I decided to have a blacklist

Calgary, Alberta
May 28, 2011 1:06am CST
The purpose of this place is to create rejoin discussions and have discussions. I think many of us experienced this, we join a discussion with the topic starter ignored the heck out of us. I may understand it if there are lots of responses to that discussion and if the topic starter just get overwhelmed. But if you are the first responder for not only responder of that discussion and you're still ignored I I'm not going to mention names but I decided to make my own personal blacklist of discussions starters who doesn't give a damn about the participants.Those people who does make discussions to make money and ignored the people who gave efforts to join Their discussion. I think that's a bad sign. I'm just tired of being a victim of these people because sometimes you gave your best and you really are interested to the topic but they will still ignore you and worst ignore every one . I was kind of thinking if I will give them the same treatment if they will join my discussion. I even deleted lots of them in my friend list Because how are you going to be friends if you're not talking.
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26 responses
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
28 May 11
nokia 6260 - my second phone that I used for posting here.
Hello there! I get your point out there. Some users are just starting threads but they do not pay attention with the responses received. Well i guess, the thread cannot be considered a discussion simply because there is no exchange of ideas between the thread starter and the responders. A healthy discussion should comments from the starter. I rarely start my own discussions but I take it as a responsibility to look back and reply to those who responded. No matter how slow I am, (just posting through cell phone) I still try.. But one of my discussions drained me it got almost 50 responses and that time, I was only using nokia 6260 so it took a long time to reply on them but after posting comments up to the third page, I got disconnected so I failed to reply to the rest of them. Have a nice day!
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@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
28 May 11
Yes, its hard sometimes. I got drained because some of the responses have the same concept/idea so I got a hard time thinking of what to reply with a post that is similar to the one that is already posted. I agree it could be pain sometimes when the discussion starter did not pay attention to a response. One reason why there are users who keep on posting threads but never replied to the responses receeived could be the wrong belief that they only get paid for posting discussions. I heard that from some users that they believe with that so they do not post comments. I hope they know the fact that they can also earn from posting comments.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
28 May 11
A too much successful discussion can be really hard to comment if the responders are giving the same responses. In this case, I let the discussion one or two days before continuing my comments : I often find a new way to comment. And to comment 50 responses with a phone, you have to be very courageous.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
I can understand situations like that where you get hundreds of responses, it will be hard to give love everyone in situations like that. But if you all are like the only person responded on that Discussion. Also if you are the first responder in you'll get ignored it's also a slap in the face.
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@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
28 May 11
CAptalbert you right!! I had started 5 discussions & got the responses but felt it would be a difficult task for to respond to the responses i reveived to keep on discussion going.Therefore i decided not to create my topic rather join other's created discussion this way you need not give response to every one but to the response you like most or to the creator of the dicsussion. But its really said that creator himself don't keep his discussion going on.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
I just had enough of being ignored Because it's really frustrating What makes me wonder is some of them in Mars people even if that person is the only responder . You gave them a quality response but the still ignore that heck out of you.
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@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
28 May 11
sjvg, yes it would be hard at first but as you keep on doing it, later on you'll get used to it.
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@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
28 May 11
Thanks for your advice.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
29 May 11
I know what you mean. A tip a friend gave me to get a response is ask a question so they feel that they have to reply but then that is not the point, they should at least acknowledge you anyways. I have often left responses just to provoke a response from certain members that don't respond to their discussions. If you don't know me then some of my comments could be considered Troll like lol, but in some cases it has worked and I got a reply from the other person and had a good chat.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
29 May 11
What really gets me is some older members here that just have not got how mylot works. You get it, I get it and so do many others but there are some who just do not reply. New members I can give a break to, some engage, some don't but I never give up on them. Just say something outrageous to them. (within the guidelines of course and not flaming) Only downside is you might be reported You will get a response, if not from them you will from others that feel strongly and that is your opening for a chat. I do sound like a Troll now don't I
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
29 May 11
I must add that 99% of the time these tactics make me good friends even out of the worst of of odds.
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
I'd tried such tactics before and it didn't work out for me ,I can understand if you're not really active members but a lot of them are present here every day. I use that strategy before they make them feel engage but they're not really interested ,If they only have the discipline And they will finally be useful in this place, some of them are here to make money right, they should be ,real nice enough to respond back so will make the money
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 May 11
hello Cap, Uh uh,i guess i've done with those ones huh. Really i wonder how they can create topics,yes topic sometimes 5 topics or more than in a day and never care to give responses back. And one more thing is,someone who skip our response..yes,it's too obvious that the topic starter skipped my response -okay it's their right whether they response back or not. But goodness,this is forum site-as far as i know happy weekend captain
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 May 11
same here captain...my numbers down to more than a half (i extracted almost 200) when they don't make me feel like a friend. sometimes i feel i being bad-but why keep them in my lists - (right?) and now i am giving chance to newbies who asks friendship...maybe they're worth trying and who knows,they're better and good friends than those ones i've lost
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
I already remove lots of people in In my friend list too for many reasons, Some of them transformed into trolls While others ignored me in every discussion they created.
• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
There is a person who makes like 20 discussions and ignore every one and this person is a veteran. What sucks the most is when you love the topic so much but you know you're not going to get love because the topic starter is way leave too snobbish. I removed know some people in my friends list because they never make me feel like a friend.
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• Philippines
28 May 11
Hello Captain Albert! I'd say "YOU're THE MAN!! but hey, take it easy on me, I am doing the best I can. seriously, it's not a joke when you have so many response and there are times that i am really tired and can't have a straight thinking when it comes to commenting responses. I never really got the attitude of some people making topics and not responding at ALL. probably responding LATER would be nice since most of us are busy off line but come on, not respond at all. well, you're the guy who made a straight solution first hand, but remember it can also give a negative impact on others. but that's really nice. keep it up buddy.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
I actually understand your situation because most likely my response in most of your discussions is found in page 5 to 10. The ones I'm mentioning ignored me more than 10 times And they make so many discussions but they didn't give up back that much.
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• India
28 May 11
You have a very great idea and you are a true mylotter here who only here to participate in discussions.haha.well, this treatment is good for these mylotters, i appreciate you for this.
• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
They just need to understand this is not a one sided relationship And there are two sides of the coin. I'm considering to ignore them in my discussions to make them taste their own medicine so they will feel how was it like to be ignored after all their efforts.
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@gtdonna (1738)
29 May 11
Ouch! I thought your thread may sound harsh, but you know, I actually agree with you. I have some friends who starts endless discussions and I respond to them, but never once do i see a response, so sometimes I think it's like a game of "See who can start the most discussion in a day". I alwats respond to my discussions and take the time to not only rate them but read them as well and answer. i have learned so much from what others have to say. That said, i wish you were on my friends list we would get along just fine.
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@gtdonna (1738)
29 May 11
True! its like I meet you face to face and you ask, "Hi how are you?" and I respond I am doing great and then when you reply to that i just walk away and don't even answer you. of course you won't even bother to greet me again because it was so rude.
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
I really don't know why those people that bother adding people on their friends list if they will not treat them like friends and make them feel alienated and isolated. You know there is a rebuttal for every excuses they have but the number one reason is laziness. I noticed a lot of them are getting less responses now it is their own fault. Im sure the got ignored now because of the impression they left That leaves a mark in a negative way.
• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
That explains their attitude really well, they will initiate something then abandon it in the middle of nowhere. I gave them so many chances and you're not going to change so I'm not going to buy the milkshake they were selling anymore. I can't believe some of them are even proud of what they were doing
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 May 11
Instead of ignoring them, deleting them or black-listing them, why not turn them to your own advantage? Bookmark those users who do that and then after some time go back to their topics and comment on all of the responses as though it was you who started the discussion. Obviously if you responded it is because the topic was interesting to you and you had an opinion about it so go and make the best of it and get some more out of it too! Their loss and your gain
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
29 May 11
You mean Hijack the discussion Now who would do that!
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
I don't know but that might make them much more Lazier ,Because they will have someone who will make responses for them.I can see some advantages though but I'm not sure if it's it's something I may do.its kinda stalkerish but it something that may work.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 May 11
very very true. cant tell you how many times ive gotten annoyed with those kind of people here. have eventually taken them off my friends list. also ones that never come to one of your discussions, even when you have a variety of things you do discussions on and have seen them do some with same subject. i just go take them off friends as to not be annoyed with email overload from their discussions
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
28 May 11
My blacklist is very short, but there are a few members that I avoid because I know that they are going to ignore if me if I participate in their discussions. One of the those members comments on her friends responses and leave the rest without a comment and as I am not a friend my participation gets ignored. I participated in her discussions a couple of times where I experienced the same thing and I had decided to avoid her discussions in the future, but I didn't keep my promise I found a discussion about a topic that I found really interesting and I couldn't resist the temptation so I responded anyway...and got ignored again. Now I am not going to respond to her discussions again.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
28 May 11
That is good idea, I will try that. Sometimes it is hard for me to stay out of a discussion if I find the topic very interesting and feel like expressing my opinion. The more time I spend here the easier it gets to predict who are going to ignore me or make rude comments and I get to know the other members' style. I always comment and many people do the same, but there are also members just start a lot of discussions and never write a single comment or only comment on their friends' responses. I find those discussions less interesting than discussions where there is interaction between the members.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
My blacklist is composed of people who ignore me on their discussions, people were treated me rudely, people who hated me in some trolls. I think you have experienced this before, some of your enemies are actually friends of your close friends. It's crazy who who are not meant to get along. I will give you some sort of a strategy if you found a great discussion created by a person who always ignores you. Respond to the comment of your friend who participated and that discussion. Sometimes it works.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 May 11
Hi Captain Gosh No Captain. Please dont have that kind of a list. Lotters are lotters and this quite happens many a times but that should not deter you or anyone. I have experienced the same thing a few days back and had a similar discussion but I dont think ignoring or blacklisting anyone would help. Maybe a PM should do the thing before adding anyone if you are seriously considering this. I try to respond to all those who respond to my discussions with the same flair - yes, at times, I miss out responding but that is not because of any other reason but my ill health and my unavailability at MyLot. And when I return back, I think, it is too late to respond and so miss out. But there are a few lotters whom I cannot even think to ignore as they are close to me and I would feel bad if I missed out. Did I leave you unresponded anywhere? I hope not and will not.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
28 May 11
Making that list and keeping it on the mind all the time will also make you feel a bit overloaded... But yes, I can understand your feeling sick of this as I too did feel the same that day when I had that discussion as it was a good friend who started ignoring... now things are ok and we know why it went that way...
