A man

@maximax8 (31044)
United Kingdom
June 4, 2011 7:42am CST
A man in Israel and his wife wanted a baby but she couldn't pregnant. They had to sell an apartment to get the money to pay to get a baby. They paid an American lady to give birth to the man's baby. They used a donor egg to get the lady pregnant. She gave birth to a baby girl and gave the baby to the couple from Israel. The man thought up a business plan. He would get the embryos and take them to India. Then the Indian ladies would be made pregnant with these. They would give birth and give the baby to a foreign couple. He wanted to give some of the ladies a multiple pregnancy like twins and do a selective abortion if the couple only want one baby. What do you think of this man's plans? Is it moral to use the Indian ladies? What do you think of aborting one of the babies in a multiple pregnancy?
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27 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jun 11
maximaxi abortion is murder and there is no way of explaining it away. You kill a live b eing when you kill an embryo as it will grow and prosper. I dislike this man and his plan as all he is thinking about is money. shame on him and his morals are really lousy.the whole thing makes me ill just thinking abut it and trafficing in embryos just for making money and just those poor Indian ladies. its wrong anyway I look at it. That is what I think of this idea. wrong all wrong.
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@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
@sjvg It depends on situations. Your situation is allowed since it will endanger the other embryos. While for this guy to simply choosing it and get rid like in a market place seems ruthless to me. He is exploiting and manipulating people. It is wrong~
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@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
5 Jun 11
Hi, hatley i don't think it so. When it comes to abortion i say as far as parents are agree then there is no harm with it because actually its parents who decide if they would be able to nourish how many children. I am saying this because my wife had 3 embryos & one was aborted inside because three of them were not developing well therefor doctor advised us to get one aborted & he aborted the weakest embryo.And now i have twins of 3 years very naughty & sweet. But as far as making business by killing embryos is not a good thing some should retaliate.
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@ritzz07 (788)
• India
4 Jun 11
i will say crasy or insane to this type of person,if cannot give life to someone then you dont have right to take someones life.however this is called sarogate and this is not new in india as well as in other countries like usa,uk and egypt and israel.....................
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@mansha (6298)
• India
4 Jun 11
Its would be like selling or renting out wombs and its a sad world out there , who knows what kind of trade this will lead to, now its for childless couples tomorrow for other purposes or may be organ harvesting too. Its wrong and yes India is a poor country and many may succumb to these choices if presented with. But it would be illegal in the country and its not so easy to take the child born here out for adoption . Its just another way of exploitation and this man should be stopped.
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
I agree that this man should be stopped. It's just not right to sell babies.
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@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
He will never get this so he feels like he can do whatever he want.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Jun 11
So I l gather if you used some ladies from America, it would be morally all right? First, if he is using his own sperm would this not be considered a form of adultery? AS for the abortion thing, that is wrong. Find another couple who would want the bable and goodness knows there are lots of (in fact, more due to unmarried girls aborting their babies or keeping them themselves), couples who cannot have children by natural means and there are not enough babies to supply the demand. In fact if the unmarried young teenaged girls who did not want the children, gave the children up for adoption instead of keeping them, there would be no complaint about the world population being too great . BEsides I suspect this is a "we have too many of (name the ethnic or race you feel are contributing to the overpopulation) them rather then too many in the world generally speaking. What the man is doing and intends to do is wrong. It is immoral to spread his sperm around and there is a danger of the children meeting and marrying a close relative. It has nothing to do with too many people in the world and one should adopt older children instead of babies, preferably those who are physically or mentally handicapped. I feel that those children do best in families that already have children, not in a couple who never had a baby in the first place.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Jun 11
I had to go to an unwed mother's home. If you got pregnant, and were unmarried, in British Columbia and I also heard in other parts of Canada, you were practically kicked out of the house and only came back when the baby had been given up for adoption. It was called going to live with an aunt. It is also hard to care for a disabled child. Not every infertile couple had the foresight to say, "well I am going to be a nurse so just in case I and my husband cannot have our own, we can give our home to a little boy or girl who has to be in a wheelchair." And no infertile person decides to become a teacher before they knew they were infertile, just in case. Yet the adoption agencies think that infertile couples are automatically qualified to look after hard to place children. When the baby is born to a couple and it is crippled or mentally challenged, that impact grows on the parents, but with adoption, the couple are given a child who is now four or five years old and they have had no experience with that disability.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
In the 1960s unmarried mothers went to live at a home. After the birth they cared for their baby for 6 weeks then their baby got adopted. I am friends with a foster carer and over the years she has had some lovely children just before they got adopted. The older children and the disabled children can wait a long time to be chosen for adoption. The Indian ladies that are got pregnant are not treated in a very kind way. At the birth one lady was in pain during the c-section. They said never mind and continued. It was the baby they were interested in getting. I think aborting a baby because it is a multiple pregnancy is extremely wrong.
