Do you tend to be tactless sometimes?

@whengcat (1457)
June 1, 2011 9:58pm CST
My sister called me yesterday and shared some tactless moment she had with our sister-in-law. She said that our sister-in-law got offended on some lines she said to her over the phone. She said she don't mean anything about that words and it was just some sort of a joke for her. Well, I told her that maybe our sister-in-law misinterpreted her "joke" and advice her to be more careful about her choice of words next time. To be honest, I also tend to be tactless sometimes. How about you?
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11 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I am also that sometimes. I would just realize i have offended someone when that person suddenly stopped talking or even smiling at me. When i notice that, i would ask her and explain what i meant and apologize .
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Yeah, apologizing is the best thing to do and also keep it in mind also so next time we can watch our mouth. But with my sister and sister-in-law's case, the situation got worse because my sister-in-law did not tell her right away so my sister had no idea that she got offended. Instead, she told her husband(our brother)about it. My sister was so shocked when she received an angry call from our brother who's working abroad...
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Well, the problem with some people also, is they do not confront the culprit by themselves. They tell another about it instead and in this case her husband. This will be a chain of quarrel that may ensue between all parties. Had your sister in-law told your sister about it, this could have not gone like that - sibling quarrel instead !
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@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I'm very careful with what I say. I have the ability to really control my tongue and think first before saying things. I often consider who I'm talking with before I speak my mind. I do this because in the past, I have said some words that were really tactless and they did bother me a lot, as much as the person who got bothered by what I said.
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@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Yeah, I know the feeling. The guilt will be there even if you know you didn't mean anything about those words you said.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
7 Jun 11
Hi. whengcat. With what I have been through in my life for my own self, I am no longer tactless. People have offended me, so I make sure that I don't try to offend someone else. If I do, I try to make sure that I don't offend them at all. Especially, around, a sister-in-law. I am pretty sure that your sister did not mean to offend her sister-in-law like she has, but sometimes these in-laws can take things too seriously.
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@jayen28 (84)
7 Jun 11
Sometime im so sarcastic and tactless but i didn't meant to hurt somebody, sometime i say the word that were not meant to be especially when i get mad. so that i tried not to talk when i fell upset.
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• Philippines
11 Jun 11
Sometimes, I do tend to be tactless as well. But I can say I was more tactless when I was younger but as you get older, you tend to realize when not to talk, when to talk, what to say, how to say things, whom to say things and all that stuff. I can't say I'm a hundred percent tactful, but I still have moments when I tend to be tactless. And when I do, I apologize immediately especially if I get to realize how it sounded to a particular person and to others with us. As they say, think before you talk and as much as possible, lesser talks mean lesser mistakes.
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• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Yes, I tend to be tactless sometimes but I don't mean to hurt anyone especially if they are my friends. Sometimes we hurt someone because we are simply implying the truth behind our words and we tend to ignore the feelings of someone.
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@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
3 Jun 11
I wouldn't consider myself tactless, no. I tend to go to quite a lot of trouble to avoid giving offence. Having said that, there are times I give offence without meaning to, simply by trying so hard not to...and someone may misinterpret my words, or meaning. Yet while I'm tactful, I can also be extremely honest and outspoken in debate; although...on a general, not personal level. I don't like hurting peoples feelings.
@manubla (472)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Hi whengcat. I tend to be very careful with what I say. Before even saying out loud, I ask myself whether I'll get hurt if I say something. If yes, then I just keep my mouth shut . But I believe I do have moments where I became tactless but I'd like to believe it's seldom. I hope the sister in law is ok now .
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• United States
3 Jun 11
Hi whegcat I have learned within the years to be careful after some careless honest mistakes. See I am a very happy and fun type person and at times I do tend to think a bit more first before I can interact with someone. Reason is that sometimes we do not know the person too well and what seems to be a joke is taken out of context, so I have learned that we must be careful until we truly know the person well before we apply something tactless.
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@chuyins123 (2112)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
I could say I am tactless most often too. Well, I am used to practical jokes and well some real cruel jokes thrown at me and I don't get offended. I just got back at them and throw them some good practical jokes. Well, I am tactless with my friends, I know them and they know me. When I say things I know, they knew what I meant and that they know when I am joking or not. Maybe the lesson there is to speak accordingly with the person you're with. IF you're with the person who usually throw some jokes at you then it's safe to be tactless on "jokes" while if you're talking or with someone who's a serious type of person, then maybe you should be cautious in throwing words at the person. IT might just offend him/her just what happened to your sister.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
2 Jun 11
I am not the tactless type of person,I usually thin k twice before making a joke or some remarks that might offend somebody,that is because I don't like tactless persons either,so if anyone behaves with me like this I feel offended and I reply and forget about politeness and diplomacy,but I am not the person who starts such an argument,it isn't my style,I only respond when I need to.
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