Will you still preach to someone who already found religion?
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
May 30, 2011 4:40am CST
It was Sunday and I was in my study room doing some tidy up when my door bell rang.
Some one was peering into my home thru my door when I came over to answer the bell.
When I looked out, a middle aged couple stood outside, each holding a bible.
I then asked them how I can help them.
I wasn't the least bit surprised when they told me they want to read me a quote from their bible and then preach to me about god's message.
Okay, before I go on, I have to declare this. I got nothing against any religion.
To me, religion is a very individual and personal thing. So if you want to practice your religion the way you want it, it is really your choice, your call.
What amuses me was this. When the lady peeked into my home... well, anyone who peek into my home, will see the altar I have constructed to honor the deities I believe in in my religion.
ON TOP of that, I have prayer tapes running in the background from my altar. So it is very obvious that I have already found religion.
So I find it highly amusing, what this couple was trying to do.
1) They knock on my door. See that I have an altar displaying my religion and my beliefs and still go ahead to press my door bell.
2) They come to my home, and want to convert me to their religion even though there are OBVIOUS signs that I already found religion.
I mean, come on! If we met on the street and you are not aware that I am a person with religion, I can accept that.
But to come to a home that displays the altar in the living room and still want to preach? What were they thinking?!?
The most amusing part is, when I turn them down politely, saying that I am not interested to listen to their preach, they got this disgusted look on their face!
What would you have done if you were in my shoes?
Assuming that you are in the shoes of the couple who were trying to preach, will you still knock on the door of this house, knowing full well that its occupants already have religion?
Let's discuss! 8)
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10 responses
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
5 Jun 11
I believe we all share our religious beliefs at some point and time of our lives. It is just human. I am sure you've heard how one was being saved from a disastrous accident to striking first prize from a local lottery - and the list goes on. And, irregardless if the other person has his/her own religion.
So, I am sure you can understand from here the reasons why people would go at great lengths to share their religion or rather the good news. It is just viral - digitally speaking - and it is unstoppable. In the Christian context, I believe it is every Christians' responsibility to share their religion too. However, I do not know if you are aware that we have to do it in a loving, understanding and most of all respecting way. So, you can always choose to stop the conversation or sharing from continuing if you find it displeasing and/or most importantly when you are busy with your work or whatever obligations.
Religion is never an obligation but free choice. Walk away if you want or most of all, feel like walking.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
31 May 11
Hi ahgong! Where have you been hiding? I'm happy to see you here again.
I've been approached before when I lived in the city. These were always Jehovah's Witnesses and always showed up on Saturday's, when they knew that most people would be home. They came by almost every single week and were, what I considered, PESTS! I had told them, time and time again, that I was not interested in their religion. I told them that I was not trying to push my religion on them and would appreciate it if they would show me the same courtesy. Nothing worked. They still kept coming.
Finally, I told them that, if they could answer some questions to my satisfaction, I would sit down and listen to them. One question was, if God is so kind and wonderful, why would He allow someone like my sister, who was one of the kindest most generous persons ever to be born, suffer from a horribly debilitating disease like muscular dystrophy for her entire life? Along with that question, I asked why their god would allow infants and children to be raped, beaten and murdered since they are too young to have committed any sin bad enough to justify this kind of horrible treatment.
They never could answer those questions because they never bothered me again. They skipped by my door from that day on. (Yes, they do have a list of houses to avoid, another reason I would never even consider their religion.)
You know, I would think it extremely rude of anyone, religious or not, to be peering into my home! Well, if it were a relative or close friend, that's one thing but for a total stranger to be peeking into my home, that's just plain rude and I'd have no problem telling them so.
I do not follow any established religion but try to live my life with the Buddhist philosophy. Some of my Buddhist friends have altars. Is that your religion?

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
31 May 11
lol =D IF i were u, i would have tried to convert them to my religion instead!! haha =D That's way too much and that's where christians are always hated out there. Some of these black sheeps are causing the religion to be disliked. OR do not blame us when we are rude to christians. BEcause it's a fact that those black sheeps are carrying things too far.. haha =D
IF people of that religion wants a good name for themselves, better teach their followers properly before they starting preaching around, begging for followers.. lol =D 

@latriciajones (846)
• United States
30 May 11
I dont think so, but then again why would you want to preach to someone that has found religion unless you feel like they could use some help with their religion.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
31 May 11
I would have been very aggravated by that. I think it is very disrespectful for someone to come to another's door in the name of religion in the first place, but for them to see you already have religion and continue...well..not ranking high with me.
I think you handeled it very well..in a much better manner than they did.
I have to say that if someone comes to my door..there is a lot smaller chance that I will discuss anything with them where mine or their religion is concerned. If I want to discuss or read bible verses together..I will seek them out.
