Driving Drunk w/ 11 kids in the car!

United States
June 6, 2011 4:44pm CST
This lady was off her block! She crashes her vehicle and is 2x the legal limit for intoxication. What was she thinking it's dumb enough to do such a thing when you are the only person in the car but 11 kids makes incident even more foolish! They mentioned one of the kids was 17, one would hoped that teen would of known something was wrong with the driver. But on the other hand it could of been a "norm" for her to do such a stunt or is around intoxicated people enough the teen didn't think anything of it? http://www.wisn.com/news/28139304/detail.html
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14 responses
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
That driver should be punish. She didn't consider the risk of driving while drunk with 11 children. She's a one crazy woman.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jun 11
I wouldn't even say crazy just plain stupid.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I think that people like this should lose their license for life and have to wear a tracking device that notifies the police somehow if they are in the driver's seat of a vehicle. At 32, she should know better and if she doesn't, she has no business operating a motor vehicle. She should also be jailed for child neglect and endangerment--and never mind about how the kids will "suffer" without their mother, she apparently isn't very mindful of their safety or well being. We don't do something drunk that we would not do sober, just as you can't make a hypnotized person do something they would not do normally. How many people could she have killed if she hadn't crashed? And you can bet that not all those kids were in seat belts or otherwise protected. She didn't care. Throw the book at people like this. Put them away for a long time or prevent them from ever driving again. I'm sick and tired of hearing of these self-centered monsters killing people and hurting/killing children because they have no sense of responsibility.
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• United States
7 Jun 11
Oh my gosh. People never cease to amaze me. I don't understand why people drive drunk and especially having 11 kids in her car and they weren't even all hers. She shouldn't drink and drive with her own kids in the car but to do it with someone elses is ridiculous. She needs to have her license taken away and the children need to go to a safe place cause she'll probably try to do it again. And it said she didn't have enough seating in the durango for all those kids. I know that's true cause that's the kind of vehicle that I drive and it does not have enough room for 11 kids in the back. So that means some of them were probably riding on another child's lap. That is just crazy. She needs to get in big trouble for being so stupid.
• United States
8 Jun 11
I don't know of many vehicles outside of some very large vans that could carry so many passengers either. Most vehicles can't hold more than 3-4 car seats and I'm sure seeing you basically have to be 12yrs old here to not need a car seat of some sort used.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
7 Jun 11
wow how can she be allowed to do this. I think best would be to use where every government in every country spend millions of dollars every year that is Jail. Such people who drink and drive should not be allowed to roam free in civilized societies and to think of it she had the nerve to put 11 children in the car, this is beyond shameful. Socities have no place for people like these.
• United States
8 Jun 11
She's beyond irresponsible and thoughtless. Sadly many people drink either occasionally, socially, regularly, or not at all. But this occured in "brew city" there were several breweries in the city's hay days and there still is a bar on nearly every corner of a main drag in some parts. The jails just keep filling up with these sort of people and many do not learn their lesson after such incidents.
• United States
7 Jun 11
Wow how sad and dangerous of a situation. I can only imagine what the 17 year old is thinking. See as I see you commented that this may be the norm and yes it could possibly be, so nothing the 17 year old could have done as Teens are suppose to look up to parents and elders and gosh look at the example she has made. She could have killed herself but also so many innocent people too. I hope she gets her license revoked because she may do it again.
• United States
8 Jun 11
Ouch Snuggle I would want to duck and hide under a rock if that were me as how could I face a parent later. Whoa, thankfully we don't do things like this. Wow the more I think about it the more sad it is.
7 Jun 11
This is outrageous such people should be banned from drving. Posting a hazard to others let alone yourself. A bit of fun in life is cool but not when others are at risk.
• United States
8 Jun 11
She truly did not think about the lives she was endangering beside her own.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I don't understand how any mother can put the lives of her children or someone else's children in jeopardy like that. I can't believe that there was a 17 year old in the car who never noticed anything was wrong, but some people are able to seem sober when they aren't. Makes me wonder if she done this often?
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
8 Jun 11
I think that there may be more to this story than what meets the eye. It is so awful. Where was her head? What was going on that she had to drink and then drive a car with all of those children inside? Maybe the 17 year old did not have a licence or was scared of her. Who knows? Those poor children. I wonder where the father is?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I live in Wisconsin and heard this story on the local news. I was appauled and shocked! How a woman can get behind a wheel drunk with 11 kids in the vechile is totally insane! How the 17 year old did not notice or do something is beyond me is. In Wisconsin we have lousey drunk driving laws! You only end up in jail for it if you kill someone while driving or you have been caught like 6 or more times! That is disgusting! Totally disgusting and I hope this woman gets what she deserves!
• United States
8 Jun 11
I know we have the biggest slap on the hand drunk driving laws. But you know every time they try to do something about it the tavern league sticks their nose in and starts lobbying against the proposals. No one is trying to mess with their profits its for public safety and people to take responsibility for their actions. I too get sick of hearing of someone in court because of their multiple arrests for DWI, yet will finally serve some time possibly after lucky number ____.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 11
This is a very dangerous situation, where the kids might get killed if luck is not on her side. I never seen someone driving so careless like this. Hopefully, the kids condition is not so serious. The sheriff should take a strict action towards this lady for driving dangerously on the road. Hope there will be more news about the condition of those kids who hurt in the accident.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
7 Jun 11
It is always horrible to hear such news, people get drunk while still drinking on the road. Worse of all, there are passengers in the car, and they are kids too. She should be punished for what she done. No excuse for it. Be minded, never drink and drive, it is dangerous to yourself, and to others too.
• United States
8 Jun 11
A very thought less act about the welfare of herself, the kids, and property.
@moirai (2853)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
That is just plain irresponsible. :/ As for the 17 year-old... still a minor, yes? Maybe that was his/her mom or something and so can't speak against her... Or maybe the woman normally acts like a drunken person so they can't tell the difference really... In any case, if you've had anything at all to drink, you should know to stay away from driving especially a van full of children!
@sjvg1976 (42069)
• Delhi, India
7 Jun 11
I think driver should be punished to drive after drinking. Always we read in newspapers regarding accidents after being drunk but never apply to ourself. She had put her life as well as 11 kids on risk. Regarding 17 years old kid might not have thought it that driver is drunken.But really its sad to see people just can have their life on the edge so easily & make it easy for others too.
• United States
7 Jun 11
I just don't get some people these days it's amazing hope people get sit here and doing something like this. I am glad they was ok though.