Can positive speech & writing style make a difference? Give it a go today!

Adelaide, Australia
June 5, 2011 8:27pm CST
We should always speak & write positively! Since making negative comments takes up about the same amount of time and effort, with little difference, then why not use positive language? We should refrain from speaking false words out of false courtesy, which only makes the receiver feel agitated because they aren’t true. We like hearing & reading what is true, not empty & false. Sometimes it just sounds so dull without genuine sincerity. So making false, negative remarks just wastes time, energy & makes others feel irritated. It also creates a negative atmosphere around us. When you hear someone say, "Oh! I’m so happy today," and then hear another person say, "I feel so bored today," which of them sounds more comfortable? Sometimes, you do not feel irritated yourself, but when someone just speaks to you, you feel irritated. For example, you sit down to enjoy a cup of tea, and someone comes along and says, "Oh! My son has just gotten married!" "My daughter-in-law has given birth to a plump, lovely baby!" "My business is doing well!" "I’m healthy and sound!" "Oh! I have great hopes for the future. Although the situation isn’t so good now, it will improve later." Do you prefer listening to these delightful words, or do you prefer frustrating comments, such as "How come my grandson is so fat?" "Sigh! Why did they get married?" "Oh! That son-in-law of mine is really troublesome! I told my daughter not to marry him, but she wouldn’t listen. He is definitely not a good guy. Very soon the two of them will get divorced for sure!". For example, if people said that, would you like it? Even if what they said were true, you wouldn’t like to hear it, would you? We love to hear things that are happy and positive. With our speech and thoughts, we can help people but also curse people. We can elevate people and make them very happy, but we can also put them down and make them feel uncomfortable. Of course, if you’re a teacher or minding children, supervising workers, etc it is more difficult, but still possible. For instance, if your child behaves very badly, you might say, "You’re not behaving well today!" In this way, at least you’ve put in a positive word—"well." Or you might say "You are not a good child today!" Although the word "not," is there, the word "good" is also there. Refrain from saying "You are really bad today!". The mind likes to move forward. When children hear positive words such as "behave well" or "good," it has been shown to have a better effect or result in them improving themselves. In educating people, you should also speak in this way as much as possible. For instance, about someone who is overweight, we should not say that they are fat. Instead, we can say, "That person is not that slim." I know, it’s a poor example, but you understand what I mean. Even using “walk to the north”, instead of “don’t walk south” is much better. Even words like “hello” contain the word “hell”, so it may be better to use “hallo” which is derived from “halo” – the light surrounding a saint or a celestial body. We should give serious thought to these things. It’s not the “don’t” or the “do”, it’s the essence of the sentence that is important. Between friends, saying more beautiful words will make your friendship better. Our speech is also very powerful. Many among us have power in their speech. That’s why some people’s words come true when they curse others. Or when someone wholeheartedly wishes you well, you will still benefit due to his or her sincerity. "Everything is created by the mind." When a person is sincere, they become really pure. It doesn't even matter if their usual behaviour isn’t good. The moment they’re sincere, their heart really becomes pure. If they wish you well at that moment, the result will be very good. But if they’re full of hatred at the moment & curse you, it will also generate a great influence. Curses by spiritual practitioners are even more powerful; whatever they say will come true. Therefore, you must be cautious in your speech, because we don’t know who’s who. In Japan, scientists have conducted experiments with water, over a decade ago now. First they froze a cup of water, then observed the changes and took photographs. They found crystallized forms resembling snowflakes. If the water had been unclean, however, the crystalline pattern in the photo did not look like a snowflake, but appeared very blurred without a definite shape. A cup of dirty, polluted water, after being sanctified by prayer before it was frozen, was later observed and photographed. The resulting crystals were also as clear and beautiful as snowflakes. They conducted many other similar tests. For instance, they said "Thank you" to a cup of water, or pasted a piece of paper with the words "Thank you" written on it, and then the crystalline forms became very beautiful. They wrote the names of people like Hitler on it, & the crystals, when photographed, looked like ghosts or even formed a ghostly face! It was very horrible and filthy. If the names of Saints were written on it, the crystals took on a different pattern. Depending on the greatness of the Saint, the photographs would also show different images. Perhaps it was also related to the sincerity of the person conducting the experiment. Others since then have successfully repeated this experiment. Therefore, even without spoken words, just a written word or a focusing of our thoughts can create an impact. During the experiment, if they said, "You are very bad! I’ll kill you," the crystals looked very horrible in their photographs! Thus we cannot say that the speech and wishes of even the most ordinary people don’t have power. They do! So sometimes when we’re working on something and there are people supporting us or wishing us success, we will really do it very smoothly. However, if a group, a couple or several people are working together on something, but one of them opposes it, the process won’t feel the same. It will seem as though it’s being pulled back or dragged down by something, and the job can’t be accomplished even after a long time. This kind of obstructive atmosphere can really affect our work because all beings are one. If everyone has the same ideal, everything will go smoothly because everyone is cooperating well. No one is opposing it; each person has the same target, each one contributes to the best of his ability, and everyone marches in the same direction. Therefore, anything we do in that situation can be done smoothly. If you have to talk, then talk about something beneficial, something uplifting that vibrates positively in the air and contributes to the harmony of the world as well as to people’s spiritual progress. Whatever we speak, we'll give a vibration, and accordingly what we say, good or bad, will affect upon us again. I’m not giving a lecture here – I’m just as much at fault as the next person for generating negativity in my postings here, but someone has to say it! People in this world today are trying their best to make the situation better, so if paying attention to this area helps people, improves their relationships, their health & good fortune then, hey – let’s pay attention to these details, because it makes a big difference when we’re all doing it every moment of every day!
