I have an Indian neighbor :)

Indian neighbor - Indians
June 4, 2011 12:32am CST
Hi friends and mylotters! I live in a duplex apartment and we have a new neighbor,they are Indians! I know there are many Indian mylotters here and I do have close mylot friends who are Indians. I find Indians so friendly! They always smile at us especially the woman. She likes my baby,she always give her lollipops,oh my! She calls my baby Iza but I already told her that her name in Crystal. Unfortunately,we don't understand each other,hehe! We usually talk in sign language,haha! One day,she sowed me the picture of her lovely daughter and I understand she misses her that's why she is very fond of my baby,haha! Her husband somehow knows how to speak our language. My Indian friends and mylotters,can you somehow teach me some indian words to say,hehe! Have you experienced having a foreign neighbor? How was it?
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17 responses
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
we stand as one  - my Indian family here
hello mtrguanlao, Well I have many Indian friends offline and online but not all of them can be friendly it depends on the person you are lucky that they are friendly with you . There is one Indian guy here at my place who use to call me Darling and Maganda (pretty) every morning if he see me he will greet me and smile at me I think he is living here for good because of the business. But some Indians are not like him some of them are snobbish and unfriendly maybe it depends upon the person and not upon the nationality. You want to learn hindi? I can give you free basic tutorial By the way India has many dialects so you must know which dialect they are using In addition I have an Indian bestfriend and her parents adores me much have a great day!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jun 11
Dear mtrguanlao! as I discussed in one of my previous discussion I think your neighbours may not understand Hindi language. Please check if thy speak Kannada language? You can ask the word 'Bhasha' which means language and you can add 'Kannada' before that to make a simple question - Kannada Bhasha? which means do you speak Kannada? If she nods, then I can extend my further help to you! All the best! Thanks !
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• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hi bhaby! Seen your picture and it's nice! I believe in what you've said that the personality depends on a person. I know we are all different regardless of races. So lucky my Indian neighbor is friendly and kind. Haha,I just wanna know some hindi words like good morning,good evening,good afternoon..simple and usual greetings. I already learned one word and that is namaste,yahu! I just don't know if I'm going to speak it right,lol! See yah friend!
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
@ mtrguanlao, Hindi is their National language but they have different dialect depends on which state they come uuhhmm....I think you need to ask them because even they are from Chennai maybe not sure they speak Tamil or Malayalam which I only know few words Teach them Tagalog too.....they must learn Next time give me the spaghetti maybe the are vegetarian Cow is a scared animal for them they don't eat beef
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@nishant5n (1067)
• India
4 Jun 11
Thanks for appreciating Indians. I think her daughter's name is Iza that is why she calls your daughter by this name as she misses her daughter. One of the most common word of greeting in Hindi language is "Namaste" which means hello. You can say her "Namaste" when you meet her and even when you want to say her goodbye. It is good to note that you both are having good nature and you are making friends with each other. Hope you will enjoying your newly made friendship with this new neighbor of yours. Good Luck.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
"tum kaise ho mere dost" I have Indian friends here in my country too...some are friendly and some are not. Maybe it depends on each individual attitude/s...
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• Philippines
4 Jun 11
@nishant...oh thank you so much for that word! I'll try to say it to her. I've been asking her about her child's name but she really doesn't understand me. You have a white complexion,you don't look like an Indian,hehe! I know Indians are dark colored in nature. Thanks for the word nishant! Can you translate this pls..what's the name of your daughter? Thanks! @jaiho..my friend you speak hindi,wow!
@nishant5n (1067)
• India
4 Jun 11
Hi Jaiho, I am doing good "Dhanyavaad, aap kaise ho?" You are absolutely right, it depends only on attitude and nature of the person anywhere on this earth to be friendly or not.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
4 Jun 11
Its nice to read your post and your interest in Indians. I am an Indian too, may be the lady doesn't really learned the English at her home as many Indians now know enough English to communicate with outsiders. You have been asking the Hindi translation of what is the name of your daughter? to her it seems, daughter is referred to as beti, you can pronounce it as betty but with "a" sound like in mate and no stress on 't' and for her daughter you can use aap ki that means yours and name is pronounced as naam and what is "kya" . So the whole sentence become "aap ki beti ka naam kya hai? " hopefully she understands Hindi to communicate as in Kannad as the family seems to be from south its a total different language. Though I think she is referring your daughter as daughter that is beti in her language. In some parts beti is synonym of iza, like you so dear daughter, a term of affection. actually I feel at times love needs no language to communicate. You do have a special bond with each other.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
6 Jun 11
yeah do let me know if you need to ask anything else from her name become naam in our language. Hindi is known to most but if she is from Kannad still she may be able to understand common words .