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@ElicBxn (63826)
• United States
4 Jun 11
I don't approve of abortions, and would rather they just implant one egg, but since it would help the Indian ladies by paying them, and I'm sure he would see they get the best medical help he can get for them, I don't see anything terribly wrong with the idea.
@ElicBxn (63826)
• United States
5 Jun 11
stine 1: this is a case of those who think they are so genetically superior they need a baby with their genetics rather than some potentially "genetically inferior" baby; I agree, but there actually are very few "perfect" infants need to be placed, most of them are easily placed, its the ones removed later or are "disabled" that end up in foster care maximax8: basically, these women are agreeing to be a baby incubator for money, I think that they are given care while the baby is being incubated, and money for doing so, is all they are expecting... at least they are better treated than the "tanks" in the Dune books...
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
Implanting just one egg is the best option. The foreign ladies want a newborn baby. The Indian ladies are helped to eat a healthy diet in pregnancy. At the birth they are treated like a machine. I feel sorry for all the unwanted children in orphanages. In my home country we have foster carers and hope to get the child one day adopted to a loving home.
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@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
It's still not right to be using babies to make money. We are talking about a life being. Which would you prefer to tell the child when he/she grows up: "I bought you from someone" or "I adopted you when you were a baby"? There is a whole lot of difference between buying and adopted. I think adopted would sound like there is more love in it, don't you think so?
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4 Jun 11
Why create more babies when the world's already full of unwanted kids desperate for a loving family? Adopt - it's a far better option and won't cost you thousands to do. And it's not illegal, either, which this process is: in fact, in legal terms I could see an argument for branding it slavery or at least the buying and selling of human life. Very dangerous.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
4 Jun 11
I would agree with that view ! Adoption is any day better than bringing in more lives on to this earth.However, If wanting a baby and getting a donor to carry the child and deliver is an individuals choice there is nothing wrong in it. But when it becomes a business, I find the whole issue disgusting - there is no dignity or respect for nature or the creator...
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
I am lucky because I got pregnant three times and have three lovely children. I do believe in adoption because it gives unwanted babies a loving home. A 57 year old lady phoned the man and asked if he could get her a baby. She needed donor eggs and donor liquid for conception of an Indian lady.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Jun 11
I think he has no morals...I don't believe in abortion! (an ax in the sandbox) so that would never fly with me. I do believe in invetro fertilization......but not getting rid of what you don't want.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
No wonder he has no morals because he never saw woman in pain when deliver~ Just simply want to get rid baby~ Really mean~
@marguicha (225656)
• Chile
5 Jun 11
Hi Maxine, I find extrmelly disgusting to make the need of a child a way of living. Worse still, if they use the need of money of some women in poor countries. There are enough children that can be adopted in the world. But there´s a lot of red tape so that good parents have to wait a lot and children sometimes never get a real home. I don´t use the word sin often, but what this man is doing (turning the conception of a baby into a business) should be punished. It is immoral. He is using the Indian ladies as cattle. SHAME!!!
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
Well said marguicha!He is using them in the wrong way~He is manipulating and exploiting them~ Poor the Indian ladies~
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jun 11
All I can say is he better be careful, you do reap what you sow. He took a GIFT of life and is using it to feed his greed, thaking life to accomplish it. And what's with the WIFE in this, does she really feel comfortable with such a monster as her child's father?
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
The man's wife cares for their baby girl that they bought. The man is acting like a monster getting the Indian ladies in such a miserable situation. One of the Indian ladies suffered a miscarriage at 5 months pregnancy. She is finding it harder to get chosen now. The man is greedy for money and doesn't care about the Indian ladies quality of life.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
4 Jun 11
The intent is good, as always. But the implementation is evil to do selective abortioning. Abortion is tantamount to murder to me.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
The man wanted to make having a baby affordable for everyone. I believe abortion is murder and in selective abortion I wonder how the couple tell the child his or her brother or sister was aborted.
