And Americans Claim That They are Not Anti~Semitic...Try Again Kids....
By Adoniah
@Adoniah (7512)
United States
June 5, 2011 10:29pm CST
Have you seen the new comic book from San Francisco that has been put out in reference to the anti~Circumcision law that they are trying to pass in November?
The characters are: Monster Mohel, a particularly evil, ugly Rabbi with peyot and tallit who of course is pro circumcision. And then there is Dr. Mutilator also pro~circumcision. Foreskin Man is the hero of the story. A woman is shown saying she wishes she could do more to save the innocent children.
"Matthew Hess, president of the Male Genital Mutilation Bill group, which wants the US government to make circumcision punishable by jail time, has written two issues of the comic book." He claims the comic books are not anti~Semitic. Right...
Check it out for yourself. The picture tells a thousand words...
By the way, many christians circumcise their boys and muslims also do. But, the comic book makes it clear who they are after.
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9 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I wonder if any of the ones on here and in San Francisco have pierced their ears? Or has a tattoo? Lets outlaw that too. I mean, some have their daughter's ears pierced at birth. When I lived in the city it was common to see newborn hispanic baby girls with earrings already.
Are these lawmakers in SF concerned enough about not 'mutilating' their children that they want to out law these things too. wonder how many of them are pierced or inked.
Piercings and tattoos (I even have one from my younger days) originated in pagan religions. Are they against them too? I doubt it. Because it is not children they are concerned with. Their very obvious goal is to persecute ONE religion, that is obvious from the comic book.
I think when we start telling people their religious observances are wrong we are forgetting that WE have beliefs (even if we are atheist) that will be the next things questioned and outlawed. Are they gonna outlaw candles cause it might burn down someones house? Are they gonna outlaw sharing a communion cup?
You care about children being exposed to surgery? Did you get yours immunized? You allowed someone to inject a potentially lethal combination of heavy metals and dangerous chemicals and oftentimes live viruses into your child. Ever read the fine print on those papers you signed to allow them to give the injections?
You who support this, you say it is the religions that are making all the trouble in the world, it is is those who cannot allow others to have their own beliefs and live in peace togther with them. The proof is in how you come against ANY ONE who has the audacity to believe in God. How is it hurting YOU that they believe what they do. I've asked this on here before...why do athesist show up on believers discussions? Is it to ask questions or to give reasons why they don't believe. Not from what I've's always to say insulting and demeaning things. I'd be asking myself what is it about someone else believing and expressing that belief that makes me so angry deep down inside? Do you even know why?
And calling it abuse for parents to pass on their beliefs to their children, you are giving the government PERMISSION by default to judge how YOU raise YOUR children. To think otherwise is pretty arrogant. They came first for the Jew, then the Christian...and guess what guys, you have NO GAURANTEE they won't come for YOU next! When the government claims the right over someone elses child you better believe they mean YOUR child too.
I'm sure someone will tell me I come against Islam. I do, but I give REASONS for why I think it is a dangerous ideology that seeks to dominate all others and REALLY abuses the women and children entrusted to them by teaching hate and murder as an exceptable way. Yet more and more I see people railing against Jews and Christians, who follow religions of law and order and charity to others and then getting mad cause someone speaks up about the violence taught at mosques. I am tired of this crazy nonesensical world and the hypocrisy of the human race.
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@urbandekay (18278)
7 Jun 11
Having the ears or other parts of a child pierced should also be banned
all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
7 Jun 11
Having the ears or other parts of a child pierced should also be banned
all the best urban
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
Oh, I agree. but the question was, do the ones favoring a ban on circumcision think so?
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
6 Jun 11
While the comic is deplorable it is a rather long stretch to reach the conclusion that Americans are anti-Semitic based on this flimsy evidence. It is almost as deplorable to judge a nation of people based on the action of an individual nut case as it is to publish this ridiculous comic in the first place.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
7 Jun 11
It proves that there is more than one nut case in America. It does not prove that Americans are anti-Semitic on the whole. This is the same kind of generalization that has been used in the past to marginalize and defame the Jewish people.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
Yes, for once I tend to agree with you Chiang. Adoniah, it is not all of America, you do know that don't you?

