What a load of old tatt!

@Humbug25 (12540)
May 29, 2011 11:10am CST
Just recently the things I have picked up from some fellow freecyclers have been absolute tatt, rubish, garbish whatever you wanna call it! I picked up a bag full of solar lights for the garden as I wanted them to go up my garden path. They have been outside for a week now and only 3 work out of the 10 she gave me. I also picked up some handbags from someone else and they are just really tatty with some bits broken, straps, buckles and such like. I am not ungrateful for the items I get for nothing but I do feel that sometimes people really are getting rid of stuff that is just fit to be thrown away, even a charity shop wouldn't take such items. I have given away plenty of stuff on freecycle myself and I always explain exactly what condition it is in and if I feel that it is fit for the dump, then to the dump it will go. Have you ever picked up something from freecycle for it to go straight to the dump?
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8 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
29 May 11
Hellooooo dear friend! I don't use Freecycle but your discussions always attract me for some reason ;0) I guess one man's or ladies in your case is tat is another man's or ladies brass! If that makes sense! I used to go to boot fairs and the things people would sell for quite high prices I would deem fit for the bin! It's amazing what some people would buy or in your case give away. But broken items where is the logic in that? Are the items described fairly? Or is it down to pot luck? All my stuff goes to charity that is not wanted, anything broken goes straight in the bin, simples. Great to see you as always. Just got back from a week on the Isle of Wight!
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
Hi wolfie my friend Ahh I wondered where you had been. You are of course attracted to my discussions because they are great discussions hahahaha. I know what you are saying about one man's rubbish is another man's treasure but in this case - really? No thanks. Some stuff is discribed fairly but other stuff not so and I guess you just have take pot luck as you say haha. Good to see you hun and thanks for the response
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
P.S. I know, I know, I meant to put garbbage but I was still thinking of rubish at that point and ended with the garbish hahahhaa
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
GARBAGE!! hahaha
• United States
30 May 11
I have given stuff away and been honest in my post what the item needed such as a vacuum cleaner that worked but needed screws on the bottom. I had gotten an e-mail from freecycle stating the things to list like if a person has broken dishes list them because artists use them and the list went on and on. If people are going to list on there I agree they need to be honest the condition the stuff is in. I have never gotten anyting from freecycle yet. I was lucky and had gotten a free side by side frig free from craigslist that works beautifully.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
31 May 11
Hi there greenmachine45 I have heard about craigslist but I don't think it is as popular here in the uk as it is in the States though I do believe that people in the London area use it but I am much further South West. Thanks for your response
• United States
31 May 11
Oh wow I didn't know freecyle was in the Uk.I am surprised you get junk in the UK on Freecycle.
@urbandekay (18278)
30 May 11
Yes of course but also I have had some wonderful stuff all the best urban
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@Humbug25 (12540)
30 May 11
Hi urban Yes I too have picked up some great stuff, it's just that lately it has been tatt hahhaa Thanks for your response
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
2 Jun 11
yeah... sadly I do agree that some people just don't know the difference between what can still be reused and trash!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Jun 11
Hi ya ElicBxn Yes that is true, I also believe that they can't be bothered to dump the item themselves and so get someone to collect it from them so they then get it home, realise it is trash and then have to dump it themselves. Many thanks for your response
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 May 11
In a word "no". However, I have given things away on Freecycle and always try to make sure that whatever it is is in working order. I always offer to demonstrate before they take it away - and nobody has yet taken me up on the offer. I think that people feel obliged to take whatever it is irrespective of what it looks like. I suppose that you could decline the goods on the grounds that it isn't quite what you wanted; but that seems impolite somehow! LOL.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
Hi there p1kef1sh I totally agree with you and that is exactly how I feel. I think it depends on if you 'need' the item or just want the item. Items I don't really need I leave for someone else who, hopefully, really needs the item. I know that some people take things and resell them on ebay but then I guess the person who has put the items on freecycle just want to get rid! Someone got rid of a fully working vespa the other day but I missed out on it. He could have sold it and got a pretty penny for it I am sure but each to their own I guess Cheers p1key
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
29 May 11
well i dont know what gets into people. maybe some just dont even check it all out. before they give it. i dont blame you. heck, with prices of gas, what a waste. of your time and money for gas.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
Hi there bunnybon7 Well I think some people are really that lazy and would rather someone come round, pick it from them and take it to the dump without them having to lift a finger, they don't care if it is broken or not, they have got it out of their way! Yes it is annoying when you have to pay out for the gas to pick the items up and they are in trash worthy condition! Thanks for your response
@petersum (4522)
• United States
29 May 11
There's plenty of good stuff thrown in the dustbins. You don't have to be given anything, just take the time to look for yourself. Here many people leave working items outside the bin as a courtesy to "collectors".
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
Hi ya petersum Well freecycle was set so that people didn't have to go to the dump but sometimes it is really necessary that they do instead wasting time of others! Many thanks for your response
• United States
29 May 11
Hi there, I have signed up to freecycle last year but have yet to receive and or give anything away. This is sad to hear that someone thinks that rubbish perhaps is re-useable. At least they should be honest and say, it is in this type of condition, therefore the person picking up such items is well aware so they do not waste their time. Hope you have better luck and by the way, if I was to use the site to give things away, I would not dream of doing so with items that clearly would belong in the bin. *sad* Because I would want someone to feel like they received a generously charity item. I could not dream of insulting someone and or make them sad about the item I gave them. Charity means helping someone who can put the item to better use, well this is my interpretation. lol
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 May 11
Hi there hardworkinggurl It is sad that people do this but with some people I think it is because they can't be bothered to go to the dump and it's easier to have someone pick it up from them. I am about to put a pair of curtains on there but they have small nicks where someone has made a mark to take them up because I got them from a charity shop. When they are hung you can't see them but I will put this information in my post so that anyone wanting them will know this and I have of course washed and ironed them as I wouldn't want anyone to recieve them in any other condition. Some people (including myself) are kind enough to deliver them to people but I wouldn't go completely out of my way to do so. Thanks for your response