put me off.
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
28 May 11
Well NO having a good discussion topic attracts more responses here on mylot also even if some female mylotter get 100 of response to here discussion she would not even earn a cent for that unless she reply back we have few female mylotter who never reply back and now they complaint that they don't get enough responses on there post. what i mean too say people would be attracted to your discussion when you to discuss with them no one likes to see that there views are consider as useless and not commented on But having a female profile with a her avatar on it attracts quite a few people to visit there profile once but that's does not means that people would participate on here discussion too
• India
28 May 11
True I Accept, I do not know if this is a good discussion, but it did really attract a lot of responses. But " a female profile with her avatar on it attracts quite a few people to visit her profile once", that is the advantage i was assuming, may be they get converted to potential friends and referrals :)
@mythociate (21435)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
27 May 11
My Head on Her Chest - I'm me (the black-and-white), she's Vanessa Montagne & that's one way to 'hear her heartbeat'!
Having a female avatar would attract more friends, maybe, because your avatar is then impressive to show in their friend-lists. Are those the types of people that will respond to your discussions? the type whose discussions you'll want to respond to? If so, than the pic below would be the one I'd want for my avatar. But I think your avatar should more-closely fit the types of discussions you post than -the types of things you like to look-at
• India
28 May 11
Lol...Point accepted buddy. But its not me, its only about females. Not Males changing to female profiles.
• India
1 Jun 11
Not only mylot.. this is a not a stupid question, its indeed a fact(considering other chatting sites, facebook mostly) but since mylot is mostly based on money purposes, i dont suppose that only the female will have more responses but they will have more friend requests