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• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Hi mansha! Robert told me they speak Panjabe but namaste is also their term for hello! He smiled at me when I say namaste and I saw from his face that he's glad that I know the word,hehe!
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Ooohh,so maybe that's the reason why she keeps on calling my baby iza,thanks for clearing that mansha! Yay! So hard to memorize new words and language,really,lol! But I will say beti and aap ki,she might get it already,for sure but only if she speaks hindi. I'm learning so much from my post,I love it! Mylot is really great,haha! Thank you mansha,so far you were the only one who translated it for me,lol! Most of my respondents wanna make sure if she pseaks hindi or kannad so they will teach me some words. See yah mansha and have a nice day!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
4 Jun 11
It is great to encounter people from other cultures; there is so much we can learn from each other! When we first arrived in Australia from Italy we met a Spanish family. Neither family could speak English yet and, although Italian and Spanish are somewhat similar languages we too used a lot of sign language in order to communicate. It was lovely because we all became friends regardless of the language barrier. My mother learnt a lot of Spanish recipes from her friend. We eventually lost touch and it is such a shame…My daughter’s school has a diversity of cultures enrolled there and I think it’s fantastic!
2 people like this
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hi paula! Happy to see you again. I agree with you that we learn new cultures from others and I find it really interesting! Even if me and my neighbor talks in sign languages,I still can feel how she really wanted to understand me. She is just alone in the house when her hubby and her brother is out for work so I know she really wants to make friends with us. I remember in high school,we had an exchange student from US and it so happened she's my seatmate. I'm a talkative person paula but when she's been my seatmate,I became silent,lol! I find it hard to understand her when she speaks,she's so slang,lol! But she is very nice! She always gives me paper when I ran out of it,lol! See yah friend!
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
Well, I don't have a bad comments to Indian. Because all Indians, that I know are good. We have an Indian, before and there daughter always come into our house to play with the kids and we give them food like candies. There parents also give something to my kids... But sorry, friend. I don't know how to speak Indian language. Because our neighbor know how to speak tagalog...that is why no problem about it.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Yup! Agree with you, friend. Those people are friendly. Even if they can't talk English, most of them now knows how to speak Filipino...
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• Philippines
13 Jun 11
Oh yes my friend! Mrs. Robert is now learning few tagalog words and I'm happy for it. I'm seeing some Indians in our counrty who already knows our language,that's really great!
• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Hi aerous! Oh yes,they are fond of giving candies! Mrs. Robert always give my baby a lollipop,lol! Her husband knows some tagalog words that's why I was able to know they are from Punjab but her husband is always out so Mrs. Robert is left at home and she doesn't speak any other language even English so it's quite hard talking to her,hehe! Good thing she is so friendly! See yah!
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
hello cute kid, I have a lot and lots of Indian friends who really loves me in the real essence. I've known them for 5 years and our friendship is getting closer and even consider as family and not simply as friends. One Indian friend is an owner of a famous Indian restaurant here and me and my friends sometimes hesitate to eat and dine in his restaurant because he always give us big discount...but he get's sad when we decline his invitation to dine in his restaurant. Even here in mylot...i can not count those INDIAN's who i can trust and really considered as real people and not pretenders....(i hope so...as i am also real to them) I will attached our pictures here too....
