What do you think LOVE is?

United States
June 6, 2011 4:47pm CST
The BIG four letter word, that so many people freak out about. I have had this topic brought up to me many times. Love to me is not just " Those little butterflies " in your stomach when you are with some one. It is the feeling you have deep in your heart when you know that you could not live with out your partner, and when they are not around, you just don't feel whole. I also feel that the word LOVE is thrown around too much, and there are so many people out there use the word so much they confuse the real meaning of it. There are a couple types of love. The love that you have for a friend when you value their friendship, and when you are in love with someone like a spouse. SO, what does the word LOVE mean to you? Please, Let me know...
4 responses
• United States
19 Jun 11
Love means that you trust the other person enough to let them love you. We all look for qualities in other people that we would like to have, we tend to gravitate towards those we can connect with on a deeper level, then we begin to love them for who they are and they in turn begin to love us. Its based on trust and commitment.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
7 Jun 11
It is what we have right now and I would not give it up for anything
• United States
6 Jun 11
Love is a 4 letter word!!!
@ariana01 (182)
• United States
7 Jun 11
Never giving up on the other person no matter what. Being a team when it comes to everything including money. Also, talking about every subject no matter what. This exists because me and my fiance are like this. He loves to talk about things and is often the one that wants to solve things like that. He is just great