Do you think we have the BIGGEST star in galaxy?

May 31, 2011 8:50am CST
Well, guess again mylotters.. If you think you feel sick seeing our own SUN can be that big against Jupiter i think we should not always put our mind in the box instead get out of it and see the possibilities. i think you should open your mind and get sick MORE!seeing other stars that are gigantic. i mean, even some black holes can be bigger than the largest known star in the galaxy not a referral LINK. I do believe we have Capacity for EVOLUTION. I strongly believed if we stayed on another planet with a different Kind of Star we might actually have Super powers just like in the DBZ or superman for that matter. if only space travel has evolved, but i lost confidence now that shuttle mission had been put to permanent retirement(boooo!) what are your opinions? Have a nice day.
11 responses
@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
31 May 11
Latran i think life is not possible on other planets i think as there is no atmosphere there & water on any planet except on earth therefore we cannot stay on any planet & forever we will say SUN a big star. Or the other way is to see from moon or do research from moon to see bigger star!!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
howdy yo sjvg1976.... how are you? Sorry I have to correct you. There are atmosphere on other planets but they are just different from our planet Earth. Even on some moons has its own atmosphere. Actually recently said there are water either they are frozen underneath our Moon's surface. Astronomers, astro-biologists and scientists amateurs or professionals already found many Earth-like planets all throughout our own galaxy (the Milky Way), and other galaxies.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
Yes of course, you are right. Actually even they said there are Earth-like planet all over the universe. Every planets, moons, stars are all unique. These was been observe on our Solar System, the planets and the hundred more moons are all unique to each other. Like humans we are billion living here on Earth, as we are all the same as human beings but still we are unique to each other, even on twins.
@sjvg1976 (42001)
• Delhi, India
31 May 11
I meant gravitational force/gravity is less or not available on other planets i think.
• Calgary, Alberta
31 May 11
You know I always have a vision of the sciences finding a a planet or Moon that is hospitable for humans that is larger than our planet so we can solve the problem overpopulation but I want the planet to have nothing but plants so we would be competing with other creatures. I would also like to see an earth like planet with a blue star as its sun because blue stars are younger. The blue star has longer lives than yellow star.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
yeah me also CaptAlbertWhisker, I wanted that also. But we haven't yet discover the center of the Earth if it is really hollowed and there are still some corners of the Earth are still not yet been explored by humans. Overpopulation is not really our problem. Undisciplined society and nonsense wars are our real problems. Anyway, I still love this planet Earth of ours. Our planet Earth is our center in the universe. Isn't it.
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
Actually need those overpopulations. If we ever get discipline and less on wars, we can divert all these energies and most of all budgets and financial support for other things we should really do with positive thinking and actions. We can do a lot of things, beside or instead only Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. We can use these human populations for something good. Like space explorations and other stuffs we want to have on our dreams. I want to share this for yah. Hope you like it. (lol ooops but sorry mylot has no "Like" button just like in Facebook) I live in my dreams; I walk my own way, I look at what can be, not what is today, I dream of a world with ideals, I dream of a world that heals, I dream of a world, with love that flows, I dream of a world, with warmth which glows, I dream of society where people care, I dream of a place where individually we dare & collectively we share, I dream of a world where people compete but do not fight, I dream of people who live in today, but of our collective future do not lose sight, I dream of a world which is pure, green & clean, And all this of a world, which can be, for it has been, I dream of harmony between men, between nations, & between nature & man, I know these are dreams, but if we all dream, WE CERTAINLY CAN..
