History Proves Palin is Smarter than a Liberal
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
June 6, 2011 9:00am CST
Historians agree: Palin was right about Paul Revere.
Media pundits howled with glee over what they perceived as a gaffe made by Sarah Palin regarding the ride of Paul Revere. Obviously, their knowledge of history extends only so far as the poem by Longfellow. Despite bloggers on the right rising to her defense and her defense of her own words, journalists on the left have continued to try to use her statements to make fun of her. However, real historians prove that she was right and they were wrong.
"Boston University history professor Brendan McConville said, “Basically when Paul Revere was stopped by the British, he did say to them, ‘Look, there is a mobilization going on that you’ll be confronting,’ and the British are aware as they’re marching down the countryside, they hear church bells ringing — she was right about that — and warning shots being fired. That’s accurate.”
And in Paul Revere's own words he talks of being captured by the British:
"I, PAUL REVERE, of Boston, in the colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New England; of lawful age, do testify and say; that I was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren, of said Boston, on the evening of the 18th of April, about 10 o'clock; when he desired me, ''to go to Lexington, and inform Mr. Samuel Adams, and the Hon. John Hancock Esq. that there was a number of soldiers, composed of light troops, and grenadiers, marching to the bottom of the common, where there was a number of boats to receive them; it was supposed that they were going to Lexington, by the way of Cambridge River, to take them, or go to Concord, to destroy the colony stores.'' (stores being guns and ammo)
"I told him they would miss their aim. He said they should not, they were only waiting for some deserters they expected down the road. I told him I knew better, I knew what they were after; that I had alarmed the country all the way up, that their boats were caught aground, and I should have 500 men there soon."
"When we got within about half a mile of the Meeting House we heard a gun fired. The Major asked me what it was for, I told him to alarm the country;.....When we got within sight of the Meeting House, we heard a volley of guns fired, as I supposed at the tavern, as an alarm; ...."
I wonder if all those liberal detractors feel stupid now...
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10 responses
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
7 Jun 11
She was correct on parts of the story and well as the historian put it basically right. But her being right on a few instances doesn't and won't make up for the obvious lack of knowledge she has in other key areas. Just to name a few. Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed, the Vice President has a vote in the Senate. I mean really the later being important the Vice Presidents job isn't to have a vote in the Senate as that would defeat the whole purpose of having a system of Checks and Balances but he or she is allowed a vote if the Senate isn't able to make a vote where there is a majority. This is in their simply because the senate unlike the house is made up of 100 people which means it could go 50/50.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Jun 11
"Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed"
Come on Joey, don't tell me that you actually bought that crap? That was a load of crap spread by an anti-Palin blogger.
"the Vice President has a vote in the Senate"
When exactly did she say that? It really sounds like you're getting your info from some bad sources which is something I don't typically see from you.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Where exactly did she say the vice president voted in the senate aside from when there is a tie? What, in any of those articles or the VP debate did she say something about the vice president's responsibilities that wasn't true? I know she oversimplified the VP's role in the senate when speaking to a child, but that's kind of what you do when explaining things to children. The VP IS the president of the senate.
On the dinosaur thing, all you did was provide sources that simply say that a left wing blogger in Alaska claimed Sarah Palin believes dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Of course those sources conveniently left out the fact that the guy making these claims was a left wing blogger. Would you believe a right wing blogger who said that about Obama? If so then you'd believe the right wing bloggers who show a Kenyan birth certificate for him.
