The more perfect of the man,the more challengings for a woman.

love is the importaint things in our life - We need love.We need to love.So the world is full of love!
@6928961 (111)
June 5, 2011 11:21am CST
Woman usually like careful and considerate man.But this kind of man will not be easy to grasp. If a man take the initiative for your bags and to pull out a chair for you,please don't moved easily.What his carefully action only shows he have numerous girlfriends ever who taught him this.Which kind of woman the man will remember?It's the woman who has changed him,not you.So The man who is more pefect,but it's more challenges to the woman. Women always were moved by the details.So I think when girls find her lover,she should stay rational.Do you think so?
4 responses
@783748 (178)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
I definitely agree that women should stay being rational rather than being emotionally swayed when it comes to love. A lot of guys out there would make you feel special and all but as you say, they may be doing this because they've been with a lot of girls already who've taught them how to make girls feel so special. The women might not know that this guy has already done this to a lot. Yes, I had been a victim of this gentleman-type of guy. Whenever we're together, I feel special but I think he's just naturally a gentleman that he can do this to every girl he meets. I was already moved by that simple act of "gentleman-ness". And I am about to regret the fact that I think I'm already falling for him. Sad reality of life...
@6928961 (111)
• China
6 Jun 11
Maybe your man is a real gentleman.You don't lose your confidence.Just believe your heart which can tell you your man's heart is true or not.Then you grasp your true lover confirmly.Wish you happiness!
@jayen28 (84)
5 Jun 11
As a woman i always wishing of a man who always be here in myside no matter what happen. always aiming for the right man not a perfect one, the more important is our love to someone we choose to be with. No matter what his/her characteristic our heart choose. I do believe that no one is perfect in this world but if when we loved someone we always positive in life and everything will be perfect.
@6928961 (111)
• China
6 Jun 11
I love what you say about love.There will be such a person to give you this kind of happiness.Many people choose only good,but forget to select the right person.Wish you have a fun day!
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Manners actually matter a lot to me but they're not everything. Of course, it's great if a guy has them but I tend to focus more if he shows the same behavior towards other people as well because that sort of means he's just naturally like that and not just putting his best foot forward to impress me. But thanks anyway for sharing this bit.:)
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
5 Jun 11
present day young girls are more cleverer than the previous generation. They know to make relationship and they also know to cut relationships. No tension. friends come and go. Woman choose her BF depending on intelligence, handsomeness, money of the boy concerned. Hope u have already got married or are available for being chosen by ... have a good day
@6928961 (111)
• China
5 Jun 11
Thank you!Some women always think their boyfriend were not carefully enough.But I think carefully is just a man's character.If a man carelessness doesn't mean he doesn't love his girlfriend.I have married,but my wife sometimes feels I was too careless not perfect.