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
Usually I do people three weeks to respond back to me, I do understand know if a person is not really active in Mylot but if I see their profiles everyday and they still ignore me I know something is wrong.
@topffer (42155)
• France
28 May 11
Albert, you are the best, even with rants. I don't like black lists but I think that all of us have a black list in our head, more or less voluntarily. I try to do my best to comment all my responders. I am very slow when I write, but I think that every person who has read a discussion and has made an effort to respond deserves a comment. I know that you are also like this, and I am a bit tired by some members who are starting a discussion and are commenting the first box and not the followings or even not commenting at all. Sometimes, I see a discussion that should be interesting, but I don't respond because I know that it will not be a true discussion. On the other side, I have many friends who are commenting, but I am unable to participate to their discussions, because I am not concerned or have no knowledge on the subject. I can do it by curiosity, to try to respond to a friend who is often responding to my topics, but I will not do it in a discussion from a mylotter who is not in my friend list : I don't want to look completely stupid, and I understand when the starter don't respond in these discussions where I want to learn but can't bring something. When I started a new twitter last month, I joined Twiends to get followers. The guidelines are saying that you should give a chance to the person you are following by following him/her at least a week. I noticed that many members were getting credits to follow me, and when I was following back, were unfollowing me... I was upset, blocked 17 in a hour, and twitted "try it, it is good for your karma." I was certainly not alone in this case, because it has been retweeted :) There is a minimum of good manners to follow in any community, at myLot like in real life, and I tend also to blacklist some members.
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@topffer (42155)
• France
28 May 11
Are you sure that YOU were ignored, i.e. that the other boxes were commented ? I feel bad in this case. Last time it happened to me, it was in a discussion started by a new member in "computers". I gave a long and detailed response, who was perhaps the best, and I was the only box he did not commented. Well, I prefer to not be commented than to be flamed. In this case, I blacklist immediately the member, veteran or not : I want to have some fun at myLot, not to be insulted when I enter in a discussion to give an opinion different of the starter's opinion. Some members are really not open minded.
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• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
My comment is not even against their opinion but they still skip me while a who copied my answer gets attention. What sucks most is if you want not only person in that discussion And yet you get nothing but cold air. I have a long list And the reputation is already tainted for me, I will never go to their discussions again even if it rocks.
• Calgary, Alberta
28 May 11
I think you might have noticed that in the last few days I joined discussions and I didn't do much discussions. You will notice most of those topics starters have had ignored my existence. I don't know why I'm experiencing this because you know I always give efforts to have conversations with my participants. Sometimes I'm a slow responder too but I always try to catch up with the best of my ability. I can't believe some of them are actually veterans and they still misuse this place. I support people who makes multiple discussions and a day but the have to be responsible
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@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
30 May 11
Nice! I think that is good so they would know how it feels to be ignored. hehehe
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@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
30 May 11
I wonder who that is...
