Need of the day.
By DoctorDidi
@DoctorDidi (7018)
21 responses
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
Yes the Jews need to apologize to the Palestinians for taking their land and the Palestinians should apologize for following a religion which says lots of bad things about Jews. That sounds simple enough doesn't it?
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
2 Jun 11
Yea, may be that is the why to do, but it is no that easy we might think and say here, all we say is our preception of what might have caused these people to argue and go the way they are going today.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
jak2010, I think you failed to detect the sarcastic tone of my writing.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
DoctorDidi, what if the person pressurizing you is willing to use violence or perhaps does something that doesn't leave you a non-violent option (perhaps coming into your house with their friends and refusing to leave)?
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
30 May 11
Yes. Your observation is correct. Very much violence today. So peace is very difficult to obtain. Tolerance is also very less now. Everyone always wants to win his own. If there is no violence in this world, and if there is tolerance in this world, life in this world, will become more beautiful.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
30 May 11
Tolerance and non-violence are the two main key factors for bringing peace on the world. So we should all try for them.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
30 May 11
Peace would certainly make it a nicer world to live in, how I long for it on a daily basis. 

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
Surely to have peace you can't tolerate anything that promotes violence. Therefore is tolerance really the way to obtain peace or do you have to be selective in what you tolerate?
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
Now let's see your plan to get rid of violence and terrorism!

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
29 May 11
What the world today needs, along with tolerance is understanding. Lots today are not fully grasping that no two people are alike and therefore being understanding leads to less violence.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
I suspect that understanding of Islam is increasing with the result that tolerance of Islam is decreasing.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
30 May 11
I think lack of understanding is mainly due to lack of faith and also due to lack of tolerance.
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
2 Jun 11
Doctor, I think it is the other way around. Lack of faith leads to lack of understanding. Faith in Islamic Good, for instancem should produce understand and allow tolerance. Mistanding of their faith leads them in all sorts of problem. The religion does not teach kill, destruction, and hatred etc.
@imnobodyspecial (318)
• United States
31 May 11
It says in the Bible 'Blessed are the peace makers...', it says that in other good books also.
Moderates, listening to all sides, agreeing and disagreeing with part and partial...yet it is not the moderates who will rule, but those who 'use the sword' and rule by might who prevail.
Each man, woman, group...all want something, most will want what someone else has...the state of humanity is strife.
Tolerance is a lack of fear, intolerance is fear itself.
Sadly, today there is much to fear.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
The full quotation is, "Blessed are the Peacemaker because they will be called children of God." This means ... Well, um ... Perhaps we should look at the context. "Blessed are the poor in spirit because their's in the kingdom of heaven." Well that's nice ... Just a minute, shouldn't that mean "poor", not "poor in spirit", shouldn't those who are financially poor or strong in spirit have the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are those who morn for they will be comforted." Why are they morning, did the poor in spirit die? Quiet frankly this isn't the clearest part of the Bible, it sounds kind of nice but when you try analyaing it (which almost nobody does) it gets rather weird.
Then you can argue about who's a moderate. One man's moderate may be another man's heretic. Sometimes the moderates are very intolerant of the fundamentalists (not necessarily violent ones).
I think you make a good point. The peaceful have got to be willing to take up the sword to obtain and maintain peace.
@imnobodyspecial (318)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I wasn't worried about context, but rather to encourage thought.
Tolerance doesn't mean allowing anything and everything, but it does mean to take into consideration and to give conscious thought see the other side and seek a mutual understanding.
It's not just one 'side' of any conflict that has it's moderates and those who would seek mutual solutions, but those who would do so are too often shouted down by those who seek more active and sometimes violent solutions.
Sometimes violence must be met with violence, yet there are times when accepting that tolerance can avoid such violence, those who are fearful are oft times victimized those who are not fearful can not be victimized because there is no fear to use against them.
Moderate: In the middle, choosing no side, moderating, seeking a middle...there are many ways of defining moderate these are but a few.
Myself, I am moderate, I choose no side and I seek a middle.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 May 11
Yes. And more compassion too. If we all can Realize that people are the same everywhere and We all have the right to live in peace, the world would be a much better place.

@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
2 Jun 11
You make a lot of sense, but those cause trouble in minority, and their voice will not be heard if they want people to hear through violence, And violence is seen as illegal, inhmane, primitive, so forth. YOu need to work with the majority. If the behaviour of the majority change, may be we will have a good
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
The trouble is that you've got to persuade the people who are prepared to use violence for what they want, to be peaceful. Go to Gaza, tell them to stop firing missiles into Israel. Tell the Muslims to stop hating people of other religions. Tell the white supremists to stop hating dark skinned people. Tell the black racists to stop hating white people. Tell the anti-Semites to stop hating Jews. Tell the sexists to stop hating women. Tell the homophobes to stop hating gays. Tell the homosexuals to stop hating Christians. Anybody else?
Persuading nice people to be peaceful is easy but the difficult bit is persuading the not so nice people to be peaceful. Perhaps the world would be better if the nice people were more prepared to fight the not so nice people.
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
30 May 11
Yes didi, you are right but who will listen?The world is under siege from fundamentalists, fanatics, militants and terrorists who have their own agenda and want to spread their own religion and culture and destroy other cultures and religions.These people are not prepared to listen to moderate voices but want to inflict their cruel and inhuman culture on everybody.Unless these people are brought on the path of non violence and tolerance there is no other option but to destroy them completely ,a task easier said than done, because they are nothing but human vermin and should be dealt as ruthlessly and exterminated like rats.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
30 May 11
Yes, I agree there is none to listen to me. But if all of us raise our voice, then a few may listen and I think that would be a great achievement for us.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
31 May 11
What kind of tolerence are you advocating? I would not only tolerate a person of another race moving into the house next door, I would welcome them as a neighbor. However, I would expect them to keep up their property so as to not degrade the neighborhood. This is on a personal level. On a wider scale, I object to people from another country moving here by the tens of thousands illegally because our country provides more aminities to those who live here than the country from which they came. Those privileges were intended for citizens of this country. We are paying for them. I say tolerence is for those who are law abiding.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
29 May 11
More tolerance would be grand. The gangs and such really have violence down to a science. I have heard some horrible stories. And life in prison doesn't teach them anything but more violence and how to lie better and scam. I still believe we have to try to make our little corners of the world as good as we can.

