Over 50 and exercise equipment
By SusanLee
@SusanLee (1920)
United States
June 7, 2011 7:52am CST
I am a 53-year-old mother and grandmother. I have been over-weight for about the last ten years. It wouldn't hurt me to lose a good 50 or 60 pounds. Of course I've tried diets and they don't work long term. I've smoked off and on since I was 14. I would smoke a few years, quit a few years, smoke a few years, and again quit. I promised myself I would quit when I was 50 and never pick it up again. The reason is I figure the older we get the longer it takes the body to heal its self.
When I hit 200 pounds about eight years ago, my blood pressure went up and so did my cholesterol. Over the last few years I've noticed my knee joints bother me more and more and so do my feet. I know there can be all kinds of medical reasons for this but I also believe carrying extra weight can also be a factor and sure can't help the situation.
I don't want to live the rest of my life out of a prescription bottle which is where I'm heading. I already take BP and cholesterol medication. I know when I go to the doctor he'll give me something to deal with these aches and pain. I want to get the weight off first. If I'm still having a lot of trouble I'll bring it up at my next physical.
Saying all that, I have very little muscle and no muscle tone to speak of. I am a walking cellulite blob. I think I'm also on my way to having osteoporosis since I had a complete hysterectomy nine years ago and I don't take hormones. I do take calcium.
Having said all that. I purchased the Total Gym yesterday, it should be here in a week of two. I've done a lot of research and I think this would be a good piece of equipment for my husband and myself.
I've started eating different, I keep my dinning room table loaded with plenty of fresh fruit, veggies in the fridge, more yogurt and stuff like that. I noticed If I keep something to nibble on between meals I am able to make good choices when I sit down to eat the main meal. I'm one of these people that if I let myself get really hungry, all bets are off, I'll pull up to a buffet like a hog at a feeding trough and I go at it like it's my last meal.
I've actually lost some weight over the last few weeks and that's why I ordered the Total Gym. I'm not looking for the body I had at 20 or through my 30s. But I am concerned with a lot of excess flab. I know I'll have some but it can't hurt to use this equipment while I'm losing right?
If there are any women out there my age, that have already been where I'm at and have actually accomplished their weight loss goal. What can I look for over the next months or years? How will my body react and what do I need to do for supplements. I want and need your advice.
Also my doctor knows what I'm doing.
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