I feel so tired and exhausted

June 7, 2011 5:43am CST
I have mild headache too for past 7 days so I checked my blood pressure, it is 125/85, not bad at my age, I don’t have BP problem, I never take any medicine for this diseases, which can kill one almost instantly. Next checked my blood glucose level, early morning, without food or tea it was 118 only, I take one tablet of Glynase-MF, after food daily. This contains 500 mg of Metforimin Hydrochloride and 5 mg Glpzide, this keeps my blood glucose level well controlled. I wonder why I have this headache. I am not stressed, not unhappy, no monitory problems or family problems I have. I am passing through the best phase of my life. [b]Well I think it is due to the extreme hot weather only. Might be part of aging process. Please respond and share your views.[/b] Thanks in advance. Professor ‘*Bhuwan*’. . Cheers have a lucky day ahead.
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15 responses
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Certainly you need some rest, and you definitely need to see a doctor. We are not the professional here, base on your symptoms, I really have no idea of what you have. So, I can't suggest you nothing here. Hopefully you will get well soon. By the way, about the age thing, it is different from people to people. I hope that you can keep on exercise once you get well. Oh, it also might be the weather condition too. I felt tired sometimes due to the heat.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
dear dada, Good thing i was able to overcome my migraine for many years. Before,i really had hard time dealing with migraine esp during summer and hot season. the only problem i have when it is too hot is having red spots or rashes (not itchy but i am red all over) Maybe your headache is due to the hot weather in your place dada. Take care always and wish that you are doing fine now. Hugs to you,maa and shubee
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Jun 11
Hi Professor, I expect that your headache is caused by the extreme hot weather, but certainly as the body ages, we don't handle things as well. How much of this is mental, I'm not sure but it's written "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he". Blessings.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I read somewhere that we get headaches because blood vessels are restricted and blood cannot get to our brain as it usually does. This causes pressure and pain. An aspirin tablet (not tylenol or other aspirin substitutes) thins the blood and makes it easier for it to pass through the veins and vessels to reach the parts of the body it needs to, especially the brain. So try taking an aspirin. Your headache will probably go away.
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@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
probably the weather. i sometimes get headaches from it, too. so be careful not to stay outdoors with the very hot sun in your head. it could be worse. you have a nice BP. keep it up.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
7 Jun 11
oh sometimes headache could just be caused by and acidic stomach, maybe from diet or medication, than God it is not from high BP cause your BP seems to be normal, quite okay especially for our age.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
7 Jun 11
Hi Prof, you are lucky to escape this dreaded disease. I have grown to live with my erratic BP reading and has been on medication for the past 29 years now. This silent killer disease is on the rise as today's lifestyles are part of the reason of this suffering. I am fortunate that my BP is well under control and I do not suffer from headaches. I believe some foods can trigger headaches and also the hot weather outside is the main culprit that cause the discomfort. Staying indoors and drinking more water can ease the situation.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
9 Jun 11
I get headaches when my sinus's are giving me trouble. I've had headaches especially the past few days because it has been hot and humid! Days just like today just don't bring on the headaches I also feel cranky,sluggisg and so darn uncomfortable! Not looking forword to more of this weather later in the summer!
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
yes your maybe right even in my age i feel the same things. there are days i also undergo the same process of being tired and exhausted as thought i undergo marathon of running. though just like you i feel so healthy. in your theory it may be because of the weather since you have no illnesses. also because of stress and this could due to fatigue. all you have to do is to take a time to rest and try to find a good place to relax.
• United States
8 Jun 11
Dear Professor You are probably dehydrated, though you may not feel like you are maybe you are not getting enough fluids. The hot humid weather is very dehydrating so please make sure to eat plenty of fruits and lots of fluids, especially water. I do know a lot about daily headaches as I am a badly headache suffering person.
• United States
7 Jun 11
I have heard several people around the world complaining of such maladies as of late. One conspiracy theory even suggest it has to do with the HAARP array being overly active. I am not sure of the reason, but it seems an odd year for global issues. From unexplainable mass fish and bird die offs, to bizarre earth quakes, floods and record tornadoes. I don't know if the answer lies with HAARP or not, but it seems something amiss is going on on a global scale
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• China
8 Jun 11
First,I send my congratulations to you on having a normal blood pressure and blood glucose level at your age.Go without saying,You are good at taking care of yourself.The pathogenesis of headache is complicated.So far as I know ,there are all sorts of headaches such as migraine,headache of cerebrovascular disease,histamine headache,tension headache,mental headache,rhinitis headache,etc.
• United States
9 Jun 11
There are as many types of headaches as there are reasons for them... Usually a headache that is intense and lasts for more than a few hours or doesn't disappear after sleep is termed a migraine. The blood vessels constrict and the muscles contract causing pain. Sometimes the muscles can not relax and measures must be taken to allow them to do so. Since it appears from your posting that you do not like to take medications, including OTC...I suggest a cup of strong coffee. Caffeine allows the blood vessels to expand and this will allow the muscles to relax and the headache should lessen or go away. If this does not work I suggest you consult a doctor as there may be a serious reason behind this headache.
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
Hi there Prof, there are many different kinds of headaches, like tension, migraine, etc, but all the same kind of pain you experience. Maybe you could try some oxygenation like, stretching, yoga, aerobic exercises,etc, this way oxygenated blood increases in the blood stream up to the brain as it expel out the carbon dioxide from the lungs that cause the headache. Just an independent intervention that is worth trying..Have a nice day ahead!
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
7 Jun 11
It could definitely have to do with the change in weather considering it is constantly changing from hot to cold and so forth. If your not stressed are you getting enough sleep or maybe drinking less tea or caffeine then normal? Sometimes when your body is use to a certain amount of caffeine like tea, cola, coffee, or chocolate then you lower that amount you could go through caffeine withdrawals which cause headaches. I am not sure since I am not a doctor but hope this helps