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Indian owner of an Indian restaurant here in the P - Indian owner of an Indian restaurant here in the Philippines
here's our picture with that Indian friend who owns the restaurant
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jun 11
Hello Dear mtrguanlao! It is not that all Indians don't eat meat! There are few people who by virtue of their caste don't eat meat whom we call as 'Brahmins' . There are Jains and other sects who don't eat meat. Some people may by choice avoid met. But it is not true that all Indians are non meat eaters or Vegetarians. India is having big market for Goat/sheep meat, poultry meat/ chicken and fish! For that matter I am an Indian and I like to eat meat,chicken and fish and we regularly have them in our daily food! Thanks !
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hello Akrao! So nice of you to clear things up,thank you! Didn't know you're an Indian too! So not all Indians doesn't eat meat,too bad my neighbor doesn't eat one,but they prefer desserts Akrao,they'd say we should just give them cakes instead of spaghetti,there was a party in our house that time. I really appreciate you dropping by my discussion Akrao,thank you again! See yah!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jun 11
Hello Dear mtrguanlao! I am from India and unfortunately I don't have any neighbor with me as I am staying on a farm meant for race horses! I am Resident Stud Vet which means that I need to stay on the farm all 24 hours through out the year except for the time when I am on my vacation or weekly offs (which I seldom can avail for work pressure!) So I stay in a farm house of the farm and there is no body near by me. But then i get lot of opportunity to meet with many foreigners as we are dealing with thoroughbreds (racing horses). But then I don't have any problem with them as all of them specking English as they are either coming from UK, Ireland, USA or Australia! I love the picture of your cute daughter Crystal's picture! She is pretty and very jolly natured child, I believe! I am just posting this response to keep this discussion of yours in my responded discussion's category so that I can return back to this discussion from time to time as I find this discussion an interesting one and I am really curious to know what is the language that is spoken by your neighbors and ow you are going to tackle the problem! all the best! Thanks !
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• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Hello Akrao! Thank you so much for your kind participation in my discussion,you've been a big help to me. Oh yes,I remember the one you've said in one of my discussions that you live in a farm and that many snakes come into your house and you just use a stick to drive them away,so brave! So you are a stud vet,awesome! So that explains why you have a horse avatar,I like it! My baby likes it too 'cause it's moving,lol! Thank you for saying that Crystal is pretty,she really is,haha! Haven't talked to Mrs. Robert this afternoon Akrao,willm inform you tomorrow about it.Thanks again! See yah!
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Hi Akrao! Robert told me that they are from Panjab and they speak Panjabe..Mrs. Robert did not understand me when I said Chennai but it's fine 'cause I truly understand,I don't even understand what she says sometimes,lol! Do you know Panjabe? I said namaste and Robert smiled and said yes it's also namaste.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jun 11
hi mtrguanlao hi I don't have an indian neighbor but when I w s back in Tustin we had an Indian man and his wife in our diabetes support group they were middle aged and spoke better English than I an American born' in the U.S. Shiv was his first name and they had lived here in the US for several years.He was so knowledgeable about herbs and herbal medications, and I learned a lot from him and his wife.We became very good friends with Shiv and his wife and when our support group dwindled we ,including I and my friend Nelda, Alice and her daughter and Shivand his wife then met in Burger King twice a month on Wednedays. we all talked about our various diabetes and how we were handling it. they were such a devoted couple I was amazed that their marriage was arranged but they admitted they had had their eyes on each other since they were in their teens so were thrilled when their parents arranged for the two of them to be married to each other. I miss our meetings with them as they were really very good friends of mine. I am now in Garden Grove in this retirement center.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
11 Jun 11
Hi. mtrguanlao. I have never had a foreign neighbor live near me before. I have lived near foreign people though. Around the corner from my grandmother's house is an apartment complex, and many Mexicans live out there. There once was nothing but African Americans that resided there in the past, but now mostly, the entire apartment complex is filled with Mexicans. I have stayed in a motel for a couple of months and most of the Indians own these cheap motels. They are quiet and mostly to themselves. They can be nice and some of them can be very mean. I don't know how to speak the Indian language, but I do like the way that they speak, I just can't understand just what they are saying though. I hope that you enjoy the company of being around your new neighbor.
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• Philippines
12 Jun 11
Hi cream! So not all Indians are nice eh! Well,I guess all races have some mean people,that's the real world. I'm enjoying my compony with my neighbor cream,they are kind and nice,am glad they are my neighbors! See yah!