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10 responses
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
You a nice point here. Although we can't just stay positive all the time or that would entitle us becoming plastic. People do like to express their opinions here and, more often, they'll find discussions that contrast with their own beliefs since we're international here; there are different nationalities participitating here. Considering that fact, we can't avoid culture and belief clashes that's why we can't just stay positive all the time.
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• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
Then we can be nice & shiny plastic, rather than dull & uninteresting plastic! Even if this self-discipline does make us into robots (I do not understand that reasoning), then at least it will benefit others with positive programming, even though there is nothing inherently positive nor negative about the robot itself, nor will it benefit the robot itself very much. See what I mean? There is nothing wrong with expressing opinions, I'm trying to show people that there's a better way of doing it. Sure, there are times when people will disagree with each other, but they can still get their point of view across in a way that will be more likely to be better received by the other parties concerned. I'm concerned here with how we present ourselves & opinions & ideas & not trying to suppress people. This world has a lot of negativity - more negative than positive - so let's add some positivity & help restore the balance! We're all here to help & learn from each other in our short stay on earth - let's make it a brilliant experience. Thank you for your interest.
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• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Well, okay then. You can go ahead and be any kind of plastic you want and I'll just be as real as I can, alright? I will never agree with your idea, just for the record. I think it sounds like crap. No offense intended.
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• Philippines
7 Jun 11
"I believe being positive makes us more real.." --This is something I'll never understand regarding your explanation. Well, good luck with that.
• United Kingdom
6 Jun 11
I like the use of positive language and I try to make use of it as much as possible. I'm not too keen on listening to people that are always coming from a negative standpoint. When you are around negative people those bad vibes seem to attack you with full force and then it's very difficult to remain positive in their company. Overall I'm a positive person at heart but there was a time when I was always negative and I would focus on doom and gloom all the time and this is just a wasted life in my view! I turned to self-help books and I found that they had a lot of good information in them, I try to turn to these books as much as possible. Andrew
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• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
Good onya, mate. I used to be much the same. It's difficult, but not impossible. Keep on, dude!
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 Jun 11
One of the interesting things I have found is that if you are pleasant to people and treat them with respect not only do you feel better but they also feel better. In the USA I have seen people who go up to a solder and thank him or her for the great job and how wonderful they are and keep talking to them. The soldier seems to be bothered by all this attention. My son is in the military and one night he and his family were eating in a restaurant and this older couple stopped at his table and just said than you for all you have done and left it at that. When they asked the waitress for their bill she said the couple had paid for it. When I see a serviceman or woman I have business cares with we that simply say thank you and have a brief poem on it. I simply say thank you and hand them a card. No where is my name on the card but is is my way of saying thank you without interfering with their life. Keep a positive attitude and positive interactions with people and the world will be a better place for all.
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• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
My goodness! That is impressive! Our people should take a leaf out of your good people's book! We have historically treated our soldiers very, very poorly. Ever since the Boer War, in fact. After World War One, the people here were so ashamed of our soldiers returning & did not welcome then home very well at all. There's a sad song that's part of our tradition called "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" which accurately reflects on how poorly our returning soldiers were treated by people here. And do you think we learned? No! After WW2, it was much the same, returning from Vietnam was even worse, with demonstrations, marches, etc held while the boys were arriving home. It is a really shameful & little-known part of our history. Keep up the good work!
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 Jun 11
There is an old saying...There are three faces of Man. One we show to all. One we show to a few. One only we know. We should keep to that. We should not "share" all of our thoughts with everyone. We should have them, or we will become 'plastic people' as one responder commented. But we should not automatically 'tell all to all'. Everyone should talk less and listen more. One it would be a quieter world and two, we would learn more about the world around us. And three, did you know that chameleons sing?
• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
Thanks - I've never heard of that old saying before! I'm not saying we should tell all to all, but if we must say or write something, the way we say it, or the way we respond can be presented in a positive way which is more beneficial to the receiver & makes them more inclined to be interested in what you have to say or write. That's an important point to include thoughts - not sure I covered that area when I started the topic, but thoughts are important. Good point about the value of listening more, I agree. Chamelons sing? Interesting! Where did you find out about this?
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
9 Jun 11
Boy, you have written a novel on this topic, but it is a good one. I have noticed that when I am in a frame of mind where everything is rosy and there is that positive energy all around me that good things keep happening to me. This was true upon my return from the retreat recently. All sorts of things fell into place. But now with the stress of moving, one cannot help but fall into negative thoughts from time to time as well get tired and things start not going to plan. The more tired and stressed we got over this last week or so, the more things started to go wrong. Energy is a real tangible thing and it can be created by us in positive ways and negative ways. We can easily be transformed either way by the energies of those around us too. Surround yourself with happy energetic people and you will benefit from this good energy!
• Adelaide, Australia
10 Jun 11
Good point, Bill - the company we keep has a lot to do with it as well. To be in good company we also need to know how to contribute to the good energy of the group. Hopefully, on a mundane, physical level, I've been able to show people how they can contribute to this good energy, or at least to refrain from blocking it / bringing it down. I was going to include in the topic how Australians have historically used these methods in their speech, especially during times of adversity, with such instances as when they're asked how they are, & the recipient is feeling rather unwell, you find typical responses like: "not too good, mate, not too good!" "better than yesterday" or even "better than you were this time last week [when you gave me the flu that you had then, you filthy bugger]!" But that would only be telling half of the story. We also suffer from the "tall poppy syndrome", so if they were feeling on top of the world, you'd hear expressions like: "not too bad" So, we've had just as much of both, which I don't think cancels out, but it does mean that we're really no better nor worse than the next mob. Anyway, that's breaking it down to the "nuts & bolts" of it, but thanks for your interest! Congratulations on 3000+ posts! Does that enable one to do cartwheels across the screen? Or just have a more extensive array of emoticons to choose from?
• Adelaide, Australia
13 Jun 11
Ah! So that's where we get it from? Sounds like "positivity at any cost"! They still have milkmen in the UK?
12 Jun 11
Here in the UK when someone ask how we are, we always say, 'Fine, thank you,' even if our leg is falling off, the house has tumbled down or the spouse has run off with the milkman!
6 Jun 11
Everything positive and uplifting, whether it is written or spoken, helps everyone on the planet! Our thoughts create our world. It is better to spread light than darkness!
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• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
That's the spirit! Create & not destroy... I like it!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
22 Nov 11
I am a firm believer of the positive, positive thinking works. Who wants to be around negative people, and why don't we like to be around them because they drag people down along with them-selves...much better to be positive.
• Adelaide, Australia
23 Nov 11
That's a good way to live our short lives. As you're saying - it's a win-win situation if we make the effort to present what we have to say in a positive light. Otherwise, if we go the other way, everyone loses. Good point!
@urbandekay (18278)
11 Dec 11
I really don't know, many people would say they find me very positive and an equal or perhaps greater number would call me negative. The thing that concerns me is that being positive may lead to a loss of critical faculties and that safe-guard, a healthy scepticism all the best urban
• Adelaide, Australia
11 Dec 11
I cannot say either way, Urban, though I'm not the best of judges on the matter. To be fair, I don't know you in real life, but from what I've found on MyLot, people can & have taken you either way, seemingly at random, not so much as a result of what you have written, but perhaps more as a result of what else is going on in their own lives at the time. You make a good second point which I hadn't thought of before. I wonder how I would go about testing this? The extent to which this happens might also be somewhat different for each one of us. I wonder what the relationship is between positivity & scepticism? It sounds like an area a seperate study could be conducted upon.
@vandana7 (101244)
• India
6 Jun 11
Interesting discussion and a lot for me to learn from. I am one of those negative people veganbliss. I guess I should reform, and reform a lot. Hope I will succeed. Pray for me sweetie.
@vandana7 (101244)
• India
7 Jun 11
We will. We will give it our best shot.
• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jun 11
I will. Pray for me too! I'm no better at switching to the positive than anyone else here. One small step at a time, eh? I know we will succeed.
12 Jun 11
Keep using positive affirmations every day, you two! If anything negative pops into your mind, immediately think of something very positive that will improve the situation. 'Always look on the bright side of life!', as The Monty Python crew sang!
@HDHORDA4 (679)
• India
27 Jun 11
hhmmm as i mentioned earlier that it does help us in making our mind sharp and brighter.
• Adelaide, Australia
27 Jun 11
Thank you for your interest & adding your experience on the matter. I guess you agree then that these are good habits to get into?