I can see arguing over how she phrased the VP's job, but seriously, taking a left wing bloggers word on ANYTHING with nothing to back it up is just ridiculous.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
8 Jun 11
First with Rollo okay as for the whole Paul R. Part I am not all that good with the story of him so I don't really know that much about his midnight ride. But what is interesting about it is that the Wiki for him had to be locked because people where changing some of the points that Sarah Palin said happened into it where as even the historian put it she was basically right that she gave a fairly accurate account and when I did go to other sources for different universities he may not of used the exact words that Palin put in their but since Sarah Palin was using this to show how the Second amendment and her beliefs fit with Mr. R ( I don't want to mess his last name up)
Now for Taskr36 well here are some youtube.com videos and other sources on both the DInosaurs and here not knowing the job of the Vice President.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H1hKaHDSvg - the VP Job
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/29/sarah-palin-what-exactly_n_122514.html - VP
http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/10/palin-says-vice.html - VP
http://articles.nydailynews.com/2008-10-22/news/17907344_1_sarah-palin-president-senate-activities -VP
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-4ZgxosiKY - Dinosaur things
http://articles.latimes.com/2008/sep/28/nation/na-palinreligion28 - more Dino stuff.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Face the facts, if Palin announced the ship was sinking and to man the lifeboats there would be people who would go down with the ship talking about how dumb they think she is. They would drown before lifting a finger to save themselves just because Palin said it.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Jun 11
Suddenly I have vision of Obama at the helm of the USS America. Palin rushes to the wheelhouse to tell him,"there's an iceberg straight ahead, if we hit it we'll sink". Obama smiles broadly and says "That's impossible, my science czar assures me that due to Global Warming, the polar ice caps have all melted and there are no icebergs anywhere." Later, MSNBC reports that due to Obama's steady hand at the wheel and superior leadership, nearly a third of the passengers survived. However, more would have survived if only greedy corporate America had provided free lifeboats, but due to their slavery to capitalism, they had insisted on payment for lifeboats, thus causing the deaths of 2/3 of the passengers. Obama is, of course, airlifted off the sinking ship and goes golfing to show that the American spirit is indomitable and because Michelle wants to be sure he gets his exercise since $10 billion government-sponsored studies prove that obese shrimp are unable to run on treadmills as quickly as fit shrimp.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Jun 11

@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I thought your posting was well written and informative. Then I looked through the comments and I am just floored that people still say she was wrong. Even though historians have said that her account was correct. Somebody even said she got it right accidentally. sheesh...
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I'm equally fascinated. Anything short of Obama himself telling them she was right and they'll insist that she MUST be wrong just because they want her to be. Of course the one liberal who admitted she was right insists it was just "dumb luck" because she can't bear to admit that Palin knew what she was talking about when we KNOW that her detractors did NOT know what they were talking about.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Jun 11
Although it is frustrating to see the level of denial they live in, in some small way it is also slightly amusing to see the hoops they're jumping through, the straws they're grasping at and the lengths they will go to in order to avoid the ultimate truth - they were wrong and... *gasp* ... even worse.... *gulp*... PALIN WAS RIGHT!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
People who have lived in a fantasy often behave that way when confronted with reality.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jun 11
What this will do is separate the intellectually honest anti Palin folks from the dishonest ones. The honest ones will admit they had no idea, then move on to the next anti Palin bumper sticker statement. The dishonest ones will continue to use this against her, even knowing they are wrong.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jun 11
That's why I separate the intellectually honest anti Palin folks from the others. I do know people who don't like Palin, but only use the "Russia" thing as a joke. But you're right, the ones who don't care how many lies they tell to back their hatred for Palin won't let a little reality check bother them. Even if it makes them look like the idiots they are.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jun 11
True Sooner.. That's why I have my doubts about any intellectual honest people in any position to make decisions in the incompetent press.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Jun 11
"I wonder if all those liberal detractors feel stupid now... "
No, they won't. They will find any way they can to twist,turn and extrapolate things (no matter how ridiculous the means) and still say they are right, even if it means ignoring actual documented history. the important thing to them is the catchphrase or misleading headline that the masses will eat up.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Jun 11
I was actually pretty lucky. Growing up where I did, a lot of this stuff was taught as part of state history as well and I learned a lot I might not have just taking U.S. history in general.