• Calgary, Alberta
31 May 11
I think even if you must get disciplined earth will still suffer from overpopulation because we will have less land area to build houses to. If humans can find another planet, earth will be saved from overpopulation. One of my craziest fantasy to solve overpopulation is for humans to mine the asteroid belt and create an artificial planet, it will be a giant spaceship with artificial gravity, it will run with solar energy, inside people want to feel like they were on the spaceship, they will feel like they were on their real planet.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
You have to join us to our next mission at the enterprise, and go beyond to another galaxy. Beam me up Scottie! I think there other missions and plans by NASA and other private space agency like with the Virgins (I think, I can't join that mission). The Shuttle projects will still continue, they just retired those space shuttle for safety reasons. They will have a new space vehicles soon. So, American dreams may still be alive and go beyond to other galaxies. Remember JFK and the first man on the Moon.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
31 May 11
Nice thinking of that and that's makes me wonder right now also. hhhhhmmmm. I think they are all busy and putting all their energies and American money to some super secret projects like the Blue Beam or the Star War Project and the so called HAARP. And, they forgot about those Space Shuttles going to be a junk and soon a museum artifacts. I think its a psy-ops by the US Government, NASA, Freemasons, Illuminatti and NAZI Scientists. True or not conspiracy theories. But, still there are questions of why? why? and why? These all happening right now. Beside of that, we have a comet named Elenin is on way in our inner Solar System with the alignment of the planets.
• Philippines
31 May 11
Well, i hope they aren't thinking too much about themselves in these situations. ihope the so called commet slips our planet it's a real dooms day thing.
• Philippines
31 May 11
Hello gjabaigar, meaning to say they didn't even bother making new ones while the shuttle missions were on it's way. i just can't believe they shut it down and i felt so sad about it. unfortunately, am sure those alien made space ships they have been making in their tops-secret bases. i think there's a lot more to explore but we have to be careful
• United States
31 May 11
I don't know what you're talking about. O_o The sun is just a medium sized star, and it's actually rather insignificant. As for us living on other planets, I don't think it's very likely right now. We would need to find a planet with similar conditions to our present planet, the Earth. Evolution doesn't just happen like that. It takes time and gradual shifts, not sudden changes like moving to a inhospitable wasteland of a planet some 128472310947 light years away. We would die instantly. It's very unrealistic to think we can do such a thing as live on a different planet with our present technology. Maybe some innovative technology will appear in the near or distant future that will give us the power to be able to live on places like Mars or the Moon, but right now, eh....
• Philippines
31 May 11
Hello phr4n, That's the saddest part, if we do evolve and i know we will, Our generation would have ended. i don't see ourselves getting in to that level not for another one hundred to five hundred thousand years. the distant future is probably hundreds or thousand years from now but that's not enough for us to evolve. yeah, right now.meh, impossible. but thanks for the realization just be optimistic about it for once since we won't be alive to see it through any ways
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
I'd like to be reincarnated to see that day happens. it would be sad if i don't see it happening.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
that's the reason why i don't believe in the end of the world issues.... the world continues to live even thou without humans..... if the Dinosaurs and Humans are about to extinct on this planet earth.... i am sure that there are another species that will dominate the earth and can think extremely smarter than dinosaurs and humans.... maybe on their time they can build space ship capable for travel near speed of light.... maybe their body size is very small compare to dinosaurs and humans.....
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
we can't live on the other hospitable planet, since their atmospheric conditions is a poison to us.... the table of elements found unto that planet surface is not compatible unto our stomach for food...
• Philippines
31 May 11
Hello mantis, I can either die or evolve, that's how it is. well, mutation is the key, but unfortunately, just like in your response, it may seemed logical to be just afraid and not allow such to embraced our minds. i am familiar with the elements and most specially if the atmosphere is not compatible with out own.but still possibilities are endless if we ever break the chain.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
mutation as i know only happens if we are expose to an extreme radiation, but the mutation is not a duplicate.... what i mean is if i mutate into a half human half cro-magnon man.... may he will mutate into a half human half pig.... and the other guy will mutate into a human with disease of an amphibian scales on his skin.... and the other guy also will mutate into a human also but with 3 legs...
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
evolution as i know only happens for an estimated of at least 1 million years or more to wait... they human eye can't observe the changes withing the cell's new program of development.... maybe this is a thing will happen, evolution and not mutation....
