is sport good for you?

May 31, 2011 12:23pm CST
We are told that sport helps to contribute to a healthy lifestyle. But what about the injuries we sustain and the added wear and tear on our joints? Is it really that good? We are told to avoid high impact to save our joints and that we only need to do 20mins of aerobic exercise per session to get the benefits. I know sport has psychological benefits de-stressing etc but its the physical over doing it that concerns me.
6 responses
• United States
12 Jun 11
hello in that case it is true so you should never over do it which is very very hard to do for most people specially if your very competitive such as myself i love to compete! lots of times when i knew that i was tired and fatigued i would push myself and not think that i could actually hurt myself or injure myself i just wanted to compete so sports do get the best of you. Sports can be really good for you but at the same time they can be really good for you, you just have to be smart and use moderation.
@ludyvel04 (311)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Engaging into sports is a form of exercise but do not push into your limit or do extreme sports which you think will not help you and does not challenge you.
• India
31 May 11
it is extremely good as long as u maintain limits. being a sportsperson isnt good as u push urself to limits. do simple aerobics everyday and play for half an hour. best u can get.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
31 May 11
Dear friend, I feel you do have great stamina, I do like spors all most all games that is simple to play, thrilling and finally interesting for me. It gives me such a relief mostly mental relief. At times I do find myself in pain when I over do some exercises. I feel if one is not doing those sports in the better it could give injuries too.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
31 May 11
I think on average, and looking at it in the long run, the benefits more than outweighs the disadvantages. Yes, there are a few people that get hurt with sports, but there are more people that get healthy, and achieve self-confidence, etc. So I say, yes it is good. One just need to take all the necessary precautions to avoid possible injuries.
@gamma9967 (607)
• India
31 May 11
ya man definately the feeling of playing it thrills me!