Would you say that Final Fantasy 10 has more of a storyline than it's sequel?

United States
June 3, 2011 11:32am CST
Do you think that Final Fantasy 10 has more or a story line than Final Fantasy 10 2? not just quality wise, but a plotline, twist, characters and such? because I feel as though they threw a rather badly thought out storyline together and expected people to like it just as much as they did the first one.
3 responses
@Staki54 (25)
• South Africa
17 Sep 11
Yes I agree.. Final Fantasy X is much better than its sequel and definitely has more of a story line. I love FFX. :)
@Arifeen (17)
• Pakistan
28 Jun 11
I Agree Final Fantasy X was much much much better than X-2. It was like they were making Fun of FFX when they made FFX-2. It was mostly focused on guys due to the "Garment system" and only Girls being playable.
• United States
14 Jun 11
They kinda said that is what X-2 was it in hindsight was just to be a short chapter added to the main story to bring closer. The ending was sad and many people kinda said whyyyyyyy so they made X-2 i didn't mind it so much but if you compare X to X-2 ya X was far better.