Miracles of God
@estersaroyini (10)
June 2, 2011 10:18am CST
Mid-January 2011, precisely on Friday afternoon, I came home from my work and decided to take rickshaw/padicab/ "becak"(three-wheeled vehicle, two wheels in front and one behind the wheel), and driven by a pedicab driver. It was raining very heavily and causing flooding in city of Surabaya, Indonesia.
On the way home, the water is raised above the knee about adults, and accidentally left side wheel rickshaw up the stone pavement, thus losing his balance and fell sideways rickshaw right sides, I will fall down and all my stuff including laptops, modem, etc,..Likewise with his pedicab driver fell, and many times he asked for forgiveness to me.
As a Christian, I will forgive him because it was not a deliberate act. But what about my laptop and modem? Do I have to demand compensation to the pedicab driver? What day is very simple life and the poor? It is something that is not possible at all. Finally I could only go home in tears.
Arriving at home I could only look at my laptop, wet and can not be revived, and is really a laptop that is damaged. It's unlucky day for me, and I began to be disappointed once and said in may heart: "Lord, why has this happened to me, would not You always by my side? What is Thy mean with all this?" I pray to calm myself, Should I buy a new laptop?
Through out the night I think of all the work that is on my laptop. And suddenly my conscience in most in, I hear God's voice saying: "Be patient my daughter, it is time your dinner and don't cry anymore, I am with you". That's when my heart become very calm and resigned, because I can't do anything else.
On Saturday morning two friends community church, came to my house, they looked at me, look at my cheek, my arm is injured by a fall from the rickshaw. I tell all the events that just happened to me while showing my laptop. After that they leave home, and they tell the incident to all our church friends. You know what happened? One of my friends call me and ask permission to come to my house, to give the new Netbook and modem, free without paying a penny.
Again I say: "Haleluyah, thank God". It was an incredible and this is a miracle from God. I asked my friend, what is the reason for giving me the Netbook. He said that if the Netbook is too small and I had a lot to help him in every way. Oh, my Lord,...I say thanks a lot.
There are times prayer is answered quickly, but there are times when prayer is also a need to wait. Don't despair, God knows everything we need. Establish a personal relationship with HIM, often to talk to HIM, obey God's will is for our daily lives.
What about you? Are you also have experienced a miracle? Can you tell me? Do you believe in miracles?
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