Have you been in such Awkward Situation !

@akp100 (13640)
June 2, 2011 5:09am CST
Hello Friends :) Yesterday we cousins went for movies. We all are in very good mood as we went together for it since long . Now one of my cousin having Samsung Galaxy Tab mobile. If someone don't know about it then that mobile having 7 inch screen which is quite big. (almost like a tablet phones).. And of course its a quite costly phone. Now because of its size he can't keep it in his pocket. So when we are entering in theater security guard ask him that why he is carrying calculator on cinema with him.... ha ha.. We all were laughing at that time but that cousin was felling very awkward. We made lots of fun of him and in the end he enjoyed it too. I don't know whether he was showing off or what.. But in the end he have to felt something else for that.. :D Have you gone through any situation like that.. Or you are okay with small screen mobiles... I am glad that i am not having that big screen mobile. HA HA
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19 responses
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
2 Jun 11
Hi AKP that was nice one but really embarrassing for your cousin.Sometimes seeing new things people get confused like security gaurd who told phone a calculator.. But why he carried it to a theater its a mystery.I feel he was definitely showing off that he has the latest model & the costlier one but could not impressed security gaurd i suppose ha ha ha
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
May be because of little show off.. But its also true that he is having that mobile only. i mean he had sold his old mobile for this one. So he can't put his mobile at home.. As its a quite important thing for current generation.
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@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
2 Jun 11
I was guessing it otherwise he would not have taken it to the theater as everyone knows that you cannot hide so big thing from scanner.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
2 Jun 11
yes 7" means 4 times than my mobile its like old days motorola mobiles in size.Its too big.
• India
27 Feb 13
hehe.. yep samsung tab is too big to be called a mobile phone. its a bit of a luxury though. I really like sony phones :)
@akp100 (13640)
• India
27 Feb 13
Well, I am just like you. Just recently purchased my first android phone. so far was only using iphone. And can say that ios is still better.
• India
27 Feb 13
yea it is appealing... i use iphone 4s though :) i have not entered the android city yet but i would really like to have a sony android cause i find them cool. :)
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
2 Jun 11
a calculator lol Your cousin must of felt so embarrased I can't recall any arkward situation I've been in at the moment
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
Yeah that's what he felling.. But in the end he enjoyed that situation too with all of us. Its was a funny moment.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
21 Jun 11
It's good that you can all look back and laugh... I know I have been in some arkward situations but I think my memory has blocked them out... I remember at school doing some silly things and then hurting myself as a result and people laughing at me...
@akp100 (13640)
• India
24 Jun 11
Yeah ...
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
haha okay now that was really funny. even if your cousin brought a calculator with him in the cinema, it was not the guard's task to question it. what if he came from a calculus exam? hehehe :D i do not like such. I am okay with the size of the screen of the galaxy s3. i could not handle something bigger than that. even if galaxy note 2 was better in s3, i chose s3 because to me it was just the right size. :D
@akp100 (13640)
• India
8 Mar 13
Ha ha.. Well, Galaxy s3 is good phone and yes its size is okay too.. Phone with more size than that will be surely look like big thing and yes surely hard to maintain. These days people loved to use mix of phone and tablet which call fablet. I mean all phones comes with quite big screen. But its still okay, but if someone will use a tablet as phone then surely he can face such funny situation.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Hahahaha!!!! What an expensive calculator that is!!! I wanted to buy that Samsung Galaxy Tab but now I'm having second thoughts about it. LOL How can that security guard mistook it for a calculator? I mean, that Samsung galaxy tab is a touch screen thingamajig right? And calculators have buttons to pressed. I guess the security guard was outdated on electronic gadgets. One funny situation came into my mind although it's not something like what happened to you. It was when we were in Singapore and we were exiting from an MRT station. One of my co-workers who were always behind us because she reaaaallllyyy takes her time walking, was the last one to tap her card into the machine. We noticed she wasn't behind us anymore and when we looked back, she was desperately searching her bags for something and that turned out to be her missing card! She searched for a long time which made us irritated and frustrated because she was always forgetful like that. Two of my co-workers sat down in one corner of the station in frustration and tiredness while I had the fun of taking a picture of the desperate co-worker left behind. One of us in the meantime was with her telling her to ask the assistance of Passenger Service on what to do with a lost card. We were like that for a few minutes and then voila! The desperate co-worker thought of searching in her pockets and there it was, the missing card! We couldn't believe it! We just laughed but annoyed at the same time. It became one of the funny stories to tell from our Singapore trip. Cheers.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
Yeah, that's one side of it, too!