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jun 11
Hi amiga.. Very true that Indians are friendly and helpful. If i would be there than i also do the same as her smile is too cute to fascinate anyone. I already told you that she is my love.... If she knows Hindi, Bengali, Assamese and Nepali... then i can help you amiga. Just ask her first. Well, i have no foreign neighbor here. Have a great day amiga.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Jun 11
You are about to be my mother in law. Crystal is my bride. Hehehe. Joking. Nothing serious. Lol.
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• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hello amigo! Nice to see you! Am really expecting you here in my post as you are one of my good Indian friends. Haha,so you love my baby,thanks! But you know what amigo,Crystal doesn't want to go with our Indian neighbor,I call her Mrs. Robert 'cause her hubby's name is Robert,don't know if Robert is his real name,hehe! I know the sound of an Indian name,sometimes hard to remember,lol! She likes Crystal much that she pinch my baby's face and she was hurt. From that time on,she wouldn't want to look at Mrs. Robert when she calls her. I'll ask her amigo,hope she understands me when I ask her what dialect they speak,thanks amigo! Have a great day too amigo!
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Haha,of course I know it's a joke amigo,thanks for making me smile! Goodnight amigo! Have a great day tomorrow! See yah!
@whateva (786)
• India
4 Jun 11
Wow, its great to see that you both have developed a sign language just to talk to each other, i bet she would be a great company if she knew your language. I am indian too and i'm friendly as well, though not so scoial !! :D Those people aren't there for permanent right? cous i can't imagine living in some other country without knowing their language and without having anyone to talk to, so i'm glad you are her neighbor. :p If she is north indian, she speaks hindi, that is the only language i can help you with :) and if she is south indian then really i don't know, people in india speak so manyyyy languages. :s so for start just ask her if she is north indian or south indian? like as her in sign language hindi??? :p kannada? marathi? bengali? assamese? :p something like that. and welll some hindi words you can say are - how are you?- kaise ho? come in- andar aajaiye friend- dost actually i don't know which words i should translate, so it'd be good if you could tell me which words i should translate for you. :p
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@whateva (786)
• India
8 Jun 11
Sorry for the late reply, specially if you've been waiting for one. :3 They speak punjabi?? :p My aunt is punjabi, she doesn't live with me though and i don't speak that language. i can understand some of it , but really i don't know. :3 I've seen most of punjabis know hindi, they don't know hindi at all?? Sucks that i can't help. :| but i'm sure there are alot of punjabi's here too, may they can help, wish they see this post of yours and start translating right away. :p Haha.
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
My friend,happy to see you again! I didn't know you're an Indian! Truly Indian women are pretty! My neighbor's daughter is really pretty,she showed it to us,am sure she really misses her. So you also know hindi,am still not sure of the language they use,she didn't come out this afternoon,maybe tomorrow we can talk and I will ask her about it. Thank you my friend for those translations. I just have to memorize it,quite hard for me to speak it,lol! Will inform you tomorrow my friend! See yah!
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
My friend,I already talked to my neighbor and he said that they are from Panjab and they speak Panjabe,ngek! Do you know it?
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
Hi there! Here in Malaysia we lives with multiple races and Indian is in one of the main races here besides Malay and Chinese and other minority races. My neighbor is Indian and I also have Indian friends and they are all nice people~ Yes they do speak their mother tongue but it is not hard to get socialized as our official language is Malay. We can speak in English to each other as well~ It is good to have friends from different cultures, races or even countries~
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
6 Jun 11
Oh, perhaps you can teach her how to, so both of you could communicate well to each other. Malaysia is a nice country indeed. Thank you for that and please do visit this country someday!
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• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Hi cthanum! You're lucky your Indian neighbor speaks and understands English. Mrs. Robert doesn't understand me when I speak to her in English but still she is trying hard to understand me and she's really nice. You have a very nice country cthanum. Malaysia is one of the countries I would love to visit someday. See yah!
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
Oh how I wish I can teach her cthanum! She just always smile at me whenever I speak to her but it's fine 'cause I noticed that's also what I do when she starts to talk,haha! Need to save money first before I can visit your country. See yah!