@murfus (78)
• Colombia
31 May 11
hello, well there are bigger stars than sun just check out antares, one of the gigantic stars. probably if we change our planet out of the solar system we should get a few nice appearance, we cant get supper powers as dragon ball z, i mean the living things change and evolved to survive but if we get superpowers we are surviving from what.. i mean some doctors says the appendix was organ who make us breath into the water.. but the human start the live in the earth and that organ start to stun.. i say we can get a cool look aperience but super powers thats imposible the only way is that the human modified the genetic code to get any kind of special ability not as fly or others things like that, i mean abilities to resist the cold or others things like that.... (sorry about my low english level im practicing)
• Philippines
31 May 11
murfus, that's why we got genetics, because we can modify our DNA and be able to have that in DBZ. but am pretty sure we will get into complications of it, like diseases and other sprawn new viruses. maybe they can experiment on appendix once more so that it would determine if we can still have a chance to go into the waters again with out suits
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
It would have been a lot COOL if we all end up like alice in Resident Evil when he successfully merge with the virus with getting mutated into zombie
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
that first thing that comes unto my mind if they use radiation of the result is a Zombie Output.... hehehehe
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
The idea of living in another planet sounds enticing to me Letran..but then before going there i think i need to make new friends like..Superman..or maybe i could also put mutant DNA on my DNA.. i need a bit of Jean Gray's power, Storm's..ummm Rogue's as well..ummm and maybe also of Ben Ten so like i could kick as* for some alien there who might do me bad .. and also maybe i need a car like Bumble Bee..
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
Hello Jazel, Well, i like the idea of a Mutant DNA putting it into ours, but of course, the risk of severe mutation is great. so great that we may end up like monsters of our own mutation. i'd wish it was that easy but lately things aren't doing well. some are even focusing on biological weapons of some kind..
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
i really don't think so. there are more bigger stars than the sun. evolution has many definitions. biological evolution is different from stellar evolution (evolution of stars). maybe there are really aliens but i don't think i need to know.
• Philippines
1 Jun 11
Hello carso, Uh, that's exactly what's the discussion but i don't know what did you not agree about though. well, i never mentioned about stellar evolution, the focus on the topic was more of our biological evolution if we are in case living on a similar earth like but different stars.. have you watch the video? have a nice day
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
31 May 11
One thing I learned when I studied for my final exam in astronomy, for high school graduation: compared to the known Universe, we are nothing. And that's just the KNOWN Universe. (I don't remember much else from that exam, by the way ) I agree with you about the possibility to develop superpowers in a different environment, but they'll be superpowers only on Earth; on their original planets, they'd be normal skills for all inhabitants. Still, I'd like to have the superpower of eating anything without getting fat or ill.
• Philippines
31 May 11
Hello NowayRO, That's one ability that i would like to have, just like Son Goku of DBZ and the rest of remaining saiya-jin race. we are indeed nothing even in the Alpha Quadrant itself. there's a lot of galaxies out there with unlimited possibilities. even if we do acquire having super powers and ability to travel with out space suits, it's gonna take eons before we explore the galaxy
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
the only power that they achieve is that they can jump 14 times higher because of less gravity compare to their own home planet.... only powers that scientifically proven according to the table of elements condition resources found on their world.... there is no such thing as myth, or tale.... such as the rod of Moses instantly turns into a snake.... while the two rods of Ramses Magicians turns into a 2 snakes.... very impossible, no such science can explain....
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
27 Jun 11
hi, im really amazed in your shared video,wow,that there are many big stars out there and the earth is in the line of small sizes only,i just scared of the most biggest star shown in that video,i wish we can travel the galaxies out there.
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
Hello asliah, Yeah, i hope we can do that some day. unfortunately for now we can't even go back to the moon nor stay there in a permanent basis
• Romania
31 May 11
We have nice start in this galaxy and all planets are very beautiful if you see with spyglass. I like astronomy and planets. The Sun is very important Star of Our galaxy. Have a nice Day!
• Philippines
31 May 11
Hello Emannuell, have you watch the video? the star is very important to our SOLAR SYSTEM and not the galaxy because it has thousands of stars moving across the entire milky way. i don't know how can you like stars and planets when you didn't have much to explain about it. anyways, welcome to mylot.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
31 May 11
i think there are also other exo-planets which is hospitable to contain life without the help of the sun..... since sun only contributes heat as a source of energy.... and the opposite of heat is cold.... maybe some alien world needs cold or extreme cold in order to survive.... that is one of the reason's why if those aliens landed here on earth, they will only die instantly because the heat of the sun is extremely fatal to that alien beings while an energy source to us humans......