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• Calgary, Alberta
31 May 11
Lucky for you is not on your friend list
• Calgary, Alberta
30 May 11
I saw one of them have created so many discussions and the only response they get home is a one liner saying have a nice day and happy lotting
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
3 Jun 11
In no place it says everyone is forced to put a comment back to every single one responses in their own discussions, so why are you so offended? Yes, I know, it's a matter of good customs to comment back, but I don't find it that severe after all. The point in any discussion is to post an idea/suggestion/rant/experience/history/whatever and have others express their opinions, and while I would like to see what the starter thinks about my views, it's not the end of the world, or better said, it's nothing that will influence my life or my MyLot time. Having comments is nice, but not a must. But waiting for them desperately seems pointless to me. There is no victim at all, because there is not a crime, not even an offense, just someone that don't like to comment, but like any forum, some come back, some others don't. You made a good point about money. Many are here specifically for money. And I'm not a bit surprised about this. MyLot is a paid-to-post forum, and as such, money for sure encourages a lot of people to make more post than they would do normally, I doubt MyLot would have such popularity if it offers no pay at all. So, what's so bad, in a site intended to make money, in seeing someone seeking money? I find it perfectly normal and expectable. My personal view is against those blacklists. If you don't like to not be commented back, OK, it's your preference and you have full rights to avoid such members. But I don't think that such attitudes does something so bad to the site or to ourselves.
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@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
5 Jun 11
Good for you, just enjoy your freedom with the full right you have to just ignore such discussions/members. I take it from another point of view. Like in any forum, it's not mandatory to give an answer back (though it for sure is a good thing to do). But I will not really worry too much if someone don't reply, I have expressed my opinion and (with this being a paid forum) received my credit for my response, which is another incentive to continue writing. Maybe if you like a stronger interaction you may want to look at a more social network site more than on a forum. I don't had any really good communication with other members.
• Calgary, Alberta
6 Jun 11
I joined more social networks more than you can imagine. In case of mylot though, I only care with people who are willing to talk. If they want things to be 1 sided, I wont give them time.You can participate in their "discussions" for all I care, I have already friends here who knows what a conversation is, so I will stick to them. Those people who dont response didn't know the advantage of responding. they can enjoy their cents for all I care. The reason I stick with mylot is the strict rules against trolling.I can get trolls banned. I will stick with my active mylot friends for not. speaking of making responding mandatory, thats the best idea I ever heard. it can separate the good apples from the bad.
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Jun 11
Your point though is not going to stop me from avoiding those people. I will only have business to people who are willing to talk. I will gladly enjoyed my rights to avoid those people since they were doing their rights to ignore me anyway.I'm not into one side Talks, if they don't want a conversation, I won't give them conversation. As you said we all have rights right.I didn't name them so there's nothing wrong if I have a black list.I want to waste my energy with those type of people, if they don't want to talk I will leave their discussions alone
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 May 11
once more lost all my response copy paste Albert those jokers do not make a penny off our responses at all as we did the work and we get the pay so he or she has to comment back or he or she goes penniless. I think your idea is a good one as those jokers wont get paid one cent unless the post comments., they wo rk they get paid, we work we get paid. so they are shooting themselves in the foot by their disregard for our responses.
• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
The need to experience something that will make them wake up on their senses and and realize this is not a one sided dance. The lead people to die of thirst in the middle of the desert. So why shall we give them a glass of water? If they can't manage multiple responses Then they should not try To make multiple discussions because they are not responsible enough to give back the people who lent them some time and energy
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
29 May 11
Well, we don't blame other people something like that. They maybe not responding to any of the comments on their discussion due to some reasons. But whatever reason with that. We just need to be understanding in that particular case...
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
Whatever their case is,I will avoid their discussions because they were useless and they will waste people's energy.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
29 May 11
I feel the same way. I have not started many discussions but I answered all the responses. I wouldn't start them unless I had the time to reply. People take the time and interest in your topic to respond, the least they deserve is an answer. It is not a discussion, if there is no answer, it's just question and answer. I think it is rude not to answer. There is one person on my "friends" list who never responds, I was thinking of deleting him because of it. I have not done so as yet and I was wondering if they are notified that they are deleted?
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
As far as I know there is no notification with being deleted on the friends list so you shall not worry about removing them. They're not going to know unless they checked your profile regularly but the fact that the more you I don't think they'd check your profile
@anil02 (24688)
• India
29 May 11
Hello, Forgot these small things you do your job seriously. What are doing others don't take it so seriously. Take it easy.
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
It's passion, and you know Passion and gets people Far , I believe I will only give my time to people with passion.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
29 May 11
How do you know if you're being singled out intentionally? I understand your reason as we are here to discuss. But sometimes when the respond to the discussion is similar to others response, I just don't respond back. I do understand your sentiments though.
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
Well was I ignored even if im the first responder of that person, I also give effort not to be similar but I was ignored multiple times.I still manage to be responsible to my responders even if their responses are similar.If i get cold treatment,Adios to their discussion
• Philippines
29 May 11
I strongly agree with you my friend.
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• Calgary, Alberta
29 May 11
Do you have any experiences you can share regardless of this topic