If I was one of the couple that came, I wouldn't have even knocked had I saw your alter. I wouldn't have been peering into your home either though.
If you came to the door and I saw your alter, I would have explained why I had some and excuse myself unless you were interested in what I was there to say. If you weren't, I would bid you farewell kindly and go on my way.
It's great to see you back on! Where in the world have you been?
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
30 May 11
Study, Practice and Teach. This is a philosophy I go by in my believes, both religious and secular. I study my believes, to understand them better. I practice them so as to not be a hypocrite, and then I teach them to those that wish to learn.
Would I preach door to door, probably not. But if I found myself in that position I don't think seeing that you found religion would prevent me from telling you about mine. I know in the scripture of Christianity we are encouraged to spread the Gospel. So it is them merely doing that which they are asked to do, I would imagine they were Jehovah's Witnesses too, but that is another story.
If you refused me I would politely leave, when you mentioned they looked disgusted it reminded me of a quote shared in church some weeks back, about being the person we say we are. It seems that some time during Mahatma Ghandi's time as a spiritual leader he was asked, What is christianity's greatest problem to spreading in India, to which he replied Christians.
The Indian way of Dharma is such an acute expression of how we are supposed to behave as Christians it is uncanny. And to show disgust because one does not go along with you is just disappointing.
So, basically, what they did is practice their religion. And most Christian religions are wanted to create converts to help them grow and spread the Gospel. But they should understand their place of acceptance better I think.
Sincerely and With Appreciation.
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@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
30 May 11
Hi Ahgong, maybe they are waiting for you to preach to them instead, but then you decide that you are not interested in their preaching, maybe that is why they look so disgusted.
Next time you can also invite them to chant according to the prayer tape!
Since they want you to listen to them, they have to listen to you as well.
That is fair!
Hmmm, now I wonder how well you know about your religion to preach!
Better learn more, otherwise you will lose face if you teach the wrong thing.
I think the only concept about Chinese deities that everyone agrees is the "huat ah!" concept!
Can never mistaken it for any other religion.
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@Fire10 (293)
• United States
30 May 11
I don't have any problem with any religion (as long as it advocates goodness and honesty) - insomuch that I wouldn't see a reason to take offense if someone knocked on my door and outright told me they believed I should choose a different religion. For me personally, it really doesn't matter what one says - it is more in the attitude in which they say it.
I know there are two sides to the following statement... but if one is a loving person and benefits dramatically from what their religious practices are I would hope it would not stay be an intensely private matter - I'd hope one would make an effort to share the benefit.
But that comes from someone who loves religious discussions and is willing to 'kick the tires' of any faith presented to me - despite being well-settled in my faith.
Yeah if it was just me I would have let them in - while being upfront with my motives.
One's experience with religion may be intensely personal but I don't see how someone's preaching could threaten or damage what an other person knows to be true.
I'd see no reason to be threatened by the actions - regardless of their knowledge of your religion ... it is an offer they make out of their own convictions which can be accepted or rejected based on your convictions.
But if they were rude (as you indicate by mentioning their facial expressions), rudeness is rudeness regardless of circumstances and has no place anywhere :).
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@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
30 May 11
I am believer in the notion that people shouldn't meddle in other people's religion. For me, it's a personal thing and not a social thing. Religion in a personal manner will benefit the believer and less squabbles about the teachings and differences between Religion A and Religion B.
Though I don't really practice my religion, I grew up in the teaching that God has a special affinity and relationship with each of the humans in the world. For me, that's enough. I don't need people telling me what God wants me to do. God can tell what he wants for me directly and if he does, I would really appreciate the thought.
If I were in your situation, I would probably do the same. Politely decline their 'efforts'. I don't think I will give too much thought on the state of their feelings, seeming that they were the ones who interrupted me in the sanctuary of my home. They should be more open to the notion that people will reject them and their intrusion.
If I were in their shoes, I would stop knocking on doors. I will show my respect to other people's religion by making them express their chosen religion without comment. I wouldn't bother them and I won't press my beliefs on somebody who already made my their mind. But if they are willing to learn, I would entertain their question about my religious affiliation but I will never impose that they choose mine.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
30 May 11
Many organized religions have a tenet of spreading the word, converting not just the faithless but those who worship "pagan" religions, which they would define as any religion that is not theirs. You may have found religion, but to them you are worshipping false idols and you are doomed to eternal damnation. They just want to save your soul. Around my area, it is the Mormons who are bound to show up on my doorstep unannounced.
Even though I do not agree with them, I respect what they think they are trying to do. I always take their reading material and politely shut the door as quicky as possible.
If you really want to mess with them though, try converting them to your religion next time. They'll probably cover their ears and run as fast as they can.