• United States
5 Jun 11
Hi my sweet friend Several foreigners actually, though I can't say Indians but many of several different cultures of the Hispanic countries. Amazing that though I am very fluent in the Spanish language am amazed on the different Spanish languages there are. Actually this is how I found out that there were different languages in the Hispanic cultures, was by living next to some and so amazing on how one word actually meant different to the different cultures. I read through all the responses and your comments and see that it is the same for the Indian culture as well. That they have so many different languages but to put it simply all are loving humans no matter what cultures we are.
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• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Olah my dear friend! Hehe,am I right about it? Hubby used to speak some Spanish words as he has Hispanic friends,he even has a book of Enlish-Spanish translation,haha! But he only knows very few words. I believe all countries have more dialects my friend,I just realized that now,lol! We also have many dialects here friend but not sure how many,lol! See yah my dear friend!
4 Jun 11
I lived in India for 3 years! I agree with you, on the whole they are very friendly, hospitable people. Even if they have nothing, they will do their best for you. I was the guest of a very poor family who insisted on making me a meal even though that evening it meant they would go without! On my travels, people often wanted me to share their meals.
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jun 11
Hi Dear Mandolin Girl! Yes, in India, we consider guests as the 'God'. There is a famous saying 'Atithi Devobhava' which means Guests are equivalent to the God! So, we feel service or hospitality to a guest is equivalent to service to the God! Here people are warm hearted and they care for people who are coming to India from other country and they try to make them comfortable while they are in India. They draw some sort of satisfaction while doing so which can't be expressed in words!
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
4 Jun 11
Dear mtrguanlao! In India neighbors becomes almost family members! This is seen especially in middle income class and lower income class where there is more of affection and less of materialistic attitude in them. I recall we had our neighbor who were Muslims and we are Hindus , but we never had any differences at any time.We used to celebrate their festivals and they used to celebrate our festivals. i recall the last child of the family was a girl child and she used to be mostly at our place as we never had any small child at our place and we brothers and sister were all in our late teens or early twenties. so we used to enjoy to have this baby to with us and similarly she also used to enjoy our company. This is one of the common example and you can have thousands of such examples where neighbours act just like your own family members! That is the way we live along with our neighbors in India!
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• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Wow,Indians are indeed kind and hospitable. It feels so great to meet people who are like that. Our neighbor always gives something to my baby but my baby doesn't want it,hehe! She usually gives my baby a lollipop but their lollipops are not that sweet,tastes like a tamarind,hehe! See yah Mandolingirl!
@stylewaves (1060)
• India
4 Jun 11
We won't be having foreigners as neighbors mostly but we Indians itself have many difference in languages through various states , so we will be having some troubles in speaking with them !
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• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Hi stylewaves! Yes,I learned from my respondents that you have lots of languages,wow! In our country,there are also lots of dialects we use but tagalog dialect is the main language here and that is what we speak. See yah!
@BambiDee (114)
4 Jun 11
I used to have a half-indian classmate in high school. Really friendly...:)
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• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hello sis! So happy to see you! Hope you'll visit us very often,hehe! So you had a half indian classmate. I had an American classmate before,she's an exchange student from the US and she's nice too. She always gives me anything even her baon,lol! See yah sis!
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
4 Jun 11
Hi mtrguanlao i am an INDIA.It happens when someone has lost his child he sees image of his child in every child.This is why they like your baby but really should say it they were Americans also they would have loved you daughter because your daughter is really lovable as i can see in the pics. This is true INDIANS are friendly.They easily get adapted anywhere so easily because of their honesty & simplicity. They may talk to you in sign language because they may not be knowing ENGLISH as in INDIA we have a basic problem we don't really give girls more chance to get education but the trend now is changing. May be if you help you neighbors they will learn ENGLISH and talk to you in your language in few days.
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• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Hi sjvg! Thank you for saying that my baby is lovable,she really is,lol! I never thought that Indian girls are deprived from education,that's sad! Women should have equal rights with men but as you said,the trend is changing so that's good news! I tried talking to her in English but she just smiled and she it seemed she didn't understand what I said. I will try to speak her language,am already learning some words from mylotters and it's really great! See yah!