@akp100 (13640)
• India
6 Jun 11
Ha ha .. from her pocket.. that's really funny. I also know some people who forgets their things like this. About that security guard.. I guess he is in latest technology instead of outdated on electronic gadgets... As he was thinking about touch screen device as a calculator..
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@macayadann (1235)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Well, I think that is not funny.What is funnier is when he is carrying the wireless landline phone. For me, a cheaper mobile will do because what matters most is you can reach whom you want to talk to and it is not so hurting when you lost it.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
4 Jun 11
Wireless Land Line in hand... .. Don't you think its funny to consider one big mobile to a calculator...!!
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
It is not just funny,you made us all laugh here as we design in our mind the more laughable kind of mobile.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jun 11
hi akp mp as i do not own a cell p hone or ipod or iphone as I cannot afford those expensive electronic things much as I might like to own a good cell phone, those are for people who have enough money to buy the latest toy.for me I have only a landline phone for 7 dollars a month. being older and poorer I miss out but truly I really do not miss those electronic gadgets all that much.I do not have a small screen mobile either. guess I am missing out on the latest technology here. I really would like to have a cell phone for emergencies sakes but the plans make them unaffordable for a senior citizeb on social security.,I am not against those mobiles it is just that I have not got the money to buy one myself.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Jun 11
Hi Hatley.. Sorry about that.. i hope you will able to purchase one you like soon.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
7 Mar 13
Hello my friend. Well this is actually interesting and funny. I am saying that because it's like a deja vu. You do remember that phones were bigger before, then started getting smaller, then they got bigger again with video becoming an option on them, then small again and so on and so forth. I for one like small to medium phones, so no thanks, not tablet or big touch screen for me. I prefer the phone for the phone functions, and maybe radio, camera for fast photos - when good quality is not needed and loads of room for number entering - in 2 words - business class phones - not fancy free phones :).
@akp100 (13640)
• India
7 Mar 13
Ha ha.. That's so true. The history keep on going. Personally I like those touch screen phones, but just like you even I don't prefer big tablets. I like phones which can fit in the pocket and have really good features. Just like iphone. But right now I am with HTC android phone which is also good. But surely no to those big tablet = calculator.
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@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
I prefer cell phone with smaller screen aside from it's cute and very handy you can easily slide it in your pocket.Having a bigger screen as you said your friend had 7 in. wow that's too big for me.Yeah it's like calculator already so you need a carrying case for it because it's too big for your pocket. Maybe your friend wants to impress you for having such an expensive cell.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Jun 11
He is having only that mobile and he sold his old mobile for it. And as per his habit he is keeping his mobile with every time for listening music.. May be he is doing little show off but still He is like that.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
There's no reason to feel awkward continuously. It's his like. So be it. And besides it's expensive so be proud you have it. It's a funny situation...
@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Jun 11
Well I already mentioned that he enjoyed that situation too in the end.. So yes he is not feeling the same continuously.. And about feeling proud i guess he is like that always.
• Philippines
3 Jun 11
Hahaha! I wanted to buy Samsung Galaxy, but after reading this post I think I will not buy it ever! I have never been in such situation, but if I would be in your cousin's shoes, I'd be embarrassed, or sour-grape lang "that security guard is just envy I'm high-tech!"