*interesting NH historical note*
The first black man elected to public office was also the same man who took part in Paul Revere's ride.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Jun 11
It's amazing to me that if you read early revolutionary history, you find that many blacks were key figures in the revolution and in our early history. I didn't learn all about Paul Revere in school, or at least not as much as I now know after having researched what Palin said. But I certainly would not publicly and on national TV call her out as being wrong unless I had done the research. These so-called journalists have more ego than intellect for doing so.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
They may or may not know the history. I believe they are being told to lie about conservatives or those who stand up to the administration. That is just what I believe. Sorry, no research or links, just a gut feeling.
@Sourceseeker (1197)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Sarah Palin has enough knowledge to compete. Being in the political field she has to pick up some knowledge and learn the game of media politics.
She is also a novelty in the world of politics in that she is relatively attractive competing against stuffy, craggly old white. Something that Obama breathed fresh air against.
However politically she has some baggage first there is stil a good old boy network that is hard to overcome. Women will not vote for her in the majority, nor will independents and minorities have no real affinity for hear.
She quit office as Alaska Governor. This is a big strike against her. Some people will not vote for a quitter. Lastly there are more progressives than conservatives if they use their voting power.
Sarah Palin cannot beat Obama nor can any Republican unless he beats himself.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Jun 11
All of that is very interesting but doesn't address the point of the discussion, which is the disingenuous media reporting on "mistakes" made by Palin when, in fact, she was completely correct in her statements.
deni2011, do you often find yourself in a cereal box and do you intend to vote for the candidate with the best plan for getting you out of the cereal box?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Jun 11
I sure hope they feel like idiots! They cannot wait to defame anything the right says and are dumb enough to not even check out the facts first.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Jun 11
That's the part that totally amazes me whiteheather. If I think someone is factually wrong, before I accost them with my accusations, I check the facts first to make sure I am right and won't make a fool of myself. I can't believe these professional journalists don't do their homework before making pronouncements of this sort. I guess they figure they are too intelligent to ever possibly be wrong.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Jun 11
That's why I believe they are doing it knowingly. Like I said up above, they're probably being paid bonuses or something.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I'm sorry, I forgot to add that when Sarah said it was a "shout-out gotcha" question from the media, does anyone know what she was asked? It was something about how her day was going and what she'd taken away from it. SHE brought up Paul Revere, as I understand it.
I still maintain she really didn't know what she was talking about. The parts she had partly right were just dumb luck, like how a broken or stopped clock is still right twice a day.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Jun 11
That's pretty typical Annie. You hate her so much that even when she's right, it MUST be dumb luck. Just like when she was right about the "Bush Doctrine" or the duties of the Vice President when debating Biden. She was right those times as well, and it never stopped anyone on the left from criticizing her. Were those cases just dumb luck too? Was that budget surplus in Alaska "dumb luck"? Is there really ANYTHING you're willing to give her credit for, or were all her accomplishments dumb luck?
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Jun 11
You know full well I would never vote for her..but at least I keep my reasons in the realm of reality. There are enough real reasons to not vote for her, but being dumb is not one of them. She was right and there is nothing anyone can do or say to change that. To keep denying it in the face of well documented history only makes one look ...well...desperate.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 Jun 11
You do know that various schools still teach that Paul Revere was a patriot. I remember when I was in school and I brought it to the attention of my Father that my History book had him as a hero, Dad went to the school and gathered up all of the history books in the school and disposed of them...He got away with it too. That was a long time ago of course. Today they would throw him in jail.
However, one of my daughter's history books had the same story in it...I took her out of school and home-schooled her until high school. I knew there was no point in fighting it.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Jun 11
At one time, history used to be taught with the rosiest interpretation of colonization and the revolution. Nowadays it tends to be taught with the colonizing Europeans as the villians. The truth, of course, lies somewhere between the two extremes. Maybe someday history will be taught honestly.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
6 Jun 11
I don't know what her haters are fearing. Maybe they just don't like the idea that she's making money, presumably alot more than them. It's not like she'll ever be a viable national candidate.
I think we are all so caught up in looking for factual errors in speeches that we have forgotten to view what candidates really stand for and would push for if elected.
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@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
7 Jun 11
That's a great point. In general, the best way to make a threat real is to try overly hard to squash it. That does seem to be what is happening with her.