How do you plan your time?

June 2, 2011 8:46am CST
Time itself becomes fluid—hours become minutes.I feel it goes fast when i surf the internet and do something in the daily a short while,we will welcome the summer holiday.Before it,we have to prepare for the various exam.Some of us are worried about that due to the time which is tight for us.So we have to arrange the time properly and in science.How do you plan your time?
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4 responses
@naija4real (1291)
3 Jun 11
As far as time managment is concerned, I am a rather unreliable manager. I find it very difficult to organise things. I think my problem is due to stress. I have this kind of problem and it often affect me on my job and my private life. I only hope that things will change for the better. But I know I must start now by organizing myself very well.
• China
5 Jun 11
Right,excessive stress will make people depressed.It is better to ease it in the daily life.Good luck for you!
@anklesmash (1412)
2 Jun 11
Im not the best at time management i am preparing for exams and i tend to spend most of my time procrastinating doing things such as tidying my desk or taking too many breaks or may i say spending far too much on my lot instead of studying for my exams that start next week and the results affect whether or not i get the university place i want.
• China
5 Jun 11
Hehe,if i face the exam that comes nearby,i'd be busy fot it.because i have to prepare it more.I admire you that you have much time to do other things.Especially facing the big exam,like the college entrance exam,my classmates and i were very busy preparing for it.Good luck!
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
2 Jun 11
Actually I don’t make plans a lot. Even most of the time I am not able to follow my plans in reality. Actually things create the circumstances which do not allow me each time to go according to the plan. But I do those things according to plan which are pre-decided and not completely in my hands.
• China
4 Jun 11
hehe,i don't follow it most,too.but i usually waste time in the trivial matter if i do not make a plan.Enjoy yourself!
• Philippines
2 Jun 11
Plan time? I think there's no reason to do that but I did anyway. Not long ago I have categorized time up to 25 years but I only work on the 4th category named 'today'. Knowing that there is a finite amount of things to be done, I don't have to divide the day into several smaller chunks. I've become convinced that every person should treat himself strictly and even rudely and distrustfully; it's difficult to tame the beast in oneself. - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
• China
4 Jun 11
Sometimes,i don't according to the schedule that i have arranged.But if i don't arrange it so that i do the things in a mass.At least,i spend most time doing few things.Like i play in the computer,i look various webs instead of what i want to look for if i have not arrange the time.May be i have not enough self control.hehe.Thanks for your share!