@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Jun 11
Ha ha... Well he was little embarrassed at that time. but in the end he enjoyed that moment too. About samsung galaxy tab.. its really cool and good mobile as per new technology. The only disadvantage is its size. its quite big and hard to handle during our daily work.
• China
3 Jun 11
Hi,akp100. That's very funny. I have many awkward situations,and aia don't know why I have so many times. Once ,I was working,there came a person and he was waitting for my boss.My boss was very busy,so he waited a long time,then I went upstairs to get something,when I get down,I did't see him,so I speak loudly to my colleague"is the guy leave,I feel he so pity,because he have to wait a long long time",Then my colleague said nothing,and then! I saw the person,he just sat there,I did't see him. Oh my god,I feel so awkward that I just want to go back to the upstairs. That's my story,let's share.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
3 Jun 11
haha that's funny.. what was the reaction of that stranger.. i mean he is sitting their and you didn't notice it..
• China
7 Jun 11
It is interesting , but I dont think your cousin need to feeling awkward . just explain this to guard is ok. The guard is only running his responsibility and I also think he is professional .
@akp100 (13640)
• India
7 Jun 11
Of course guard was doing his work.. But thats what make this funny situation. so in the end my cousin also enjoyed that. About guard's work.. he was more looking curious about that mobile instead of CAUTION.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
1 Mar 13
Hi, I have very simple mobile so it doesn't has big screen. But my son has Samsung galaxy mobile which has big screen and is very costly. but he never been in awkward position like your friend.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
1 Mar 13
He he.. Well, these days I guess this is common to have such big screen phones.. Now even I have got one, but I am not having that much big (tablet).. I am having phone of 5 inch screen so it can be easily put in pocket.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Hi. akp100. Your cousin is better than me, I know I could never bring a mobile inside of a movie theater. To have it lost or stolen would be very miserable. I hope that your cousin was not showing off at all. I have never been in am awkward situation as this one before.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
Hi Well he is showing off little... But not that much. He is having only that mobile. And he is keeping it with him every time. As he is in habit of listening music during his daily stuff.. Even with his old mobile he was doing the same.
@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Jun 11
I am fine with my nokia small screen cell as i cant carry a big cell in my pockets. Take care.
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
Hi shibham.. well even i am happy with may smaller mobile.. As its quite tuff job to carry such big mobile and do daily stuff. Its like we carrying mini laptop with us.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
2 Jun 11
Nope i have never been such instances ... there was this friend of mine who struggled a lot to pick a call in his new mobile in my college! Our annoyance added to his inability to pick the call at the earliest. As of big screen mobiles ... my pockets are too small for those kind
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
Ohh.. Sorry about your small pockets.. as its quite normal thing for others to carry that 7" screen mobile. Struggled to pick up call !! Because of a new mobile or something else.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
2 Jun 11
Your cousin should have just placed the brick over his ears and tell him straight in the face it is a phone, then put in in front of his face and say it is a mirror, and finally tell him, yes...it is also a calculator. It is a nice piece of equipment. I wonder what the security guard will called a iPad?
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
yeah 10 inch ipad.. it is more bigger than the galaxy tab.. well we all told him about the mobile. And he was more curious than caution about it as i guess he is showing it first time.
@mslianne (79)
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Haha! That was funny. He should have had a bag or something. A gadget like that is easy on the eyes so he should be cautious all the time. :) Lol. The guard was funny. I thought he was going to tell him not to bring the gadget inside the theater 'cause you know, movie piracy. I didn't expect the calculator remark at all. Haha. No, I haven't. My mobile is small and it is also not touch screen. I'm not into expensive gadgets. :)
@akp100 (13640)
• India
2 Jun 11
Yeah you are true about movie piracy. But it was a mobile so guard can't stop him for taking it in whatever the size is. Well he is not using any kind of bag for it. I don't know about its expense but surely such big gadgets are very hard to handle in daily stuff.