Does This Disturb You as Much as it Disturbs Me?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
June 2, 2011 9:51am CST
This video shows the 'take down' of several young men at the Jefferson Memorial by the police.
Notice in the video, there are no weapons, no protest signs. Granted the video begins after the arrests began, but also notice that the one young man keeps yelling that he received no order (to stop or to leave) from the police. Notice that people are told to stop recording the arrest or they will be arrested also. While we do not know what transpired previous to the beginning of the taping, again...take note- no evidence of violence or inappropriate protesting is visible. And even if they said or did something (kissing?) do they not have freedom of speech? As young one man yells after being cuffed and told to shut up; 'that is not how it works, you cannot shut me up'.
Are we becoming a police state? Are our rights being ignored? Keep in mind that a judge has ruled in Indiana that police can break down a private citizen's door without a warrant and enter their house.
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5 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Law Enforcement officers on duty at the time acted swiftly to diffuse the dance threat before damage could be done to the memorial and the tourists at the site.
You have to laugh to keep from crying.
I for one am relieved that we wont have to worry about random dancers anymore!

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Take a look at the link I posted in my reply above. It will turn your tears from laughter to tears of disgust.
I have had to walk away from the computer more than once this morning just to keep myself from puking.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 11
You know, I've tried to tell myself that the liberals are right and we are just over reacting. That this is all just crazy stuff invented by the 'conspiracy theorists' just like the left says it is.
I've argued with myself that I am being paranoid and reactionary. But then I remember reading Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World as a young person and realize that when I read those books I believed my government could never allow such a thing to come to pass.
The innocence of trusting. And now here I am, 54 years old and wiser.
It's not paranoia if its really a danger. And telling me it is not dangerous when I know full well how it is suppose to be under the Constitution does not make me a paranoid person. It makes me an informed person.
Thanks for your response Laglen. You're right, you have to stop looking for a while, for your own well being Then you have to return and speak up while you still can.
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@urbandekay (18278)
5 Jun 11
US police are known for their human rights abuse and US for repressive laws that would not be tolerated in Europe
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
6 Jun 11
Yes, we a turbulent people and lack the cohesiveness present in US and the old USSR and you can no doubt find videos of police violence in any country and in any free country citizens (justifiably perhaps) complaining about human rights violation. But these do not carry the weight as the number of condemnations of human rights violation of US police by UN.
The debate about monarchy is irrelevant here nor do I agree that UK has as many problems as US in abuse of power.
all the best urban
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 11
This video is of British police putting down a pro Palestinian protest. While I feel the utmost sympathy for the police in this, it does show some pretty violent actions on the part of the police towards women and children. They were also yelling at these people several, how shall I say..not politically correct slurs.
This video is still photos of UK police using batons on the heads of protesters of the G20 summit. lots of blood in these picture.
This video is of a UK police officer pushing a woman in her face during a peaceful protest of the G20 summit. Lots more where this comes from, but I think the message is clear that the UK police are just as prone to abusing power as the US police.
Pushing a teenager to the ground, same protest.
There are many more. And I know you don't do I will let the commenters on these videos describe them for you...
Looking at the G20 events at London, I found these pictures from internet and I thought that what the hell is this, what is the difference between UK and China Police ??? Shame on you all the western media claiming that China police keep beating people during tibet riots. See what happened to this riot? why there is no media saying that UK Police beating up peoples??? There wont be any because all western media have been manipulated by its national politic. SHAME ON YOU .....
Police drag individual protester from the crowd and pin her on the ground in a very violent manner, the crowd react badly to this unprovoked attack and surge at the officers,
at which point the police became very defensive and aggressive towards the crowd which contained many women and children.
I was at one point of my life very pro law enforcement. But with the political and ideological changes going on all over the world, it is becoming VERY APPARENT that governments are 'amping' up the force and sometimes innocent people get caught up in it. It IS hard to tell the difference when you're a cop on the beat, between 'peaceful' protesters and criminals. I realize this and can even have some sympathy for individual officers who are trying to keep the peace.
Below is a link to an article of on abuse of power by the Home Department in the UK. Apparently some in the UK feel that there ARE abuses.
Lumba (WL) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSC 12 (23 March 2011) – Read judgment / press summary
The Supreme Court has ruled that it was unlawful and a “serious abuse of power” for the Home Office to follow an unpublished policy on the detention of foreign national prisoners which contradicted its published policy. Two convicted prisoners were therefore unlawfully detained.
While I have just spent about 30 minutes documenting abuses, I found only this on UK citizens speaking out on what they feel are abuses of power in the UK.
Preamble to website:
Your rights as a British citizen, and as a human being.
YOU decide if our politicians and civil servants – police, judges, MPs and the ruling elite whom WE elect and pay for- are allowing us the human rights as set out in the United Nations’ declaration below.
We’ve highlighted some of the areas where The British Citizen thinks we’re being sold short or positively abused.
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the document they're refering to.)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Jun 11
Then there is that debate on whether or not to retain the monarchy.
What I'm getting from all this is that the UK has as many 'problems' as the USA in the area of abuses of power. Your assertion that the citizens do not stand for it is most likely true, I admit.
But your implication that Americans lie down and take it is false. The Tea Party movement, and the actions of these young men and many others across the country says differently. I do admit that there does need to be a more concerted, concentrated stand taken...but those who love liberty are there and speaking up.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
7 Jun 11

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Jun 11
Start from scratch? Oh no...who would we ever find to write the Declaration!
Sadly, that thought has occured to me too.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Jun 11
That's bizarre. What's even more bizarre is the ruling that prohibits dancing at federal memorials! Here's the link:
In part, it says: "The dancers were protesting a January 2011 decision by a federal judge who'd ruled that dancing quietly at the memorial was an illegal demonstration and not an expression of free speech."
Dancing is not free speech?! Than why is visual art free speech? Why is music free speech, especially the "music" that uses obscene language and glorifies cop killers and rapists?
You know, if you gathered all the stuff like this and showed it to the average intelligent person they would be shocked and asked when did this all happen?! It's crept up on us and if we don't stop it soon the U.S. will resemble Nazi Germany more than a democratic republic.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 11
Oh my...I stumbled upon the video but did not look further. Thank you for posting the abc news article!
I've found so many incedences of abuse of power surfing the net today that it is making me physically sick. (or maybe to much coffee is making me sick).
I'd like to know why the federal judge ruled that dancing was not an expression of free speech anyway. What prompted that?
With the original video on was a comment that the kids were dancing to Jordan Page's "Liberty" CD. Don't know if it is true or not, but I am glad to think that it was. At least there are some young people who are not completely brain washed.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Jun 11

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