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 Jun 11
Just remember this is from San Francisco the city that lets people do almost anything perverted in public. This is the same city that thinks freedom is doing what you want as long as it is obscene and immoral.
For the majority of the people in SF they are very interesting and good people. My only experience with People from SF was very positive and nothing like the media portrayal of them. I can only hope they do the right thing.
@urbandekay (18278)
6 Jun 11
Firstly most Christian males and indeed most males are uncircumcised.
1.Circumcision is a surgical procedure
2.All surgical procedures cause harm and are justified only where the benefit outweighs the harm
3. Medical authorities throughout the civilised world agree that routine circumcision offers no medical benefit
4.Any harmful procedure carried out on someone too young to give informed consent is abuse
5.Therefore routine circumcision is abuse and should be outlawed and is best regarded in a similar manner to the scarification carried out by some African tribes
This is not an anti-Semitic argument.
Time US joins the civilised world and bans this barbaric mutilation of young boys
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
7 Jun 11
No change in God but a change in covenant
Hebrews 12:24
1 Corinthians 11:25
Matthew 26:28
Luke 22:20
all the best urban
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
6 Jun 11
On a broad scale, no, the anti-circumcision debate isn't. But this particular instance of going after Jews specifically and depicting them as monsters?
Not like we haven't ever seen that before. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
God commanded Israel to observe this sign in their flesh as a sign of the covenant between HIM and THEM.
He never said...oh btw...I changed my mind.
Paul and Peter argued over this and Paul concluded that gentile converts to Christ need not be circumcised. YET he also admonished that it was between them and God and man was not to judge if they did choose circumcision.
Tell me where in the scriptures do you read of GOD changing his mind on this?
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I don't know any American with a good head on their shoulders that would make a statement like this as well we do have some groups and organizations in the United States where they use the Israeli flag as a doormat and also say hateful things but this comes with the cost of being in a country that allows free speech no matter how shock and awe it might have to it. This comic which I went to the website that you linked to. Did seem to be pointing a finger to the Jewish people but it is a right the person who created has and they can do that as long as they don't cross any of the boundaries that have been established by Supreme Court rulings which from what I could tell it didn't.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Jun 11
If this was done against certain other groups of people, there would have been a bloody uprising. It is a good thing it was directed at the Jews and not at the other much larger religious group that circumcises their sons an of course daughters. Someone pointed out in a response that the bill is being dropped. I will check that out. If it has been dropped, it wasn't anything to do with the Jewish was the other religion that has more pull in this country and every other country that got the bill dropped. They want the right to circumcise their sons and daughters in this country.
Jews have never circumcised their daughters...that is abhorrent.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
And dare I say that it is ALSO the right of the ones being discriminated against to speak up and call for it to stop? Or have we forgotten that along with the right to freely practice ones beliefs or to not believe at all, comes the right to disagree or to defend ones self against slander and libel?
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
8 Jun 11
now I am completely lost what does childbirth have to do with? circumcision?

@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jun 11
Ew. Propaganda is always so perverted. The "artist" could've created something to inspire humanity, but instead, he used his talents to drive hatred and synthetic separation of the people. What else is new, eh? Oh well. It's not like that law will pass anyway.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I read last night that it has been dropped. I did not note or bookmark the site.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Jun 11
Your post leaves it unclear whether you are for or against circumcision. I am not Christian, Jewish or Muslim, but I pride myself on being a "wholesome" Human. Circumcision is an outdated religious mutilation, and one of many good reasons to opt out of participating Organized Religions. A circumcised human, male or female is less than whole, and mutilated for life.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
6 Jun 11
So because one brand of nut job, probably some guy who has a complex, is writing a book all of america is anti-semitic.
All I could find online was a Kindle format, but when something is controvesial, people tend to read about it to find out for themselves what the controversy is about. It is being sold on Amazon which is not just found in America.
I am not saying that there are those in america who are anit-semitic, but to claim that all of America is a false generalization.
@myfourteen14 (117)
• Philippines
6 Jun 11
Well they have the right to think or do or act the way they want to but I am very sure in our country, not even 1 male will ever think of passing that law. Because actually here in our country, it is more than a religious covenant: it is both a sign of male masculinity and hygienic purposes. ( we are even fond of a word of ridicule to those people without their organs circumsized. and it is really very funny).