@Jlyn10 (11965)
• Malaysia
5 Jun 11
This is an illegal business. You can't sell babies but you can put it up for adoption. So, if nobody comes to buy the babies, is he going to kill all of them? Somebody should stop this man and report him immediately.
@ElicBxn (63826)
• United States
5 Jun 11
I agree that there is some thing just wrong about doing this, but I don't think its illegal, in the sense that he is providing a service. The couple are providing the embryos (it is their child) he is just arranging it so that poor women who have no other way to make money can earn some money. So, its not like they are buying some baby, they are paying to have their OWN babies born - because they can't have one themselves (probably because the mother can't carry one for whatever reason.) I do agree that adoption is a FAR better option, I never said I didn't, but since this man isn't in the U.S. I don't know if it is actually illegal - IMMORAL maybe, but illegal...?
• India
4 Jun 11
it is not only immoral but also brutal to kill the babies in abortion. he must think about his condition when he was longing for a baby.that way he will understand the value of a life though in an embryo state
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
When I was teaching one particular school I had triplet boys in my class. Their mom was a teacher in the same school as me and their dad was a school governor. She had tried to get pregnant for 10 years but didn't have any luck. She got pregnant with medical help and got three babies. She and her husband had said no way to a selective abortion. Yes, the man should think about his and his wife's situation in life. He was at one time longing for a baby and now he is lucky he and his wife have a baby girl. I think abortion is totally wrong.
@sjvg1976 (42007)
• Delhi, India
4 Jun 11
There is nothing wrong in using Indian ladies i suppose because in ways the man was going to another country to find out the soluton or set up his bussiness. Secondly if he does selective abortion thae also its not wrong with couple because its their baby & they know that in todays world if you have one child it is more than sufficient in INDIA specially where population already is increasing with a fast rate.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
American ladies charged lots of money for being made pregnant and giving away their baby. The Indian ladies live in a home for pregnant ladies. The man from Israel chose Indian ladies to pay less. The babies are born in India then taken to where the foreign couple live. It might be Israel, the United Kingdom, Australia or New Zealand for example. Most couples want to have two children and one child on his or her own can get lonely.
4 Jun 11
It is good to want a baby for one time but so many time a baby, increases population and it is not good for our home earth.If you want a baby then there are many ways like to adopt a child .
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 11
Children available for adoption are not new born babies. The foreign couples didn't want to adopt a child. I think adoption is fantastic because a baby or child gets a loving home.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
8 Jun 11
maximax8, While surrogacy may be acceptable and to a certain extent legal, it would be a totally different when one commercializes it. I don't think he had covered all the bases in his business plan where it is quite complicated when he is considering bring the business into another country with very traditional ethnic and religious practices. No offense, I feel that his homework wasn't comprehensive or meticulous enough. For one, getting a surrogate from a conservative country India where women are quite undermined is quite unthinkable. They cannot even be seen kissing in public much alone carry someone's baby. Besides, I wonder if he had considered the health standard and status of the country and his would be surrogate mothers respectively. Last but not least, what was he thinking of on the area where he can propose selective pregnancy plan which can be equivalent to a potential genocide. I have to conclude that this is not a legitimate business plan but lunacy where I would not even consider parking my money in it.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Hi. maximax8. I don't really know what to say about this situation here. I do know that he should not just abuse the ability to plant embryos into any Indian woman that he comes across though. I believe the woman should consent to having this procedure done without being forced to. I believe that the government should pass a law that will not allow anyone to just use multiple embryos in just any woman that is unable to give birth or carry a child of their very own.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
If they used the lady for business. That is immoral because their purpose is not for having a baby but having a business. That is not the normal way to have baby...since they want to have one and agreed to have a baby they can something to make a baby...that is good but the bad things is planning to make it a business
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
9 Jun 11
I think if the man does not see anything wrong with this, then there is something seriously wrong with him! I think that everytime you play god, by deciding on 'selective abortion', it is immoral. Specially if there is money-exchange involved, as surely there is in these cases.
• China
7 Jun 11
I dont think this is the good business. if this is from the couple's pregnancy needed , this is accepted !! If you running this action as business , it dont think this is moral . everybody should followed human's nature which arranged by god!!
@amitgune (877)
• India
6 Jun 11
This whole program is horrible. Imagine doing business of selling children, even though it is to couples who may probably take good care of the children. The man is a lunatic. I always believe that intelligence should be used in a proper way. This man should be penalised.