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Jun 11
You report anything that happens. You show them you won't put up with their crap. You protect yourselves and your property. You stand for the law and don't let them get away with things.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
So how do you deal with these gangs, tolerate them?
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
2 Jun 11
Well that sounds nice. However what are you tolerating? Pedophilia? Psychopaths? Nazis? Murderers? I really think there are some things that a civilized society can't afford to tolerate. That includes intolerance because if you let the intolerant exercise their desires, they will persecute others, spread their hatred and soon you'll end up with a Fashist state. You can see this with Islam. A lot of people feel that Islam should be tolerated, I think because most Muslims have dark skin. However they seem oblivious to the fact that Islam is opposed to most left wing values, like feminism, gay rights, tolerance of other religions (especially Jews) etc.. Now many people, particularly on the left of the political spectrum are become anti-Semitic because they tolerate Islam. Islam is intolerant and therefore shouldn't be tolerated.
I suppose you could argue that Christianity and Judaism and probably some other religions (including Islam) shouldn't be tolerated because they're anti-gay. However when gays start using equal rights laws to persecute these religions (they only seem to target Christianity), you've got to wonder who's the less tolerant.
Then of course you've got to persuade all the nasty vicious people to obey the tolerance and non-violence rules and you probably can't do that without violence.
OK, so things get complicated but that's probably why the word's in such a mess.
@imnobodyspecial (318)
• United States
2 Jun 11
I wonder why when anyone brings up the subject of tolerance there is always at least three things brought into the debate...Pedophilia, homosexuality, and naturally religion.
I note you placed psychopathy, Nazis, and Murderers in the mix...psychopathy isn't a condition that is chosen, it is a mental aberration that is a chemical imbalance in the brain, I am not hinting that it is curable, just that it is a disease. Murder is a choice, most societies agree that murder is a bad choice and should not be encouraged, Nazi is a political party with it's own agenda, although most of us agree as a political choice it is a poor one.
Every group has it's militants, those who seek attention either for self or for what they consider the plight of others like them.
I agree that there are a great many persons who are not tolerant of those not like them and I agree that they most likely would refuse to become tolerant of anyone or anything they did not agree with or conceive as an ideal themselves.
Yet there is always a chance, however slim, that by exhibiting tolerance it can be taught. It would be a long slow process and a thankless one.
Each group has it's agenda, often within a group each individual has his or her agenda.
Nothing is easy, if it was, it would already be done.
The world isn't in a mess, although we people are doing a fine job of trying to make it's people that are in a mess...and there in lies the rub.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 11
Other than less violence, more tolerance, I should add another word, " react smartly".
If we are too violence, i don't think we can resolve the problem.
Moreover, we can cause more troubles.
If we are more tolerance, those who bully you will be granted.
In this situation, the problem will become worse.
If we react smartly after our tolerance without any violence, then I think this should be the way to resolve our problem.
Of course, we have to tolerance in certain cases. But we can not be tolerance all the while. In certain cases, we must react wisely.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
29 May 11
You are right my friend today violence are increasing. I also observed even due to small reason the person doing wrong activity and for small reasons they kill the person. Now son killed their parents only the property reason but why I dont know. Why people not understand family is must in our life.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
29 May 11
It would absolutely be such a difference if more and more people actually understood that family is so precious and accept the values of having family. Sadly so much crime today is occurring.
Even sadder to hear that violence within a home is on the rise. How precious and wonderful if family value was appreciated. 

@goldenPlanet (328)
• Philippines
30 May 11
for me, people today should really go back to the basics. what i mean is people should go within themselves and begin quieting their minds. and in the silence of their minds they should go deeper that they may know their true selves. once everybody knows their true selves, this world we live in will change dramatically into magnificence.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
31 May 11
Very good observation. I think the world needs is peace,understanding,love,lots of tolerance and patience. If this would happen we would have a lot better world! Wishful thinking but it would nice if it did happen!
@Bellapop (1279)
29 May 11
You are certainly right. The world is to find nowadays so much more and that every little petty remark makes everyone thrash out aggressively. Not only do we need less violence, we need less of people with bad and evil intentions.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
29 May 11
I agree. The world right now needs a major overhaul. With the economy in the dirt and the violence that is on the rise, it's sickening. I wish there was a way to eliminate all the negative with one swipe of a hand. But we must make the best out of life the way things are anyway.
@thankucomeagain (280)
• India
29 May 11
yeah, that too from the beginning
but thats one thing which is impossible to mankind
as some say, the world is balanced only by yin and yang
hence destroying violence will never be an option when we cant even control it
lets hope
@hanyrady87 (13)
29 May 11
yes ur right. the best thing in our life is peace. if we got it we would be okay